I kept wanting to dnf this book and rate it 2 stars, but then I thought.....no, just keep reading, maybe the rating will go up. Maybe rating it 1 star
I kept wanting to dnf this book and rate it 2 stars, but then I thought.....no, just keep reading, maybe the rating will go up. Maybe rating it prematurely would be unfair. And you know what. I was right, it would have been unfair. It would've been unfair to all involved if I mislead y'all into thinking this deserves anything more than 1 star.
Truly a wild experience.
I've encountered several writing styles which I thought weren't a great choice for the genre, or just plain bad over all. But I think it's the first time I had the pleasure of reading a book, written ENTIRELY in twitter humour. The gen z bible has nothing on this author.
Who has ever asked for a fantasy book which contains sentences that start with "the feminine urge to....." or end with the words "vibe" or "energy"
I don't know what happened with the writing process between book 1 and 2. Psycho Shifters was nowhere near as cringe. Sadie developed a habit to "humorously" ramble. I say humorously, very loosely because none of it was actually funny. The author was clearly trying to appeal to.....something
Heroine after waking up from a 3 day coma and losing 70% of her blood:
“Not dead yet, bitch.” I made a duck face and held up two peace signs.
[image] No reaction meme in this universe will ever be able to describe the face I made when I read this.
Talk about the explosive diarrhea you just had, mention your vagina lips flapping in the wind at least 500 times, make a comment about passing gass.....or puking in your mouth every day. Once you run out of those, repeat the same stale twitter jokes until someone starts laughing. From hysteria.
No but genuinely if I had to hear about Sadie's bodily fluids or her god forsaken vagina lips flaps hole WHATEVER. Girl needs to heed the wise words of Tati Westbrooke [image]
step 1- constantly complain about: ⦿ being weak ⦿ being unable to run ⦿ being ugly ⦿ being mentally unwell ⦿ how weak and pathetic she is ⦿ how short she is
step 2- use a variation of the phrase "like the strong independent woman I am" every 5 chapters so we never forget.
Besides the writing and the heroine, everything else was just as unbearable.
Firstly, the romance fell off. Obviously doesn't help that I wasn't that into it to begin with, but everything felt like a hot mess to me. Two of the dudes are fucking eachother, the other dude can't seem to pick a personality, the new dude is an omega who likes to whine (like the actual sound). I was initially ready to get over it because the plot intrigued me. But of course THAT FELL OFF TOO. The fae games made no sense, the world building was.....whatever is above surface level? The world building was floating in space with zero direction to be seen. And I literally don't understand wtf the fae queen wants. So is she just sadistic for the sake of being sadistic? boring.
And finally, something that has been truly haunting me: Cobra.
please get him away from me with his "my kitten" bullshit...more
Imma be honest, the plot lost me somewhere along the way, I was pretty exhausted when I finished this book. However, the romance and smut kept 3 stars
Imma be honest, the plot lost me somewhere along the way, I was pretty exhausted when I finished this book. However, the romance and smut kept me going. The little snippets of the hero's POV were everythingggg....more
I put this book down one night and never had the energy to pick it up again, so this is me quitting.
The pacing was done so poorly. Wednf 70% - 2 stars
I put this book down one night and never had the energy to pick it up again, so this is me quitting.
The pacing was done so poorly. We went from constant adrenaline rushes in fourth wing, to endless info dumpy politics of Iron Flame. Maybe all those info dumps were important (I'm saying 'maybe' because I literally forgot them all) but they sure were boring.
The romance went downhill too. Violet crying half the book about Xaden lying killed all the chemistry I felt for them. By the time they were back together I was flipping right over those sex scenes. The funniest part is you'd think her self-reghteous ass would understand why lying was necessary once she herself was put in the same position. She knows what's at stake here. Maybe get over yourself?
tbh I think the only reason I got this far is because I was waiting for Andarna to wake tf up...more
This isn't bad but I'm dnfing at 83% because I'm not invested enough, therefore finishing feels like a waste of time. It's a very solid fantasy with aThis isn't bad but I'm dnfing at 83% because I'm not invested enough, therefore finishing feels like a waste of time. It's a very solid fantasy with an endearing heroine, but a lukewarm romance at best. Would it be unseemly of me to say that Reshaye is just misunderstood...more
The heroine is so so awesome and I am very curious about what's going to happen to her, but I just cannot handle how awfully slow and repetitive the wThe heroine is so so awesome and I am very curious about what's going to happen to her, but I just cannot handle how awfully slow and repetitive the writing is, I have a raging headache from it. It felt like nothing happened in the span of 400 pages. All the character relationships (especially the romance) was so painfully dry, I could feel my lips cracking and taste the ashy blandness on my tongue.
All in all: This book is underwhelming, but at least the heroine was iconic
“The Empress’ Champion. She’s undefeated. Stay away from the whore. She’s been in bed with the Elvasi since she was a babe.” She turned back to whoever said that. She kept her face schooled through the lance of hurt and rage, and just met the dark eyes of the male, radiating the same calm she always did. She never gave them anything more. They didn’t deserve anything else from her. Stand down. We all know who the most dominant Andinna in the pits is. Stand down, asshole, or I’ll find a way to gut you for that comment. Every one of her thoughts was a growl in her head. She wanted to bare her canines and snap at him, but in the end, she also knew she didn’t need to. He lowered his eyes first. “Thought so,” she said softly
➥ Skimmed a lot but couldn't stop reading the story regardless ➥ Didn't like the ending. It was fairy tale HEA x10000000. Too good to be true.2.5 stars
➥ Skimmed a lot but couldn't stop reading the story regardless ➥ Didn't like the ending. It was fairy tale HEA x10000000. Too good to be true. So good that it became bad. ...more
Sol was a big ass walking talking tailed lizard snake crocodile with 2 dicks. Peta should come pick my ass up because this was me the entire book. [imaSol was a big ass walking talking tailed lizard snake crocodile with 2 dicks. Peta should come pick my ass up because this was me the entire book. [image] [image]...more
Most of you are probably real familiar with this scenario:
You are a low born slave girl, mistreated constantly, and only known hardSeason 1: 3.5 stars
Most of you are probably real familiar with this scenario:
You are a low born slave girl, mistreated constantly, and only known hardships your entire life....that is until you catch the eye of an Emperor. Your innocence and lack of decorum attracts him, so he falls head over heels in love with you. One problem, he already has an Empress. That's why he makes you his mistress but dotes on you as if you are the wife. Now you are left to survive in court with political games, an adoring Emperor and a cold, powerful empress who hates your guts.
Except in this webtoon you aren't the low born mistress. You're the empress herself. Regal, intelligent, level-headed...and not as easy to make a fool out of...more
Sophie Lark must've infused the steroid strength of every Russian classic author's fingers to write this 849 page monstrosity. It was 2500 page3 stars
Sophie Lark must've infused the steroid strength of every Russian classic author's fingers to write this 849 page monstrosity. It was 2500 pages on my phone btw...more