Plans have been revived for a five-story, 40-unit residential building at 1461 Gates Avenue, in the heart of Bushwick. Shia Lefkowitz initially filed applications for the project back in January 2013, and has now submitted additional documents for it. The structure will measure 34,547 square feet and its residential units should average 698 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. Amenities include a 20-car underground parking garage, storage for 20 bikes, and a rooftop recreational space. Michael Avramides’s Midtown East-based architectural firm is the architect of record. The 92.67-foot-wide, 12,693-square-foot assemblage consists of a vacant plot and a two-story townhouse at 1453 Gates Avenue. Demolition permits were filed for the townhouse in 2013. YIMBY previously reported on plans for a four-story, 10-unit residential buildings at the site. Those plans were to include four 10-unit structures (presumably to avoid parking requirements), although it appears the developers will be moving forward with the single-building plan. The site is located two blocks from the Myrtle-Wyckoff Avenues Subway Station on the L and M trains.