Vital Bracelet BE

From Wikimon

Vitalbracelet be logo.png

Series Vital Bracelet BE
Colors Smoke/Clear/VV
Release Date Japan November 26th, 2022
English April 2023 (Premium Bandai)
Europe (UK) April 2023
Language Japanese (Vital Bracelet)
List of Virtual Pets
Vital Bracelet BE (バイタルブレス BE Baitaru Buresu BE) is a Wearable Terminal Type Digital Monster Virtual Pet. It is an upgrade of the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster.


Version Release Date
Clear Black November 26, 2022
Clear White November 26, 2022
Digital Monster 25th Anniversary Set
(Original Brown and Original Gray)
November 2022
Digivice-VV- November 26, 2022
Digital Monster Special Selection Set April 29, 2023


Main article: Vital Bracelet Series/Memory Cards#BEMemory and Vital Bracelet Series/Memory Cards#Dim Cards

Vital Bracelet BE models require BEMemory cards to load Digimon for gameplay. Each Dim Card comes with a maximum of 23 Digimon, arranged into a themed evolution tree.

The Vital Bracelet BE is also backwards-compatible with Dim Cards, the BEMemory's predecessors.

BEMemory Digimon
BEMemory Digital Monster
25th Anniversary Dim
BotamonDokimonKoromonBibimonAgumonBetamonPulsemonGreymonTyranomonMeramonDevimonSeadramonAirdramonNumemonBulkmonMetal Greymon (Virus)MamemonMonzaemonBoutmonBlitz GreymonBancho MamemonShin MonzaemonKazuchimon
BEMemory Gammamon Dim CurimonGurimonGammamonBokomonKoemonBetel GammamonKaus GammamonWezen GammamonGulus GammamonSealsdramonCanoweissmonFumamonGhilliedhumonBombermonZanmetsumonRegulusmonVamdemonSiriusmonCannondramonSpinomonProximamonKuzuhamonArcturusmon
BEMemory Imperialdramon Dim ChicomonLeafmonChibimonMinomonV-monWormmonXV-monStingmonPaildramonDinobeemonImperialdramon: Dragon ModeImperialdramon: Paladin ModeImperialdramon: Fighter Mode
BEMemory Angoramon Dim PyonmonBosamonAngoramonDracumonSymbare AngoramonSiesamonDogmonSangloupmonPublimonLamortmonCerberumonHippogriffomonDigitamamonMatadrmonMephismonPhelesmonOleamonBastemonDiarbbitmonMarsmonPlutomonGrand DracumonPiemon
BEMemory Jellymon Dim PuyomonPuyoyomonJellymonJellymonKodokugumon ChildTesla JellymonIkkakumonTobiumonKaratuki NumemonChamblemonKinkakumonThetismonZudomonWaru SeadramonMarin ChimairamonAnomalocarimon (X-Antibody)Black King NumemonMajiramonToropiamonAmphimonVikemonGiga SeadramonPlatinum NumemonCthyllamon
BEMemory Dragonic Blaze Dim PetitmonBabydmonAgumon (2006 Anime Version)DracomonHackmonGumdramonGeo GreymonCoredramon (Blue)Bao HackmonCoredramon (Green)ArresterdramonRize GreymonWingdramonSavior HackmonGroundramonArresterdramon: Superior ModeArresterdramon: Superior Mode (Brave Snatcher)Shine GreymonSlayerdramonJESmonBreakdramonExamonMagna KidmonShine Greymon: Burst Mode
BEMemory Rampage of the Beast Dim BotamonWanyamonGaomonCoronamonLunamonPhascomonGaogamonFiramonLekismonLeomonMad LeomonMach GaogamonFlaremonCrescemonGrappu LeomonAstamonMirage GaogamonApollomonDianamonHeavy LeomonGrace NovamonBelphemon: Rage ModeMirage Gaogamon: Burst Mode
BEMemory Digimon Seekers Loogamon Dim FusamonBowmonLoogamonHerissmonBEMmonLoogarmonFilmonTyranomonDamemonSnatchmonSoloogarmonStiffilmonMaster TyranomonAndromonHelloogarmonDestromonFenriloogamonRasenmonRust TyranomonHi AndromonRasenmon: Fury ModeFenriloogamon: TakemikazuchiRagnamon
BEMemory Holy Wings Dim NyokimonPyocomonPiyomonLuxmonFalcomon (2006 Anime Version)JazamonBirdramonPidmonPeckmonXiquemonThunderbirmonGarudamonArkhai AngemonYatagaramon (2006 Anime Version)HuankunmonJazarichmonHououmonDominimonRavmonXiangpengmonShakamonMetallicdramonRavmon: Burst Mode
BEMemory Forest Guardians Dim BubbmonMochimonTentomonLalamonFunbeemonMorphomonKabuterimonSunflowmonWaspmonKuwagamonHudiemonAtlur Kabuterimon (Red)LilamonCannonbeemonOkuwamonEosmon (Perfect)Herakle KabuterimonRosemonTiger VespamonGran KuwagamonTyrant KabuterimonBancho LilimonRosemon: Burst Mode
BEMemory Digimon Seekers Ryudamon Dim FufumonKyokyomonRyudamonCommandramonGinryumonHi-CommandramonDeltamonNumemonSealsdramonHisyaryumonCargodramonOrochimonMonzaemonEtemonTankdramonOuryumonBrigadramonNidhoggmonShin MonzaemonKing EtemonMetal EtemonAlphamon: OuryukenDarkdramon
BEMemory Digimon Seekers DORUmon Dim DodomonDorimonDORUmonAgumon (Black)DORUgamonDeath-X-DORUgamonDark TyranomonAirdramonRaptordramonDORUguremonDeath-X-DORUguremonMetal TyranomonMegadramonGigadramonGrademonDORUgoramonDeath-X-DORUgoramonChaosdramonMetal SeadramonMugendramonGundramonAlphamon: OuryukenAlphamon
BEMemory D-3 White and Yellow Dim TsubumonUpamonArmadimonPatamonV-monAnkylomonAngemonXV-monDigmonSubmarimonPegasmonFladramonLighdramonShakkoumonHoly AngemonPaildramonArchnemonVikemonSeraphimonImperialdramon: Dragon ModeMagnamonBelial VamdemonBlack War Greymon
BEMemory D-3 White and Red Dim PururumonPoromonHawkmonTailmonWormmonUkkomonAquilamonTailmonStingmonHolsmonNefertimonShurimonSilphymonAngewomonDinobeemonMummymonChimairamonValkyrimonHolydramonImperialdramon: Fighter ModeImperialdramon: Paladin ModeArmagemonBig Ukkomon
BEMemory Digimon Seekers Pulsemon Dim DokimonBibimonPulsemonKudamonShoutmon‎‎BulkmonReppamon‎Thunderballmon‎Blade KuwagamonShoutmon X4BoutmonTyilinmon‎GiromonKyukimonMetallife KuwagamonOmega ShoutmonKazuchimonMitamamon‎RaijinmonRaidenmonFenriloogamon: TakemikazuchiShoutmon DXShoutmon X7


The Vital Bracelet BE is a wearable virtual pet that looks like a smartwatch. It can feature multiple character from different brands such as Digimon, Kamen Rider, Ultraman and My Hero Academia. Wikimon focuses only on Digimon, as it is a Digimon wiki. The strap color is based on which model of the device you buy. The device is flatter than the original Vital Bracelet but still scratches easily, it also water resistant but not waterproof.

General Features, UI[edit]

  • The left side has a black rubber attached cover; this is where BEM Cards are inserted.
  • The right side contains 2 buttons and a Micro USB charging port in the middle. The top button allows the user to scroll through the device's features, and the bottom button is select. The Micro USB charging port has a dust cover attached to the device.

User Interface
1. Clock: It tells the time using 24-Hour time, list your steps (called miles) and shows your Digimon mood. Pressing Select shows more detail such as your Digimon's vitals and exercise progress for the last 3 days. To see previous days press select.
2. Status: Information about your Digimon's stats, what stage it's in, how much training time remains, its rank, ability, attribute, and how long you have raised it.
3. Character: Allows you to use a default avatar or store up to 3 Extra BEM / DIM / VBM on the device. The device itself does not need to reauthenticate these cards, but when using different ones on the app it is required.
4. Connect: This allows your device to interact with the Vital Bracelet Arena (VB Arena).
5. System: Allows you to change the time, brightness, volume, re-scan your heart rate, set your background and delete all your data.
6. Memory: A prompt to insert a BEM / DIM / VBM. This action can also be done from Clock.
7. Power: Allows you to power down the device.


The goal of the device is to raise a Digimon from Baby-I to Ultimate on an evolution tree. These Digimon do not require food or bathroom breaks, instead they require the players heart rate and specific exercise-based evolution requirements to be filled. A Digimon evolves when time passes, when Vital Values and Battles are collected, and when training requirements are met. The more a Digimon has evolved the more requirements they will need to full fill.

During 100hrs the user selects exercises to raise stats for your Digimon. Stats and battles unlock evolutions, and Non-BEM cards only obtain PP with any exercise, PP is treated like Trophies from the Original Vital Bracelet Series.

Training Options
- Squats (PP)
- Crunches (HP)
- Punches (AP)
- Dashes (BP)

Formally ADV Mission in the previous Vital Bracelets. The user Walk a specific number of steps to fight Digimon to earn vitals and unlock certain evolutions / Baby Digimon. BEM in character storage can support each other in battle if they are from the same BEM brand. Completing Stages 2, 3, 6, 9, 11 and 12 Unlock more Digimon evolutions, this only has to be done once.

These are the fights your virtual pet gets into, like the traditional V-Pet too many back-to-back losses can kill them. All single player battles on the device itself pull opponents from your own V-pets card. Battles can be in triggered multiple ways.

  • NFC contact: If the watch comes in contact with an NFC device that is outputting a signal a random battle based will happen.
  • Adventure: Completing battles in this mode counts as battles.
  • Vital Bracelet Arena App: These battles only decrease Vital Values. They have to be increased by sending your Digimon to the watch or with event only "Vital Drinks".

Vital Values
These are Values your Digimon earns from detecting your heart rate. The more you exercise the higher they go. They do have a limit though, to reduce them lose battles, take the watch off without your Digimon being asleep or play in the Vital Bracelet Arena.

The device can keep track of your steps. That being said it is not the most accurate counter, shaking it around counts as steps. Pairing it with a mobile app that counts steps is recommended.

Evolution Requirements[edit]

The previous Vital Bracelet Series had sizes and evolution overall standardized with similar requirements. The Vital Bracelet BE however is not standardized in terms of required tasks and size. Time required on the other hand is standardized. Also, To stop evolution hold the select button during the evolution screen.

Hardware Revisions[edit]

The Vital Bracelet BE comes in different designs with or without their own BEM cards, they are all functionally identical.

  • All BE devices do not use the DRM found on inside BEM / DIM / VBM Cards.
  • The BE also has official strap colors that can be bought on their own separately, depending on the product they could include a BEM.

Vital Bracelet BE

  • This device comes in black and white. No Dims are Included.

25th Digital Monster Anniversary Set

  • This is a variant of the BE with the brick red / blue gray original V-pet cover for straps and a 25th anniversary BEM.
  • Unlike normal straps, they are raised over the watch to mimic the original Digimon V-Pet.
  • The 25th anniversary BEM contains a traditional V-Pet background and V-Pet Art for its Digimon.

Digivice VV

  • This is a light Red variant of the BE, it is featured in the latter half of Digimon Ghost Game.
  • Depending on the bundle it comes with a Gammamon BEM or Gammamon and Imperialdramon BEM.

Vital Bracelet BE Special Selection Set

  • This is a black variant of the BE with a gold Botamon sprite for a logo, it contains Dragonic Blaze (ShineGreymon) and Rampage of the Beast (MirageGaogamon BM).

App Features & Compatibility[edit]

Vital Bracelet Lab

  • This device is not compatible with the Vital Bracelet Lab.

Vital Bracelet Arena

  • The VB Arena treats the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster / Digivice V, and the Vital Hero, and Digivice BE / VV as separate Devices.
  • Online Multiplayer is live but requires all parties to have the same category of device.
  • Storage is unlimited.
  • The BE's Bem Cards can have their stats raised to 999 while a Dim has its stats locked. This means BEM Digimon from the newer Vital Bracelet BE are far stronger than regular Dims.
  • VB Arena doesn't allow for data transfer between devices.
  • The following have been removed from the Vital Bracelet Lab; item shop, tamer level, group raids and special missions.
  • The Vital Bracelet BE cannot play with any other devices physically.
  • Digimon transfer is glitchy in VB Arena, if your Digimon clones itself, delete the clone without closing the app. Clones will corrupt your account, which would require a in app file wipe to fix.


Image Gallery[edit]

Vitalbraceletbe clearblack.jpg Vitalbraceletbe clearblack boxart.jpg Vitalbraceletbe clearwhite.jpg Vitalbraceletbe clearwhite boxart.jpg
Clear Black Clear Black (Boxart) Clear White Clear White (Boxart)
Vitalbraceletbe 25thanniversary.jpg Vitalbraceletbe digivicevv.jpg Vitalbraceletbe digivicevv boxart.jpg Vitalbraceletbe specialselection.jpg
Original Brown and Original Gray Digivice-VV- Digivice-VV- (Boxart) Digital Monster Special Selection
Vitalbraceletbe specialselection boxart.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory 25thanniversary dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory imperialdramon dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory gammamon dim.jpg
Digital Monster Special Selection (Boxart) BEMemory (Digital Monster 25th Anniversary Dim) BEMemory (Imperialdramon Dim) BEMemory (Gammamon Dim)
Vitalbracelet bememory angoramon dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory jellymon dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory dragonic blaze rampage of the beast.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory digimon seekers loogamon dim.jpg
BEMemory (Angoramon Dim) BEMemory (Jellymon Dim) BEMemory (Dragonic Blaze & Rampage of The Beast) BEMemory (Loogamon Dim)
Vitalbracelet bememory holy wings forest guardian.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory digimon seekers ryudamon dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory digimon seekers dorumon dim.jpg Vitalbracelet bememory d3 white yellow white red.jpg
BEMemory (Holy Wings & Forest Guardians) BEMemory (Ryudamon Dim) BEMemory (DORUmon Dim) BEMemory (D-3 White and Yellow Dim & D-3 White and Red Dim)
Vitalbracelet bememory digimon seekers pulsemon dim.jpg
BEMemory (Pulsemon Dim)



Digimon has the largest support on the BE with 15 BEMs made for it, below is a list of the quantity for the others.

  • Digimon (15)
  • Demon Slayer (2)
  • My Hero Academia (2)
  • Jujutsu Kaisen (1)
  • Run for the Money (1)
  • Tokyo Revengers (1).


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Virtual Pets
Digitalmonster logo.png

Digital Monster

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Pendulum Progress

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Pendulum X

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Twin L & R

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Xros Wars Mini

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Digital Monster Ver.20th

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Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th

Digitalmonsterx logo.png

Digital Monster X

Digitalmonsterx2 logo.png

Digital Monster X Ver.2

Digitalmonsterx3 logo.png

Digital Monster X Ver.3

Pendulumz logo.png

Digimon Pendulum Z

Pendulumzii logo.png

Digimon Pendulum Z II

Vitalbracelet digitalmonster logo2.png

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Vitalbracelet be logo.png

Vital Bracelet BE

Digitalmonstercolor logo.gif

Digital Monster COLOR

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Digimon Pendulum COLOR

Digivice logo.png


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Digimon Analyzer

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Digivice iC

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Digivice Burst

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Xros Loader

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Appli Drive

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Appli Drive DUO

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Seven Code Band

Digivice : logo.png


Vitalbraceletdigivicev logo.png


Vitalbraceletbedigivicevv logo.png


Digivice ver15 logo.png

Digivice Ver.15th

D-3 ver15 logo.png

D-3 Ver.15th

D-ark ver15 logo.png

D-Ark Ver.15th

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Digivice Ver.Complete

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Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-

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Pendulum Cycle

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Digimon Neo

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Fusion Loader