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In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Possessed by a deadly beast, Rhage is the most dangerous of the Black Dagger Brotherhood...

Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetite. He's the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses, and the most voracious lover-for inside him burns a ferocious curse cast by the Scribe Virgin.

Possessed by this dark side, Rhage fears the times when his inner dragon is unleashed, making him a danger to everyone around him. When Mary Luce is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world, she must rely on Rhage's protection. Knowing that Mary feels the same intense animal attraction, Rhage must make her his alone...

441 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published March 7, 2006

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About the author

J.R. Ward

222 books51k followers
J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

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Profile Image for Beth F.
431 reviews375 followers
December 4, 2013
Crack. Crack laced with rat poison. That’s what this series represents.

I’ve now read the first two books in this series and feel that both have been pleasantly distracting, entertaining and I intend to finish the series post haste. However, I’m definitely camping out with everyone who’s ever read these and gone, “huh?!? How could I possibly be enjoying this?”

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a group of warrior vampires who are fighting to protect weaker civilian vampires from evil, soulless, albino vampire slayers who smell like baby powder. If that’s not compelling enough to get someone to pick this series up, I don’t know what is. (HA!!!!) Each book focuses on the romance of one brother and the female of his destiny.

In this particular book, the brother in question is Rhage. Rhage is an oversexed vampire with a dragon curse (oooh, dragons outside of a medieval mystery or epic fantasy!) Whenever he loses his temper, he turns into a dragon and kills everything in sight. Sex helps him control the dragon. Sex and fighting. Duly noted and kind of hot, so I was intrigued.

Rhage’s lady friend is a human woman named Mary who volunteers for a suicide hotline and also happens to be dying of leukemia. Obviously she’s being set up for some kind of immortality deal. Sort of boring when you’re dealing with a vampire story, in my opinion, however, I should note that in Ward’s world, vampire bites do not turn humans into vampires. Vampires are born, not made. So I was also intrigued how Mary’s inevitable death due to cancer could be worked into immortality if the restrictions of the world prevent her from becoming a vampire herself.

***spoilers past this point***

In addition to containing spoilers, this is the part of the review where I will complain about the things I did not like about this book and then try to pinpoint the exact reason this series has me panting for more (that shipment from booksfree.com can’t get to my mailbox fast enough)!

For starters, let’s start with the overarching complaints that have impacted the first two books in the series and will likely extend to the rest (based on the series research I’ve conducted thus far):

--The heroes names are insane. And not in the good way. Wrath? Rhage? Phury? Zsadist? And in this particular installment, an adolescent vampire who dreams of the name Tehrror is introduced to the mix as well. Give me a flipping break!

--“Shitkickers” annoy the bejeebus out of me. Apparently to be a fully-fledged member of the brotherhood, one cannot wear boots, one must wear “shitkickers.”

--The tough guy dialect shared by the brothers makes me cringe and I feel embarrassed for them whenever they talk to each other. Actually, come to think of it, the affected vernacular (it has to be affected because literally NO ONE ELSE in their world talks that way except the brothers) reminds me of people I’ve met in real life who are emotionally weak and/or were picked on *horribly* as children and have adopted a tough image to overcompensate. Maybe that’s not too unheard of given the fact that pre-warrior vampires are born as weak, pencil-necked geeks. But even if that’s the case, the way they talk to each other annoys me.

--The rap music. Um, no. Just no. The references were over-the-top and ridiculous. And they made me laugh, which I don’t think was the point.

The reason I did not particularly like this book was because I felt it fell apart in the middle. It started strong. It was intriguing. And then something happened that turned me off so badly that I realized I’d reached the point of no return with this couple and regardless of how they worked the problem out amongst themselves, I was done with them.

Despite the fact that sex supposedly calmed Rhage’s dragon beast, being with Mary had the opposite effect. As he kisses her and tries to be intimate with her, he can feel the beast coming closer and closer to the surface and is reluctant to have sex with her for that reason. She doesn’t know about his curse so he’s scared of frightening her or hurting her and tries to prevent this from happening by backing away from her when it becomes too much to handle. At one point, he decides to go to a bar to meet a strange woman and have anonymous sex with her, which will then allow him to “be” with Mary without losing control. Mary doesn’t know his reasons, but she knows he leaves her in his room to go out and have sex with a stranger.

I think most romance readers would be annoyed by his decision to do something like this. However, knowing there was a fairly legitimate reason for doing this bought him a small bit of leeway from me. I didn’t like it, but it wasn’t completely out of character. However, immediately after he returns from the bar where he admittedly has just had sex with some strange woman, she jumps his bones and they have sex for the first time.


That pissed me off BIG time. OK ladies, if your man leaves you alone in his bedroom and you know he’s just gone out to have meaningless sex with an anonymous stranger, the first thing you do NOT do is share your holy of holies with him the second he returns, mmkay?

After that happened, I didn’t really care less about what happened to either of them. I had a hard time taking either of them seriously after that point and the fact that the last portion of the book spent more energy in setting up the next installment in the series rather than in resolving the plots within its own pages also irked me to no end. The book just sort of ended. It wasn’t even on a cliffhanger.

Mary’s civilian vampire friend, Bella, was abducted by the evil slayers. Bella is being slated to be the destined female for Zsadist in the third installment of the series and it peeves me to no end that she was abducted in the second book and not even mentioned in the last chapter. The last chapter of Lover Eternal was a happy, sappy ending between Rhage and Mary and had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that her friend had been abducted a few chapters earlier and never rescued. Lame.
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
491 reviews6,535 followers
April 19, 2015

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"I don't want to stop, Mary." His thumbs caressed the skin of her throat and they pressed into her jaw and angled her head back.
"I want to get you hot. Hot enough so you don't feel anything but me. So you don't think of anything but what I'm doing to you.
I want you liquid.

I loved this book! Rhage is definitely one of the guys at the top of the BDB fav list <3 Uber-hot, and such an amazing hero! A total must-read!

The story

After meeting a boy who looks to be a pretransitioned vampire, Bella decides to take him to the Brotherhood, along with her neighbor Mary, who knows the kid and can translate for him. The kid, John Matthew, is mute, and doesn't know anything about himself or his parents, and is practically living on the streets. Mary wants to help him, so she agrees to go with him to the "training facility", not knowing it is in fact the Brotherhood's safe house.
The brothers recognize him as one of their own, with a warrior name of Tehrror.
On the first visit with John, Mary meets Rhage, the most beautiful man she's ever seen, who, for some reason, is drawn to her like crazy.
Even though Rhage knows he can't make any commitment to a woman like Mary, he needs to have her, whatever it takes.
After a few dates, kisses and memory wipes, Rhage is torn between his emotions and his loyalty to the Brotherhood. He needs to protect Mary, and wants to be with her, even though that is against the rules.
Luckily, Rhage was never one to follow them ;)

"I’m a vampire. I’m a warrior. I’m a dangerous beast.
At the end of this evening, you aren’t going to remember you ever met me.
And the idea of not even being a memory of yours makes me feel like I’ve been stabbed in the chest."

The story - I loved the Rhage/Mary romance. Loved! It was very emotional and beautiful, most of all, very HOT indeed :D
There are several new storylines included, the one about John Matthew, a new character, and we are introduced to Bella, the heroine from the third book :)

The writing - we get multiple POVs, from the MCs and now the new characters, John and Bella, as well as Butch and maybe a few others, don't remember all of them :) Anyway, for me that's just a bonus, never liked just the one-person-POV, so...

The hotness - OMG this book is uber-hot! Rhage is really REALLY direct and says what's on his mind, usually everything sexy ahahhahahhaha but yeah, schorching-hot!

The cliffhanger - it has nothing to do with Rhage and Mary, but still, my advice is to have the third book already open on the first page 'cause you won't be able to stop yourself from reading it ASAP!

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“I will not fall in love with you,” she said. “I can’t let myself. I won’t.”
“That’s all right. I’ll love you enough for the both of us.”

Mary has been ill for some time, and now her leukemia is back. She's afraid of the treatments and knows what's waiting for her.
Having low self esteem because of her physical condition, she can't think of any possible reason why would Rhage be interested in her. She constantly pushes him back and thinks he's making fun of her, or that he just wants to be friends.

Even though she made me want to kick her at some points in the book, I really liked Mary :)
She is a strong character, despite her illness, she's used to taking care of herself, and doesn't lean on anyone for support.
She really likes Rhage, but doesn't think he wants to be with her, and I have to say I just love that scene when she found out that he's a vampire :D
Anyway, she's not one for crying and moping, and I liked that too :D
I think my fav scene with her is when she pets the beast on the head :DDD

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"What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can’t breathe."

Rhage was cursed by the Scribe Virgin to transform into a huge terrible beast whenever he goes out of control.
To prevent the beast from getting out, he uses fighting and sex to release his frustrations.
Even though everyone envies him for being such a hit with the women, Rhage just feels hollow because of it, there is no real enjoyment in it for him, just means to an end.
That is, until he meets Mary :)
He's shocked by the attraction he feels because he hasn't felt it before for anyone, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to be with her, even though it seems that she's not very interested in him XD

Rhage is one of my favorite Brothers <3 I adore him!
I couldn't help but sympathize with him, and feel sorry when he went on the sex prowl :((( He is sick and tired of that life, but must keep doing it to prevent the best from coming out, and possibly hurting the people he cared about, the Brotherhood.
He meets Mary and can't stay away from her, and the more time they spend together, the more he realises she is meant for him, and he wants to bond with her.
The only problem is Mary shutting him down, and not trusting him.
But the end! Oh the end made me love him, what he did was just... Beautiful! I cried at that part, it was so emotional <3
He deserved his happy end, and the way it was made, just how it was meant to be :)))

My favorite quotes from other characters:

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“Last night, I…ah…I drove out to Marissa’s brother’s house. I don’t even know how the Escalade got there. I mean, the last thing I need is to run into her, you feel me?”
“Let me guess. You waited around in hopes of catching a—”
“In the bushes, Rhage. I sat in the bushes. Under her bedroom window.”
“Wow. That’s…”
“Yeah. In my old life I could have arrested me for stalking.”

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“My twin’s not broken. He’s ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken, maybe you can fix things. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury him.”

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“Don’t touch me. I can’t…I can’t stand to be touched, okay? It hurts.”
Bella stopped.
“Why?” she said softly. “Why does it—”
“Just get the fuck out of here, please.” He could barely get the words out. “I’m about to destroy something. And I don’t want it to be you.”
“You won’t hurt me.”
He closed his eyes.

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“Did it hurt you to do this to him?” she demanded softly, knowing Vishous hadn’t left. “Tell me it hurt you.”
She heard a whispering of cloth. When she glanced over her shoulder, Vishous had taken off his shirt. On his muscular chest there was a fresh wound, a slice, as if a blade had cut into his skin.
“It killed each one of us.”


V’s diamond eyes, usually so calm, were narrow and pissed off. “When I say I’m never wrong, I’m not on an ego trip. Seeing the future is a goddamned curse, my brother. You think I like knowing how everyone’s going to die?”

Rhage is like, totally hot, you feel me?

Profile Image for Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession.
1,224 reviews3,621 followers
March 22, 2023
5 Bonding with the Beast Stars

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First read 2014
Reread March 25, 2017
reread 2023

"Rhage." "What?" "I'll tell you this. Your destiny's coming for you. And she's coming soon." Rhage laughed. "Oh, yeah? What's the female like? I prefer them - " "She's a virgin."-V and Rhage

Lover Eternal the 2nd book in the BDB series is Rhage and Mary's book and a total 5 star hit for me! It was just as awesome as book one maybe a bit more awesome because there was so much Z in it and I am head over heels for Z! I don't know what it is about this series but each book just grabs me by the feels. Rhage and Mary's love was an angst filled journey to HEA. But it was so good all I could do was hold on for the roller coaster of love.

"You're crowding me." "I know. Talk." "Oh, for God's sake, what do you want me to say?" Even exasperated, her voice was beautiful. "Anything." "Fine. Get your hand off my throat and let me go or I'm going to knee you where it counts."-Mary and Rhage

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“She smiled a little. "You are a manipulator. " "I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer.” -Mary and Rhage

Rhage was the playboy of the Brotherhood. He's called Hollywood because of his good looks and his man whore ways. Everyone thought he was cool and sexy, but under it all he was numb. He hated the meaningless sex and wanted a female of worth. The problem was he was cursed with a beast inside that if he didn't have sex of fight to tame it, the beast would come out and kills everything in site. I do believe this was the only book in history where the hero cheats on the heroine and I still loved the shit out of him and forgave him within minutes. Of course he only did it once, there are no details of it to be read, and he did it because he started to lose control twice of his beast. Not that I didn't wish he would have found another way, but I still understood. Rhage was so lovable even with his flaws. He was honest to a fault, Sexy, caring, and loyal(yes I know I am saying that about a man that cheated but he really was!). Mary knew she was dying. Her leukemia was back and now there was this amazing, super sexy guy that wanted to be with her. So of course she pushed him away a few times and lashed out. She was scared and hurting and you could feel her fear and pain coming in waves off the pages. I love that Mary was sweet but she could act rude and stupid too. She seemed down to earth and more real because of it. Mary in her own way was a warrior and a fighter. I loved how big her heart was. I also love how accepting she was of Rhage( the fact that he was a vampire and had a beast).

"I'm not a man, Mary, even though parts of me look like one. What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can't breathe." -Rhage

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"What did you just say?" She hadn't meant for it to happen, she thought. The falling or the
telling. But she would take neither of them back. "I'm not sure," she murmured, taking in the brute strength of his shoulders and arms. "But I think it was something along the lines of 'I love you.' Yeah, that was it. I, ah, I love you." Now, that was lame. She could do a hell of a lot better. Mary grabbed his face, planted a good hard one on his mouth, and looked him straight in the eye. "I love you, Rhage. I love you something fierce."-Rhage and Mary

Mary and Rhage were so sweet together. Both loving and supportive. I was really rooting for their love. Rhage was sexy as hell and being the legendary lover of the vampire world, he was rocking it in the bedroom. I loved the parts with Mary and the Beast. It was funny and cute how he was like a loving puppy with her after having just ripped a bunch of bodies apart. These two had to go through so much to get their hea it was really heartbreaking at times. Is it just me or does anyone else not really like the The Scribe Virgin? I mean at times she seems so mean and cold. Then she will do something nice and I will soften to her a little only to have her turn around and be cold again. I loved all the bits of Z and Bella in this book. Z is just so damn damaged I want to kiss it all and make it better for him. And I love Bella because she sees what a amazing male Z is when most just look at him and see broken. Their book is next and I can't freakin wait. Z is one of my top 5 book boyfriends of all times.

"You need to stay away from him." When she didn't respond, the warrior pulled her into a corner and gripped her shoulders. "My twin's not broken. He's ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken, maybe you can fix things. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury him." Her mouth opened slightly. "That's so... callous." "That's reality. If he dies before I do, it will kill me. But that doesn't change what he is." She pointedly separated herself from the male. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks." "Bella - "-Phury and Bella

"I want to look at you. I like to look at you." His eyes narrowed. "No, you don't." "Yes. I do." "No one likes to look at me. Not even I do." "You're not ugly, Zsadist." He laughed, deliberately running a fingertip down his scar. "Now, there's a ringing endorsement. As well as a blatant fucking lie." "I find you mesmerizing. I can't get you out of my mind. I want to be with you." Zsadist frowned, falling still. "Be with me exactly how?" "You know. Be with you." She blushed a brilliant red, but figured she had nothing to lose. "I want to... lay with you."-Bella and Z
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,216 followers
April 16, 2017
RHAGE...aka  photo c0049931589787b2818b1398d7d706a8_zps9ef647cd.jpg
beautiful and gorgeous Brother........
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and probably the most "underrated" of the Brotherhood.

Here's this amazing guy who can get any women he wants but what he's looking for...someone to love and care for just seems to be just a dream. Afraid to love because of what's inside him...
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And at last meeting Mary, the woman who loves him for who he is, for what's underneath that beauty..she's sees a soul that's worth loving.....my heart really bled for the pain she's had in her life and my heart soared when she found a life with Rhage

Some favorite quotes:

I'm not okay," she said hoarsely between breaths. "Rhage...I'm not okay.”

“I will not fall in love with you," she said. "I can't let myself. I won't."
"That's all right. I'll love you enough for the both of us.”
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YES, SHE DOES!!!!!!!!

First reviewed in 2011

LOVER ETERNAL is the 2nd book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series that I am becoming more and more addicted to as I continue reading it.

This is another reread.....i can't get away from this series....I keep reading each book over and over again.....I wish I could read LOVER REBORN ...like right now!!!!!
Anyway, after reading this book again.....I love it just as much if not more than before. Rhage...what a gorgeous man..........I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM.....
so...am I going to read it again????? You bet!!!!!!!!

A story of finding true love, making sacrifices, fighting evil, loyalty, steamy and erotic sex and devotion.

Rhage is a strong, absolutely gorgeous (reason why he’s often referred to as Hollywood!!)has been cursed by the Virgin Scribe (she is the mother of all vampires) with a dragon that can only be controlled by having sex with different women and he is tired of meaningless sex and longs to find a woman he can love and be with. He meets Mary Luce, a very average looking woman who touches his heart with her voice. She is battling with leukemia and is in the final stage of the disease and knows that she will not have much time to live.

Their relationship is so sweet and tender. The sacrifice Rhage makes to keep Mary alive is totally amazing. There is so much passion in their story and you knew that they were meant for each other. I loved these two characters. T

We learn more about the Lessing Society….Mr X, Mr O…love the names

The story also introduces us to new characters….Bella, a vampire and a friend of Mary’s, John Mathews, the young and lonely boy Mary “adopts” and introduces to the Brotherhood and more about Wrath and Beth’s life.

Getting to the last page, you feel part of this fantastic and fabulous family.

We get hints and clues for what is coming in the next books….the story of Butch and Marissa, Zsadist and Bella and the end of this book is really great….leaves you wanting to get started on the next installment…….
June 12, 2022
Warning: this one should take a while. So go do whatever it is you have to do, grab a snack (a bottle of vodka should do) and take a deep breath. Here we go.

Be glad and rejoice, dear friends and enemies, for my PNR allergy has come back full force. Well no, that's not exactly right. It's my romance allergy that's alive and kicking. And I have J.R. Ward to thank for it, yay! Because, seriously, this book? It's so packed with romantic crap that it would break even the most hardened of serial killers.

When I started reading this luuurrrrrve masterpiece, I was prepared to love it. Hey you there, no fainting, ok? You did enough of that after Dark Lover happened. Time to man/woman/whatever up! You are strong! You can do this! Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. I was prepared to love this book. Belief suspended to the power of 100 and all that. Only that there is only so much I can take. I am a cold-hearted cynic after all, and attacking me with an army of fluffy bunnies and pastel-colored rainbows is guaranteed to unleash the homicidal maniac in me.

In my Dark Lover review I pointed out all the things that should have made me want to throw the book across the room in complete exasperation and utter desperation, but didn't. For this book I shall therefore list all the things that should have made me want to throw the book across the room in complete exasperation and utter desperation, but didn't. Because I was reading on my Kindle and didn't want to break it in a fit of sugar shock-induced violence.

Welcome to the greatest pity party on earth!
Please meet I'm-Not-Worthy-Mary and Woe-Is-Me-Rhage: she is annoying as hell, has no self-respect (more on that later) and whines 24/7. He revels in self-pity and has as much charisma as a cardboard box, which is quite ironic for a guy nicknamed Hollywood ← and the award for the silliest names & nicknames ever goes to…J.R. Ward! Congratulations, the winner is you! Such a delightful couple, these two. They really are a match made in heaven.

Holy Bloody Mary Mother of God.
Mary, Mary, Mary. What should we do with you? You must be one of the most exasperating female characters I've ever come across. You know J.R. Ward, the whole "I'm so ugly and boring and uninteresting and a burden and Rhage-only-wants-to-be-friends-with-me-ha-figures and why-would-Rhage-want-to-be-with-someone-like-me-when-he-can-have-the-hottest-chicks-in-the-universe" act gets old really fast. And when I say really fast, I mean REALLY FAST.

✉ Private message to Mary: stop thinking, start humping. Or grinding. Or whatever. You get the idea.

Not only does Mary have no self-esteem whatsoever, she also has absolutely no self-respect! Isn't she a dream come true?! Get this: her mate/boyfriend/whatever (you know, the guy she's not good enough for) refuses to have sex with her (I could tell you why but [spoilers]). He goes off to have sex with some unknown chick in a bar (he's classy like that) ← yes, people who have read this book, I know he supposedly HAS to do this but that's not the point here, so lay off me. Thank you.Listen people, if you keep distracting me like this, we won't go anywhere. So, where were we? Oh yes. Rhage, bar, classy sex. So dear Rhage gets home after getting it on with that unknown chick (did I mention the chick was hot? J.R. Ward doesn't describe her but I'm pretty sure she was hot as hell. I mean, Rhage is a hot chick magnet so she's gotta be hot, right? Right.)

Okay, okay, I'm getting there! So Rhage gets home. Mary is suitably pissed off/heartbroken and her self-esteem is shattered once again (sob sob). So far so good. What does she do next? Why she jumps his bones, of course! Because what self-respecting woman wouldn't have sex with her boyfriend/mate/whatever who just had classy sex with some unknown hot chick in a bar? Yep, self-respect is seriously overrated these days. But that's not all. Oh no. It gets much better. Because what does dear Holy Mary do next? She apologizes to You're-Too-Good-For-Me-Rhage for "using" and "violating" him. Way to go, girl. I think you'll be my role model from now on.

My ridiculous name is Rhage and my stupid nickname is Hollywood.
I am at a loss for words here, J.R. Ward. So here you have this super cool character idea and the only thing you manage to do with it is turn the guy into a teary-eyed, love-sick puppy bore? You have got to be kidding me. He should have been tough as iron nails (yes, there is such a thing). He should have been excruciatingly aggravating. He should have been a total asshole. But no, the guy is freaking nice. Yes, NICE. Seriously, J.R. Ward? Need I remind you that your character is supposed to be a freaking [BEEP] ?! *shakes head in desperation* Anyway, long story short: Rhage is a pathetic crybaby, so I shall (very graciously, I might add) leave him for you ladies to fight over. The guy's infected with the deadly Sick Lurrrrve Disease (SLD), there's no way I'm letting him into my harem. Do you seriously think I'd let him contaminate my delicious gang of truly aggravating assholes?

The greatest cheese fest on earth
You don't know what cheese is until you've read this book. J.R. Ward has bravely gone where no author had ever gone before. Let me tell you, The Duke and I is nothing compared to this. And when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING. Bloody hell. It's a miracle I'm still alive. Well, I must say I do have a weird rash all over my body right now, but I guess that's a side-effect of level 10 sugar shock poisoning (the deadliest kind).

And how does this delightful utter cheesiness and total mushiness fiesta end? Why in a glorious blast of MEA (Miraculously Ever After), of course! Because J.R. Ward doesn't do HEAs, oh no. HEAs are totally out these days. And terribly depressing, too. So when happiness no longer cuts it, what does J.R. Ward do? She throws in a freaking miracle! YES!!!! My life is now complete!!! I shall be miraculously ecstatic ever after!! Hallelujah, all my prayers have finally been answered!!

Boredom, Inc
No I am not talking about my review here. You're hilarious, you know that?
In Dark Lover, there was a plot. In Dark Lover, there was a story. In Dark Lover, there was world building. In Lover Eternal, there is a BIG FAT NOTHING. It's all Mary & Rhage, blah blah blah, whine whine whine. The John subplot is YAWN, the Mr O & Mr X subplot is please-someone-slap-me-I'm-falling-asleep. The little action there is is yeah-yeah-yeah-fascinating-please-get-own-with-it-thank-you-very-much. Damn, the whole thing is so desperately dull and lacklustre even the sex scenes are boring as hell. Yep, you read that right, boring sex scenes. Now that's quite an achievement right there.

J.R. Ward. Sigh. To think I almost loved you when I finished reading Dark Lover. I mean, you were the person that finally managed to make me love like a Freaking PNR Novel. You, however, nipped this young PNR love in the bud, so I can't say I like you very much right now. Yes, I still plan to read Z's book. Because, you know, Z . But he better keep his ass in check. And you definitely better not pull a Barbara Cartland on me, J.R. Ward. Because sadistic bastards and pink fluffy bunnies don't mix well. Not in my world, anyway.

Book 1: Dark Lover ★★★★★
Book 3: Lover Awakened ★★
Profile Image for Christy.
4,347 reviews35.5k followers
April 20, 2015
Rhage’s story was nothing like I expected it to be... It was so much better!

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Rhage is also known as ‘Hollywood’ to the other warriors of the BDB. He is the best looking of the bunch, and is with a different girl (or girls) every night. He is also the first one ready for a fight. But he has his reasons... He was cursed to live with ‘the beast’ for 200 years, and he has 91 years left to go. What people don’t know about Rhage is he doesn’t love using all the women, fighting all the time. It’s just what he has to do.
Fighting and sex were the only two releases that brought him down, and he used them like a diabetic with insulin.

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Mary is a thirty one year old human who is a cancer survivor. She works, and voulenteers at a suicide prevention hotline. She mostly keeps busy and keeps to herself. She befriends a boy, John Matthew, who can hear, but not speak. Mary knows ASL so it works out well for the two of them. Mary’s neighbor Bella comes over one night and meets John. She knows what John will be and calls the BDB. Mary comes to the BDB to act as a translator for John. There she meets Rhage.

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Mary knows something is different about Rhage. She also knows how good looking he is. She is just average- nothing special, but for some reason, Rhage wants her. From the first moment he hears Mary’s voice, he knows. He knows she is it for him. He wants her and he will do anything he can to get her and keep her. Mary is hesitant to say the least, after she finds out her cancer is back, she doesn’t want to be close to anyone, and she still can’t understand why someone like Rhage would even be interested in her. But he is. And he is persistent. For the first time, Rhage wants someone, not just for sex, but to be with, to love.
“I know all about you, and everything I see is beautiful. Everything I see is mine.”

“I’m not yours.”
“Fine. If I can't have you, then you do the taking. Have all of me, part of me, a small piece, whatever you want. Just please, have something.”

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Rhage will do anything for Mary and to be with Mary. Even if it means defying the brotherhood. Which he does, more than once. He even has to go through a rythe from the brotherhood, which he does willingly. He would do anything to keep Mary. Rhage completely changes his ways. He wants to be different for Mary. Mary brings out the best in Rhage, but she also brings out something else. The beast. The beast wants Mary just as much as Rhage, and instead of going away like the past when he has been intimate, it comes out. Luckily, they find a way to make it work (Bruce and V chaining Rhage down... that what a scene!). The beast likes Mary, it wants her. She’s the only thing that can calm it.

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“How can you stand to have me near you?"
"The only thing I can't handle is your leaving.”

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Things are good for a while. But Mary gets sicker and sicker. There is nothing Rhage can do to help her. And the war with the Lesser’s is still going on, and one of them has a captured a close friend... the last 20-25% of this book was intense!

Rhage and Mary’s story was beautiful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and sexy! So much better than the first. Rhage broke my heart. He is not the cocky womanizer the first book displayed- he is so much more that that. I absolutely adored him! Mary’s story was heart wrenching as well. She was strong- a survivor and the perfect mate for Rhage. I was more than a little emotional while reading this one. I have a feeling the next book is going to be any better (Z! Z! Z!) If that is possible. The best PNR I’ve read in a long time!
“You know, you were never the possessive type before.”

“Thats because I never had something I wanted to keep.”

Profile Image for Buggy.
542 reviews691 followers
September 16, 2010
Opening Line: "Ah, hell, V, you're killing me."

LOVER ETERNAL is Rhage's story and oh man are we in for a treat. Such a perfect, heartbreaking romance. Continuing directly after Dark Lover, we find The Black Dagger Brotherhood now living together in Darius's mansion. Wrath has stepped up to the throne with his Queen Beth by his side, as the battle with the Lessers continues.

One of the things I loved about the book is that we get to know all the brother's a whole lot better here, their unique personalities along with all their quirks, fears and flaws. The constant teasing and smart ass comments are hilarious and the bond between the men instills in us a true sense of family.

Rhage, as this books hero is a great character. With a boyish style of charm he's funny, sexy and fiercely loyal. Throw in the playboy model good looks and yes he's every woman's fantasy except for one small thing. Rhage has been cursed by the Scribe Virgin and now bears the mark of a dragon inside and out. The only way for him to keep the beast quiet is with violence or sex, and Rhage hates himself for it. Struggling each day to keep from harming those closest to him because once the beast gets out its so violent and unpredictable that even the Brothers fear for their lives.

Mary has been fighting a curse of her own and fears that the cancer which robbed her of her looks and youth may have returned. She is, in her own words nothing special, plain and past her prime with a body battered by chemotherapy. When she befriends a young mute boy named John Mathew her life changes forever. Bella, Mary's friend and neighbour recognizes the boy as one of her own, a pre-transitioned vampire and strangely baring the mark of a warrior. Acting as John Mathew's translator, Mary finds herself at the Brotherhood mansion where she meets Rhage. He is instantly attracted to her, coming on strong although she can't understand what he sees in her. On their first date Mary assumes he's being polite and just wants to be friends but as Rhage continues to pursue her she is thrown into the world of the paranormal.

For Rhage Mary is IT. Her voice soothes him and he finds her to be the most beautiful, interesting woman he's ever met, wanting her like no other before, but unfortunately his beast wants her too. After being told repeatedly to `scrub' Mary's memories and defying direct orders Rhage ultimately must pay the price for his insubordination and this is quite the scene as the Brother's are forced to perform a `rythe' (a ritual where the recipient is struck by a weapon without defending himself) However this turns out to be only the first of his many sacrifices for Mary.

Rhage and Mary's love story is well done, heartbreakingly sweet but also erotic as hell. As Mary attempts to `tame' the chained beast while Butch and V stand guard. I honestly didn't know if they were going to get there HEA until the last few pages and Rhage's final meeting with the Scribe Virgin contains an absolutely heart wrenching scene that kept me gasping as I know her enjoyment of sacrifice.

Throughout this story we have of course go back and forth to the Lessers who have set up a torture facility and a side plot develops which finds Bella irresistibly drawn to Zsadist. He of course pushes her away but not before allowing us a glimpse of softness within 'the cold one.' Phury warns her to leave him alone, explaining that his twin is "ruined not broken" but when the Lessers kidnap Bella's it's Zsadist who makes it his personal mission to find her. Setting up the premise for the next book in this fantastic series, Lover Awakened and this story is not to be missed.

This series just gets better and better and if you like your paranormal romance than I can't recommend LOVER ETERNAL enough.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,394 reviews2 followers
November 21, 2013
4.5 stars

I must say I really enjoyed this one. Only book 2 so we have a long journey to take.

Rhage was great, was built like a monster but was a puppy in reality.

The only thing I can’t handle is your leaving

I loved HIS love for Mary. How he wasn’t afraid to shed tears.

This one was sad in parts, funny in parts, romantic in parts, scary in parts.

“The front door flew open, and Mary shot out of the house, jumping off the porch, not even bothering with the steps to the ground. She ran over the frost-laden grass in her bare feet and threw herself at him, grabbing on to his neck with both arms. She held him so tightly his spine cracked.

She was sobbing. Bawling. Crying so hard her whole body was shaking.

He didn't ask any questions, just wrapped himself around her.

I'm not okay," she said hoarsely between breaths. "Rhage...I'm not okay.”

“I will not fall in love with you," she said. "I can't let myself. I won't."

"That's all right. I'll love you enough for the both of us.”

Of course we got to meet all the Brothers again and Butch, yes, I still love Butch. He and V. are a hoot.

“You're getting into some kind of shape, cop."
Aw, come on, now." Butch grinned. "Don't let that shower we took go to your head."
Rhage fired a towel at the male. "Just pointing out your beer gut's gone."
It was a Scotch pot. And I don't miss it.

So, onwards and upwards to start reading …

Profile Image for Danielle.
1,086 reviews605 followers
October 6, 2022
Guilty pleasure read 🤗😍 2nd in series… Caution: 🛑 Rated R. This book is an oldie but a goodie. Steamy hot adult content. Not suitable for ya or wholesome folks. 😉
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,661 followers
July 24, 2015
5 Marvelous "Male of Worth Stars"!!!.

He’s a Vampire, a Warrior, and a Dangerous Beast.
His name is Rhage and he will forever own my heart.


The son of a bitch actually bent the laws of physics, he was so attractive. Blond hair was cut short in the back, and left longer in the front. Teal-blue eyes were the color of Bahamas seawater. And that face made Brad Pitt look like a candidate for the Swan.

Rhage is the strongest and most beautiful member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. He’s also cursed to share his body with a beast for 200 years. Rhage stifles his beast and prevents it's appearance by fighting until exhaustion and fucking any female that isn't married or fertile.

“Yeah, Tohr, can I ask you a favor?”
“Anything, my brother.”
“Could you not...ride me about the females? Because the truth is, I hate it, I really do. I hate the anonymity of it. I hate the way my chest aches afterward. I hate the smells on my body and in my hair when I get home. But most of all, I hate the fact that I’m going to have to do it again because if I don’t, I could end up hurting one of you guys or some innocent bystander.”...”And those two sisters you’re so impressed with? See, here’s the thing. I only pick the ones who don’t give a shit who they’re with, because otherwise it’s not fair. Those two bar chippies checked out my watch and my roll and figured I was a pimp trophy. The fucking was about as intimate as a car accident. And tonight? You’re going home to Wellsie. I’m going home alone. Just like I did yesterday. Just like I’m going to do the day after. The whoring isn’t fun for me, and it’s been killing me for years, so please give it a rest, dig?


Rhage longs to have the same woman in his bed every night. But that isn't a possibility with his curse. At least, it wasn't, until he meets Mary. Her voice soothes him, and her scent is clean and refreshing. He's been given direct orders to scrub her memory and remove himself from her life, but he just can't bring himself to do it! It's insta-love on steroids, and I Love It!!

His voice was like sandpaper. "I need to tell you something."
I'm a vampire. I'm a warrior. I'm a dangerous beast. At the end of this evening, you aren't going to remember you ever met me. And the idea of not even being a memory of yours makes me feel like I've been stabbed in the chest.

Clothes on floor

Rhage was head over heals crazy for Mary. His insta-love for her was beyond intense and I believe it was a bit overwhelming for Rhage. I also think that Mary found it hard to believe all the sweet, endearing things Rhage proclaimed.

What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. I want to to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can't breath.


Mary is a cancer surviver. Leukemia to be exact, and she doesn't have time to waste on a date with a stud god. A man that wreaks of youth and vitality when she is facing certain death. Some saw Mary as weak and insecure. She just had more important things on her mind than entertaining a glorified sex god.

Mary was guilty of judging a book by it's cover. When she looked at Rhage, all she saw was a pretty face. All it took was quality time with Rhage, to learn that he was a man of worth.

“I will not fall in love with you.” She said. “I can’t let myself. I won’t.”
“That’s alright. I’ll love you enough for the both of us.”

Mary is stronger and more secure than most readers giver her credit for. Yes, she knew she wasn't 'hot', but she wasn't insecure in her own skin. She stood up to Zadist and Vishious. And when the time came, she was willing to go head to head with Rhage's Beast!


I love Mary and Rhage together! He was willing to walk away from the brotherhood for her. And he made the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep her safe. Mary calmed Rhage's inner beast and provided him with comfort when he had lost hope in ever having peace!

This re-read was Amazing and makes me want to pick up Zadist's book yet again!! Damn, J.R. Ward knows how to write lusty, love sick, vampire warriors!!
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books570 followers
December 16, 2023
LOVER ETERNAL is one of my favorite books in the series. JR Ward is an amazing writer. I liked the new characters introduced, including John Matthew and Bella, and especially liked the romance heating up between Zsadist and Bella.

So many things I had forgotten since the last time I read this book! Butch is such a clothes horse! It’s also so funny to read about Mary and Bella out in the real (human) world after having read later books in the series where they later live at the mansion. I am so digging Mary’s awesome farmhouse. And oh gosh, can I just say how much I love vintage Tohrment? I miss that dude so much! And the early scenes with Mary and John Matthew. I have always loved John Matthew, and these were great scenes. I love how JR Ward writes her characters with disabilities.

The crafting of this one was great—Mary in the dark because she’s a human, but needed to be a translator for John Matthew. Rhage under orders to wipe her memory even as he’s falling for her. Bella keeping the secret that she’s also a vampire. And of course, Mary’s cancer and what this means for her future. I love the way the conflict with the Lessers in these early books is so intense. Also the way the Brotherhood is slowly coming around to the idea of more humans in their midst, Butch, the now-vampire Beth, and now Mary, is delightful. And oooo… my favorite part… the lead in to Zsadist and Bella…
Profile Image for The Flooze.
764 reviews282 followers
February 22, 2010

Lover Eternal frustrated me in much the same way Dark Lover did.

I don't like Ward's depiction of women, nor do I like the whole bonding experience. From the main character Mary to the Scribe Virgin's Chosen, the female characters only find some confidence when a man deems them worthy. Up until then, they're easily cowed damsels who gasp and flutter and lament their unattractiveness. This makes the mating game exasperating. It also makes my teeth itch on general principles.

Mary's self-deprication is over-the-top and embarrassing on her first date with Rhage, with her trying to run for the hills before the man can even introduce himself. Annoying.

Once she accepts him, she gains more strength and courage. It makes her far more bearable--even likable--but it doesn't change the fact that I constantly rolled my eyes at all their drama. Around every bend was another cry of but we can't. Get over yourselves and enjoy life already.

Then I cackled and shook my head every time Mary's core bloomed and she gushed all over the place. Like gysers, these women.

The Chosen. Their entire existence irks me: a group of women bred to serve the Scribe Virgin, feed unmated warriors, and pop out kids. I understand the necessity of their role, but must they spout phrases like, "I have been properly cleansed for your use. You may inspect me, should you wish..."? All said in a mournful tone implying shame at not providing sexual service. It's offensive.

Let's move on to the Brothers themselves. This is where Ward shines and where I wish she'd spend more time. (Seeing as how her women are so meh yet her men so vibrant, maybe she should give up the het and write M/M. I think she'd be better at it.) The Brothers' interactions are great. There's a sense of deep connection between them. They are there for one another no matter the circumstances. (Even the damaged, anti-social Z reaches out in his own way.) V and Butch remain favorites for their easy natures and capable attitudes. Although technically not a Brother, I loved seeing Butch settling into place and his hopes to do more for the BDB.

My one big gripe with the Brothers is the illogical adoption of gangsta culture. All the "straight up" and "you feel me" doesn't ring true for any of them, with perhaps the exception of V. He's the only one who seems relatively consistent with it, while the others pepper their more formal speech with random slang--like kids trying to fit in with the cool crowd. They're hundreds of years old. These aren't speech patterns they grew up with. I oh so dearly wish it would stop.

In the midst of the angst and shitkickers is a mysterious side story. This book introduces John Matthew, a scrawny kid who is destined for more. He's the kind of character who begs speculation, while also adding a thread of desperation and a new corner of the BDB universe to explore.

With John Matthew's arrival and the set-up for Z's story, I can see how this series could easily move to UF. It's a change I'd welcome, since I think Ward needs to beef up her world--in particular, her antagonists.

The lessers are incredibly weak as Big Bads go. Sure, they kidnap civilian vampires. But since Ward never shares their torture techniques or interrogation sessions, the threat feels remote. I know they're supposed to be dangerous slayers, but without more information they merely come off as inept redshirts. The Brothers easily shake them off and take them down. Their leader, Mr. X, does nothing but boss his underlings around and threaten them with the Omega. Who is this Omega? What's his gripe? What's he capable of other than making one dude scream? If he's so powerful and intimidating, why can't he make his forces more capable?

And why do they smell like fricken baby powder?! For God's sake. The Brothers can smell them coming a mile away. Why saddle your forces with an early warning system that alerts the enemy? Madness!

Mr. O is the only villain of substance, and it's because of who he is rather than the organization he's in. He's a creepy, twisted guy with a destructive and defiant streak. He's full of calculated malice and likes getting his hands dirty. The lessers could be very different were he at the helm--they might actually get something done.

Overall, the romance clichés in Lover Eternal were painful. For me, there was no thrill in the chase. Instead there was a lot of eye-rolling and innappropriate laughter. I'd hoped the background story of the Scribe Virgin, the Omega and the lessers would be enough to pick up the slack, but Ward's world has almost zero development outside the Brothers' door.

I know this is PNR and so the focus is supposed to be on the romance. But if you are going to hand me a passel of warriors and expect me to believe they are Big Strong Males fighting the Good Fight, give them a worthy foe. Give them a society worth saving. Give them a purpose outside of listening to rap, stalking women, and beating up some baby-powdered freaks. The current formula just doesn't do the trick.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,239 reviews3,694 followers
November 1, 2017
Rhage and Mary

Rhage fell in love with Mary’s voice, when they met for fist time. He didn’t know how she looked like. He was almost blind and disoriented and Mary’s voice calmed his Beast. A Beast that is usually silent and waiting, trapped as a tattoo on Rhage’s back. Until Rhage is in danger. Then the Beast pops out and there is no Rhage anymore – only the Beast.
Just like the incredible Hulk. Rhage transforms into a dragon who has his own personality and Rhage’s personality is pulled back.
Rhage and his Beast love food. And sex. They are the only things that sate the Beast. Until the Beast meets Mary and her soothing voice of course.

Mary is a plain girl –although sweet. She is not like the girls that Rhage and his beast usually prefer. And Mary has a secret which eats her from inside. Mary is dying. And not just because she is human. She is dying faster than she wants. Cancer. Chemotherapy. Destroyed chances of becoming a mother.
And now she has another problem. A huge extremely good-looking guy who eats like a horse and who wants to keep her just to hear her voice. Plain Mary does not know what Rhage wants from her. He could have any girl he wants. Any. Girls look at him all the time (even the times that he is with Mary), they give him notes with their phone numbers, and they talk to him and ignore Mary.

Mary soon will have enough! She asks him to leave her alone, she begs him to leave her alone, she orders him to leave her alone.
Rhage is still there!
And then Mary will have another problem. Is Rhage really a vampire? And is the tattoo on his back really moving?

Rhage and Mary is one of the most favorable couples in BDB.
Mary’s problems with her health will break your heart.
Rhage insatiable appetite for food will make you laugh out loudly.

This is also a very important book, because Bella meets Zsadist for the first time (HOT!) and mute and scrawny John Matthew is introduced to the brotherhood (SWEET!).

“My name...my name is Mary. I'm here with a friend.'
Rhage stopped breathing. His heart skipped a beat and then slowed. "Say that again,' he whispered.
'Ah, my name is Mary Luce. I'm a friend of Bella's...We came here with a boy, with John Matthew. We were invited.'
Rhage shivered, a balmy rush blooming out all over his skin. The musical lilt of her voice, the rhythm of her speech, the sound of her words, it all spread through him, calming him, comforting him. Chaining him sweetly.
He closed his eyes. 'Say something else.'
'What?' she asked, baffled.
'Talk. Talk to me. I want to hear your voice.'
She was silent, and he was about to demand that she speak when she said, 'You don't look well. Do you need a doctor?'
He found himself swaying. The words didn't matter. It was her sound: low, soft, a quiet brushing in his ears. He felt as if here being stroked on the inside of his skin.
'More,' he said, twisting his palm around to the front of her neck so he could feel the vibrations in her throat better.
'Could you... could you please let go of me?'
'No.' He brought his other arm up. She was wearing some kind of fleece, and he moved the collar aside, putting his hand on her shoulder so she couldn't get away from him. 'Talk.'
She started to struggle. 'You're crowding me.'
'I know. Talk.'
'Oh for God's sake, what do you want me to say?'
Even exasperated, her voice was beautiful. 'Anything.'
'Fine. Get your hand off my throat and let me go or I'm going to knee you where it counts.'
He laughed. Then sank his lower body into her, trapping her with his thighs and hips. She stiffened against him, but he got an ample feel of her. She was built lean, though there was no doubt she was female. Her breasts hit his chest, her hips cushioned his, her stomach was soft.
'Keep talking,' he said in her ear. God, she smelled good. Clean. Fresh. Like lemon.
When she pushed against him, he leaned his full weight into her. Her breath came out in a rush.
'Please,' he murmured.
Her chest moved against his as if she were inhaling. 'I... er, I have nothing to say. Except get off of me.'
He smiled, careful to keep his mouth closed. There was no sense showing off his fangs, especially if she didn't know what he was. 'So say that.'
'Nothing. Say nothing. Over and over and over again. Do it.'
She bristled, the scent of fear replaced by a sharp spice, like fresh, pungent mint from a garden. She was annoyed now. 'Say it.'
"Fine. Nothing. Nothing.' Abruptly she laughed, and the sound shot right through to his spine, burning him. 'Nothing, nothing. No-thing. No-thing. Noooooothing. There, is that good enought for you? Will you let me go now?”
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews343 followers
October 6, 2016
“I will not fall in love with you," she said. "I can't let myself. I won't."

"That's all right. I'll love you enough for the both of us.”

Rhages was cursed. Being in the dragon form is not what he appreciates, so he uses sex to settle it. But then Mary came to his life and changed his world. That's where the real fun begins.

Rhage is hot, sexy and hilarious. I liked every quote he made. Mary has a big heart even though she knows she's going to die, she can't stop herself from being near Rhage. The romance revolving around them was kind of bittersweet for me because I knew something would happen for the time being even though everything they had been through, that was not enough to stop me from crying in the last chapter of this book.

“The front door flew open, and Mary shot out of the house, jumping off the porch, not even bothering with the steps to the ground. She ran over the frost-laden grass in her bare feet and threw herself at him, grabbing on to his neck with both arms. She held him so tightly his spine cracked.

She was sobbing. Bawling. Crying so hard her whole body was shaking.

He didn't ask any questions, just wrapped himself around her.

I'm not okay," she said hoarsely between breaths. "Rhage...I'm not okay.”

This scene is my favorite. And the ending was like a knife stabbed through my heart.

J.R. Ward has her signature to move her the story. Her writing is addictive. Her characters are remarkable. And the fight with the Lesser was so exciting, yet it distracted me sometimes. By the way, I loved to see how these conflicts would unfold in the end.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,749 reviews1,041 followers
August 22, 2014
WOW! Can, I have my own, Rhage to keep?! His devotion to Mary made my heart flutter.

R – restless
H – “Hollywood”
A – alpha
G - gorgeous
E - eternal

I love that feeling when you start to panic while reading a book because you DON'T know how the story can end on a happy note. You become irrational and start texting and calling friends to vent. And then as your walking through the grocery store you make your 17 old daughter listen to you go on and on about how he's a vampire and she's a human and what will happen to him when she dies because she's a mortal. The priceless look on your 17 year old daughter's face as she tries to figure out if you've lost your mind in the middle of the grocery store is proof you have gone off the deep in for BDB.

Then she begins to reason with you, "Mom, he'll just bite her and she'll live forever."

But you get all worked up and say, "NO!! They don't bite people."

"Wait...what happens when they go in the sunlight."

"They get third degree burns!"

"Oh, so they are real vampires NOT sparkly ones." LOL!
"I'll love you enough for both of us"


Cheat sheet for the brotherhood :
Wrath: last pure-blood vampire in existence. Dark Lover(#1) The King (#12)

Rhage: is the strongest and most beautiful of the Brothers. Nicknamed "Hollywood." Lover Eternal (#2)

Zsadist: has a twin, Phury. Described as "ruined, not broken." Lover Awakened (#3)

Butch/Dhestroyer: is the only human male ever to be allowed within the Brotherhood. Nickname "Cop." Lover Revealed (#4)

Vishous: is the smartest Brother, and the one who is specially gifted/cursed. Lover Unbound (#5)

Phury: Zsadist's twin brother and loyal to his brother. Lover Enshrined (#6)

Rehvenge: Lover Avenged (#7)

John Matthew/Tehrror: is Lover Mine (#8)

Dr. Manuel "Manny" Manello: is Chief of Surgery at St. Francis Hospital. Lover Unleashed (#9)

Tohrment: Lover Reborn (#10)

Qhuinn: has mismatched eyes. Lover at Last (#11)

Blaylock/"Blay": Lover at Last (#11)

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3) by J.R. Ward Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #4) by J.R. Ward Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5) by J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6) by J.R. Ward Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #7) by J.R. Ward Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10) by J.R. Ward Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11) by J.R. Ward The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) by J.R. Ward The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #13) by J.R. Ward
To find out when The Shadows will be released and if there will be more books in the series click here.

Father Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #6.5) by J.R. Ward

70th book of 2014
Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews619 followers
November 23, 2013

Review edited on 11/22/2013 after re-read.

This is re-read because I can't get enough of the The Beast!!!!

My Rhage:

A special Thank You to Irene for letting me steal her Rhage. He's just so perfect!

My Mary:

It would have been great, just once, to have a man stare at her with total adoration. To have him be…enthralled. Yes, that was the word. She would have loved for a man to be enthralled by her.

“I will not fall in love with you," she said. "I can't let myself. I won't."
"That's all right. I'll love you enough for the both of us.”

Mary is dying. She wants to live out the short life that she has in peace. Rhage (aka Hollywood and BDB funny man) is a self-centered player who has been cursed for 200 years with a beast inside himself that he struggles to control. The first time Rhage hears Mary’s voice, it calms his inner beast. He cannot get enough of her. But it is difficult for Mary to believe that Rhage feels anything for her, so she pushes him away. It was wonderful seeing how Rhage could get Mary to soften towards him. It loved getting to know his sweeter side. The ending was unbelievably good! Love this one and love this whole series!

God, those eyes of his were gleaming again. So blue, so bright, the color endless, like the sea. An ocean to swim in. To drown in. To die in.

I love Rhage (and his beast!)!

Every woman needs a man with an inner beast!

Profile Image for Kristina.
423 reviews140 followers
September 6, 2015

I was enjoying this until I got to the part which sickened me and completely turned me off Rhage. He is so turned on by Mary that he goes TROLLING and screws a random female to "work" of his urge for her. Then he comes back and the same night only minutes/hours after being inside another female, yep he sexes up with Mary too. Oh, that's right, it's because he wuvvss Mary SO much that he bangs the other female.

The excuse is pathetically made so that he has a "good" reason for releasing his "tension". Yeah, I call bullshit on this one, so very CONVENIENT that that's the only way to calm him, by having sex with others. Seriously, what STUPID IDIOT buys that.

Oh but the poor dear "hated have sex with the other woman" key note here, he hated it so much HE WENT THROUGH WITH IT and if he hated it & the girl why did she turn him on so that he COULD finish with her. Yeah ok Mary if you buy that than you're a dumbass loser.

I'm COMPLETELY turned off by this now and will now stop reading. There is nothing he can do to redeem himself and the fact that Mary is the one who feels guilty for "using" him after what he just did to her whilst professing his great love for her makes me SICK!! What moron can see this pig as a H? The author should've given Mary some damn backbone!!!

Rhage cheated on Mary, and told her he would! His excuse was bullshit because after that he said he would find another way and not screw another female again, so why then did he do it in the first place, why was he so QUICK to jump into the sack with another female and not find another way then?? Hmmmm? Answer that Rhage!!!
Profile Image for Annie .
2,493 reviews943 followers
April 4, 2015
Oh man. Lover Eternal just breaks my heart. Rhage and Mary are exceptional characters. Together, they are mesmerizing. Who knew that a womanizing warrior like Rhage could love someone like Mary. They are so different from one another. What I also loved was the fact that Mary was a little hesistant with Rhage. She didn't just fall into his arms because of his looks and reputation. She is a smart woman who sticks to the truth about life, which is that it only happens once. With her health on the line, Mary takes cautious steps in this book where she learns to trust and love someone else.

Mary and Rhage just may be my favourite couple of the BDB so far. Their love was believeable and if put in the same position as Rhage was, I think I would make the same decision he did. Thank the Virgin Scribe for her compassionate heart, that's all I have to say. This book is truly a happily ever after, and it couldn't have happened to a better couple.

Favourite Quote:
Butch came around in front, twisting his shirt he'd taken off into a rope. Thanks to all the lifting they'd been doing, the male's chest and arm muscles were thickening up, and he hadn't been small to begin with. He couldn't pull the kind of iron Rhage did, but for a human, the guy was a bulldozer.
"You're getting into some kind of shape, cop."
"Aw come on now." Butch grinned. "Don't let that shower we took go to your head."
p. 117,
Profile Image for K.
450 reviews76 followers
September 7, 2017
5 Stars!

This book was absolutely amazing!! The plot was captivating and I never experienced a boring moment while reading! This book is about Rhage and Mary and their relationship. Their relationship was bumpy from start but that's what kept me interesting. It wasn't just a normal fairy tale and they instantly fall in love with each other. I was actually surprised that Rhage "cheated" on Mary after he professed his love for her. I did not expect that at all!
Mary's character development was so interesting and well written. The progression of her disease was such a tear jerker! And OMG THE PLOT TWIST AT THE END...NO WORDS... :O

I also loved how this book started uncovering Zsadist's and Bella's relationship! I cannot wait to read about that in the third book!!

Overall, I definitely recommend this book (and the series) to readers that love romance and fantasy/vampires!!
Profile Image for Daisiemae.
425 reviews161 followers
May 22, 2008
I am really kinda speechless after reading this book. Saying that I LOVED IT is kinda putting it mildly. Honestly, the other paranormal books I have read in the past few months have paled in comparison to these books so far. What makes it so different is the camaraderie between the Brothers and the heroes themselves are so unique in their own way.
Rhage is such a womanizer. I really didn't know if I would like him or not. But, as the storyline progressed and his true nature starts to reveal itself, he was easily one of my favorite heroes of all time. He definately rates top 5 easily. For such a bad-ass, he was so tender and loving with Mary. His sacrifice at the end for her was amazing. I loved him. He is worthy of a happily ever after.
Mary is another really well written heroine. I really liked her. I felt her insecurities, her hope that she may get better and the love she had for Rhage and the beast within him.
Get your tissues out girls because I cried in this book. When Mary finally breaks down in front of Rhage, I literally had to put the book down and wipe my eyes for several minutes.
It's not all sadness and tears. It has some very funny moments in it. It is just the total package all around.
Gosh between Wrath and Rhage I don't know which one I liked the best.
Now I am off to read Z's story...I have a feeling I will like this one too!
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews592 followers
April 4, 2012
Rhage and The Beast --- 4.5 Stars
Warning...Gif-Partial Nudity

Wow! I loved Rhage’s story! There’s so much that can be said but has already been stated much better by others in their reviews. Here are just a few of my thoughts and feelings.

Rhage - The Brothers call him Hollywood. Towering well over six feet eight, stronger than all the other warriors, all hard well endowed muscle, this vampire is flat-out drop-dead gorgeous! Pure - Walking- Desire! A sex legend in the vampire world.

Women are attracted to him like bees on honey. He walks into a room and their eyes devour him, follow him, and it’s easy to understand why they would “trample their own young to get him."

But he isn’t just another pretty face. He lives with a curse and the only way to keep it in line is through fighting and sex. As his story unfolds, you get to see the real man with all the emotional despair, his unhappiness and his unfulfilled desires. And while strong and deadly, the tenderness he has for Mary is beyond description!

It’s been said that if “sex were food, Rhage would have been morbidly obese.” I came into book two thinking Rhage more a player. I quickly found this not to be true and this tormented warrior completely won my heart! His unselfish love for Mary is one of the most touching I've read.

Mary - I so admired this heroine! A warrior for sure in her own way. She has fought a hard battle and has the scars of proof scattering around her body. There are so many things I liked about Mary. She is compassionate and caring, going above and beyond to help someone in need. What I liked the most about her is how she stepped up for Rhage, going deep inside to his pain and her fight for him.

Throughout most of the book I could not see how this could have a happy ending. My heart nearly stopped in chapter 50! I held my breath and nearly shouted from relief in the next chapter!

There are so many things I liked about Rhage and Mary’s story. I love intense alpha warriors and Rhage certainly is all that and more. One of the best and most tender love scenes I’ve ever read is Rhage and Mary’s first time together. Her despair and his tenderness were palpable.

If possible, I think I enjoyed this book more than the first. This was a darker read that kept my emotions all over the place! I also got a better glimpse into the amazing talent of this author. She took me into the world of two very lonely people, both suffering deeply, and created an amazing tender, poignant love story. Added to this I learned more about the other brothers, was introduced to new characters and left me with an intense desire to immediately begin the next installment.

With that, I’m now on to book #3, Zsadist and Bella’s story!:)
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,730 reviews6,500 followers
March 20, 2016
This definitely gets five stars this time around. JR Ward wrote her own version of beauty and the beast but with some important changes. The beauty is the beast and the heroine is a 'Plain Jane' in her own eyes. I loved how hard Rhage fell for Mary. He heard her voice and dropped like a ton of bricks. His steadfast love for her throughout this book was so appealing. Mary didn't want to believe that she could have a man who loved her that way, not with all the loss in her past, and the loss sure to come. She didn't know how to live in the day. Rhage had learned the hard way to temper himself and to show self-control, and along comes the one female who makes that even harder than it's ever been.

The Beast itself was such an interesting idea to the story, and risky. I mean, you don't think of that outside of high fantasy, but it's such an integral part of Rhage's story and the way it's written sells itself. I love the Brotherhood books, always will, and it was such a treat to go back and revisit one of the early stories. I didn't really have time for a reread, but I had to do it, and boy and I am glad I did. I will end up rereading through Lover Mine, I think. Not a hardship for me, since I love those books. It was so much fun going back and seeing how the original brothers: Wrath, Rhage, Vishous, Tohr, Phury and Zsadist expand their circle. Zsadist as before got my attention and stole my heart and had me on a high as I saw the genesis of his story and where it goes (he stole the book away from poor Rhage the first go around, to be honest). Butch makes me sigh (what a guy), Vishous is so fascinating and has this wow factor, and Phury, oh my darling Phury. And let's not even talk about how much I love John Matthew. Okay, let's. I adore him so much. My heart was breaking for JM as an abandoned pre-trans. I wanted to hug him so bad. I'm glad he found the Brotherhood. My heart is wrenched thinking about all the anguish he is soon to face, but happy that he will find his mate in future books as well. I realize how much I under-appreciated Rhage. He really is a lovely guy (on the inside). What he was in the past, he's learned the hard way, wasn't the best he could be, so when Mary comes along, he grabs at her with both hands (even though he has logical fears that his curse could hurt her and keeps a distance as much as he can).

Mary, wow, what a woman. What she's gone through. First nursing her dying mother, and then herself facing an illness that robbed her of so much, even her hope and faith. When Rhage comes along, she doesn't have anything left to believe that a gorgeous guy like that could want to be with her. I had forgotten how low her confidence was in her appearance. It was hurtful to see that, but the fact that Rhage was all about her (she was it for him, sigh) really compensates for that. I can certainly understand. While most of us aren't ugly, we'd think we were on a Candid Camera show if a gorgeous guy like Rhage showed up and was intensely interested in us too. Let's be honest. So the fact that she pushes him away for a significant part of the book I felt was understandable.

The Lesser storyline has not ever been my favorite, but it feels more solid than it does later on in the series, more thought-provoking. While not my choice of villain, it works for this story. It is the bane of the vampire species and the reason why the Brotherhood exists.

I can see that these characters are real for Ward. Because she believes in them, they feel so real to me. I loved the thoughtful way she has written this story, with a lot of pop culture, but deep true things about humanity and the feelings that are universal to the human existence. Who would have thought that a story about vampires and other so-called mythical things could be so authentic. They are treasured characters to people who consider themselves Black Dagger Brotherhood fans, flaws and all. I feel like I've gone through a family album with this reread.
Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
279 reviews1,247 followers
January 23, 2023
Lover Eternal

Meet Mary-Sue.... Oh wait, nevermind her name is just Mary... haha my bad, honest mistake

“No. My powers are a punishment.”
“For what?”
“I killed a bird.”
Mary glanced at him, thinking that seemed a little extreme.
Rhage smoothed her hair back. “I did a lot more than that, but killing a bird was what finally tipped the scales.”

what the fuck Rhage, ya killed a bird so ya got cursed to be a literal monster shit, that's the shittest backstory I've ever heard

And the love-interest, Rhage. Wait no..that can’t be his real name... huh okay sure let’s keep going

Rhage was cursed and now has this inner beast that’s basically a demon-dragon-type monster cuz why pick just one?? Basically, he hulks out whenever he feels intense emotions- pain, lust, etc

“Take me home fast, Fritz. Faster than you've ever gone before. Break every traffic law.”
“You heard me. As fast as you can!”


And while Mary sue was a pretty passive character, this bitch was also straight-up nuts

“When sirens sounded, she laughed even harder.
“I beg your pardon, madam.” The driver glanced over at her. “But I must evade the police and this might get rather bumpy.”
“Blow their doors off, Fritz.”

Crazy white folk...Gotta love them

This book was surprisingly funnier than I expected with its genre and premise, but Mary was honestly delightful at times and a total manic which I appreciate even if I wanted her to be more active less passive in her own story.
Profile Image for Sandra .
160 reviews373 followers
August 19, 2013

This is me after finishing Dark Lover...

feels my emotions

Jesus Christ! What just happened?

I'm shocked of how many feelings this book got out of me.

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Meet my Rhage.

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Movie-star BEAUTIFUL.
The most DANGEROUS of the brothers
CURSED with a deadly creature

He meets Mary...

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A SURVIVOR of many hardships
Possesses a LIFE-THREATENING CURSE of her own

And while their enemies close in, Mary fights desperately to gain life eternal with the one she loves…

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Let me start by saying Mary was really annoying me most of the time.
She was constantly pushing Rhage away and he didn't even deserve it (well, maybe once or twice).
She was hurting him and because i love my darling Rhage so much, i wanted to hurt her too (which isn't a good thing).
But then she got a bit better, and i felt more connected to her.
I liked her more.


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(Like i said before) i absolutely ADORED him. He was such a caring sweetheart, and i don't think anyone can NOT love him.

But what he did I was like...

47321 hell no jimmy fallon gif s KEu

I don't think it even fully sank in yet.

What i loved? (let's make a list, shall we?).

- The writing style, which always captivates my imagination.
- The characters, which feel very realistic
- The brotherhood, which is as usual full of hotties and guys who support each other. One word - beautiful.
- Getting sneak peaks on my fav and beloved Zsadist with Bella.
- How simply exciting the book makes me

The most awesome thing was that the sex scenes weren't cut off right when they were about to do it (which was annoying the SHIT OUTTA me in book 1). Lover Eternal was definitely much hotter from the previous book...

"Oh yeah, Mary. That's right." He rubbed her and she gripped his thick biceps, her head falling back. "God, you're burning alive. Are you wet for me Mary? I think you are. I think you're covered in honey..."
"I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is."

The Ending

I was literally having a panic attack or something thinking about the massive probability Mary and Rhage won't end up together.

This is me the moment ...

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I. Started. Crying. Now coming from me that's saying something because i never cry reading books or watching movies ( that REALLY rarely happens). But because i cared so much for the MC and wanted them to have a HEA, i did cry.

My beautiful and breathtaking Zsadist is next! Come to mama, baby!
(His story better be THE BEST!).

tumblr mqlscnk Uo S1srx77fo2 500


sherlock brilliant gif by sherlocksscarf d55svm

Read this series if you haven't already! You'll love it! :)

Profile Image for Exina.
1,269 reviews410 followers
July 31, 2024
I know that many of the fans favor Rhage from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. And although it is not my first read, and I really tried, but still, I failed to like him, or his story. In Lover Eternal, my main complaint is the alteration (or revealing the true nature?) of Rhage’s personality. I prefer the devilish, funny, sexy Rhage he was before, not the weeping, whining, peevish man he has become.

Rhage wants Mary to be honest with him, to share her feelings and fears with him, to let him into her life in a couple of days. But he doesn’t tell her very important things about himself. Unspoken words, hidden facts, and mistaken assumptions poison their relationship. Of course, in time they get over this...

Mary’s behaviour is understandable because of her disease, and she is a strong and courageous character, but has irritating moments as well.

I'm not saying I hated the main characters but I was disappointed.

I liked

- John Matthew’s storyline! I cried with him over that bowl of rice. I love that scene.
- Mr. O. Distinguishable antagonist, a psychopath. Really terrifying.
- Mary’s scene with the beast.
- More and more information of the world and traditions of the vampires, and of the Brotherhood.
- Bella and Zsadist. Their story seems really intriguing.

My favorite quotes.
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
737 reviews1,065 followers
August 26, 2016
Five "Holy...Wow" Stars

"The musical lilt of her voice, the rhythm of her speech, the sound of her words, it all speed through him, calming him, comforting him."

"He was blond. Movie-star beautiful."
"His eyes were an electric teal blue, so bright, so vivid....God he really was beautiful." ~ Mr Hollywood... Rhage ♥ Swoon ♥ "...an erotic legend in his race."

So the second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood; Rhage & Mary's story.....WOW & WOW.


I can't begin to explain everything that is in this fantastic story. It's EPIC!!!! Once again it's multi layered with amazing lead characters that are extremely well developed with depth and purpose. Rhage has issues to deal with that affect him all the time, constantly....an inner beast....a curse.....

It also integrates various other members of the BDB. The author keeps feeding us snippets of information about the different characters in anticipation of the next read.....it makes the series utterly addictive.

If you love books were the hero is strong, powerful and charismatic, and loves his woman with a fierce intense passion then you will LOVE this book.
♥"The effect she had on him was drug like, a tantalising combination of sexual need and profound ease...it was nothing like he'd ever felt before."

"...one way or the other. I'm going to have her."

"I am barren of words, my female. For no sounds from my mouth are worthy of your hearing" ~ Rhage ♥

If you love books that are emotional, you will LOVE this book!! I was sobbing towards the end...uncontrollably sobbing...it got me......right in the heart.

If you love books that are Sexy and Passionate, you will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book!!
"I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is."
Wowza..it was smoking hot in places....

This book has left me feeling like a ball of warm fuzz after taking me through so many emotions, my heart is fit to burst!!

♥ ♥ ♥

Every single gorgeous one of the Brotherhood have my heart. ♥
You feel me?

Next up Zsadist!! I can't freaking wait...I think I may have bonded!!!

**Epic BR with the lovely vixen, pink lady vamps ♥
Sharing the love & passion of the BDB with ALL the lovely ladies makes reading these books extra special ♥ ♥ ♥

*The dragon picture was drawn by my gorgeous husband in 1990!!

Profile Image for Jasmin.
366 reviews76 followers
November 17, 2014
I have a confession to make… But please don’t throw rotten tomatoes at me! PLEASE!

*in a tiny tiny voice* I *gulp* seriously gave Dark Lover, the first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, umm, one star. *run and cower for cover*

I think I have a logical explanation on the one star. I seldom skim pages, but whenever there was a lesser talking, I just had to skip pages. Plus, I felt that the H/h were jumping on each other. I barely liked the romance, so the one star. Oh, please let me have friends left, after this review.

But now, after contemplating that I am abnormal since after the 12,552 people who rated Dark Lover, I go straight to the 1% who didn’t like it. So that makes me abnormal.

However, I don’t like being abnormal. I want to be normal. So I gave Lover Eternal a chance, since it means that I am giving a chance to jump on the hype and be “normal”. So, I pre-programmed my head that “I would like this” again and again. I really thought that hard. But flipping through the pages, it became easy, and I didn’t need the chant anymore. I was seriously liking what I was reading. That is what the power of thought can do. Oh heck! I admit, I also have to give praise to J.R. Ward for writing this splendidly. And seriously, my apologies for not liking the first book of the series. I am considering a re-read soon.

This book, I truly enjoyed. Rhage is not just smoking hot, but he’s sweet and dedicated as well.

Hmm, but why did I not give this book five stars? (1) The ending was just too good to be true. I know that this is a paranormal romance, but can’t we have a happy ending without ‘literal’ magic. (2) The spelling of the warriors are messed up for me, and I seriously think it wuold affhect my spehlling skhills frhom now ohn. (3) And the names of the lessers. What happens when there are more than 24 lessers introduced? What would she call them then? A1? B2? (4) My brother. It felt too redundant to me.

But why did I seriously like it? (1)I love the romance aspect of the book. Quick plot details ahead.Well, Rhage has been cursed by the Scribe Virgin. He could turn to a savage beast when he feels pain or any intense emotion. He needs an outlet, which are violence and sex. Well, that was until he met Mary Luce. Her voice could calm the beast inside him. He falls for her, and what I love is, he’s not ashamed to admit it. But the thing is, Mary is sick. But they work that out. (2) The bond between the brothers are cute. (3)Rhage is so *sigh*. (4)Bella and Zsadist are also a thing to look out for.

Well, definitely I’m amending my first opinions, recommending this to all paranormal romance readers and seriously hoping that my friends don’t hate me.
Profile Image for Dino-Jess ✮ The Book Eating Dinosaur ✮.
660 reviews18 followers
February 23, 2016

Where is the Jess that hated the first book in this series?

Oh, I know where she is. She's in the man dungeon, with Rhage, learning how wrong about things she was.

Rhage. Hubba hubba.

"I know all about you, and everything I see is beautiful. Everything I see is mine."
"I'm not yours."
"Fine. If I can't have you, then you do the taking. Have all of me, part of me, a small piece, whatever you want. Just please, have something."

Seriously, this book? Blew the first one out of the water. Me likey.

Sure, I'm totally against what happened in the middle there.

And I side-eyed the hell out of some things, but I was able to let most of it go and just enjoy this for what it was. A smut-filled escapade with a dragon-vampire-man and his lady friend who happens to be dying of Leukemia.

"I'm not a man, Mary, even though parts of me look like one. What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall, I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can't breathe."

I can't give full points because the story didn't actually end - and I skipped every single lesser section because they are the actual worst. But overall, Rhage got that magic peen that makes me forget to rhage about things.

Bring on Z's book. My body is ready.

4 let-me-feed-you-mary Stars

Thanks for the buddy read Heather !
Profile Image for Jiana.
298 reviews924 followers
February 24, 2018
I expected to be disappointed with this but I wasn't. Not even one bit!!! And I'm screaming because Rhage is my favorite brother and hell yes his book was freaking great. I admit I had a love/hate relationship with Mary, but my intense love for Rhage and the fact that I binge read this in less than 24 hours (I stayed till 3 am to finish this, gosh, I regret my life choices) makes me ignore Mary.

Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,397 reviews1,358 followers
November 30, 2014
"Please… God. Let me stay here with him. Don’t make me go away."-Mary

In Lover Eternal, the battle continues between the Black Dagger Brotherhood and the lessers. Beth and Wrath have settled in as King and Queen. The brothers are living together in an underground bunker/mansion. This story in the series focuses on Rhage and his love Mary.


Rhage is known as "Hollywood". He reminds me of a trained killer who suffers with ADHD! The only problem is that Rhage is suffering but it isn't attention deficit disorder. Because of a terrible curse, Rhage is forced to self medicate with booze and woman. If he doesn't, . Rhage is wandering through life. Although he loves his brothers, he is lonely and sickened by his lifestyle.

Mary is a sweetheart. She spends her nights volunteering for a suicide hotline. She lives alone and cares deeply for her neighbor Bella. She has befriended a young man ,named John, that she met form the suicide hotline. However, Mary's life is far from perfect, she has cancer.


"She’d realized there was no quota on misery for people, no quantifiable threshold that once reached, got you miraculously taken out of the distress pool."

Bella (Mary's neighbor) recognizes John as a boy on the brink of transforming into a vampire. She calls the brotherhood for help. However, John is mute. Because of her ability to sign, Mary is brought in to the brotherhood mansion as a translator. While at the mansion, Rhage sees her and falls for her.

"The effect she had on him was druglike, a tantalizing combination of sexual need and profound ease. Like he was having an orgasm and falling into a peaceful sleep at the same time. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before. A chill shot through him, sucking the warmth out of his body."


As soon as Rhage wipes her memories, he is back on high pursuit of her! He decides to see her again and again! Unfortunately, they get caught up with some lessers and Mary's life is now in danger. Now that Rhage has Mary right where he wants her (in his care, bed, and home), he is happy to care for her.

Mary is one tough chick. She finds out who Rhage is and she takes it just like a spoon full of sugar straight out of a Disney movie! Her strength never ceased to amaze me. She is undoubtedly falling for Rhage but she is so insecure about herself. Also, she knows she is going to be facing the battle of her life.

“I will not fall in love with you,” she said. “I can’t let myself. I won’t.” “That’s all right. I’ll love you enough for the both of us.” He surged inside of her, filling her depths."

So much happens in this book. The parallels between this book and real life are genuine and raw. Learning to love and accept someone for exactly who they are is a beautiful thing.

I am not going to lie. One thing happened in this book that was hard for me to understand and accept about our wounded hero.

Mary and Rhage have so much to overcome. He is a vampire and requires blood to live. Mary is sick and has a hard time asking for help! Their story was beautiful and unforgettable.

“I will have no other,” he said against her throat. “I will take none but you.” Mary wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to have him so far inside that he could stay with her forever."


I loved every second of this book! This series is fantastic and Rhage and Mary's story will stay with me forever. I felt the character development was more developed in this book. Additionally because you are getting to know all of the brothers, you become invested in their stories! Because this book blossoms into the next story, it was an easy decision for me to move right on to the next book in the series. If for some reason you haven't read this series, stop what you are doing and read it NOW! You will not be disappointed!

“Go to your warrior , female. Feel the warmth of his body and know this is real.”
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