An enjoyable and quite original and fresh urban fantasy. The author's first book, and although the writing was a bit rough around the edges at times, An enjoyable and quite original and fresh urban fantasy. The author's first book, and although the writing was a bit rough around the edges at times, the characters and plot carried it along. Set in urban Wisconsin in 1969, in a world in which magic is real. Some have it, some don't. You can study magic in college LOL. I liked the world-building and the magic systems. Not everything was explained, but it didn't always need to be. It was so unique and interesting, and I quickly got caught up in that world.
I liked the two protagonists: Ulysses, ghost catcher and magic student, Sam with apparently no magic, but somehow being taken over by an ancient god. Both young academics. Their romance was fairly low-key but convincing. The back story of Sam was slowly unpacked as their relationship developed.
The ending felt a little sudden, but satisfying all the same. There are apparently two sequels to this book, and I plan to read both at some point. Taking a little break from this world first though. But I'm happy to have found a new UF author I like.
Cover note: I personally don't find the cover particularly appealing, and probably wouldn't have picked the book up on cover alone. I think it could be much more eye-catching and fit the 1969 setting much better.
This one started off fine, although I wouldn't suggest reading it as the first book in this series, or you might feel a bit lost. Although I've by no This one started off fine, although I wouldn't suggest reading it as the first book in this series, or you might feel a bit lost. Although I've by no means read them all, I've read enough of them to understand the background, and I knew some of the secondary characters from earlier books. So that was helpful.
All was going along OK till about halfway through the book, when (view spoiler)[it was revealed that Auden's baby was actually not her dna, but her mother's, so the baby she carried was her half-sister not her child. This just felt too creepy for me, along with all of the other yucky stuff about brain lesions, and bits of brain possibly being transferred etc. Eek. (hide spoiler)]. For me, the book went a bit downhill from that point, and I started to skim, reading chapters here and there, skipping over some sections.
Years ago, I used to really love Ms Singh's original series about the psy-changelings, that started with Slave to Sensation, which IMO was one of the best ones. But my reading tastes have changed since those days, and the later, related series seem to have become a bit too much for me. I don't really enjoy the direction they went in, with more emphasis on the Arrows and the Psy society. I have to admit I find the whole thing about the net-mind and the way it operates a bit hard to swallow.
I do like a good fantasy or sci-fi read, and it doesn't always have to be completely believable. But somehow I struggle a bit in completely buying into the world imagined by Ms Singh. I'm sure the books are still very popular, and new ones eagerly awaited by the many fans. Sadly I just don't enjoy them as much as I used to. Never mind. My problem I guess. But if you haven't read any of these and want to try them, I wouldn't start here. Go back to the start of the books, so it all makes sense as you read on into the series. And if you get hooked, there's a lot of reading enjoyment awaiting you :)...more
A mix of fantasy meets sci-fi. Witches and genius scientists. Nature vs. technology. The pace was rapid and the book was full of unexpected and at timA mix of fantasy meets sci-fi. Witches and genius scientists. Nature vs. technology. The pace was rapid and the book was full of unexpected and at times preposterous events. As a reader I was drawn in and just went with the flow. CW: I was uncomfortable with the extreme bullying of the young protagonists in the earlier part of the book, and I felt it was never really dealt with. They just grew up and moved on. I guess that's how they dealt with it. (view spoiler)[I felt Patricia's acceptance of her cruel parents and sister later on was not really convincing to me as a reader. (hide spoiler)] There was also quite a bit of violence in the book.
Overall the plot was interesting, and kept me involved as a reader. A couple of the story threads were ultimately a little disappointing in the final denouement. Somehow the ending didn't quite pack the punch for me that it seemed to have been building to, and I was left feeling a little flat at the end. I also didn't really get the bit about (view spoiler)[the Unraveling. Why would anyone want to do this and think it was good? It just didn't convince me. (hide spoiler)] Still, overall on balance, it was an enjoyable and unusual read. I have not read anything quite like this book before, and I liked the fresh feel of the ideas....more
An introductory/prequel novella to a fantasy series. In this one, the protagonist Tenai, who has emerged into modern USA from another world, is in a pAn introductory/prequel novella to a fantasy series. In this one, the protagonist Tenai, who has emerged into modern USA from another world, is in a psychiatric hospital, with her doctor believing her stories of her world are false memories. The author's notes have already clearly explained that these are actually real memories, even though Dr Dodson is not aware of this.
Tenai is a very interesting character, highly skilled in many physical arts, including various forms of fighting. Dr Dodson helps her to overcome/manage her deeply felt anger, and find a way to function in our world. Whilst as a reader you feel in awe of Tenai and her abilities, at the same time she is quite terrifying with her history and propensity for violence. It's an interesting read though, as we follow Tenai's journey towards self-control and self-management.
There is a second, shorter novella along with the first one, which gives a snapshot of Tenai's life five years later, as a self-defence instructor. This is apparently a kind of 'gap-filler' before the next book, which moves the characters into Tenai's world.
Both of these novellas are well written and interesting....more
Interesting and pretty enjoyable fantasy novel. Strong characters and a fascinating world to become immersed in. In parts it did drag a little. (view Interesting and pretty enjoyable fantasy novel. Strong characters and a fascinating world to become immersed in. In parts it did drag a little. (view spoiler)[IMO some of the sections describing the mind invasions of the sorcerers became a little repetitive, and might have benefited from some judicious trimming or editing. The ending also felt a little too long and drawn out, which kinda destroyed the impact of the very satisfying moment when the bad guy got his just desserts. (hide spoiler)]
But overall I liked the world created, with its beautiful and fierce natural features. I also liked Ryo and Aras, both people of strength and integrity. I plan to read more of the books set in this world....more
Unpopular opinion alert ..... I got to 77 % and have lost interest and decided I couldn't be bothered reading any more. I'm not normally a fan of YA-sUnpopular opinion alert ..... I got to 77 % and have lost interest and decided I couldn't be bothered reading any more. I'm not normally a fan of YA-style books anyway, but in this one the storyline was quite driving and encouraging you to read on. But after a while I found I didn't really care any more what was going to happen to the characters, so I decided to dnf.
Unfortunately, there were some big things I didn't like about the book. It is incredibly violent, with enormous numbers of minor/secondary characters being killed right throughout the book. The cover did warn of 'brutal games', so I was warned, I guess. The violence wasn't really lingered over, but it's an undeniably brutal and violent world that's depicted. And in spite of the ongoing storyline, I struggled to get over that, and decided I didn't want to keep reading about it. A bit like the 'Hunger Games' books. Yeah, a gripping read, but they actually kill each other in their 'games'. Just no.
Another thing I didn't like was the free use of the 'F' word. Not necessary, even for a gripping and exciting story IMO. Yeah, call me old-fashioned (OK, I am LOL), but I found it irritating.
Basically, everything in the book was the ultimate, extreme, taken to the nth degree, OTT. I just got a bit tired of it, I suppose.
In spite of the way the story carried me along for quite a while, I can't give more than 2 stars to a book I ultimately dnf'ed....more
3.5 stars. A low-key but enjoyable read about the daughter of a wealthy merchant who makes a marriage-of-convenience with a noble but impoverished bar3.5 stars. A low-key but enjoyable read about the daughter of a wealthy merchant who makes a marriage-of-convenience with a noble but impoverished baron. Konrad is blind in one eye and has a heavily scarred face. Perhaps as a result, he is a somewhat quiet and taciturn man. As he slowly falls in love with Aimee, he becomes more natural, sociable and approachable than his dour presence of the past. Set in the fictional medieval-style world of Karadok, it's a pleasant read with little drama or angst. ...more
A lighter series than my old fav the Abhorsen series. I did quite enjoy the first book in this newer series, but this second book started to drag for A lighter series than my old fav the Abhorsen series. I did quite enjoy the first book in this newer series, but this second book started to drag for me in the last third or so. I had to push to finish it. So, somewhat reluctantly for a fav author, I give only 3 stars. ...more
3.5 stars. Not my usual cup of tea, but overall a cute and enjoyable story. An unusual premise, and I admit a female barbarian orc would not normally 3.5 stars. Not my usual cup of tea, but overall a cute and enjoyable story. An unusual premise, and I admit a female barbarian orc would not normally be my preferred MC. But the side characters were intriguing, and all the cosy stuff about building the shop, the baking etc, was surprisingly enjoyable to read. Not sure whether I'll read any more in the series (when they're published), but this one was worth the read. ...more
This final book in the trilogy was definitely a better read for me than #2, which had been a little confusing to read at times. The storyline was muchThis final book in the trilogy was definitely a better read for me than #2, which had been a little confusing to read at times. The storyline was much clearer to me in this third book, and the pace moved along well.
I liked the main couple, Winter and Sterling, although at times there was a little too much drama and angst. But it was a decent read, and an interesting take on shifter/werewolf novels. I've read a few and I liked the world created in this one. Occasionally there was a little too much violence for my taste (especially in Book 2) so I just skimmed through these sections. Overall, I liked the way the storyline was resolved and I enjoyed the read.
I would not recommend reading this book as a standalone. Bks 1 and 2 definitely need to be read first....more
This started off to be quite interesting, but it dragged and became more tedious as it went on. I read quite a lot of it (89%), but finally just tiredThis started off to be quite interesting, but it dragged and became more tedious as it went on. I read quite a lot of it (89%), but finally just tired of it. I put it aside for a while, but don't feel any desire to go back and finish it, so sadly, I've decided to declare a dnf. Although I liked the book at first, ultimately I can't give a book I dnf'ed any more than two stars.........more
3.5 stars. I have been enjoying this series, that's a quirky sci-fi/fantasy crossover, with wolf shifters and humans in space, trying to survive on ar3.5 stars. I have been enjoying this series, that's a quirky sci-fi/fantasy crossover, with wolf shifters and humans in space, trying to survive on ark ships. LOL. The first part of this third book did drag for me though. It felt a bit repetitive and took too long to get anywhere. So I put it down and took a break for a while.
I picked the book up again and have finished it this week. Fortunately, it did pick up the pace in the second half of the book, with some more interesting and dramatic events. It still felt a bit repetitive at times though, with Lachesis' health issues being emphasised a little too often, and overall a bit too much angst for my personal reading tastes. I feel as if the book/series could have done with a bit of judicious pruning/editing and come out of it a tighter and better read.
Still, I like the concept of the series, and in spite of the angst feeling a bit overdone, I like Lachesis and Rainer and their still-developing relationship. I'm committed now, and look forward to the fourth and final book in the series (to be released later in 2023, I believe). The story takes place on a grand scale, so I hope the final book can draw the threads together and come up with a satisfying conclusion.
I would recommend reading the other two books first rather than trying this one as a standalone....more
October 2022. I read up to about 40% and decided not to bother with this one anymore. I liked the concept, which is why I bought the book (I'd also reOctober 2022. I read up to about 40% and decided not to bother with this one anymore. I liked the concept, which is why I bought the book (I'd also read some positive reviews). But sadly the writing just didn't work for me. I found the writing style to be a bit pedestrian. Sadly, the main character, who should have fascinating and charismatic, was also a bit pedestrian and uninteresting. I decided this one just wasn't for me. Not a bad book, just a fairly flat and dull one IMO, and not enough there to entice me to finish it at this point. Maybe one day I'll go back to it and try again???...more
3.5 stars rounded up to 4 for the entertainment value of the read. It's an odd mix of fantasy and sci-fi/space opera, with a hint of romance. I had to3.5 stars rounded up to 4 for the entertainment value of the read. It's an odd mix of fantasy and sci-fi/space opera, with a hint of romance. I had to smile at the blurb, which claims it's 'Space opera meets Bridgerton'. Oh dear. I don't think so. Bridgerton fans will be sorely disappointed if they think this book will remind them of the TV series. Nothing like it. LOL. What book promoters will say/do to sell books. *shakes head*
That aside, it's a decent read. My first by this author. Whilst I'm not rushing out to read her previous books, I will definitely have a look at the next one in this series when it comes along. This is a fast-moving adventure set in a sci-fi world that has magic as well. There are power struggles between different political factions, as well as celebrities and gossip girls, with the occasional ball, (the Bridgerton angle, presumably). I would call the book 'fun' except that there's quite a bit of violence in there, which I admit I generally skimmed over. It was the technology/magic mix that attracted my attention to this book, and I did enjoy this aspect of the read.
It's a kind of 'fated mates' trope, with the seemingly unimportant and lowly 'lab rat' Vesper accidentally and unexpectedly forming a 'true bond' with Kyrion, the fearsome head of the military Arrows. Presumably, more about their bond and their magic will unfold in the next book. An intriguing world. A bit too much violence for my taste, and also a slightly cheesy writing style, but it was otherwise a fast-moving and entertaining read. ...more
A fun and fast-moving adventure in set in space, on ark ships. Space opera, I suppose. Although some of the characters are werewolves (I know!), thereA fun and fast-moving adventure in set in space, on ark ships. Space opera, I suppose. Although some of the characters are werewolves (I know!), there's not a lot of werewolf stuff in this book. It's really just a big old adventure in space, and I enjoyed the ride. Some of the action scenes reminded me of some of the Star Trek movies, actually.
I would recommend reading Book 1 before tackling this book, as it's all part of one big storyline, and Book 1 establishes the world and the characters. Now I'm looking forward to the next instalment after this cliffhanger! Supposed to come out later this year (2022). :)...more
Werewolves in space. Huh. I was a little surprised I enjoyed this mashup of sci-fi/space opera/shifter fantasy as much as I did. Earth has been wreckeWerewolves in space. Huh. I was a little surprised I enjoyed this mashup of sci-fi/space opera/shifter fantasy as much as I did. Earth has been wrecked by a polar shift (for now, at least), and the story takes place on ark ships in space, with both human and werewolf survivors battling for survival and supremacy. An odd kind of premise, but the writer made it credible enough for me, and I was happy to go along for the ride. I enjoyed the twists and turns of the story, and the political squabbles amongst crew members kept it interesting. I've enjoyed wolf shifter books before, and this one was just a different take, I guess.
I did get a little tired of the difficulty Lake and Rainer had in communicating with each other. OK as a plot device, but after a while it started to get a bit old, and as a reader I wanted a few more crumbs of their togetherness. But apart from this, the story carried me along, and I will happily read the next instalment. ...more
3.5 stars. I liked the romance between Jeffree and Sabina. (view spoiler)[ His obsession with her hair, particularly her braids, was cute. (hide spoil3.5 stars. I liked the romance between Jeffree and Sabina. (view spoiler)[ His obsession with her hair, particularly her braids, was cute. (hide spoiler)] The gradual growth in Jeffree was nice to see after his dry and loveless upbringing. Sabina truly brought him out of himself.
It took quite a while for Sabina to realise her own feelings, in fact a bit too long. Although I enjoyed the read overall, this was my problem with the book - for me it was too long. About 3/4 through, the business with (view spoiler)[Sabina's sister Isemay (hide spoiler)]was a little confusing and seemed to just drag on. I admit I did a little bit of skimming here. The epilogue with (view spoiler)[ Jeffree abasing himself before the queen also felt a little bit unbelievable, almost ridiculous to me. I couldn't really see the point of the scene. (hide spoiler)]
I'm still on the fence about the setting of this series. I find it hard to fully get into the zone of this pseudo-medieval world. I guess it does give the writer certain freedoms, but for me personally I would prefer it be set in the real world in medieval times, still with made up characters, but with real places and customs.
So yeah - a decent read, but too long and would have been more enjoyable for me if a couple of sections got the chop.
My kindle edition has a very nice cover, with (presumably) Sabina in a lovely deep red dress. Nice....more
3.5 stars. Classic good vs. evil scenario. YA isn't my fav, so probably more stars if I were a YA fan. Some interesting ideas, but for me doesn't have3.5 stars. Classic good vs. evil scenario. YA isn't my fav, so probably more stars if I were a YA fan. Some interesting ideas, but for me doesn't have the power or dramatic tension of the captive prince series. I will probably read the next one when it comes out, anyway....more
3 to 3.5 stars. For me this third book of the series was a little slow-paced and drawn out. At the end, I was left feeling as if not a lot of progress3 to 3.5 stars. For me this third book of the series was a little slow-paced and drawn out. At the end, I was left feeling as if not a lot of progress had been made towards the solving of the overall mystery running through the books (of the origin of the ‘wizards’ and their ‘magic’).
This may well prove to be a mistaken impression as I read the next book, but that’s how I felt. There was some groundwork laid for future revelations no doubt, but I still felt a little as if I was marking time. I also missed some of the magical feel of the earlier books with their search for the origins of the jewels.
(view spoiler)[ For me, too much time was spent with the demons. I like the ideas introduced - of them perhaps being a native species, with perhaps no real evil intent as people had thought, but of having their own form of ‘speaking’. Interesting concepts, but they were still mostly described as pretty revolting creatures whom Rowan (for most of the book) and we were repulsed by. I did not really enjoy the lengthy section about them. For me it went on too long. It was also a little confusing as to what was actually going on. As readers we were experiencing some of Rowan’s confusion, but that didn’t make it particularly enjoyable to read.
I was left with some questions e.g. I somehow missed the reasoning for the demons kidnapping Janus. I also wondered how come Bel arrived safely without having a copper-bottomed ship. Maybe I missed some vital bit of info there? Perhaps I need to reread at some stage to pick up details I missed on the first read.
The idea of Janus being two-faced (!) and a cruel murderer was a surprise, but it worked in the overall plotline. I assume he has now gone running to the wizards and may pop up as a potential bad guy in later books. Maybe? (hide spoiler)]
So I liked being back in the steerswomen’s world, but this book is my least fav so far out of the three I’ve read. I fully intend to read book 4, and if that goes well, I will read the subsequent books when they’re released. It’s a very interesting world Ms Kirstein has created, and I like the idea of sci-fi elements that are yet to be revealed. ...more