She stares into Mr. Solo’s dark eyes and a peculiar sensation washes over her: dread,
first read: 5 stars second read: 5 stars
She stares into Mr. Solo’s dark eyes and a peculiar sensation washes over her: dread, and… peace. Relief. There is, finally, no alternative choice. There is nowhere to flee. She is one word away from stability and safety and nary a difficult thought ever again. A cage, perhaps. But it’s a very lovely cage.
This shit hit [image]
“I would do it all over again.” His warm hand pauses atop her head, thumb tracing the arch of her brow, dark eyes quite intent upon hers. “In the same manner, with the same outcome, in any lifetime—I would do the same irrational, cruel things to have you, my love.” Mr. Solo raises his eyebrows. “In this life or the next, and in every life that has come before—in whatever forms we may take—you will always be mine. Do you understand, Rey?”
Ah such a sweet quote, such bleak reality.
OTHER WORKS: Okay since "Slake" by this author isn't on goodreads, I'm just gonna document another 5 star masterpiece that had me fucked in the head over here....more
I'm just sitting here crying from allergies, gently caressing the cover of this book and randomly thinking of how great life was whiUpdate 10.21:
I'm just sitting here crying from allergies, gently caressing the cover of this book and randomly thinking of how great life was while I was reading it:(
So here's my bitter message to everyone who still hasn't read it:
Fuck you.
Because I am jealous.
Not to be dramatic or anything....BUT THIS IS THE BEST SCI-FI NOVEL I'VE EVER READ
Rocky + Grace = my all time favourite friendship. In all books, of all time, in all the universe. [image]
I never shut the fuck up but this book? This book has me SPEECHLESS. It was phenomenal and that's all there is to say.
fav quotes (for me)
I had
I never shut the fuck up but this book? This book has me SPEECHLESS. It was phenomenal and that's all there is to say.
fav quotes (for me)
I had absolutely no interest in being somebody else’s muse. I am not a muse. I am the somebody. End of fucking story.
CAMILLA: I believe what I said was, and you know, earmuffs, but I believe what I said was “Who the fuck do you think you are, cheating on me? You think there’s a woman alive who is better than what you have?”
DAISY: I walked up to the mike as Billy was facing the audience, and I thought, Does Billy Dunne ever wear shirts that aren’t denim? BILLY: She came on the stage barefoot and I just thought, What is this girl doing? Put some shoes on.
I could feel my microphone vibrating as they screamed and stomped their feet and I thought, Holy shit, we’re rock stars.
It was kind of funny, to be honest. Watching Billy put on this act like he gave a shit what anyone else wanted on the album. God bless him. You could see the effort he was putting in. Talking all slow, thinking about his words.
Daisy didn’t actually have confidence. She was always good. Confidence is being okay being bad, not being okay being good.
He picked her up, just off the floor, and kind of swung her back and forth for a moment. And I could have sworn to you he smelled her hair before he put her back down.
EDDIE: Billy and Daisy always believed they were the most interesting people in the world. And that whole album cover confirmed it for them. BILLY: It’s a great cover. DAISY: It’s iconic.
It's 2:40am, I just finished this book. My emotions are all over the place, my hands are shaking from adrenaline, I think my left eye is going temporarily blind from sitting in front of a screen for so long, and I can't feel my ass cheeks anymore.
I do not regret a second I spent reading this.
This book was fucking phenomenal. It was so up my alley I would not change a single damn thing about it.
If you went into this series thinking that Deanna Madden, a secluded psychopath who's hell bent on killing, and has in fact killed people will meet a man, get some therapy, re-evaluate her ways and have a HEA. You are in for one big surprise.
Now I didn't necessarily think there would be a HEA or any redemption for the heroine, but I did expect some sort of happy romantic progression I guess? I've read many similar series that include unstable, psychotic characters falling in love and sorta having fucked up endings, but at least they ended in a relationship, you know? I was so used to it, I just assumed it would end that way in the Deanna Madden series. [image]
In the previous books everything was much more predictable and textbook if that makes sense. Deanna clearly wants to kill. It just so happens there is a very bad person that needs to die and a super innocent victim that needs saving. So she satisfies the urge meanwhile coming out the hero. We got to read a dark ass book with a psychotic main character and still retain all our moral high grounds. Everyone is disturbed and happy.
This book? In this book Deanna shows all her colours, she spits in our faces and shows us just how naive we all were. You think she killed all those horrible people -that true, deserved death- because she was trying to be a hero? HA, she killed them because she wanted to. Because it made her feel giddy and blood thirsty. Because it was the only thing that brought her the ultimate satisfaction. She is selfish, dangerous, unstable and unpredictable. And it ended in the PERFECT WAY to show us all the gritty truth about Deanna. It was bittersweet and so satisfying for my little masochistic heart.
(view spoiler)[In the end we realise that everything in this series made sense and sort of revolved around the evolution of Deanna's character. The fact that she had a full on separate identity as Jess Reily, the 19 year old college girl on webcam, had everything to do with the fact that through Jess Reily she lived a normal life. She lied and pretended not to be a psychopath, but a girl she could've been had life not taken such a horrible turn for her.
I love him for a hundred reasons that are paper thin, an illusion I’ve created and he’s bought into. He is my finest Jess Reilly moment and he has no idea. He is my knight in shining armor made of tinfoil. I cannot be rescued; there is no Happily Ever After because, at the end of all this, Cinderella isn’t allowed to kill the prince.
We realise that Jeremy never actually knew the real her because their relationship was based on lies and denial. They paid the price which almost cost them Jeremy's life. He showed her an existence outside of her apartment, a glimpse into normalcy. He looked at her like she was everything when she wasn't at all.
What she got out of that relationship is the painful truth that no matter how much she lies to herself and everyone else, she will never change. She will always have a darker side that Jeremy has no place to be a part of. Because in reality even if she did decide to stay with him, he most likely wouldn't.
I close my eyes and search for the deep, scary part of myself, the part that I’ve run from so often. I search for it, I find it, and I dive into the cool pool of its depths. I push further, imagining my kills, the thirst I had had, the feeling I had gotten, the high I had experienced. I plunge into the past, make it my present, and inhale the sexy stench of evil. When I open my eyes, I am the girl I never wanted to be but have been for a long time. I am the madness, the demon, the insanity.
It was hands down my favourite book of the series.
Were there negatives? Sure. Some things were left a little open-ended. Okay fine....VERY open ended. (view spoiler)[- We don't know whether Jeremy ever fully woke up. - Does he get the letter??? - No Idea what Deanna's future holds. - No idea where Mike or Derek or even some of Jess's clients end up (like that Alaskan dude, I'm curious lol).
It sounds like literally nothing was answered but trust me, it all made sense in a way. Plus all those questions have the potential to be answered in any future books (if there are any). (hide spoiler)]
If this series does indeed get continued; -Mike is the man I want to see Deanna stick with through thick and thin. -If she doesn't fuck Derek at some point I'll sue for a case of blue balls I don't have but very much feel. -I don't care what happens to Jeremy, sorry boo but you were just there to make my girl shine. You have expired your usefulness. [image] (hide spoiler)]...more
Do you ever just finish reading a book that you reallyyy enjoyed Slowly put it down and think...
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Absolutely genius.
I swallDo you ever just finish reading a book that you reallyyy enjoyed Slowly put it down and think...
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Absolutely genius.
I swallowed this book whole in a matter of a few hours. [image]
I got to see a woman be taken against her will and transformed into a willing, brainwashed captive for a man whose name we don't know. The progression of Stockholm Syndrome in this book is fucking phenomenal and so satisying.
The manipulations her "master" has put her through in order to force her into a complete compliance are so devious in their simplicity. The way he didn't even have to use physical force, just good old psychological torture. Our captive's reaction to her life after captivity truly shows how badly this man fucked her up.
Also the chapters where they engaged in sexual acts were all written in third person, while the rest of the book is in our captive's POV. I found that a unique and interesting addition. I enjoyed how impersonal the writing style felt. the characters and their story were not least not in my opinion. The author did a great job of portraying the captor as a disturbed and repulsive individual, but still "likeable" enough for us to at least try to relate and understand the heroine. ...more
I have been putting off posting this review for the past 4 months. My reasoning: this is without a doubt one ofFirst read:5 stars Second read:5 stars
I have been putting off posting this review for the past 4 months. My reasoning: this is without a doubt one of my most favourite fantasy series ever. Which probably makes little sense... but gatekeeping already ancient, popular books is a thing okay...more
Wow. This was so well written that I sometimes genuinely forgot that Deanna is a fictional character and not a real person, with real thoughts5 stars
Wow. This was so well written that I sometimes genuinely forgot that Deanna is a fictional character and not a real person, with real thoughts and feelings. Real urges and desires. A real life.
Sometimes I got distracted by the outside world and in those moments I was like…fuck I forgot about my own existence for a second.
Honestly props to the author for making such a well developed character. But I would expect nothing less from the person who wrote Black Lies.
Soo, this book is all sorts of fucked up. [image]
I don’t even have the energy to put it in words. All i'll say is…98% of the book are graphic thoughts or actions.
The other 2% being Jeremy (that poor sweetheart who got to deliver Deanna's packages) and Annie, but even her POV gave me some chills. The knowledge of some sicko pedophile thinking about her while she lived her life in clueless bliss…man I told you this book was fucked up.
Some things to consider: - Antiheroine with murdering urges - Antiheroine who is also a sex worker. Get dem $$$ honey, I see you. - Pedophile as the villain - Murder. Our queen got to satisfy her own urges and mine as well...more
This book is basically if the Sawney Bean clan was a family of 4 living in a post-apocalyptic movie with zombies - and it was the weirdest shit5 stars
This book is basically if the Sawney Bean clan was a family of 4 living in a post-apocalyptic movie with zombies - and it was the weirdest shit I've read in my life.
⛔WARNING⛔ If you plan on reading this book I suggest going in blind. However, if you wish to know what this book is actually about, view the spoiler. I don't reveal any important information.
(view spoiler)[- Sick Bastards starts out with mother interrupting a brother choking his sister while fucking, to inform them dinner is ready - The said dinner is actually a male human, which they so pleasantly refer to as “meat” - the brother is somewhat disappointed that the meat is of male variety, because of course females have softer skin, hence easier to chew through. - The mother as it turns out also fucked the brother.