botw guides

A red lynel attacks link in BOTW

Essential Tactics to Defeat Lynels in Breath of the Wild (BOTW)

Lynels are among the toughest enemies in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” With immense strength and a variety of powerful attacks, they can be a challenging adversary. However, with proper preparation and effective strategies, you can defeat them. Here’s how:


Upgrade Your Gear: Before facing a Lynel, upgrade your armor and weapons. Visit the Great Fairy Fountains in Kakariko Village, Lake Akkala, Gerudo Desert, and Totori Lake in the Tabantha region. Enhanced gear significantly improves your defense and attack capabilities. (Lifewire)

Equip the Right Weapons and Armor: Use a one-handed weapon and a durable shield to maintain mobility and defense. Heavy armor and two-handed weapons should be avoided as they slow you down. Equip light gear such as the Soldier’s Armor for better agility.

Gather Essential Items: Stock up on meals and elixirs that boost your strength, defense, and health. Big Hearty Radish dishes are particularly effective, providing full health restoration and temporary extra hearts. Collect fairies for automatic revives if you fall during battle. (IGN)

Practice Combat Skills: Perfect Guard is a vital technique: hold ZL to target the Lynel and press A just before an attack hits to perform a Perfect Guard. This move stuns the Lynel, giving you a precious opening for counterattacks. Mastering the timing for parrying and dodging is essential for avoiding damage and positioning yourself for effective strikes. (IGN)

Types of Lynels and Their Challenges

There are five types of Lynels in BOTW: Red, Blue Lynels, White, Silver Lynels, and Gold. Each type increases in difficulty and drops more valuable items. Red Lynels are the easiest, while Gold Lynels, exclusive to Master Mode, are the most challenging.

Lynels are highly intelligent and can detect Link from a great distance, regardless of whether he is on foot, horseback, or mid-air. Their detection range and aggressive attacks make them formidable foes at any point in the game. Some Lynels maintain the same difficulty level, while others increase in difficulty as Link defeats more enemies.


A Blue Lynel is ready to take on Link.
A Blue Lynel is ready to take on Link.

Lynels can carry various melee weapons, including swords, crushers, and spears. Each requires different strategies to counter. They may also have shields and bows. Red Lynels will use standard Lynel weapons. Blue Lynels carry Mighty Lynel weapons. White Lynels and Silver Lynels have Savage Lynel weapons.

Lynel Drops

Lynels drop Lynel Guts, Lynel Horns, and Lynel Hooves when defeated. Silver Lynels can also drop star fragments or rare gems. Silver Lynels and Gold Lynels may drop Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Star Fragments, and Topazes and the standard guts, horns, and hooves. White Lynels may have Mighty Lynel weapons as a rare drop.

Related: How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming

Combat Tactics to Defeat Lynels

Maintain close proximity to the Lynel to avoid its powerful long-range attacks. Engage it in melee combat where you can more easily dodge and counter its attacks.

Use the Stasis rune to freeze the creature temporarily, allowing you to land several hits before it recovers. This ability is particularly useful when the Lynel charges at you.

Utilize Elemental Arrows: Use Ice Arrows to shoot the Lynel in the head, and freeze it temporarily. This allows you to climb on its back for additional attacks. Fire and Shock Arrows also work well for dealing damage and stunning the Lynel.

When the Lynel’s fireballs create updrafts, use them to paraglide and shoot arrows from the air. This tactic keeps you out of reach and allows for precise headshots, which can further stun the Lynel.

White Lynels are available in BOTW's Master Mode
Gold Lynels are available in BOTW’s Master Mode

Defeat Lynes with Specific Techniques

After performing a Perfect Guard, the Lynel will be momentarily stunned. Use this opportunity to land powerful counterattacks. Repeating this process will gradually chip away at the Lynel’s health.

Aim for it’s head to stun it, creating openings for melee attacks. Use Ice Arrows for an extended stun effect, allowing you to climb on the Lynel and deal significant damage without risking your weapon’s durability.

Take advantage of updrafts created by the Lynel’s fireballs to glide above and shoot arrows from the air. This method keeps you mobile and harder for the Lynel to target, while delivering continuous damage.

Lynel Locations

Lynels can be found in various regions including:

  • Akkala Wilds (Deep Akkala)
  • Central North Tabantha Snowfield (Tabantha)
  • Coliseum Ruins (Central Hyrule)
  • Deplian Badlands (Central Hyrule)
  • Drenan Highlands (Central Hyrule)
  • East Deplian Badlands (Eldin)
  • First Gatehouse (Hyrule Castle)
  • Gerudo Summit (Gerudo)
  • Great Plateau (Great Plateau)
  • Hebra West Summit (Hebra)
  • Kamah Plateau (Faron)
  • Lanayru Road – East Gate (Necluda)
  • Laporah Mesa (Laporah Mesa)
  • Lodrum Headland (Lanayru)
  • Nautelle Wetlands (Faron)
  • Northern Tabantha Snowfield (Tabantha)
  • North Akkala Valley (Deep Akkala)
  • Northeast Tabantha Snowfield (Tabantha)
  • Oseira Plains (Faron)
  • Ploymous Mountain (Lanayru)
  • Rowan Plain (Hyrule Field)
  • Second Gatehouse (Hyrule Castle)
  • Tabantha Bridge Stable (Central Hyrule)

Lynels in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” are formidable foes. With proper preparation and effective strategies, you can conquer them. Upgrade your gear at Great Fairy Fountains, and equip a one-handed weapon and durable shield. Stock up on health-boosting items. Use Perfect Guard to stun Lynels. Utilize elemental arrows, and take advantage of updrafts for aerial attacks. Follow these tactics to improve your chances of defeating Lynels and mastering the game. By integrating these detailed strategies and tips, you can improve your chances of defeating Lynels in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.”

Next: BOTW Farosh Dragon Farming – Finding, Fighting, and Collecting From Farosh In Breath Of The Wild

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BOTW Shield Surfing 3

How to Shield Surf in BOTW – Shield Surfing in Breath of the Wild

Want to find out how to shield surf in BOTW? This guide will help players figure out execute this obscure, but fun ability Link can pull off in Breath of the Wild. For this and more, visit our BOTW guides.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released in 2017 to the Nintendo Switch and Wii U. In BOTW, players are given very little instruction and can explore the world freely. Two DLC are available for the game, The Master Trials and The Champions’ Ballad. With those two DLC, there’s so much to do in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it’s easy to ignore or otherwise miss out on learning how to shield surf. Especially, since it’s an ability that’s only useful in very specific circumstances. After all, why shield surf in BOTW when paragliding or riding a horse is available as an option? Because you can. Do you have a downward hill and a durable shield? Then get to it. 

Related: How to Farm Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Star Fragment Farming

Where to learn about Shield Surfing in Breath of the Wild?

Shield Surf in BOTW 3

This ability isn’t emphasized much in the game. Who could blame players for making it through all of the game without shield surfing in BOTW once? But, once you know how, try and stop yourself from sending Link flying down a Hyrulian hill with the air whisking by our hero’s face, and a makeshift surfboard keeping him from faceplanting in the grass or snow below.

Shield Surfing is one of the racing minigames in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Players can learn how to shield surf at Selmie’s Spot in the Hebra region. For 20 rupees per attempt, the player can try each course as many times as they want. While there’s a beginner and advanced course, the goal is still the same. Make it to the bridge at the bottom of the hill as quickly as Link can surf there.


Where’s the best place to Shield Surf in BOTW?

Shield surfing works best in the desert or on the slopes in snow-covered territory, such as Lanayru, Hebra, or the Gerudo region which is both sand and snow. Experimentation is always encouraged in BOTW, but the player should probably avoid rocky mountains and hills. The process of shield surfing in BOTW will wear down the durability of Link’s shield. Rocky terrain will wear down Link’s shield faster. Grassy hills will also decrease the shield’s durability, but not as quickly. It’d be a good idea to find some to find some shields the player doesn’t care about breaking. It’d be a shame to lose any of the shields that can only be found once per game.


How to Shield Surf in Breath of the Wild

Link must have a shield equipped to pull this trick off. Once a good slope or hill has been located, activate Link’s defensive stance by holding the (ZL) button, and pull out the shield. Tap the (X) button to jump followed immediately by the (A) button. Link will put the shield underfoot while jumping. If the player wants to pull of a sweet 1080 spin, they should press (Y). For extra street cred, players can whip out their bow and take out targets at top speed, or do a spin attack. In order to dismount while shield surfing in BOTW, the player can press the (B) button.

Next: How to Farm Farosh Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Farosh Dragon Farming

While it’s not the most useful way to travel Hyrule, it is a pretty cool way to get down a hill or slope in Breath of the Wild. If this How to Shield Surf in BOTW guide was helpful, check out our other Breath of the Wild Guides.



How to Shield Surf in BOTW – Shield Surfing in Breath of the Wild Read More »

Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild

How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming

Having trouble trying to find Sunset Fireflies in BOTW? This guide will help players figure out the most efficient way to catch Sunset Fireflies. For this and more, visit our BOTW guides.

What are Sunset Fireflies in BOTW and what are they used for?

Sunset Firefly: During the day, these fireflies stay unlit and hidden in the share. Cook them with monster parts for an increased stealth effect. - BOTW Sunset Fireflies Description
Sunset Firefly: During the day, these fireflies stay unlit and hidden in the share. Cook them with monster parts for an increased stealth effect. – BOTW Sunset Fireflies Description

These are fireflies, and they do what fireflies do. They glow gently in the dark. If the player cooks them with monster parts, the resulting that causes the insect to glow will increase their stealth. The BOTW Sunset Fireflies may be used in sidequests, shrine quests, for cooking, and for armor upgrades.

Related: How to Farm Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Star Fragment Farming

The player can create a Sneaky Elixir by cooking a Sunset Firefly and monster parts. The Sneaky Elixir increases Link’s stealth. In order to complete a sidequest in Kakariko Village, the player will need five of them. Five each are necessary to upgrade the Sheikah Armor Set to the second level. The set includes a Stealth Mask, Stealth Chest Guard and Stealth Tights. Fifteen BOTW Sunset Fireflies are needed in total for these upgrades.

Where do you find Sunset Fireflies in BOTW?

Find Sunset Fireflies in BOTW

Sunset Fireflies can only be found at night, usually in wooded areas. While Link will come across them randomly during the evening, Hopper Pond on the Great Plateau and Kakariko Village are good locations to find Sunset Fireflies in BOTW. They may also be found in the Lake Region, Ridgeland Region, Lanayru Region, West Necluda and the Great Hyrule Forest. Sunset Fireflies can be bought from Beedle at the Highland Stable.

How do you catch Sunset Fireflies?

Catch Sunset Fireflies Quest in BOTW
Link completes the Sunset Fireflies quest in BOTW

The player must use Link to sneak up on the Sunset Fireflies and grab them when the prompt to do so appears. He may do this by using armor with a stealth boost, walking slowly, or kneeling down. If Link moves too quickly, the Sunset Firefly will fly off and disappear. 

Next: How to Farm Farosh Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Farosh Dragon Farming

If this BOTW Sunset Fireflies guide was helpful, check out our other Breath of the Wild Guides. Discuss Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom on our Video Games forum


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BOTW Star Fragment Farming - Star Fragment

Farm Star Fragments Quickly in Breath of the Wild (BOTW) with these Strategies

One of the toughest items to farm in Breath of the Wild are star fragments. Are you having trouble star fragment farming in BOTW? This guide will help you figure out how to farm star fragments quickly based on extensive playtesting and insights from the community.

What Are Star Fragments and Why Should I Farm them in BOTW?

Star Fragments are mysterious stone fragments that have fallen from the sky and can be used to upgrade armor sets or as ingredients in recipes. Sometimes they’ll be found in chests along the way, but largely you’ll be collecting them after they have fallen from the sky. They are tougher to collect than other in-game items. After collecting them, you may go to one of the Great Fairy Fountains and use them to upgrade armor sets to the max or to enhance your food.

Related: How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming

Why Farm Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild?

Make sure you bring a way to create fire, wood, and have enough stamina (either through your stamina bar or through stamina-boosting food). Having Revali’s Gale doesn’t hurt either. Bundles of wood are acquired by chopping down trees. Collect either the Flameblade, Great Flameblade, Flamespear, or Fire Rod for fire creation. It is better to use Shrine Orbs to increase your Stamina Bar until you are able to fly pretty far using your Paraglider. If you need to rely on food for a boost, recipes that use Stamella Mushrooms and Endura Carrots are best. Revali’s Gale is acquired by defeating the Divine Beast Van Medoh.

Shee Vaneer Shrine for BOTW Star Fragment Farming

Optimal Star Fragment Farming Location: Teleport to the Shee Vaneer Shrine. This shrine is high enough above the land to see star fragments falling without too many obstacles. It’s also at an altitude where precipitation will come as snow and not rain.

Star Fragments Farming Steps:

  1. Throw some wood down on the ground and create a fire. Sit by the fire until noon. Then sit by the fire again until night.
  2. Look in the direction of Hateno Village. Hateno Village is ideal for Star Fragment farming because there aren’t many obstacles to climb over to recover your star fragment.
  3. If you do not see a star fragment fall by 2 AM, repeat the process.
  4. When you see a Star Fragment streak across the sky, take off using your paraglider in the direction it has fallen. It will remain at the point of landing until you are close to it.
  5. If it has landed on a hill, move quickly to prevent it from rolling away.

Additional Tips:

  • Save the game just before a star falls to reload if you miss it (IGN).
  • Use high vantage points like the Dueling Peaks, Hebra Tower, and Ridgeland Tower (Game8, Zelda Dungeon, Reddit).
  • Star Fragments can also be acquired from Silver Lynels and Gold enemies in Master Mode, as well as through certain side quests and hidden treasure chests (Zelda Dungeon).

Happy hunting!

Plan your farming around the Blood Moon for increased frequency of star falls (Heavy). The Blood Moon resets the game’s enemies and item drops, and it also increases the chances of star fragments falling from the sky. During a Blood Moon, make sure to be in a high vantage point, as it improves your visibility for spotting falling stars (Reddit).

Using your scope to mark the landing spot of a star fragment can be incredibly helpful. When you see a star falling, quickly use the scope to mark its location. Be aware that star fragments disappear at 5 a.m. ( Additionally, positioning your camera in a way that ensures star fragments land on solid ground rather than water is crucial to prevent losing them (

Breath of the Wild Star Fragment Farming - Star Fragment

What Armor Sets Need Star Fragments Farming to Upgrade in BOTW?

Ancient Set (Helm, Cuirass, Greaves) (

  • 4 Star – Star Fragment x3, Giant Ancient Core x3

Skyward Sword Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 1 Star – Sapphire, Star Fragment
  • 2 Star – Sapphire x3, Star Fragment x2
  • 3 Star – Sapphire x5, Star Fragment x3
  • 4 Star – Sapphire x10, Star Fragment x4

Ocarina of Time Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 1 Star – Amber x3, Star Fragment
  • 2 Star – Amber x5, Star Fragment x2
  • 3 Star – Amber x15, Star Fragment x3
  • 4 Star – Amber x30, Star Fragment x4

Twilight Princess Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 1 Star – Topaz, Star Fragment
  • 2 Star – Topaz x3, Star Fragment x2
  • 3 Star – Topaz x5, Star Fragment x3
  • 4 Star – Topaz x10, Star Fragment x4

Breath of the Wild Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 4 Star – Star Fragment, Farosh’s Horn x2 (Cap), Naydra’s Horn x2 (Tunic), Dinraal’s Horn x2 (Trousers)

Wind Waker Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 1 Star – Opal x3, Star Fragment
  • 2 Star: – Opal x5, Star Fragment x2
  • 3 Star – Opal x10, Star Fragment x3
  • 4 Star – Opal x20, Star Fragment x4

Hero Set (Cap, Tunic, Trousers)

  • 1 Star – Ruby, Star Fragment
  • 2 Star – Ruby x3, Star Fragment x2
  • 3 Star – Ruby x5, Star Fragment x3
  • 4 Star – Ruby x10, Star Fragment x4

Star Fragments Farming Runs

Here are some of our Star Fragment Farming runs done with the starting point of Shee Vaneer.

Breath of the Wild - Star Fragment Farming Run #1
Breath of the Wild - Star Fragment Farming Run #2
Breath of the Wild - Star Fragment Farming Run #3
Breath of the Wild - Star Fragment Farming Run #4

Star Fragments in BOTW are rare and valuable for upgrading armor and enhancing recipes. Use high vantage points like the Dueling Peaks, farm between 9 PM and 2 AM, and leverage the Blood Moon for more frequent star falls. Save your game strategically to avoid missing fragments. This guide compiles tips from our own extensive gameplay and community insights.

Breath of the Wild is part of The Legend of Zelda franchise. In BOTW, Link takes on a Hyrule that has been lost to Ganon. Link must reclaim his lost memories and rejoin Zelda to help return the land of Hyrule to peace once again. Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U.

Next: How to Farm Farosh Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Farosh Dragon Farming

Have you discovered a better way of BOTW Star Fragment Farming? Let us know!

Discuss BOTW on our Video Games Forum.


Farm Star Fragments Quickly in Breath of the Wild (BOTW) with these Strategies Read More »

Breath of the Wild

Master Farosh Farming in BOTW: Get the Best Dragon Parts!

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the land of Hyrule is more vibrant and immersive than ever, offering countless adventures, including encounters with majestic dragons. This guide focuses on farming Farosh, one of the three dragons in the game. Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra are named after Hyrule’s legendary goddesses and roam the land cursed by Ganon. By defeating and freeing these dragons, players can collect valuable items such as scales, claws, horns, and fangs. These items are crucial for crafting armor, cooking, and completing specific quests. The guide provides detailed steps on how to find and farm Farosh efficiently, including the best times and locations to encounter the dragon, tips on preparing for the battle, and strategies for collecting the dragon parts. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your armor or complete quests, this guide will help you make the most of your dragon farming adventures in Breath of the Wild.

Introduction to BOTW Dragons Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra

First and foremost, who are these dragons? Well, the three dragons are called Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra. For those of you well versed in Zelda lore, these should sound familiar. These dragons were named after the legendary goddess of the land of Hyrule, Din, Nayru, and Farore. These dragons have been in Hyrule for a long time, long before Link was put to sleep after Ganon’s rebirth, and they’ve been roaming the lands ever since. But, because of Ganon, they’re cursed currently, so you have to go defeat them to free them from their curse. After that? Well…

Related: How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming


Why Farm Farosh Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in BOTW?

Well first of all…they’re dragons, why wouldn’t you want to find them? Now, true, one of them is easily seen. It’s near the Bridge of Hylia where one of the memory fragments are, but the other two aren’t so easy. So, besides shock and awe factor, why go after them?

Well, these dragons, much like all other creatures in Breath of the Wild. They have collectible items that can be garnered by fighting with them. Depending on how you use them, you can create items (mainly sets of armor), you can cook with them (which drastically increases how long your items work in the field) and if you’re desperate, you can sell them for a pretty penny. They are useful for a specific quest. But, just like real dragons (yes, you heard me), they’re a rare sight, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t get anything.

Now, once you do encounter these dragons, you have one of four things you can collect, you can only collect one item per day. You can get a Dragon Scale, Dragon Claw, Dragon Horn, or Dragon Fang. This is where Farosh Dragon Farming comes into play.

Who is Farosh in BOTW?

Farosh Dragon Farming

Farosh is a spirit of lightning, living in the Faron region. Known to frequent the Spring of Courage, Farosh is described in the BOTW Hyrule Compendium as a giant dragon that ascends to the heavens as the sun sets. Despite its electric body making it dangerous, Farosh bears no ill will toward people.

“A spirit of lightning has taken the form of this giant dragon. Making its home in the Faron region, it’s said to have served the Spring of Courage since ancient times. An old saying goes, “The dragon ascends to the heavens as the sun begins to set,” but nobody has seen this in the current age. The electricity that coats its body makes it dangerous to get near, but Farosh bears no ill will toward people.” – Hyrule Compendium

How to Farm Farosh Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in BOTW

Interestingly enough, Farosh Dragon Farming is the easiest to do. This is likely because of the fact that Lake Hylia has plenty of vantage points for you to take advantage of it.

In fact, depending on when you try and take on Farosh (early in the morning, 5am, or late at night), it’ll spring from Riola Spring (in the morning) or Gerudo Summit (at night). We suggest using the Riola Spring arrival, as there are numerous highspots there where you’ll just have to wait for her to arrive and then strike her to get the item.

Farosh uses massive electric energy spheres to attack (fire, ice, lightning, get it?), so we recommend having the Thunder Helm handy.

You’re equipped. Now what?

You’ll need to be careful, and cunning, and try and get an open shot. All three of the dragons create an updraft as they move, if you want a better shot, use it to rise up, then slow down time as you aim and fire.

If you hit any of the four areas listed above (scales encompass the entire body), a dragon part will fall off. What’s more, it glows! So you won’t be able to miss it.

Once you have your part, head to the nearest fire and start the day, then wash, rinse, and repeat.

If you need to know what other non-Dragon items you need to upgrade your armor, check out’s great Armor Sets guide.

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Barbarian Armor Body 1 Shard Of Farosh’s Horn
Champion’s Tunic Body 2 Shard Of Farosh’s Horn (x2)
Cap Of The Wild Head 2 Farosh Scale (x2)

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is by and large one of the greatest games ever made. Its scale and scope is beyond what many games hope to be. The land of Hyrule has never been more fleshed out, more alive than it is here. This game literally has just about everything you could hope for in a grand adventure. And yes, that includes dragons, big ones even. Breath of the Wild has three dragons for you to go find, fight, and collect cool stuff from. We hope you’ve enjoyed our BOTW Farosh Dragon Farming Guide! Need help with Naydra Dragon Farming or Dinraal Dragon Farming? Check out our other guides.

Next: How to Farm Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Star Fragment Farming

Breath of the Wild is part of The Legend of Zelda franchise. In BOTW, Link takes on a Hyrule that has been lost to Ganon. Link must reclaim his lost memories and rejoin Zelda to help return the land of Hyrule to peace once again. Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U.

Discuss Breath of the Wild on the Video Game Forum.

Master Farosh Farming in BOTW: Get the Best Dragon Parts! Read More »

Breath of the Wild, Naydra

How to Farm Naydra Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Naydra Dragon Farming

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is by and large one of the greatest games ever made. Its scale and scope is beyond what many games hope to be. The land of Hyrule has never been more fleshed out, more alive than it is here. This game literally has just about everything you could hope for in a grand adventure. And yes, that includes dragons, big ones even. Breath of the Wild has three dragons for you to go find, fight, and collect cool stuff from. In this Dragon Farming Guide, we’re going to help you do Naydra Dragon Farming.

Introduction to BOTW Dragons Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh

First and foremost, who are these dragons? Well, the three dragons are called Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh. For those of you well versed in Zelda lore, these should sound familiar. These dragons were named after the legendary goddess of the land of Hyrule, Din, Nayru, and Farore. These dragons have been in Hyrule for a long time, long before Link was put to sleep after Ganon’s rebirth, and they’ve been roaming the lands ever since. But, because of Ganon, they’re cursed currently, so you have to go defeat them to free them from their curse. After that? Well…

Related: BOTW Star Fragment Farming – Finding and Collecting Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild


Why Farm Naydra Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in BOTW?

Well first of all…they’re dragons, why wouldn’t you want to find them? Now, true, one of them is easily seen, as it’s near the Bridge of Hylia where one of the memory fragments are, but the other two aren’t so easy. So, besides shock and awe factor, why go after them?

Well, these dragons, much like all other creatures in Breath of the Wild, have collectible items that can be garnered by fighting with them. Depending on how you use them, you can create items (mainly sets of armor), you can cook with them (which drastically increases how long your items work in the field) and if you’re desperate, you can sell them for a pretty penny. They are useful for a specific quest. But, just like real dragons (yes, you heard me), they’re a rare sight, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t get anything.

Now, once you do encounter these dragons, you have one of four things you can collect, you can only collect one item per day. You can get a Dragon Scale, Dragon Claw, Dragon Horn, or Dragon Fang. This is where Naydra Dragon Farming comes into play.

Who is Naydra in BOTW?

Naydra Dragon Farming

A spirit of ice taken the form of this giant dragon. Making its home in the Lanayru region, it’s said to have served the Spring of Wisdom since ancient times. An old saying goes, “The dragon ascends to the heavens as the sun begins to set,” but nobody has seen this in the current age. The ice that coats it body makes it dangerous to get near, but Naydra bears no ill will toward people.” – Hyrule Compendium

How to Farm Naydra Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in Breath of the Wild

Naydra (who looks freaking awesome, can we admit that?) you can find around Mt. Lanayru, but only at 5 AM, so be ready to go hunting right around them.

Look for it to arrive on the west side of the mountain, it’ll movie towards the East Gate, so be ready to strike quick. Just like Dinraal, you’ll have the chance to use updates to try and get close to her. Just be careful, she has ice abilities, and she won’t be afraid to use them. Time your shots, and you’ll get the part you want. Else…you’ll be…ice, ice, baby.

You’ll need to be careful, and cunning, and try and get an open shot. All three of the dragons create an updraft as they move, if you want a better shot, use it to rise up, then slow down time as you aim and fire.

If you hit any of the four areas listed above (scales encompass the entire body), a dragon part will fall off. What’s more, it glows! So you won’t be able to miss it.

Seriously though, how great does that dragon look?

If you need to know what other non-Dragon items you need to upgrade your armor, check out’s great Armor Sets guide.

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Tunic Of The Wild Body 1 Naydra’s Scale (x2)

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Barbarian Leg Wraps Leg 1 Shard of Naydra’s Horn


Next: How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming

We hope you’ve enjoyed our Naydra Dragon Farming Guide! Need help with Farosh Dragon Farming or Dinraal Dragon Farming? Check out our other guides.

Breath of the Wild is part of The Legend of Zelda franchise. In BOTW, Link takes on a Hyrule that has been lost to Ganon. Link must reclaim his lost memories and rejoin Zelda to help return the land of Hyrule to peace once again. Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U.

How to Farm Naydra Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Naydra Dragon Farming Read More »

Dragon Farming Guide Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild

How to Farm Dinraal Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Dinraal Dragon Farming

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is by and large one of the greatest games ever made. Its scale and scope is beyond what many games hope to be. The land of Hyrule has never been more fleshed out, more alive than it is here. This game literally has just about everything you could hope for in a grand adventure. And yes, that includes dragons, big ones even. Breath of the Wild has three dragons for you to go find, fight, and collect cool stuff from. In this Dragon Farming Guide, we’re going to help you do Dinraal Dragon Farming.

Introduction to BOTW Dragons Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh

First and foremost, who are these dragons? Well, the three dragons are called Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh. For those of you well versed in Zelda lore, these should sound familiar. These dragons were named after the legendary goddess of the land of Hyrule, Din, Nayru, and Farore. These dragons have been in Hyrule for a long time, long before Link was put to sleep after Ganon’s rebirth, and they’ve been roaming the lands ever since. But, because of Ganon, they’re cursed currently, so you have to go defeat them to free them from their curse. After that? Well…

Related: How to Catch Sunset Fireflies in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Sunset Firefly Farming


Why Farm Dinraal Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in BOTW?

Well first of all…they’re dragons, why wouldn’t you want to find them? Now, true, one of them is easily seen, as it’s near the Bridge of Hylia where one of the memory fragments are, but the other two aren’t so easy. So, besides shock and awe factor, why go after them?

Well, these dragons, much like all other creatures in Breath of the Wild, have collectible items that can be garnered by fighting with them. Depending on how you use them, you can create items (mainly sets of armor), you can cook with them (which drastically increases how long your items work in the field) and if you’re desperate, you can sell them for a pretty penny. They are useful for a specific quest. But, just like real dragons (yes, you heard me), they’re a rare sight, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t get anything.

Now, once you do encounter these dragons, you have one of four things you can collect, you can only collect one item per day. You can get a Dragon Scale, Dragon Claw, Dragon Horn, or Dragon Fang. This is where Dinraal Farming comes into play.

Who is Dinraal in BOTW?

Dinraal Dragon Farming

“A spirit of fire has taken the form of this giant dragon. Making its home in the Eldin region, it’s said to have served the Spring of Power since ancient times. An old saying goes, “The dragon ascends to the heavens as the sun begins to set,” but nobody has witnessed this in the current age. The flames that coat its body make it dangerous to get near, but Dinraal bears no ill will toward people.” – Hyrule Compendium

How to Farm Dinraal Dragon Scales, Claws and Fangs in BOTW

Time it right, and you’ll find Dinraal in the Eldin Great Skeleton in the Eldin Region. He spawns at 9:00 AM, 1 PM, or 11 PM.

Now, as he’s the Dragon Of Power, and lives in the Eldin Region, you can expect things to get pretty hot, like burning, searing, flames. Dinraal’s body emits a natural flame that can cover his body. Your best bet here is to get the Flamebreaker Armor Set. Make sure though it’s leveled up to Rank 2, which makes Link impervious to fire damage if he’s wearing it. However, direct contact with Dinraal will damage Link.

You’ll need to be careful, and cunning, and try and get an open shot. All three of the dragons create an updraft as they move, if you want a better shot, use it to rise up, then slow down time as you aim and fire.

If you hit any of the four areas listed above (scales encompass the entire body), a dragon part will fall off. What’s more, it glows! So you won’t be able to miss it.

Once you have your part, head to the nearest fire and start the day, then wash, rinse, and repeat.

As of publication, you’ll need Dinraal’s Claw (x2), Dinraal’s Scale (x2), Shard of Dinraal’s Fang (x2) and Shard of Dinraal’s Horn (x5) in total to upgrade all of your armor. If you need to know what other non-Dragon items you need to upgrade your armor, check out’s great Armor Sets guide.

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Champion’s Tunic Head 4 Shard of Dinraal’s Horn (x2)

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Barbarian Set Head 4 Shard of Dinraal’s Horn

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Armor of the Wild Legs 1 Dinraal’s Scale
Armor of the Wild Legs 2 Dinraal’s Claw
Armor of the Wild Legs 3 Shard of Dinraal’s Fang
Armor of the Wild Legs 4 Dinraal’s Horn

Armor Name Armor Piece Level Parts Needed
Fierce Deity Set Head 1 Dinraal’s Scale
Fierce Deity Set Head 2 Dinraal’s Claw
Fierce Deity Set Head 3 Shard of Dinraal’s Fang
Fierce Deity Set Head 4 Dinraal’s Horn


Next: How to Farm Star Fragments in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Star Fragment Farming

We hope you’ve enjoyed our Dinraal Farming Guide! Need help with Naydra Dragon Farming or Farosh Dragon Farming? Check out our other guides.

Breath of the Wild is part of The Legend of Zelda franchise. In BOTW, Link takes on a Hyrule that has been lost to Ganon. Link must reclaim his lost memories and rejoin Zelda to help return the land of Hyrule to peace once again. Breath of the Wild is available on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U.

How to Farm Dinraal Dragon Parts in Breath of the Wild – BOTW Dinraal Dragon Farming Read More »

Dragon Farming Guide Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Dragon Farming Guide For Breath Of The Wild

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is by and large one of the greatest games ever made. Its scale and scope is beyond what many games hope to be. The land of Hyrule has never been more fleshed out, more alive than it is here. This game literally has just about everything you could hope for in a grand adventure. And yes, that includes dragons, big ones even. Breath of the Wild has three dragons for you to go find, fight, and collect cool stuff from. In this Dragon Farming Guide, we’re going to help you do that.


First and foremost, who are these dragons? Well, the three dragons are called Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra. For those of you well versed in Zelda lore, these should sound familiar. These dragons were named after the legendary goddess of the land of Hyrule, Din, Nayru, and Farore. These dragons have been in Hyrule for a long time, long before Link was put to sleep after Ganon’s rebirth, and they’ve been roaming the lands ever since. But, because of Ganon, they’re cursed currently, so you have to go defeat them to free them from their curse. After that? Well…

Why Find Them?

Well first of all…they’re dragons, why wouldn’t you want to find them? Now, true, one of them is easily seen, as it’s near the Bridge of Hylia where one of the memory fragments are, but the other two aren’t so easy. So, besides shock and awe factor, why go after them?

Well, these dragons, much like all other creatures in Breath of the WIld, have collectible items that can be garnered by fighting with them. Depending on how you use them, you can create items (mainly sets of armor), you can cook with them (which drastically increases how long your items work in the field) and if you’re desperate, you can sell them for a pretty penny. They are useful for a specific quest. But, just like real dragons (yes, you heard me), they’re a rare sight, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t get anything. That’s why we’re here to help with this Dragon Farming Guide.

Dragon Farming Guide

Before You Fight The Dragons…

…you need to make sure they’ll come. Again, one of them (Farosh) appears at Lake Hylia at the beginning of the game, but, the others aren’t that simple. What’s more, to truly maximize what you’re doing, you want them to come EVERY DAY, and that requires you to go on a mini-quest.

In Hyrule, there are three Goddess Shrines you need to find, one for each Goddess. The Shrine Of Power, The Shrine Of Wisdom, and the Shrine Of Courage. The links attached are good gifs that’ll help you better find them. You need to go to these Shrines and pray to them, once you do, the dragons will arrive at their designated locations every day, but, only at a specific time and location.

Now, once you do encounter these dragons, you have one of four things you can collect, you can only collect one item per day. You can get a Dragon Scale, Dragon Claw, Dragon Horn, or Dragon Fang.

Let’s break it down.


Time it right, and you’ll find Dinraal in the Eldin Great Skeleton in the Eldin Region. He spawns at 9:00 AM, 1 PM, or 11 PM. For the record, we’re talking real-time here, not game time. Keep that in mind.

Now, as he’s the Dragon Of Power, and lives in the Eldin Region, you can expect things to get pretty hot, like burning, searing, flames. Dinraal’sbody emits a natural flame that can cover his body. Your best bet here is to get the Flamebreaker Armor Set. Make sure though it’s leveled up to Rank 2, which makes Link impervious to fire damage if he’s wearing it. However, direct contact with Dinraal will damage Link.

You’ll need to be careful, and cunning, and try and get an open shot. All three of the dragons create an updraft as they move, if you want a better shot, use it to rise up, then slow down time as you aim and fire.

If you hit any of the four areas listed above (scales encompass the entire body), a dragon part will fall off. What’s more, it glows! So you won’t be able to miss it.


Naydra (who looks freaking awesome, can we admit that?) you can find around Mt. Lanayru, but only at 5 AM, so be ready to go hunting right around them.

Look for it to arrive on the west side of the mountain, it’ll movie towards the East Gate, so be ready to strike quick. Just like Dinraal, you’ll have the chance to use updates to try and get close to her. Just be careful, she has ice abilities, and she won’t be afraid to use them. Time your shots, and you’ll get the part you want.

Seriously though, how great does that dragon look?


Dragon Farming Guide Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Interestingly enough, Farosh is the easiest of the dragons to farm. This is likely because of the fact that Lake Hylia has plenty of vantage points for you to take advantage of it.

In fact, depending on when you try and take on Farosh (early in the morning, 5am, or late at night), it’ll spring from Riola Spring (in the morning) or Gerudo Summit (at night). We suggest using the Riola Spring arrival, as there are numerous highspots there where you’ll just have to wait for her to arrive and then strike her to get the item.

Farosh uses massive electric energy spheres to attack (fire, ice, lightning, get it?), so we recommend having the Thunder Helm handy.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

The best thing about this Dragon Farming Guide is that it’s useable every day (real-time). The dragons will appear every day once you free them from their curse from Ganon. So, find them, free them, then come back every day to get their various parts. Pretty soon, you’ll have the armor you want, the potions you want, the scales you need to complete quests, and more.

Happy dragon farming!

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