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message 1: by NBRC Book Ninja (last edited Aug 11, 2014 12:22PM) (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments

Anagram for Old West Action


Name Books p.a. Timezone
Logan 200 USA (CDT)
Marie 150 Europe
NayNay 356 USA (East Coast)
Stephanie 225 Australia
Karen 100 South America
Paige 100 USA
Jingles 300 USA (CDT)

Captain Logan and Co-captain Marie

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

message 4: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Mornin' people! I see I'm going to have some fun with time zones :D

message 5: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 16324 comments Mod
Yes - it is a bit of a mixed group! And lots of "heavy hitters" ;)

message 6: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Woooo! Hi team! Thank you to my co-captain Marie! I may need some help posting on a few weekends.

I'm going to reserve a couple posts in case we need them.

message 7: by Logan (last edited Aug 03, 2014 05:07AM) (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Team Wheel-a-thon shelf links:
Nay Nay


Total Points: 235

(view spoiler)

Total Points: 245

(view spoiler)

Total Points: 325

(view spoiler)

message 8: by Logan (last edited Aug 18, 2014 12:01AM) (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Team Wheel-a-thon shelf links:
Nay Nay

Total Points: 275

(view spoiler)

Total Points: 365

(view spoiler)

message 9: by Logan (last edited Aug 30, 2014 10:17PM) (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Team Wheel-a-thon shelf links:
Nay Nay

Total Points: 335

(view spoiler)

Total Points:

S - Dead Wrong (author Mariah Stewart) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/25/14
C - Up to Me (character Cash) - Marie - Finished 8/24/14
I - Into the Fire (title) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/24/14
E - Something More (character Emma) - Stephanie - Finished 8/27/14
N - Unsound (author Toby Neal) - jingles - Finished 8/25/14
C - Jake (character Jake Conway) - Stephanie - Finished 8/25/14
E - Vision in White (character Emma) - jingles - Finished 8/27/14

F - Simply Irresistible (character Ford) - Stephanie - Finished 8/29/14
I - I Capture the Castle (title) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/26/14
C - Her Cowboy Distraction (author Carla Cassidy) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/27/14
T - Her Montana Cowboy (character Ryan Travers) - jingles - Finished 8/26/14
I - Sunset (character Icarus) - Logan - Finished 8/26/14
O - To Tame a Sheikh (author Olivia Gates) - Logan - Finished 8/25/14
N - One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (character Marchioness Needham) - Logan - Finished 8/23/14

Genre points: Sunset - Logan - Finished 8/26/14 - shelved as Science Fiction 21 times

Additional letter points:
S - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (title) - jingles - Finished 8/25/14
C - The Cowboy's Claim (title) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/27/14
I - I Can See For Miles (title) - Stephanie - Finished 8/28/14
E - 1812 (title) - jingles - Finished 8/28/14
N - Dirty Kiss (character "Nuna")- Logan - Finished 8/28/14
C - The Dressmaker (character Cosmo) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/28/14
E - Death Comes to Pemberley (character Elizabeth) - jingles - Finished 8/28/14

F - Armed & Dangerous (character Fred) - Logan - Finished 8/27/14
I - City of Lost Souls (character Isabelle) - Marie - Finished 8/28/14
C - City of Heavenly Fire (title) - Marie - Finished 8/29/14
T - St. Nacho's (character Tomas) - Stephanie - Finished 8/29/14
I - I Survived Seattle (title) - Stephanie - Finished 8/30/14
O - Caroline and the Raider (series Orphan Train) - Stephanie - Finished 8/28/14
N - Stormbird (character Richard Neville) - Nay Nay - Finished 8/29/14

S -
C - The Truth About Riley (author Henrietta Clarke) - Stephanie - Finished 8/30/14
I -
E -
N - Noble Metals (title) - Logan - Finished 8/30/14
C -
E -

F -
I -
C -
T -
I -
O -
N -

message 10: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments That should be plenty.

I'm Logan in Chicago. I read a lot of different genres but right now a lot of M/M romance for a huge team challenge in that group. Other than that I like YA, historical mysteries, and fantasy the most.

I'm looking forward to playing with you all!

message 11: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Hello everyone!

I'm NayNay and even though it says I'm from the USA , I am actually in Canada. I am an avid reader, reading a book sometimes two books a day. I read just about anything...although my favorite genre is historical fiction. Right now I am on a Romance Suspense kick, I found a couple of good series.

I look forward to playing, happy reading!

message 12: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Oooh, I'd love Romantic Suspense recommendations, Nay Nay! What series did you find?

message 13: by NayNay (new)

NayNay This is what I found Logan:

SHE CAN SERIES by Melinda Leigh
She Can Run (She Can... #1) by Melinda Leigh She Can Tell (She Can... #2) by Melinda Leigh She Can Scream (She Can... #3) by Melinda Leigh She Can Hide (She Can... #4) by Melinda Leigh

Dying to Tell (Slaughter Creek #1) by Rita Herron Her Dying Breath (Slaughter Creek #2) by Rita Herron Worth Dying For (Slaughter Creek, #3) by Rita Herron

SENSELESS DUO by Mary Burton
Senseless (Senseless, #1) by Mary Burton Merciless (Senseless, #2) by Mary Burton

message 14: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 16324 comments Mod
Nay Nay wrote: "Hello everyone!

I'm NayNay and even though it says I'm from the USA , I am actually in Canada. I am an avid reader, reading a book sometimes two books a day. I read just about anything...although ..."

yes sorry about that - to keep things easy for myself I listed Canucks timezones as USA ;)

message 15: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Thanks Nay Nay!!

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Hi everyone, I'm Stephanie from Australia
my favourite genres are MM, Paranormal, Fantasy, Historical Romance, SF, and a bunch of others.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Do we have a secret group?

message 18: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments No secret group for this game. There isn't any special twist or strategy we have to plan for - just plugging books into the spell-it-out word.

Karen, correct me if I'm wrong!

message 19: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Hey guys! I'm Marie from Serbia.
My favorite genres are Fantasy and YA (though I've read a lot of Paranormal and New Adult of late), but I could be persuaded to read some History-type books..
Logan, I'll be glad to help, just be warned that I'll probably be internet-free the first week of August :D

message 20: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 16324 comments Mod
That's right Logan!

Although secret groups were necessary for some challenges, they do have the disadvantage of restricting chatter between groups, so we intentionally made this one more 'open'

message 21: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Aug 30, 2014 09:31AM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I'm gonna claim this spot for all my books that i'm gonna read.


Finished Trouble in Texas *Deep in the Heart of Texas series* by Katie Lane (Elizabeth Murphy, Brant Cates) (13/07/14)

Finished The Bound Prince *Lords of the Var series* by Michelle M. Pillow (Samantha Dorsey, Falke) (14/07/14)

Finished Lily and the Major *Orphan Train series* by Linda Lael Miller (Lily Chalmers, Caleb Halliday) (16/07/14)

Finished Quinn *Wyoming Sky series* by R.C. Ryan (Quinn Conway, Cheyenne O'Brien) (17/07/14)

Finished With or Without Him by Barbara Elsborg (Tyler Bellamy, Haris Evans) (18/07/14)

Finished Shy by John Inman (Tom Morgan, Frank Wells) (19/07/14)

Finished Crooked Tree Ranch *Montana Series* R.J. Scott (Nate Todd, Jay Sullivan) (19/07/14)


Finished Flirting with Texas *Deep in the Heart of Texas series* by Katie Lane (Jenna Jay Scroggs, Beauregard Cates, Twyla, Olive Washburn) (21/07/14)

Finished The Heart of Texas *Texas series* R.J. Scott (Riley Nathaniel Hayes, Jackson Campbell) (21/07/14)

Finished Frat Boy and Toppy *Theta Alpha Gamma series* Anne Tenino (Bradley Feller, Sebastian, Collin) (22/07/14)

Finished Screwing the System *Screwing the System series* by Josephine Myles (Cosmo Rawlins, Alasdair Grant, Nasher, Tori) (23/07/14)

Finished Mr. X by Clarissa Wild (Jay, X "Azazel", Natasha) (24/07/14)

Finished Loving Hector by John Inman (Dillard Brown, Hector Peña, Fred, Thorolf) (26/07/14)

Finished Faith & Fidelity *Faith, Love & Devotion series* by Tere Michaels (Evan Cerelli, Matt Haight) (27/07/14)


Finished Edge of Dawn *Midnight Breeds series* by Lara Adrian (Mira, Kellan Archer, Torin, Nathan, Darion, Sterling Chase) (29/07/14)

Finished Wanted! *Sons of Chance series* by Vicki Lewis Thompson (Nick Chance, Dominique Jeffries, Pam Mulholland) (29/07/14)

Finished I'll Be Your Drill, Soldier by Crystal Rose (Ryan Gracin, Phillip Grabowski, Patrick Smith) (30/07/14)

Finished Josh *Wyoming Sky series* by R.C. Ryan (Josh Conway, Sierra Moore, Phoebe Hogan, Dora) (31/07/14)

Finished Ink by Isabelle Rowan (Dominic, Michael Chapman, Scott, Tracey) (01/08/14)

Finished A Match Made in Texas *Deep in the Heart of Texas series* by Katie Lane (Brianne Cates, Dusty Hicks, Harley Sutter, Wilma Tate, Olive Washburn, Emma *Nugget* James Hicks) (02/08/14)

Finished Red Dirt Heart *Red Dirt series* by N.R. Walker (Charlie Sutton, Travis Craig, Greg Pietersen) (02/08/14)


Finished Emma And The Outlaw *Orphan Train series* by Linda Lael Miller (Emma Chalmers, Steven Fairfax, Tom Fillmore, Nathaniel) (04/08/14)

Finished Anything Goes: My Autobiography by John Barrowman (05/08/14) Doesn't count

FinishedIn Kelly's Corner *Fighting Connollys series* by Roxie Rivera (Bee Langston, Kelly Connolly, Nick Connolly, Finn Connolly, Spike Carson, Ty Weston) (06/08/14)

Finished Dimitri *Her Russian Protector series* by Roxie Rivera (Dimitri Stepanov, Benny Burkhart, Lena Cruz, Ivan Markovic, Erin, Nikolai Kalasnikov) (08/08/14)

Finished Yuri *Her Russian Protector series* by Roxie Rivera (Lena Cruz, Yuri Novakovsky, Dimitri Stepanov, Ivan Markovic, Erin, Ty Weston, Feodor) (09/08/14)


Finished Lone by Rowan McBride (Seth Anderson, Raphael Dirisio, Bardolf, Xuan Coleman, Elaina Coleman, Teresa) (11/08/14)

Finished Dark Skye *Immortals after Dark series* by Kresley Cole (Thronos Talos, Lanthe, Carrow Graie, Riora, Phenȉx the Ever-Knowing “Nix”, Skathi Goddess of the Hunt) (12/08/14)

Finished The Rogue Prince *Lords of the Var series* by Michelle M. Pillow (Reid, Jasmine St. Claire, Dr. Chadwick St. Clare, Evan Cormier, Ulyssa) (13/08/14)

Finished The Pirate Prince *Lords of the Var series* by Michelle M. Pillow (Jarek, Zhang Mei, Evan Cormier, Lochlann, Ulyssa, Reid, Sam, Tori) (14/08/14)

Finished Alien Embrace *Clans of Kalquor series* by Tracy St. John (Amelia Ryan, Rajhir, Flencik, Breft) (15/08/14)

Finished Alien Rule *Clans of Kalquor series* by Tracy St. John (Jessica McInness, Clajak, Bevau, Egilka, Raxstad, Narpok) (16/08/14)


Finished Protecting What's His *Line of Duty series* Tessa Bailey (Ginger Peet, Derek Tyler, Evan Carmichael) (18/08/14)

Finished His Risk to Take *Line of Duty series* Tessa Bailey (Troy Bennett, Ruby Elliot) (19/08/14)

Finished Loving Jay by Renae Kaye (Liam Turner, James “Jay” Bell, Carol) (19/08/14)

Finished Lover Undercover *McCade Brothers series* by Samanthe Beck (Kylie Roberts, Trevor McCade, Ian Ford) (20/08/14)

Finished Mannies Incorporated *Mannies Incorporated series* by Sean Michael (Slayde, Drake, Christian, Travis) (23/08/14)

Finished Uncollared by Nona Raines (Mia “Bella Mia” Manetti, Francesco “Master Chess” Ryan, Serena) (24/08/14)


Finished Jake by R.C. Ryan (Jake Conway, Meg Stanford, Everett Fletcher, Noah Kettering, Blain Turner) (25/08/14)

Finished Something More *Something More series* by Amanda Young (Will O’Malley, Emma Taylor, Paul Argonaut) (27/08/14)

Finished Caroline and the Raider *Orphan Train series* by Linda Lael Miller (Caroline Chalmers, Guthrie Hayes, Ethel, Hypatia Furvis, John Teemo, Marshal John Stone) (28/08/14)

Finished I Can See For Miles by Lisa Worrall (Josh Donald, Charlie Cooper, Mario Tavella, Sharon Cooper) (28/08/14)

Finished Simply Irresistible *Lucky Harbor series* by Jill Shalvis (Maddie Moore, Jax Cullen, Tara, Ford) (29/08/14)

Finished St. Nacho's *St.Nacho’s series* by Z.A. Maxfield (Cooper Wyatt, Shawn Fielding, Oscar, Tomas) (29/08/14)

Finished I Survived Seattle *Coming About series* by J.K. Hogan (Justice Crawford, Nic Valentine, Samara Alvárez) (30/08/14)

Finished The Truth About Riley by Henrietta Clarke (Riley Aylworth, Cameron Kirkwood, Isaac Townsend) (30/08/14)

message 22: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 980 comments I love Clint Eastwood, but not in Spandex. Ahem, Logan! My ringtone is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly :) My favorite Movie line off all time...

clint eastwood photo: Clint Eastwood clint-nod_zps0362897e.gif

Dyin aint much of a livin, boy. (The Outlaw Josey Wales).

Anyways, hi everyone! I'm on The Hurricanes team and I was just here to crash your party :) Off to the next team, mwuhahaha!

message 23: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Hee Hee Hee! Hi Nichole!!

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I just finished a book but i'm not sure if it counts or not, does anyone know?

message 25: by NBRC Book Ninja (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments week one
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments I'm gonna start reading Trouble in Texas tomorrow which works for the 'T'

message 27: by NayNay (new)

NayNay I starting Medical Error (Prescription for Trouble, #2) by Richard L. Mabry by Richard L. Mabry. That will work with R

message 28: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Styxx Anaxkolasiღ♥ღ wrote: "Do we have a secret group?"

Secret group my foot. I will stalk y'all anywhere you go!

message 29: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments I'm out running around this morning, but I'll be back later to post a book selection.

Would a team spreadsheet be helpful? I don't mind doing one, but it may be just as easy to post our planned and read books here like Stephanie did. Let me know if you have a preference!

message 30: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments We could do both, I guess..:D
The challenge is starting tomorrow, right?
I'll be reading "The Horse and His Boy" by C.S.Lewis tomorrow. Though I'm not sure for the rest of the week-I'm not very good at planning what'll come next when it comes to reading. It's too much like school.
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #3) by C.S. Lewis

message 31: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Yes, anything we finish tomorrow counts regardless when you started it.

I have books I could use for H, S, and O this week. Anybody have good I or Y options?

message 32: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Well, I was planing to read "The Monstrumologist" by Rick Yancey for some time now, I guess I could do it this week..

message 33: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Okay ladies this is my first time playing....I finished my book do I need to write a review? Do I need to rate it? And if you want me to take another letter just let me know.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments you don't have to write a review for it to count, it just has to be in put in your wheel a thon shelf.

message 35: by NayNay (new)

NayNay ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Styxx Anaxkolasiღ♥ღ wrote: "you don't have to write a review for it to count, it just has to be in put in your wheel a thon shelf."


message 36: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments I just sent a PM to Karen, our last teammate. Hopefully she'll check in soon.

message 37: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments I can read Beyond the Highland Mist for the H (Highlander series name), and it has been shelved 10 times as history so we can get the genre points.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments when i finish the book that i'm reading now, i will be reading The Bound Prince which can work for the 'S' with a character named Samantha.

message 39: by Ana (new)

Ana (ckairas) | 4 comments Hello everyone ! I'm sorry for being late , I just finished today with my exams . The books have to be from the same genre as the one of the week ? I was thinking about reading "Shiver" by Maggie Steifvater, but it has nothing to do with history , obviously . Anyways , if there are any letter missing , I'll look for a book with that letter . Any suggestions?

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments It doesn't have to be a book from the same genre we are assigned, we only get extra points for 1 person reading the assigned genre and i think Logan is gonna do that. so you can read anything that matches a letter that we need.

message 41: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (daughterofoak) | 3473 comments Hey Logan! :D
I'm just dropping by to say hello and give you this:

Hi everyone!

message 42: by Ana (new)

Ana (ckairas) | 4 comments Then , I'll read "the picture of dorian gray " by oscar wilde . That count as an "o" ,right ?

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments yep that counts, you can use the title, series title, author's first and last name and main characters first and last name.

message 44: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Hey Logan, I don't want to butt in, but maybe everyone can post their read books the same way so we can sort them out at the end of the week.
For example:
Book and author name: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis
Date read: 12/7/14
Works for: S, T(character Mr. Tumnus), O(the Chronicles of Narnia)
Genre points: no
Just a suggestion..:D
p.s. this book doesn't count, 'cuz I read it yesterday.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Marie,(the Chronicles of Narnia) wouldn't work for 'O' it would have to go for the first letter of the first word so that would only count for 'C'

message 46: by Marie (new)

Marie | 287 comments Oh, I didn't see that, I thought it was like a standard Spell-it-out challenge - the first letter of any word. My bad :)

message 47: by ❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ (last edited Jul 13, 2014 11:00AM) (new)

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments No problem, i'm nearly finished a book so i will use your example so that it's easy to see what it can be used for.

❤Stephanie ღ♥ღMrs Daryl Dixonღ♥ღ | 2613 comments Book and author name: Trouble in Texas by Katie Lane
Date read: 13/7/14
Works for: T - Title
Genre points: No

message 49: by NayNay (new)

NayNay Medical Error (Prescription for Trouble, #2) by Richard L. Mabry

Book & Author: Medical Error by Richard L. Mabry
Date Read: 07/12/14
Works For: R - authors name
Genre Points: No

message 50: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Thanks Marie! Yes, the uniform format will be a big help.

Since there's only 5 of us, we'll have to double up on the longer words like this week in order to get the points for finishing the word. If we're feeling really ambitious we can always try for spelling it twice to get more points.

There's also no requirement that each person has to read a book, so if you're going out of town or have a conflict, just give us a heads-up.

On that note - I'll be out of town next weekend. I should be able to get our points posted by the cutoff (Saturday night for us US folks), but I'll let you know if it looks like it may be an issue.

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