
Showing posts with label Baxter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baxter. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22nd, 2010

Mom did go to Build-a-Bear and bought my friends and I some presents.  BAB has a frequent shopper program. For every $100 you spend, you get $10 in a certificate to use there. tn_2010-01-22 Marlowe in Black Plaid Shirt (2)So every four or five months, Mom gets a certificate in her email! She decided to print off the certificate today in celebration of her little vacation and go shopping! She bought two boy outfits and two girl shirts.

Mom likes this shirt because it had snaps. You can’t see them, but they are shiny buttons with snap backs. She says that I look like a have an attitude problem in this picture. I say it’s the silly tie that came as part of the shirt. She thinks the outfit has something to do with the Jonas Brothers—but neither of us are sure. She bought me another shirt—this one has an eagle on it. It’s supposed to be patriotic. It says strength and freedom on it. Mom liked the eagle. I think it’s cool—very trendy. I think it looks like the shirts that Mom and Caleb see at stores when they go shopping. tn_2010-01-22 Marlowe in Eagle T-Shirt

I do love Chloe—even when she’s being extra annoying in her little-sister-ness. We kept each other company for many long days in the beginning of our hug. I am happy that I have such a loving family with Foster and Chloe! Mom and I read Buttons BeCause’s blog entry about sending bears to Haiti to comfort the children who have been hurt by the aftereffects of the earthquake. I thought about all those children who don’t have anyone to go to and it made me glad that I have people and plushies to be with.

2010-01-22 Tiny Plush I wasn’t going to show you these plushies—but they’re so cute and so tiny that I couldn’t resist. They’re from Only Hearts Pets. They are Eggs the ostrich, Stretch the giraffe, and Tad the teddy bear. Mom found them when she was shopping today. To show how tiny they are, Caleb, Baxter, and Stegner allowed Mom to take their picture together.  Caleb is only six inches tall at the most, and he towers over the three of them. Even Baxter seems to be a giant compared to their littleness! Caleb says that he will keep track of them so they don’t get lost! I think it’s a very important job—they could get lost so easily!

Marlowe II

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10th, 2010

tn_2010-01-09 Marlowe

So, this is how Mom and I are going to deal with my owies. My hands are covered with brand new socks. I’m not fond of the way they look—I was hoping she could find something that matched the rest of me better—but it’s certainly better then wearing the robe or something like that. And it’s not too uncomfortable at all. Now we are going to continue our hunt for a bear-doctor on the internet and get them patched up or replaced! (Or Mom’s going to get over her apprehension and patch them up herself!)

Today is a beautiful day. It’s still rather cold—below freezing—but at least it’s not below zero. I am glad that I am an inside bear. I know most bears hibernate in the winter, but I still wouldn’t want to be outside. (Did you know that bears and some other animals really don’t hibernate? They actually just fall into a deep sleep—because you can wake a bear up during the winter. Animals that really hibernate, like ground squirrels, cannot be woken up! Prairie dogs are an example. Mom learned that in a class that she took.)tn_2010-01-10 Milton and Baxter

Milton is one of my best friends. He is one of the earlier members of our hug. Today, he announced that Baxter had agreed to become his bear. I have Caleb, and Robinson has Stegner, and now Milton has Baxter.  Milton never mentioned that he wanted his own bear, so I admit I was surprised when he announced it. Milton is watching Mom and I type this up and he is impressed with it. Most of my friends and family wait for me to finish typing the blog before they read it. When Mom isn’t around, we all take turns reading the blog and your comments!

Marlowe II

Friday, January 08, 2010

January 8th, 2010

tn_2010-01-07 Marlowe I am not amused. My mom has decided that a good interim fix for my owies is to make me wear my robe. Usually, wearing my robe is a good thing—it is warm and it covers my feet. (Shirley is wearing it in this picture to protect her whiteness from dirt.) But now Mom won’t roll the sleeves up! She says that the sleeves can protect my paws from being rubbed up against rougher things. I think I look silly! She says that she is going to go shopping this weekend and maybe she can find something else to help the problem. I hope so! I don’t want to sit around looking like this!

Our hunt for a Wisconsin bear-doctor is not going well, but I am not discouraged yet. The lady who we emailed has not replied, so we’re crossing her off our cyber list. We have found several teddy bear conventions or expos, but most of them seem to be at high schools and the like—and without the aforementioned website. But like I said, we’re not discouraged yet. My paws aren’t going to get any worse any time soon, especially since Mom will keep a better eye on them now!

tn_2010-01-08 Roscoe, Baxter, and Boris (4)

I would like to introduce some new friends that Mom bought at the store that she works. They are supposed to be gift card holders, but Mom liberated them from their gift card holder decorations! It turns out that the little tan bear’s name is Baxter, and the little moose is Boris. (They’re from the Boyds company.) They thought it was humorous to get their photo taken with one of our largest bears, Roscoe. They are about the same size as Roscoe’s paws! I would guess that Robinson’s bear, Stegner, is actually smaller! It’s amazing that as bears—and plushies, we come in so many different sizes and colors!  We all look so different! But we’re all still teddy bears and plushies!

Marlowe II