Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Pineapple is named Pineapple?

How Pineapple got its name ye? (Random thought)
Apa kaitan dia dengan apple ?

While driving, I came up with a possible scenario that might have influenced the naming of the pineapple...

"This happened long long time ago, during the time when mat sallehs colonised tanah melayu. One day, two mat sallehs were walking in a village and saw this guy, Leman, collecting nenas @ pineapple. They were am...azed by the plant and the fruit. They approached Leman.

Henry: Excuse me gentleman, may I know, "Yeenie booweh aypa"? ("Ini buah apa?" Biasa la kan slang omputih)
Leman: Haaa... apa dia? Tak faham.
William: Yeeenie aypa? (pointing at the fruits)
Leman: Apa? Aypa? Apa ni.. Aypa?
Henry: Yes.. Aypa?
Leman: Haa? Aypa.. Aypa pun Aypa la..
William: U call this Aypa then? That is strange. Aypa?
Leman: Aypa ye ye aypa (dah malas nak layan)

Henry: William.... It sounds like he is saying Apple. Strange, if it's called Apple, isn't it? Ha Ha Ha...
William: Yes, this fruit looks more like a pine cone for all I know. An apple that looks like a pine? HA HA HA...
Henry: Or we can call it Pine-Apple... HaHA! Brilliant!
William: We came out with a name for this one, didn't we? HAHA
Henry: Yes Yes , We certainly did. HA HA HA HA

Leman kaget (Pasaipa depa ni sronok sangat?). Looking at his confused face, they shared their "finding".

Henry: This... Yeenie, Pineapple.
Leman: (baru perasan diorg nk tau nama buah rupanya) Eh Tak... Bukan Bukan... Ini Nenas...
Henry: Oh yes yes.... Nie Nice (nenas), Nie Nice ... very nice..
William: Nice.... Pineapple nice....
Henry&William: Ha Ha Ha (walked away happily with their so-called new discovery).
Then the rest is history. Nenas end up named as pineapple in english"



Cerita Ini hanyalah rekaan semata-mata mengikut fantasi dan imaginasi. Tiada fakta sejarah, geografi mahupun saintifik yang menyokong cerita ini. Penulis tidak akan bertanggungjawab jika anda mempercayai cerita ini. Pengeluaran semula karya ini adalah menyalahi hak cipta terpelihara. Aaa chewah.

*This story is fictional, based on fantasy and imagination only, No historical and geographical facts or scientific theories used to support this story. The author (cewah) won't be responsible if you choose to believe it. Unauthorized reproduction of this copyrighted work is illegal. Haha.
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