The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Harry Potter Wizards Collection
Would you like all the Harry Potter films on Blu-Ray and DVD? What about maps of Hogwarts, conceptual artwork cards, bonus discs or extras? Well, the Wizards Collection is for you. Expect to pay around $350.00. This comes out on September 7.
Steven Moffat Discusses Rumored Doctor Who Movie
From Entertainment Weekly -
Steven Moffat - There isn't a film. That was all some weird fantasy going on somewhere. Look, we hope will do a Doctor Who film someday. It will be absolutely
run by the Doctor Who production
office in Cardiff .
It will feature the same Doctor as on television. It will not be a
rebooted continuity. All of that would be insane. So that whole proposal was
not true, did not happen. I can say that with authority because, as far as the
BBC is concerned, I’m the voice of Doctor Who. So if I say it, it’s true. The BBC own Doctor Who and,
for the moment, I run it for them. So I can assure you definitively that was
all nonsense — not the idea of making a film, we’d love to make a film, but the
idea of a rebooted continuity, a different Doctor. That’s writing the book on
how to destroy a franchise. You don’t behave like that with it. Not ever.
I personally don't think Moffat has that much power over Doctor Who and while I am not a big fan of the series, a reboot happening simultaneously with the series would be bad.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Doctor Who: Shada Book Review
Shada the incomplete
Doctor Who story from Tom Baker’s Era has been finally released in book form. The season 17 story that was partially filmed
but was scrapped due to a strike at the BBC is now a getting an update by
writer Gareth Roberts. The remaining
footage has been released by the BBC in a VHS special way back in 1992 and Big
Finish did a version of it with Paul McGann taking over for Tom Baker in the
role of the Doctor.
So now we have the book
and the question is does Shada keep the charm and quirkiness that original
writer Douglas Adams had intended?
They Live on Blu-Ray
We have known about this for quite a while but were waiting to hear more about the extras. Now all of the sudden all the usual sites are in on it. Shout Factory has the Blu-Ray of John Carpenter's 1988 They Live movie. No word on extras beyond a commentary and new interviews. The new cool cover will be reversible and have the original movie poster on the other side. The Blu-Ray will not be out until November 16.
In case you are interested, John Carpenter's Halloween 2 and 3 are coming out by Shout Factory on September 18.
In case you are interested, John Carpenter's Halloween 2 and 3 are coming out by Shout Factory on September 18.
Star Trek: TNG Blu Ray Disc Replacement Program
Following the information that several episodes on the new Star Trek - The Next Generation Blu ray release had audio issues, CBS has made the following statement:
CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution are reacting to consumer complaints about audio anomalies on the new box set of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1. A replacement program has been instituted and replacement discs will be sent to consumers free of charge. Following is the official press release with appropriate contact information:
Dear Star Trek Fans, We have discovered an anomaly in the English 7.1 DTS Master Audio track in our Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 Blu-ray Box set. There are some episodes that inadvertently had their front channel designations incorrectly mapped, resulting in an undesired playback experience when listening to them in a 7.1 or 5.1 Surround Sound environment. We are quickly working to remedy the situation. Replacement discs (Disc 1, 3 and 4) will be made available free of charge. Please email for details regarding the replacement program. You may also call 1-877-DELUXE6 (877-335-8936) between 8am to 6pm Pacific, Monday-Friday. We strive to provide our fans the best Blu-ray experience possible and sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.
UPDATE: The fulfillment firm is simply sending replacement discs to those who can verify the code on the inner ring of any of the Blu-ray discs (it's very hard to read, so having a bright light is helpful). There is no need to mail in the defective discs. According to the fulfillment firm, replacement discs will be sent within 5-10 business days after August 10.
Link to is here
Dear Star Trek Fans, We have discovered an anomaly in the English 7.1 DTS Master Audio track in our Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 Blu-ray Box set. There are some episodes that inadvertently had their front channel designations incorrectly mapped, resulting in an undesired playback experience when listening to them in a 7.1 or 5.1 Surround Sound environment. We are quickly working to remedy the situation. Replacement discs (Disc 1, 3 and 4) will be made available free of charge. Please email for details regarding the replacement program. You may also call 1-877-DELUXE6 (877-335-8936) between 8am to 6pm Pacific, Monday-Friday. We strive to provide our fans the best Blu-ray experience possible and sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.
UPDATE: The fulfillment firm is simply sending replacement discs to those who can verify the code on the inner ring of any of the Blu-ray discs (it's very hard to read, so having a bright light is helpful). There is no need to mail in the defective discs. According to the fulfillment firm, replacement discs will be sent within 5-10 business days after August 10.
Link to is here
The Voice of Farscape's Rygel Has Passed Away
Johnathan Hardy, who was the voice to Dominar Rygel XVI in the TV series Farscape, died this weekend. he was 72. I found this ironic as I just finished re-watching the entire series of Farscape on DVD this weekend.
The Hobbit Trilogy Confirmed
There will be three movies instead of two for The Hobbit. Sourced from Peter Jackson's comments on it -
It is only at the end of a shoot that you finally get the chance to sit down and have a look at the film you have made. Recently Fran, Phil and I did just this when we watched for the first time an early cut of the first movie - and a large chunk of the second. We were really pleased with the way the story was coming together, in particular, the strength of the characters and the cast who have brought them to life. All of which gave rise to a simple question: do we take this chance to tell more of the tale? And the answer from our perspective as the filmmakers, and as fans, was an unreserved ‘yes.'
We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance. The richness of the story of The Hobbit, as well as some of the related material in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, allows us to tell the full story of the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the part he played in the sometimes dangerous, but at all times exciting, history of Middle-earth.
So, without further ado and on behalf of New Line Cinema, Warner Bros. Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Wingnut Films, and the entire cast and crew of “The Hobbit” films, I’d like to announce that two films will become three.
It has been an unexpected journey indeed, and in the words of Professor Tolkien himself, "a tale that grew in the telling."
Cheers, Peter J
New Doctor Who Trailer Coming Thursday
The BBC will be releasing a new trailer for series 7 of Doctor Who as part of their Olympic coverage that is showcasing new and returning shows. Doctor Who's trailer will premiere at 8PM BST on Thursday August 2.
The Science of Doctor Who Preview
Here is a short clip from this Saturday's BBC America special The Science of Doctor Who. The Science of Doctor Who airs August 4th at 9PM ET on BBC America.
Christmas Gift Idea #1 - Kuratas Mech
It is never too early to shop for Christmas and for the first in a series of ideas we go to Japan. For sale now is a full scale Mech called Kuratas. Here is a video instructional.
This will be a great gift idea for the person who has everything or for your favorite niece or nephew. The cost is $1.3 million right now but that is expected to drop by Christmas - probably hitting close to 1.2 million dollars not including postage and handling from Japan.
See I09 for more on the Kuratas.
This will be a great gift idea for the person who has everything or for your favorite niece or nephew. The cost is $1.3 million right now but that is expected to drop by Christmas - probably hitting close to 1.2 million dollars not including postage and handling from Japan.
See I09 for more on the Kuratas.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The Tardis, James Bond and Voldemort at the Olympics
Among all the cool things during the opening ceremonies obviously the arrival of the Queen and James Bond was the highlight but there was so much more.
The TARDIS was heard....
A more detailed description with photos is over at i09 here.
The TARDIS was heard....
A more detailed description with photos is over at i09 here.
Geoffrey Hughes Doctor Who's Mr Popplewick Has Passed Away
Geoffrey Hughes who played Mr Popplewick, who was The Valeyard in disguise, has passed away last night. He lost his battle against cancer and he was 68 years old. I always loved watching him in Keeping Up Appearances as Hyacinth's brother in law Onslow. His small part was an integral part of Ultimate Foe the last story in Trial of a Timelord.
Skyfall Olympic Trailer
Here is the 30 second TV Trailer that was shown during the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Star Trek - The Next Generation Blu Ray - Sound Issues
The first season of Star Trek- The Next Generation came out on Blu-ray this week and while all the talk is that the episodes look fantastic, better than they did even during broadcast, there is an audio problem.
From Digital Bits -
Okay, just a quick update re: CBS's Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season One Blu-ray set. There is a confirmed audio issue that affects 7 episodes in the set - Encounter at Farpoint, Hide and Q, The Big Goodbye, Datalore, 11001001 and Too Short a Season. (Naturally, none of the episodes I watched prior to my review!) The impact is that in the DTS 7.1 mixes for these episodes, character dialogue that should normally be in the center channel is also mixed into the front left and right channels. The other episodes are unaffected. However, there's a secondary audio issue being reported as well in which the PCM audio for some of the extra features on Disc One and Disc Six plays out of sync on at least some models of Blu-ray player. CBS has begun investigating both issues. As soon as we get some kind of official word from them as to what they find to be the cause and how they're going to fix the problems, we'll let you all know.
It would appear that most reviewers of the set did not pick up on these problems. Now while the problem is more noticeable with better sound systems, there are other audio problems with echoing sound during some episodes.
If you were planning on buying this set you may want to hold off until the problem is fixed although I would imagine CBS, once they figure out the issue, will set up a replacement disc program for people who already purchased the set.
From Digital Bits -
Okay, just a quick update re: CBS's Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season One Blu-ray set. There is a confirmed audio issue that affects 7 episodes in the set - Encounter at Farpoint, Hide and Q, The Big Goodbye, Datalore, 11001001 and Too Short a Season. (Naturally, none of the episodes I watched prior to my review!) The impact is that in the DTS 7.1 mixes for these episodes, character dialogue that should normally be in the center channel is also mixed into the front left and right channels. The other episodes are unaffected. However, there's a secondary audio issue being reported as well in which the PCM audio for some of the extra features on Disc One and Disc Six plays out of sync on at least some models of Blu-ray player. CBS has begun investigating both issues. As soon as we get some kind of official word from them as to what they find to be the cause and how they're going to fix the problems, we'll let you all know.
It would appear that most reviewers of the set did not pick up on these problems. Now while the problem is more noticeable with better sound systems, there are other audio problems with echoing sound during some episodes.
If you were planning on buying this set you may want to hold off until the problem is fixed although I would imagine CBS, once they figure out the issue, will set up a replacement disc program for people who already purchased the set.
UFO: 1999
Normally I don't watch fan made films but this one is a sequel of sorts to UFO: 1999. UFO: 1999 was a short movie put together by a bunch of fans and melded two of Gerry Anderson's shows, Space: 1999 and UFO.
After the original series of UFO was winding up production, a second season of UFO was in the early stages of development and was to include more scenes on the Moon. Unfortunately the second season was scrapped but some of the ideas were altered and used in Anderson's next series, Space: 1999. This group of fans created a short that parodied these ideas and melded the two shows together. it was shown at the Breakaway Convention in 1999 and is actually very funny with plenty of in jokes and so on.
See the original right below.
Well, now the minds behind UFO:1999 are back with a new installment, this time without live performers. Instead animation and action figures will take center stage.
Here is the trailer -
After the original series of UFO was winding up production, a second season of UFO was in the early stages of development and was to include more scenes on the Moon. Unfortunately the second season was scrapped but some of the ideas were altered and used in Anderson's next series, Space: 1999. This group of fans created a short that parodied these ideas and melded the two shows together. it was shown at the Breakaway Convention in 1999 and is actually very funny with plenty of in jokes and so on.
See the original right below.
Well, now the minds behind UFO:1999 are back with a new installment, this time without live performers. Instead animation and action figures will take center stage.
Here is the trailer -
2001: A Space Odyssey Remix Trailer
I debated on whether to post this or not. This is a 2012 version of a trailer for 2001: A Space Odyssey, which originally came out in 1969. The movie is probably the best sci-fi movie ever and this is an 'updated' trailer complete with fast editing and a pounding soundtrack that movie goers are used to these days.
I apologize to those that felt it was a bad version of the trailer, especially posting this one day after the great director Stanley Kubrick's birthday, but it does demonstrate some of the changes that have happened in movies over the past 40 years.
Here is the goosebumpity original trailer in all its glory.
And another excellent trailer
I apologize to those that felt it was a bad version of the trailer, especially posting this one day after the great director Stanley Kubrick's birthday, but it does demonstrate some of the changes that have happened in movies over the past 40 years.
Here is the goosebumpity original trailer in all its glory.
And another excellent trailer
Cloud Atlas Trailer
Looking forward to this movie this fall. I am in the middle of reading the book right now!
E.T. Blu Ray - Anniversary Edition
Slated to come out on October 9 - this edition has a list price of $140. The reason for the big price is the packaging!
This video shows a little of what it looks like. The release date is for Germany.
More information about the Blu-ray itself can be seen at BLU-RAY.COM
This video shows a little of what it looks like. The release date is for Germany.
More information about the Blu-ray itself can be seen at BLU-RAY.COM
Here is a short feature that may give us an idea of what the future may be like. Besides the twist ending of the film the rest of it is a fairly realistic possibility over the next 10 years.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Mary Tamm Doctor Who's First Romana Has Passed Away
Another sad day for Doctor Who fans as Mary Tamm who played Romana during Tom Baker's era of Doctor Who has died at age 62. She lost her long battle with cancer and died at her South London Home.
Mary Tamm played Romana during The Key to Time season 16. She was a companion to Tom Bakers 4th Doctor and just stayed on Doctor Who for the one season. I had the good fortune of meeting Mary Tamm at a USA convention in Springfield, MA. My friend and I were also lucky enough to have been in the elevator with her and have a one on one talk with her for the duration of the ride. She will be missed along with Caroline John who Doctor Who also lost to cancer earlier this summer. RIP Mary Tamm.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Doctor Who on the Cover of Entertainment Weekly
Apparently this is the first time a British show has been featured on the cover of the magazine. See more at Entertainment Weekly's Website.
The Hobbit Trilogy?
It would seem Peter Jackson doesn't want to end his time in Middle Earth. There has been talks of extending the shooting of The Hobbit to stretch the two movie series to three.
See more at The Hollywood Reporter
See more at The Hollywood Reporter
Mockingbird Lane
Mockingbird Lane, The remake of The Munsters by Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies) is in the works but the first cast shot doesn't appear to be a step in the right direction. The Munsters will all be normal looking. WHAT?
More info at I09 here
Grampa is not amused... |
The Dark Knight Rises - Blog Tie Breaker Review! (Spoilers)
So far on this blog we have two reviews, one loving it and one not so much. I will now set the record straight with the correct review. HAHA
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The Best Superhero Show is Back on TV!
Well, it sort of is the only one right now beside CW's Arrow, which has not started yet. Anyhow, Alphas is back on SyFy. You have heard of Alphas, right? That was the show that dealt with a group of people who have super powers. They continue to deal with their own issues while attempting to stop the bad guys. They also locate and capture other people with powers (Alphas) who might be dangerous to others. The show has really defined the characters and watching them work as a team and at times, not get along is certainly one of the many highlights.
These are normal people using their abilities to help keep dangerous Alphas off the street but is what they are doing really the best way? Is putting these dangerous Alphas in a jail really the best thing to do? Well, the second season will no doubt deal with this and others.
If you liked Heroes then you may like Alphas. If you did not like Heroes then you probably will like Alphas. I find the chemistry among the characters to be superb in Alphas and am very glad it is back on TV. Seaosn 2 came back on July 23 and airs on Mondays at 10pm. Catch up with season 1 (only 10 episodes) on DVD or on demand - it is worth it!
FYI -the show will be full of sci-fi alumni actors this year with Brent Spiner (Star Trek TNG), Summer Glau (Firefly), and Lindsey Wagner (The Bionic Woman).
These are normal people using their abilities to help keep dangerous Alphas off the street but is what they are doing really the best way? Is putting these dangerous Alphas in a jail really the best thing to do? Well, the second season will no doubt deal with this and others.
If you liked Heroes then you may like Alphas. If you did not like Heroes then you probably will like Alphas. I find the chemistry among the characters to be superb in Alphas and am very glad it is back on TV. Seaosn 2 came back on July 23 and airs on Mondays at 10pm. Catch up with season 1 (only 10 episodes) on DVD or on demand - it is worth it!
FYI -the show will be full of sci-fi alumni actors this year with Brent Spiner (Star Trek TNG), Summer Glau (Firefly), and Lindsey Wagner (The Bionic Woman).
Blake's 7 U.S. Reboot
It appears that a pilot is being developed for American television based on the original Blake's 7 TV series. Martin Campbell (Casino Royale) will direct with Joe Pokaski (CSI, Heroes) writing.
More info here -
Didn't see that coming!!
More info here -
Didn't see that coming!!
Chris Parker's Blog - Animation
Click Here for the latest entry in Chris Parker's blog.
This time he looks at a few different animation types including Robb Pratt's Classic Superman and Chris's own work from the past. Notice some Doctor Who references!
This time he looks at a few different animation types including Robb Pratt's Classic Superman and Chris's own work from the past. Notice some Doctor Who references!
Monday, July 23, 2012
THE HOBBIT, Production Diary 8
Here is Peter Jackson's eighth production video for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which includes the footage shown at the San Diego Comic-Con, and Sylvester McCoy.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Cover To Issue 450 of Doctor Who Magazine
Kinda disappointed with this cover as I thought it would be nice to have all the Doctors on it for this milestone issue. But anyway we have Matt Smith on the cover for this issue.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
MAN OF STEEL - Official Trailer (2013) [HD]
Release Date: June 14, 2013
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Director: Zack Snyder
Screenwriter: David S. Goyer
Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni, Russell Crowe
Genre: Action, Adventure
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Friday, July 20, 2012
Batman - The Dark Knight Rises Review (Holy Bat Spoilers Batman)
“Not Everything. Not yet.”
Here it is the third and
final installment in Christopher Nolan’s epic Batman. The highly anticipated Batman: The Dark
Knight Rises is finally here and we all have to wonder is it worth the
hype. Well that’s what I was hoping for
when I went to the first showing this morning.
With my son next to me we waited with baited breath for the movie to
start and to see our hero on the screen.
Would we like it? Would it be up
to par with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight? Well we had our answer after 2 hours
and 44 minutes of movie viewing.
New Star Trek Series Possibilities
Star Trek movie producer Roberto Orci has given fans an update on the Star Trek franchise and has stated that depending on how well the next Star Trek film does, there may be a TV series to follow. Reports that the series would be an animated project have circulated for months. There is also word that a live action series is not out of the question. See for more info.
'The Dark Knight Rises' - a mini-review (a couple of minor spoilers)
It's one last ride for Christian Bale as Batman. |
You've seen all the Internet chatter about unannounced (returning) villains and plot twists.
You laughed your ass off when Rush Limbaugh said the movie was an attack on Mitt Romney.
"The Dark Knight Rises" is an attack, all right - but one aimed directly at your senses. Bridges blow up. Buildings blow up. Gunfire fills the air. People scream. But the film doesn't rise to the same level as the first two parts of the trilogy starring Christian Bale. It strives mightily to top its predecessors, but ultimately falls short.
The returning characters - Bale as Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon - fill their roles to our expectations. The new characters? Not so much. Anne Hathaway is a Catwoman who appears to have lost all nine of her personalities. Tom Hardy's Bane is big, tough and annoyingly difficult to understand through his mask.
In the end, it's a movie full of sound and fury, but signifying little more than a clear bat-signal that director Christopher Nolan knows it is time to move on to other projects. It surpasses the too-soon reboot of "The Amazing Spider-Man," yet cannot match the crackling energy of "The Avengers."
Oh, the cast and crew try. And in many ways they succeed. It is not a bad movie - in fact, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genre of masked vigilantes and crazed super-villains. The plot - increasingly preposterous as the film moves along - leaves questions big and small while eventually abandoning any pretense for even comic book logic (what happened to Bruce Wayne's limp? 3,000 police officers trapped underground for three months?) But it also takes some interesting twists.
As a superhero movie, "The Dark Knight Rises" is a mess - a glorious mess. As a finale, though, The Batman and his fans deserved better.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Sherlock Nabs Emmy Nominations
The Emmy Awards Nominations have come out and Sherlock has nabbed it's fair share. Not only the show but the two main actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have gained nominations but so did Steven Moffat for writing the nominated Episode "A Scandal In Belgravia". I all Sherlock nabbed 13 nominations in the USA main television awards which will be aired live Sunday September 23rd. Here is a list of Sherlocks nominations.
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Benedict Cumberbatch, as Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Benedict Cumberbatch, as Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Martin Freeman, as Dr. John Watson
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Martin Freeman, as Dr. John Watson
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Paul McGuigan, Director
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Paul McGuigan, Director
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Steven Moffat, Written by
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Steven Moffat, Written by
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Kate Rhodes James, CDG, Casting By
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Kate Rhodes James, CDG, Casting By
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Fabian Wagner, Director of Photography
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Fabian Wagner, Director of Photography
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Arwel Wyn Jones, Production Designer; Dafydd Shurmer, Art Director; Joelle Rumbelow, Set Decorator
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Arwel Wyn Jones, Production Designer; Dafydd Shurmer, Art Director; Joelle Rumbelow, Set Decorator
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Charlie Phillips, Editor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Charlie Phillips, Editor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Sarah Arthur, Costume Designer; Ceri Walford, Costume Supervisor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Sarah Arthur, Costume Designer; Ceri Walford, Costume Supervisor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Howard Bargroff, Dubbing Mixer
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Howard Bargroff, Dubbing Mixer
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Jeremy Child, Sound Effects Editor; Doug Sinclair, Supervising Sound Editor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
Jeremy Child, Sound Effects Editor; Doug Sinclair, Supervising Sound Editor
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
David Arnold, Music; Michael Price, Music
Sherlock: A Scandal In Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Hartswood West for BBC / Cymru Wales in co-production with Masterpiece
David Arnold, Music; Michael Price, Music
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Sherlock To Start Filming January 2013 Says Martin Freeman
According to a post by Digital Spy who was talking to Martin Freeman at a press conference at SDCC that Sherlock will begin filming Series 3 in January 2013. Here is Martin Freeman's quote.
"[We film] in January until about April, I think." "It's a pleasure for us to do. We love it!"So if that is true then we won't be getting the next series of Sherlock until late fall 2013 or early winter 2014. My guess is it will be sometime in 2014 when the new series will air like in January.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Rush Limbaugh: 'Dark Knight's' Bane an attack on Mitt Romney
Now that you mention it, there is a resemblance. |
“Have you heard, this new movie, the Batman movie — what is it, the 'Dark Knight Lights Up' or something? Whatever the name of it is. That’s right, 'Dark Knight Rises,' 'Lights Up,' same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in 'The Dark Knight Rises' is named Bane. B-A-N-E. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran, and around which there’s now this make-believe controversy? Bain.
"The movie has been in the works for a long time, the release date’s been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental, that the name of the really vicious, fire-breathing, four-eyed, whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane? …
"Anyway, so this evil villain in the new Batman movie is named Bane. And there’s now discussion out there as to whether or not this was purposeful, and whether or not it will influence voters. It’s going to have a lot of people. This movie, the audience is going to be huge, lot of people are going to see the movie. And it’s a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop culture crowd. And they’re going to hear ‘Bane’ in the movie, and they are going to associate Bain. And the thought is that when they start paying attention to the campaign later in the year, and Obama and the Democrats keep talking about Bain, not Bain Capital, but Bain, Romney and Bain, that these people will think back to the Batman movie — ‘Oh yeah, I know who that is.’ There are some people who think it will work. There are some people think it will work. Others think — ‘You’re really underestimating the American people who think that will work.’”
- Rush Limbaugh
Robopocalypse - Book Review (Mild Spoilers)
By Daniel H. Wilson
Published June 2011
Book Review by Ken Parker
Plot: (from Wikipedia) - In the near future, an increasingly robot-reliant society faces extinction after a computer scientist accidentally unleashes a sentient artificial intelligence named Archos.
After failed attempts at making the AI less intelligent, Archos becomes self-aware and immediately takes steps to stop the Earth's destruction. Since humans have been polluting the Earth (determined to be the only source of life in the galaxy), Archos makes them his prime target. By infecting all devices that are chip controlled (cars, elevators, robots, etc.), Archos begins a systematic attack on the human race.
Small bands of survivors find ways to circumvent the eradication and survive without the modern technology. This is a story of those survivors in the months and days leading up to and following Archos' date of attack, Day Zero.
Item 47
The planned short that will be included on The Avengers Blu-Ray is called Item 47. See the poster and a clip.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Captain America's Sidekick?
The next Captain America movie, titled The Winter Soldier may have some casting news. It would appear that Anthony Mackie (The Adjustment Bureau) is in talks to play Sam Wilson also known as The Falcon.
Source -
David Letterman Ruins Ending to The Dark Knight Rises?
Apparently David Letterman let slip the ending to The Dark Knight Rises... or did he. See this video if you want to potentially have the ending ruined - spoilers obviously
SDCC The Doctor Who Panel From Comic Con 2012
Here it is. The Doctor Who panel from yesterday from the SDCC.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Doctor Who Clips Shown at SDCC
A description of two clips (with spoilers) are described here -
The second clip sounds like a description of an entire episode!! So much going in in a short period of time (probably the pre-credits).
The second clip sounds like a description of an entire episode!! So much going in in a short period of time (probably the pre-credits).
SDCC Doctor Who Series 7 Titles Confirmed (At Least 1 Possibly 2 More)
The Doctor Who panel happened today and they have announced some of the titles of the first part of series 7. Joining Asylum of the Daleks is the second story titled "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship". That title is defiantly confirmed by the BBCA twitter feed. The other two rumored to be confirmed are stories 3 and 4 being "A Town Called Mercy" and "Cubed'. There was not a trailer shown at the panel but clips from "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" and the western story "A Town Called Mercy".
Power of the Daleks Reimagined Part 2
Welcome to the second instalmentt of the Reimagined Power of the Daleks, starring Nick Scovell as the Doctor and featuring guest stars Barnaby Edwards, Nick Briggs and Lisa Bowerman. Made as a 'not for profit' fan film we do hope to raise money for Cancer Research UK and Children in Need via advertising.
Source: Power of the Daleks
SDCC Nerdist Panel See Matt Smith Bowling Against Chris Hardwick
At the Nerdist panel yesterday it was announced that Team Doctor Who would take on Team Nerdist in bowling. Chris Hardwick’s All Star Celebrity Bowling was taped in San Diego and will be aired on BBC America on a future date. So keep your eyes out to watch Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvil and Steven Moffat (I wanna see The Moff bowl) take on Chris Hardwick, Will Wheaton and the rest of the Nerdist crew.
Source The Nerdist
SDCC Robert Downey Jr Interview
Here is Iron Man himself doing a quick presser before heading into Hall H.
Source ComingSoon.Net
Source ComingSoon.Net
SDCC Firefly Interview
Here is an Interview that MTV Geek conducted with some of the cast of Firefly.
Source MTV Geek
Source MTV Geek
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SDCC Marvel Movies Phase 2 (Thor & Captain America Titles)
Here is the banners Marvel revealed at SDCC Saturday. Captain America and Thor have interesting titles and I can guess who's gonna be in the Captain America movie. (If you read the Captain America comics it is a no brainer) Plus Guardians of the Galaxy is confirmed and Ant Man too.
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