Hey everyone! Sorry for delay. This was suppose to be yesterday's post, but due to internet technical difficulties, I had to push it off until today. Enjoy!
On November 10th of this past year, Chronicle Publishing released yet another anticipated Disney·Pixar "Art of" book...
The Art of The Good Dinosaur! These books are always one of the first items on my list of things to buy whenever a new Pixar film hits theaters, so needless to say I was really looking forward to this one.
Given how absolutely beautiful the film is, I just knew the art would be just as captivating. I've mentioned this before, but there is something so soft yet so striking with the color palette of
The Good Dinosaur. All the greens, browns, blues and other earth tones give both the film and the art a look unlike any other Pixar film to date. I love it!
I really enjoyed the foreword by John Lasseter. He always has a way with words and you can always feel his passion for each project he's involved with. The introduction by Peter Sohn is also really meaningful and gives you that much more appreciation for the film and all the heart that he and his team put into it.
Other than those two pages of text, there are no other behind the scenes insights. The rest of the 167 pages focus purely on the art itself. Though I would have liked a
little more "making of" stuff, this is an "art of" book after all. The art itself does not disappoint...and there's a ton of it!
Lets take a look inside-
The art below is one of only a few pieces in the book that stems from the previous version of the
Good Dino, before the film got completely reworked (you can see Arlo looks different; he's older and a bit bigger). I knew we wouldn't get much, if any, of the original version's art- but man do I want to see more of what it would have been like!
Ultimately, this is a gorgeous book full of vibrant digital paintings, pencil
sketches, maquettes, color scripts, lighting/character studies, storyboards and so much more. It's a beautiful
tribute to the talented artists who worked so hard at making the film
what it is today, yet who too often go unnoticed.
If you loved the film, you won't want to miss out on this one. There are so many details in this book
that you really could look through it for hours! If you're
interested in adding this to your collection, you can pick it up online
at Amazon using the direct link below.