Ok look, I am not gonna lie, this story confused be from the get go.
It took me til about mid way to actually get that this was just a story to push yoOk look, I am not gonna lie, this story confused be from the get go.
It took me til about mid way to actually get that this was just a story to push you into reading the next series. I did not need the push as I have already pre ordered the first book about Harrison.
Now with that out of the way...
This was a story about how on a Halloween night the Tristan Krew was going to have a Halloween bash at the literally haunted book store.
Cause what could happen, amiright?
Things happen, we meet a highly ranked Hell CEO, and the woman with all the powers from the wedding arrives.
I think she only arrives to push the second story. Which yea, the actual story about the Krew is very short, the rest of the book is the story about the last time the book was opened.
Not gonna lie, I was not interested in that. I had no real connection to these people, I would have rather had the option of reading that story seperately.
Hello again from the world of WTF just happened. I don't understand how it happens, I start one of these stories andJust go with it...
Audiobook Review
Hello again from the world of WTF just happened. I don't understand how it happens, I start one of these stories and get sucked in. Add the wonderful narration and I can't resist it.
I really cannot tell you details of this without being really spoilery and I really want you to not know too much before reading.
Just know that its weird, sometimes gross, and utterly confusing, but worth it.
Connor Brannigan narrates these stories superbly.
I am reading all these out of order so don't think you have to start with #1....more
I had a bit of a love/hate relationship to this story while I was reading it.
I loved the way it was written but man, I did not realize how overwhelmiI had a bit of a love/hate relationship to this story while I was reading it.
I loved the way it was written but man, I did not realize how overwhelmingly dull really complex puzzles were. And this whole story was a puzzle.
One with no real ending.
So in this one we have a fella named Mike Brink, who had a head injury and when he woke up, had the ability to see exactly how a puzzle, any puzzle, was solved. I am going to admit something here. Brink was boring. I mean, he had this whole gift, was apparently so attractive that people didn't believe he did puzzles, but was as exciting as a dish rag.
Well one day he is called to come to a prison to see if he could figure out a puzzle that a convicted female murderer created. He of course, hopped into his truck and went over.
This starts the whole present time story. There is also the story happening in 1909 that starts with a letter that begins the book. Yes, its confusing and it stays confusing throughout the whole story.
Of course Brink becomes obsessed with the female prisoner and at the end gets a HFN? I am not sure as its kind of creepy that he was all up in her business.
But that is not where the book ends, nope, one of the baddies has the honor of what the last chapter was about and we find out that something actually worked.
This book had no real genre. Was it a suspense? Horror? Was is supernatural?
The only word I can come up with in regards to this book was long.
This was a very long book. It did not need to be so long and it would have made gettThe only word I can come up with in regards to this book was long.
This was a very long book. It did not need to be so long and it would have made getting through the story so much better.
Spoilers ahead
I can actually spoil this with one really old reference. Do you remember Dallas? Do you remember how Bobby came back to life?
Anyways, in here we have Proctor Bennett, a man who has a job offboarding people from Prospera. Things are going along normally until his "dad" tells him something and then things start to go sideways.
There was so many details in here. SO MANY
I knew that this was going to be a long title, I mean, I read the writers other books, but I dunno, I think you can get away with writing a good story with less pages.
I will hide this part behind a spoiler tag as I did not see anyone mention this in a review, (view spoiler)[ but all the people are in stasis and are living in a shared dream environment as they are going to a new planet. There is a class divide, even in stasis and some people are treated badly. When they are woken up, the uppers had to be separated as the rest of the people hated them, Proctor Bennet included. Bennet was the captain of the ship they were all in and after telling everyone else that he made a deal with the uppers, stayed behind when everyone else was shipped down to the new planet. But you see, it was Bennet who created the world where people struggled to live. There are some bullcrap ideas about why he did it, but in the end? He stayed behind when the others left because he wants to treat the uppers the same way. Make them suffer so that they can be happy when they get to where ever they end up. He kept a woman behind for himself. He also left a baby behind that he didnt know of. (hide spoiler)]
Needless to say that I did not like this mc. Its hard to enjoy a story when you are hoping the main protagonist gets tossed overboard and not get his HEA.
Hello, its me again, reading yet another book by this writer. I just cant help it.
Also, I cant really describe what went on in this book. Because evenHello, its me again, reading yet another book by this writer. I just cant help it.
Also, I cant really describe what went on in this book. Because even though I finished the entire thing, I am still confused.
Anyways, this starts off in a bar when a Japanese assassin? maybe? shows up looking for the person who stole the purple tv from the Japanese government.
And with that, the confusion starts and does not end even after the epilogue.
This story has humor, horror, scifi, good vs evil, and so much more. And this may just be a me thing since I am Japanese, but the whole Japanese planet, the people, the stuff that happens, and the making fun of the language made me cringe. It was not overt racism, so dont let my opinion sway you on that, but I was not comfortable.
Connor did another wonderful job on this one. ...more
I guess I am going to listen to all of this writers books in audio. Connor's narration is top notch and I really enjoy them.
Ok so this book is not likI guess I am going to listen to all of this writers books in audio. Connor's narration is top notch and I really enjoy them.
Ok so this book is not like the others I have read. It was not written badly, it just felt disjointed and had a heck of a lot of main characters, including the Brothers Crunk, whose story I have read and enjoyed.
In here we have Bill. He has been able to hear a phrase (the same phrase) over and over again since he was a child, which is said by bugs. No one believed him about it but it was driving him to madness and eventually made him lose parts of his body. How that worked, I have no idea.
He goes through a heck of a lot, there is a cabal of evil scientists, a drug dealing woman who believes in the end that she is the queen of bugs, and of course the Brothers Crunk.
I really did like the decision at the end by the Brothers.
I did not like Bill's ending. He was totally an unreliable narrator to begin with and I was left with more questions than answers with the books ending.
I did see the reviews mentioning that it was to be expected, which may be good for others, but I am just sitting here wanting to know what really happened. ...more
I usually stay away from any book that warns you away because you just can't handle the edge lord content, but something about this one caught myEh...
I usually stay away from any book that warns you away because you just can't handle the edge lord content, but something about this one caught my attention.
Slight spoilers ahead.
So in here we have Puchy Mushkin. His claim to fame is his massive wingdinger. He is not a nice person. After trying to sleep with a guy because his boyfriend rented out a place to show his art which upset him, Puchy is crucified by his now ex boyfriend and almost lost his massive wingdinger, but the cops show up just in time. This starts his trying to change? make different? something with his life.
After way too many interactions and deeds, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital, because of course, and at one point hops on a woman he obsessed over while she was brain dead and humped, licked, etc while claiming that he would take care of her.
He spends a couple of years in the hospital and after a penis reduction surgery, was sentenced to go back to law school and ends up back with the guy who tried to crucify him.
The epilogue has him doing something in revenge and of course that is as expected as the rest of it.
I don't know why this had to lean so hard in the over the top rhetoric. This was written well, had a few funny parts, and could have been an out there story had it been told in a way that made sense.
All in all, this was not as horrible as described, was not so edgy that one would run screaming into the night, and had promise.
I would definitely read more by this writer....more
Ok so I'm gonna be spoiling this so skip reading if want to be surprised, but the blurb pretty much tells you the whole story.
So herI'm so confused...
Ok so I'm gonna be spoiling this so skip reading if want to be surprised, but the blurb pretty much tells you the whole story.
So here we have Dominic, a guy who has longed for the chimney sweep for 5 years. He has only seen this man once a year for however long it takes to clean the chimney. But this longing is so strong it ends his marriage and sends him on a mission to be with other men.
Reagan is a chimney sweep who only saw this dude once a year in the company of his wife yet is all in when he gets a drunk call and goes to check on him.
They end up having sexytimes and all ends well.
The one thing I real!y liked was the lines. The horrible pickup/sexy ones.
What I disliked wss the many editing errors. Usually, if a story is good enough, one can overlook that, but if the story is not there, then one can't. ...more
I gave two stars based on the fact that the actual storyline wasn't bad. The writing, however, was. It reOmg..
Ok, so. Spoilers abound, but its needed.
I gave two stars based on the fact that the actual storyline wasn't bad. The writing, however, was. It really needs editing. Commas show up where they shouldn't and then are not around when they are needed. This book also does not have chapters. There are pages where its only a couple of sentences.
I think they were trying to do a futuristic AU where men have female names and women have male names but I did not see any actual trans representation, though I may have missed it as this was like one long stream of consciousness that was typed out while kind of drunk.
I did not understand why Jennifer had his head cut off when he was killed and then it was stuck on a stick.
I kind of hope this gets edited so that we can see what it was that the writer was trying to show us....more
Here we have Levy, a beta warlock/rabbit shifter mix, who is 22 and works in a bakery run by his very powerful family. He did not know he was a part oHere we have Levy, a beta warlock/rabbit shifter mix, who is 22 and works in a bakery run by his very powerful family. He did not know he was a part of the Shifters of the Chinese Zodiac, and was put into college by his mother.
His unbeknownst to him fated mate, Eliot, who is a dog shifter, also a member of the Chinese Zodiac shifters, ends up working for the bakery while Levy is in school. He is actually a golden retriever shifter, so awwww.
There is also Jun, a professor at the school and a snake shifter in charge of all the Zodiac Shifters.
Due to what Levy is, otherworldly beings want him. Jun and Eliot actually want to protect him, but due to what happened with a werewolf, Levy does not trust alphas. Rightly so.
While this was advertised as being dark, this was more dark-lite. There was some killing and murdering, but it was not that bad. Also, this should have been a mmm. I felt more sexual chemistry between Levy and Jun and Eliot and Jun than I did when it was just Levy and Eliot.
Just as a heads up for future readers, this was single POV until around chapter 12, then all of a sudden, it became a dual POV book. That was odd and not expected.
All in all, the whole storyline about how the Zodiac animals were all shifters and connected was cool. ...more
I read this book totally based on the title alone. The story did fulfill its duty and really did have farts as the way to true love.
Now I have to say I read this book totally based on the title alone. The story did fulfill its duty and really did have farts as the way to true love.
Now I have to say that this one did do the one thing I cannot stand, it had so many POV's that I wanted to scream.
So in here we have Cesar, a Cupid who was tired of making sure that only white cis people, mostly men, find love. So while trying to get Aiden and Steve together, he shoots Steve in the butt and so starts the love farting. Now there were more than one couple falling in love in here, and one of them was a MF.
With so many couples, it just made everything feel surface level, except for the MF romance. Also, this was all FTB scenes.
I really liked the idea of choice fighting back against the corporation, but the writing really came across very stiffly....more
This was the best sounding but most confusing book I have read in a long time. The narration by Homer was absolutely top notch and I wAudiobook Review
This was the best sounding but most confusing book I have read in a long time. The narration by Homer was absolutely top notch and I would highly recommend having them in more audiobooks.
Now onto the story...well I cannot say much about it because I understood very little. The atmosphere was top notch and this could have been spun into a Stephen King type horror very easily, but the fact that I listened to this entire book and I have no idea what happened is not good. I am not sure if Harris was/did paranormal things or if the books really were there for these "children", nor do I know if what happened at the end actually happened because it seems that this is an unreliable narrator.
I am also confused about the relationship issues, was he just a drunk who lost his partner and that was it?
But just the fact that the narration was so good makes this a 3 star read....more
If you remember my review of the first book, y'all know I loved it, even if nothing was explained. In this one, we got an actual story that madYall...
If you remember my review of the first book, y'all know I loved it, even if nothing was explained. In this one, we got an actual story that made sense, but it took me almost a month to finish it. The first half was a slog, but once I got there, it got much better.
This time Romily narrates with more detail but adds insults to the reader along the way. I mean, these reader slaps are not subtle at all. Yes, the first book did end on a cliffhanger, yes the story made no sense, and yes the romance made little sense. And that is all ok, I still enjoyed it. I did not enjoy being told I read a story wrong.
I will continue this series, cause I am all in, but I'd rather not be getting snide remarks in the next one....more