The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - Smile Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who
Frank Cottrell-Boyce
“So, where is everyone? Don't tell me we've come halfway across the universe and they've all gone out. We should've texted first or something.”
When this story was first announced, and from what was shown during the trailers, I thought this story was going to be really stupid and be one of the worst of all time. Well for Sleep No More and Love and Monsters their title of one of the worst stories ever is still in their possession. Smile was in fact a very entertaining and enjoyable story. I never would have thought a story about Emojibots would be entertaining or in that fact good considering the writer is the same that gave us the very forgettable "In the Forest of the Night".
Details on Doctor Who - UNIT: Encounters
Protecting the Earth is a full-time job, but Kate Stewart and her team are always prepared. Join UNIT as they deal with threats from other worlds, and some from closer to home...
The Dalek Transaction by Matt Fitton
When a rogue guerrilla faction offer an alien artefact for auction, Kate Stewart and her team go undercover to the jungles of Central America. But they find that the prize on offer is far deadlier than its owners realise. Captive, desperate and alone. That’s when a Dalek is at its most dangerous.
Invocation by Roy Gill
It’s Hallowe’en, and Josh finds himself at a party where phantoms are becoming all too real. Osgood is working late and hears a voice from the skies making strange incantations. The next day, Kate has gone missing in the Scottish Borders, and the team head north to investigate. Ghosts from the past are haunting UNIT, and now they threaten the whole world…
The Sontaran Project by Andrew Smith
On a routine reconnaissance mission, Colonel Shindi finds more than he bargains for in the Forest of Ardennes. Back in England, an old colleague makes Osgood an offer she cannot refuse. The chance to take part in an exciting new scientific advance. Before long, UNIT is on collision course with a force of alien clones, and Kate must forge an unlikely alliance.
False Negative by John Dorney
When a strange travel capsule is activated in UNIT’s laboratory, Osgood and Josh find themselves in a whole new world of trouble. Soon, nobody at UNIT HQ is quite who they seem, and the team discovers that the greatest danger they could ever face comes from within...
Written By: Matt Fitton, Roy Gill, Andrew Smith, John Dorney
Directed By: Ken Bentley
Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart), Ingrid Oliver (Osgood), James Joyce (Captain Josh Carter), Ramon Tikaram (Colonel Shindi), Karina Fernandez (Captain Gonsalves/ Phoebe Breckenridge), Lucy Fleming (Alice Donelly), Matthew Cottle (Ben Donelly/ Overseer), David Jonsson (Corporal James Morley), Dan Starkey (Marshal Skar/ Commander Merx/ Sontaran Escapee), James Wilby (Professor John Torrance), Beth Goddard (Christine Colley), Barnaby Edwards (Satellite voice), Jot Davies (Guerilla/ AIDE/ Soldier) and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editors Matt Fitton, John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Doctor Who Comic Book Releases for November 29th
Out now from Titan Comics is the continuing adventures of the 11th Doctor in his comic book series. You can buy this comic book at your local comic book store.
Writers: Rob Williams, Alex Paknadel
Artists: Ivan Rodriguez, J.B. Bastos
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 29, 2017
The Eleventh Doctor's Third Year is nearly at an end! With all the Sapling has learned and experienced alongside its Dzparentsdz... Can it avoid becoming the genocidal weapon it was born to be?
Cover A: Simon Myers, Rachael Smith
Cover B: Photo
Cover C: Andy Carr
Details for Doctor Who - The Morton Legacy
Out now from Big Finish is another adventure in The Early Adventures featuring the 2nd Doctor and his first Tardis crew Polly, Ben and Jamie. This adventure takes place in London but not the London that Ben and Polly were expecting. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
When the TARDIS lands in London, Ben and Polly are initially delighted to be back home… until they realise that they’re a hundred years too early. But this is nothing next to how the Doctor and Jamie feel when the TARDIS itself vanishes!
Their attempts to locate their ship lead them to an antiquarian, Josiah Morton, possessed of a most unusual collection that is currently subjected to a legal dispute. But they’re not the only people interested in him. Dangerous criminals watch from the shadows, waiting for a moment to strike. And the police are calling too - accusing him of murder.
An unusual series of deaths have been occurring across the capital, and all signs point to Morton as the culprit. But is he really a killer? Or is there something else at large in the city? Something… alien?
Written By: Justin Richards
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Anneke Wills (Polly Wright/Narrator), Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon/The Doctor), Elliot Chapman (Ben Jackson), David Sibley (Josiah Morton), Kerry Gooderson (Jemma Morton), Ewan Bailey (Blazzard / Copeland), Alan Blyton (Dexter).
Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Synopsis and Promo Pic Released for Doctor Who - Twice Upon A Time
The BBC have released a new promo pic and the synopsis for the Christmas Special Twice Upon A Time.
The magical final chapter of the Twelfth Doctor’s (Peter Capaldi) journey sees the Time Lord team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor (David Bradley- Harry Potter, Game of Thrones) and a returning Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), for one last adventure.
Two Doctors stranded in an Arctic snowscape, refusing to face regeneration. Enchanted glass people, stealing their victims from frozen time. And a World War One captain destined to die on the battlefield, but taken from the trenches to play his part in the Doctor's story.
An uplifting new tale about the power of hope in humanity’s darkest hours, Twice Upon A Time marks the end of an era. But as the Doctor must face his past to decide his future, his journey is only just beginning...
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - The Pilot Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Pilot
By Steven Moffat
“What you are standing in is a technological marvel. It is science beyond magic. This is the gateway to everything that ever was, or ever can be.”
At the time of transmission it has been over a year since we had a full series of Doctor Who and about 3 ½ months since the last time we had a brand new episode to watch. So it’s been a while since Doctor Who fans have something new to talk about. Or in true Doctor Who fandom complain about a lot or love it way too much. The Pilot is the first episode of series 10 of Doctor Who and it is also the first story of the last series that will star Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. I’m a little bit saddened by this as I’ve really enjoyed Peter Capaldi’s performance as the Doctor and in The Pilot he gives us another one of his great performances. I guess we’ll have to enjoy it while we can before the new person takes over.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Into The Time Vortex - Interview - with Sylvester McCoy of Doctor Who
The interview was conducted on November 10, 2017 and Long Island Who Convention. Thanks to Amanda-Rae Prescott for arranging the interview.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - The Return of Doctor Mysterio Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
By Steven Moffat
“Brains with minds of their own. No one will believe that. This is America.”
The Doctor is dangling from the roof in front of a window that is the bedroom of a child named Grant. Grant loves comic books and with his moms permission lets The Doctor into his room. They soon make it back to the roof where the Doctor explains to Grant that he has built a machine to reverse paradoxes. All this time Grant is coughing and the Doctor hands him a glass of water and gem. The gem is pretty powerful and is one of only four in existence. What is magnificent anout the gem is that it grants your wishes and unfortunately for The Doctor Grant swallows it thinking it was medicine for his cough. Since Grant is a lover of comic books his wish is to be a super hero and in fact that is what he becomes.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Details for Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Adventures Vol 2
Out now from Big Finish, released today, is the second volume of the Tenth Doctor adventures with David Tennant and this time he's teamed up with Billie Piper as Rose. You can get the collectors edition or the tree adventures separately at the Big Finish website.
2.1 Infamy of the Zaross by John Dorney
When Jackie Tyler takes an away day to visit her old friend Marge in Norwich, she finds her holiday immediately interrupted in the worst way possible - an alien invasion! The infamous Zaross have come to take over the Earth. Or have they? After Jackie calls in the Doctor and Rose to deal with the menace, it soon becomes clear that this is a very unusual invasion indeed. The Doctor is about to uncover one of the most heinous crimes in the history of the galaxy. And if he can't stop it an awful lot of people are going to die.
2.2 The Sword of the Chevalier by Guy Adams
2.3 Cold Vengeance by Matt Fitton
The TARDIS arrives on Coldstar, a vast freezer satellite, packed with supplies to feed a colony world. But there are cracks in the ice, and something scuttles under the floors. Soon, Rose and the Doctor encounter robots, space pirates and... refuse collectors. As Coldstar's tunnels begin to melt, an even greater threat stirs within. An old enemy of the Doctor puts a plan into action - a plan for retribution. Nobody's vengeance is colder than an Ice Warrior's.
Limited to just 5,000 copies and available exclusively from, this lavish book-sized box set includes exclusive artwork, photography, articles, a one-hour documentary featuring interviews with the stars and production team – alongside a bonus documentary examining the worlds of Doctor Who at Big Finish.
There are interviews with David Tennant and Billie Piper in this podcast.
Written By: John Dorney, Guy Adams, Matt Fitton
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs
David Tennant (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Rosie Cavaliero (Marge Ellmore), Beth Lilly (Jess Ellmore), Guy Henry (Ikron), George Watkins (Tanan / Steve), George Asprey (Leader), Nickolas Grace (Chevalier D’Eon), Tam Williams (Christopher Dalliard), Mark Elstob (Joxer / Butler), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Hempel / Dancer / Duchess), James Joyce (Darcy / Groom), Keziah Joseph (Lorna), Maureen Beattie (Brona Volta), Sean Biggerstaff (Callum Volta), Anthony Stuart-Hicks (Management / Bert) and Nicholas Briggs (Lord Hasskor / Commander Slaan)
Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Matt Fitton, John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Doctor Who Comic Book Releases for November 22nd
Out today there are two Doctor Who Comics books featuring the 10th Doctor and Torchwood. The 10th Doctor comic book starts a new story arc while Torchwood continues with a new story. You can buy both at your local comic book store.
Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artist: Giorgia Sposito
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 22, 2017
The endgame begins for the Tenth Doctor's third year! Can Gabby Gonzales be saved, or does the universe have other, more fatal plans?
Cover A: Simon Myers & Rachael Smith
Cover B: Photo
Cover C: David Carr
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - The Husbands of River Song Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Husbands of River Song
By Steven Moffat
“Every night is the last night for something. Every Christmas is the last Christmas.”
The Doctor Who Christmas Specials have been hit or miss throughout the shows revival and now we look at the 11th Christmas Special and the 6th out of 8 that Steven Moffat has written. While the Christmas Specials are supposed to be light hearted and fun we have had some that have been darker and taken a more serious tone like The Snowmen and A Christmas Carole both written by Moffat. I tend to like the stories that take a more serious tone and keep the silliness to a minimum. So when it was announced that River Song will be making her appearance in this year’s Christmas story I had some reservations about The Husbands of River Song.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - Hell Bent Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
Hell Bent
By Steven Moffat
“You said memories become stories when we forget them. Maybe some of them become songs.”
The Clara Who series 9 finale err, wait a minute, The Doctor Who series 9 finale Hell Bent has to go down as one of the better Moffat finales, but far from great, since the show came back onto our TV screens back in 2005. One of the faults and there are many of Steven Moffat is his inability to give us a properly written series finale without going for the big production of bringing back tons of characters including the kitchen sink. This time he bridges the series finale along through three stories to give us a story that wraps up the Clara era pretty well which we all thought was done two weeks ago in Face the Raven.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - Heaven Sent Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
Heaven Sent
By Steven Moffat
“I am The Doctor. I’m coming to find you and I’ll never ever stop.”
After the emotional story Face the Raven we are given a story that is absolutely different and something we haven’t seen in Doctor Who for some time, A companionless story. Well this story could be called Doctor Who meets Groundhogs Day because that’s how it felt towards the end when it became repetitive and dragged out a bit too long watching him punch the diamond wall over and over again. The normal 45 minutes would have sufficed and some of the Groundhog Day sequences could have been cut down a bit. That’s my opinion and it seems I’m in the minority here as lots of thought it was great. But I did get what they were doing and what tale they were referencing if you Google How Long is Eternity? you’ll have the source for why The Doctor was punching the diamond and why it took 2 million years which was pretty clever in a way but I still thought that it was way to reminiscent of Groundhog Day instead of a fable but the fable is where it comes from.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Details for Doctor Who Magazine 519
Out now in the UK and everywhere else next month is Doctor Who Magazine issue 519. The main feature is an interview with David Bradley who plays the First Doctor in this years Christmas Special.
Four years ago he played William Hartnell in BBC Two’s An Adventure in Space and Time. Now David Bradley is returning as the First Doctor himself for this year’s Christmas Special Twice Upon a Time…
“I was playing the guy who was playing the Doctor, but now I’m the Doctor… It’s absolutely thrilling.”
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Doctor Who Comic Book Releases for Nov 15th
Out today is one Doctor Who comic book and it features the 12th Doctor and Bill. It is also a good jumping on point for new readers. You can get this issue from your local comic book store.
Writer: Richard Dinnick
Artist: Pasquale Qualano
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 15, 2017
All new adventure begins for the Twelfth Doctor, Bill and Nardole! Celebrate the most recent TARDIS team in all its glory!
Cover A: Adam Caldwell
Cover B: Photo
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Details for Doctor Who - The Middle
Out this month for the main range series is a 6th Doctor, Flip and Constance story and this tie they land on an alien planet where everything isn't what it seems. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
It’s L/Wren Mrs Constance Clarke’s birthday - and Flip is determined to make it an anniversary to remember.
The futuristic colony of Formicia, where the pampered populace pass their days in endless leisure, seems the perfect place for a ‘Wren Party’. But all is not as it seems. Looking down from the Middle, the skyscraping tower that ascends as far as the colony ceiling, Formicia’s overseers can see that the Doctor doesn’t fit in - and it’s not just his coat that makes him conspicuous...
“The End is the Beginning,” say the propaganda-like posters all over Formicia. Because to be part of this perfect society comes at a price. And the Doctor's already in arrears.
Written By: Chris Chapman
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Miranda Raison (Mrs Constance Clarke), Mark Heap (The Middleman), Sheila Reid (Janaiya), Wayne Forester (Roman), Hollie Sullivan (Olivia York), Chloe Rickenbach (Chloe).
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Monday, November 13, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - Face the Raven Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
Face the Raven
By Sarah Dollard
“Let me be brave.”
Well they finally did something that I didn’t think they had the courage to do. Even though the clues were there with Clara being so reckless I didn’t think Steven Moffat would actually go ahead and kill of Clara. Yes he has killed a version of Clara before but this is was the death of an actual companion since 1982’s Earthshock. Since Adric’s death came as a surprise and no one knew what was coming as social network did not exist back then there were a lot of rumors that Clara would meet her demise. I have to say they kept the secret pretty good and most fans did not realize that it would be in episode 10. There were leaks about her leaving and it was spoiled on radio and on some sites but most did not know that she would be killed off. But the clues were there and I was one to put two and two together.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - Sleep No More Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
Sleep No More
By Mark Gatiss
“You must not watch this.”
I can say I’m not a big fan of found footage movies or television shows. I hated the Blair Witch Project and wasn’t that fond of Cloverfield either. So when I heard they were doing a found footage episode of Doctor Who I had big reservations about it. Would it be good and would the scenes be jumping all over the place was one of my concerns but not that much of a worry as to who was writing it.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Jodi Whittaker's Doctor Who Costume Revealed
The BBC have revealed the new Doctors costume and it is well, You be the judge. Thumbs up or down let us know on Facebook or Twitter @GallyGazette.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Zygon Inversion
By Peter Harness and Steven
“Five rounds rapid.”
The Zygon Inversion continues with the Zygon rebellion as we find out how The Doctor escapes from his plane being blown up by an air to ground missile and what evil Clara really is up to. I have to say I wasn’t expecting the solution to plane destruction. Well not the jumping out of the plane with parachutes but the fact that Clara was able to manipulate Bonnie and make her miss with the first missile but was not successful stopping the second which gave The Doctor and Osgood the chance to escape. Now this was an interesting turn of events and made the story a lot more interesting as we had the two Clara’s going back and forth with a mental struggle. I enjoyed the banter between Bonnie and Clara and I am really enjoying watching Jenna Coleman playing a villain also as it really added to the tension that this story was conveying.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - The Zygon Invasion Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Zygon Invasion
By Peter Harness
“We want the world.”
If you haven’t guessed by now The Zygon’s came back in 2015 and I was really happy for their return. Since the 1975 Tom Baker story Terror of the Zygons I have always wanted to see The Zygons return and after they appeared in The Day of the Doctor I had a feeling we would see them as they would want to use those expensive costumes again. What I didn’t expect and what has turned out to be a pretty good idea is that The Zygon Invasion is a loosely based sequel to the 50th Anniversary story as it builds upon the peace treaty between The Zygons and the humans.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Doctor Who Composer Dudley Simpson Has Passed Away
The man that has worked on 290 episodes of Doctor Who and the one who has given us some memorable music from the show has died at the age of 95. The first story that he did for Doctor Who was the First Doctor story Planet of Giants. From there he scored 60 stories featuring the first four Classic Doctor Who Doctors featuring some great stories like The Celestial Toymaker, The Evil of the Daleks, Terror of the Autons, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars and his last story The Horns of Nimon. He made one appearance on Doctor as the conductor in The Talons of Weing - Chiang. Dudley Simpson had a long career doing such shows as The Tomorrow People Moonbase 3 and Blakes 7. You can read more about Dudley Simpson at these links.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Doctor Who Director Paddy Russell Has Passed Away
The first woman to direct a story of Doctor Who and one of the first woman directors at the BBC has passed away at the age of 89. To Doctor Who fans she is known for directing the stories The Massacre, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Pyramids of Mars and Horror of Fang Rock. She has worked on a lot of British TV most notably The Newcomers, The Moonstone, Z Cars, and Emmerdale Farm. You can read more about her at this link.
Goodbye to 12 - Doctor Who - The Woman Who Lived Review
We celebrate the Peter Capaldi era by revisiting the 12th Doctor's adventures as we count down the days to his last adventure.
Doctor Who:
The Woman Who Lived
By Catherine Tregenna
“I just wanted to save a terrified young woman’s life.”
The Woman Who Lived is the second part of The Girl Who Died but in a roundabout way that it isn’t the continuation of a story that is taking place but instead the continuation of a characters story. In The Girl Who Died we were introduced to Ashildr who ends up dying. The Doctor brings her back by using an alien med kit. Now Ashildr is immortal and The Doctor runs into her again in 1651 and she has now changed and in fact is a Highwayman known as The Knightmare but more to the fact that her persona and her attitude towards life in general has changed. This disturbs The Doctor and more worrying is that he is responsible for this.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Details for Doctor Who - The Ingenious Gentleman Adric of Alzarius
This months Short Trips adventure features the 5th Doctor and his original TARDIS crew. This story is narrated by Mathew Waterhouse who played Adric during the Davison era. You can get this download only release from the Big Finish website.
Release #35 is a Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan story.
Sir Keeyoht of la Koura, and his loyal squire Adric, are on a quest. A great and noble quest to stop that most vile of Enchanters, the Doctor, from claiming the greatest treasure in the land. Along the way they intend to battle giants (or possibly windmills), inspire adventurers, rescue a princess and ultimately come face to face with that most terrifying of all monsters, the Dragon. Except Adric knows there are no such thing as Dragons...
Producer Ian Atkins
Script Editor Ian Atkins
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written By: Julian Richards
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Matthew Waterhouse (Narrator)
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Doctor Who Comic Book Releases for November 1st
Out today are two Doctor Who comic books and both of them are for the Lost Dimension story line that has been going on the last couple of months. Lost Dimension Special 2 and Omega are the last two parts of this story line as this eight part story comes to an end. You can buy these two books at your local comic book store.
The Lost Dimension Part 7 (of 8)
Writer: Emma Beeby, Various
Artists: Carlos Reno, Rafael Dantas, Ivan Rodriguez
FC - 32pp - $3.99 - On sale: November 1, 2017
The truth behind the unforgettable journey of Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, revealed!
And River Song goes her own way, even as the universe falls apart around her!
Cover A: Klebs Jr
Cover B: Photo
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