Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese A tactician Digimon that has a tiny body but also a shrewd mind. As Tyutyumon's plans are absolutely precise, they are enough to admirably guide even the slow-footed dullard Damemon and earn great military gains through combat.
Only victory is important to Tyutyumon, and it considers the advancement of everything according to its plans to be more important than anything else. Its battles are settled before they even begin. It must be so, and it will even become partners with someone to do so, but will still betray them at any time. Lukewarm words like "friendship" and "trust" can't even be found in Tyutyumon's vocabulary.
As for those who disturb its plans, it manipulates them at will with its "Tyutyu Twitter", in which it puts the opponent in a state of hypnosis by whispering into their ears.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 小さな身体だが頭のきれる策略家デジモン。チューチューモンの計略は実に的確で、鈍足で愚図なダメモンでさえ見事に導いて戦闘で大きな戦果を上げさせてしまう程だ。 チューチューモンにとっては勝利こそが重要であり、計略通りに物事が進む事がなにより大切と考えている。戦いとは始まる前に決着がついているもの。そうでなければならないし、そうするために誰とでも仲間になるし、またいつでも裏切る。チューチューモンの辞書に友情や信頼といった温い言葉は載っていない。 計画を乱す邪魔者には耳元で囁き相手を催眠状態に導く「チューチュー・ツイッター」で相手を意のままに操ってしまう。
⇨ Japanese A tactician Digimon that has a tiny body but also a shrewd mind. As Tyutyumon's plans are absolutely precise, they are enough to admirably guide even the slow-footed dullard Damemon and earn great military gains through combat.
Digimon Xros Figure Series 11 - Tuwarmon
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Tyutyu Twitter
Chūchū Tsuittā
Hypnotizes the opponent by whispering in their ears.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Tyutyumon is a creepy, golden armored rodent that sits on Damemon's head. After Bastemon eats it in the Bagra Pandemonium, it is never seen again.
Two Tyutyumon are part of Wisemon's investigative team, as shown in "The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests".
Tyutyumon is a member of Twilight and the Bagra Army, always riding on top of Damemon/Tuwarmon.
Tyumon stole cheese from Tyutyumon's family in "1-10: Eiji:Wolf of ninth avenue". Because of that, Tyutyumon and Damemon pursued them, with Tyumon seeking forgiveness by pointing out they were both rats, which only offended Tyutyumon further. However, they changed targets with Loogamon when they saw him, threatening him to run away while they took care of Tyumon, as he was in Wall Slum's Sixth Street, Tyutyumon's family's turf. Rather than running away, Loogamon stepped forward and claimed the turf as his own, which made Tyutyumon sic Damemon on Loogamon, making the former attack the latter with Gun Vulcan. Tyutyumon laughed at how the attack must be torture on a Digimon with such a strong nose, and how Digimon fighting was all about exploiting weaknesses. However, before Damemon could launch their Boo~st Attack to finish the fight, Loogamon took them down in one Howling Fire, despite Damemon's toughness, causing Tyutyumon to fall off from Damemon's back. To their shock, the flames would not go out despite having nothing to burn. Loogamon then threatened to eat Tyutyumon, getting closer to them, which made Tyutyumon see the Interface on Loogamon's forehead, and with it, recognize Loogamon, both by name and as the "Demon Wolf of the Castle of Nine Wolves". Tyutyumon then ran away as Loogamon ordered him to, as he didn't look tasty at all.
Damemon firing their Gun Vulcan at Loogamon
Video Games[edit]
Tyutyumon is available as a collectable card.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Tyutyumon is part of Damemon's sprite, riding on the Tyutyu Tray. It is not a playable character/enemy etc.
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]