"In a different world, we'd make sense. I wish we could live in a different world."
This book made me cry rivers. I've never imagin4 Stars!
"In a different world, we'd make sense. I wish we could live in a different world."
This book made me cry rivers. I've never imagined myself becoming so emotionally immersed in and moved by such a beautiful, heartbreaking, and unforgettable romance book.
Viola May Pendleton grew up in a fortunate environment. She has parents with exceptional jobs and reputations in their town, called Blossom. Until she met the bad boy biker Harlin Alexander Granger and fell in love with him, her views about life changed. Their love was a whirlwind and things could have been more perfect, but then they are not allowed to be together because Harlin is a member of a gang called Venom Vipers.
At first, I thought I was getting the usual raging, clichéd insta-love story between two young adults, but when I got to the bottom of the story, I found out that this is not at all your usual kind of love story. It was more than anyone's heart could ever take! I love how Viola evolved into a mature woman in such a short span of time after meeting Harlin. And I love how Harlin just made everything in this book worthy and remarkable.
One thing I also loved about this book was the twist. OMG. Where did that even come from?! It absolutely stunned me in different ways. I could never deny Elizabeth Stoots's exceptional writing style here. It's my first time reading her work and I can say she has so much potential to become a best-selling author. I just have some issues with the words and sentences that need some editing-- like the missing question marks (?) and words like "they're" instead of "their". It's just minor though and it can still be overlooked, especially when the writing is well-done.
If you want a short, fast-paced love story with a good cry, this novella is a must.
"I've learned that in life we have to have the pain or else nothing else makes sense. How could we ever know to appreciate the good without the bad? Can you imagine never knowing anything bad?"
"Perhaps the kindest thing I could do for the characters would be to leave their stories unfinished. Leave them with their possibiliti
5 Stars!
"Perhaps the kindest thing I could do for the characters would be to leave their stories unfinished. Leave them with their possibilities, their potential, even if they only exist in my own mind."
One could never leave this book unfinished. If you do, you will miss half of your life. I couldn't agree more with everyone saying this is absolutely a masterpiece, because *sobs yes, yes it is! This is my first Rebecca Yarros book and I might just be her biggest new fan!
The Things We Leave Unfinished was unique in its own way because we are lucky to get POVs from four different characters and two different timelines. I love how it was written that way. I don't know if it's just me but all throughout the book I was getting some Nicholas Sparks vibes. The way it tugged at my heartstrings and the way it just made me feel all the feels while devouring the 1940's romance... I was all in for that!
Perhaps the biggest factor that made this book a winner for me was Rebecca's poignant writing style. It hits me in different places. I also love how strong her characters are, especially Scarlett Stanton. The romance was an absolute surprise. Scarlett and Jameson. My heart is all over the place for the two of them!
That twist in the end.... It was worth it! I can definitely attest that it's one of the most beautifully crafted twists I have read in my entire life. I would very much welcome to read another book by this author. She can break my heart into pieces and put them all together again at once. Brilliant, just brilliant!
Wow, who knew I'd end up liking this? Never judge a book by its first few chapters, indeed. I almost DNF-ed it considering the heroine really 4 Stars!
Wow, who knew I'd end up liking this? Never judge a book by its first few chapters, indeed. I almost DNF-ed it considering the heroine really annoyed me but I was patient enough and guess what, the book got better a few chapters ahead until the end.
Then You Happened was a unique book to devour. It gave me a Nicholas Sparks and Jude Deveraux kind of feels with its calm and quiet countryside setting shadowed with a wistful writing style that made me feel like I was actually there.
When Tatum "Tate" Knox lost her husband Fletcher, she was not only left with a misery but with a mountain of debts to pay in order to continue their small ranch from running. She met Jack Sutton when she was in the process of hiring him as her ranch manager. Their first few encounters weren't pretty though as they bickered because they just can't stand each other. As the story progressed, Tate realized how badly she needed his help. Jack obviously had the expertise to save her sinking livelihood. But other than that, she didn't realize that she was slowly falling for him. What started as a steamy sexual attraction between them became something else. And while their feelings advanced into a whole new level, they discovered that they've been keeping secrets from each other, ones that may ruin them.
It's my first K. Bromberg read and I definitely loved her writing style. Hands-down beautiful! It actually made me want to read her previous books such as the Driven series which I have been eye-ing for such a long time. K. Bromberg's way of narrating the story was truly compelling that it was hard for me to put it down despite the fact that, as I mentioned, the heroine got on my nerves the first few chapters.
It wasn't really easy to like Tate at first. At times I got so frustrated especially the way she initially treated Jack. The way she dealt with her failures and her sadness were also a bit of an annoyance. She was an immature character. But then I slowly warmed up to her when I understood everything she went through especially at how the people at Lone Star made her the star of their daily gossip. Ugh, that must be really aggravating! Tate's character improved quite remarkably though and I was glad. It was worth my patience after all.
Jack, on the other hand, was a very likeable character. He may seem to be an arrogant man but he has soft sides that will make you melt deep down inside. I loved how he was patient with Tate and how he was there on her side, protecting her in times of challenging situations.
The romance was very well-done. It was a combination of sexy and sweet and I loved it. There was also a set of family dramas thrown into places that made me cry. It was, as a whole, an emotional and un-put-downable book. If you fancy country romance reads, then you must give this one a go.
“Until then, I will continue to love you more and more with every struggle we face than I loved you when all was perfect.”
4 Sobbing Stars!!
“Until then, I will continue to love you more and more with every struggle we face than I loved you when all was perfect.”
Reading this book reminded me once again that Colleen Hoover doesn't fail to consistently deliver an all-round sweet, heart-wrenching love story that hardly no one can emulate.
The story centers around Quinn and Graham Wells, a married couple whose relationship is perfect. Well, almost. If not because of things that they cannot control. Ever since the day they decided to have kids, Quinn has already been struggling with infertility. This leads to her becoming hard on herself each day and becoming detached from Graham. Their love to each other is unquestionable, but their failure to have a baby continues to threaten their relationship and their marriage.
Colleen's writing style, as always, is hands down perfection! Her way with words always gets to me. I thought the way the story was told in alternating past and present timelines was really clever and neatly done, and that is something that in my opinion, very difficult to achieve.
The characters were undeniably flawed. I loved how real Quinn appeared to be, how human she was with dealing her struggles and emotions. Graham, on the other hand, was too good to be true. I don't know if that's a good thing, but where can we exactly find a man like him? He only exists in books, sad to say.
As I was reading this book I found myself realizing a lot of things. First, you cannot really expect a perfect relationship no matter how perfect you are for each other. There will come a time when circumstances teach you the hard way and hit you at your weakest. All Your Perfects tells us that relationships are not a one-man show. It takes two to tango, but when one gives up, the other should fight for the relationship.
The characters' way into building back their relationship was amazing. I loved how in the end they became each other's strength. I took one star away from this book because Quinn and Graham's romantic development in beginning happened way too fast that it was kind of unbelievable.
I had tears all over my face during the last chapters. This is what a Colleen Hoover book always do to me. I was glad to read her work again after such a long time. It reminded me how wonderful it is to love and to be loved regardless of all the imperfections in life.
“If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim.”
“Because how lucky would I be to fall in love with this man? I don't think many people truly get to do that, even if it's all a lie in
3 Stars
“Because how lucky would I be to fall in love with this man? I don't think many people truly get to do that, even if it's all a lie in the end.”
My Life in Shambles is my fourth book by Karina Halle and there's one thing I could always say each time: her writing style never fails.
This book wasn't her best, though. I remember fangirling over her previous work Smut which was really a win.
In this book we meet Valerie Stephens, a New Yorker entertainment writer who went to Ireland for a vacation together with her sisters. After being ditched by her ex-finacé and being laid-off from her job, she thought it would be best go to Ireland just to get away and to search her soul. While having a good time at a pub, she met the totally hot Irish rugby star Padraig McCarthy who at that time looked really sad and detached from the world. They instantly clicked. Like, literally. So when Padraig invited her to go with him to his hometown called Shambles and asked her to pretend as his fiancee just to make his ill father happy, she eventually said yes.
This book was a fake-relationship themed love story that swept me away. I especially loved the beginning chapters because it was in those chapters when I felt the strong chemistry between Valerie and Padraig. Those hot scenes. I cannot!
However as the remaining chapters went, the story changed its flow. It became despairing all of a sudden and I kind of didn't like it because that was not the way I imagined Valerie's vacation in Shambles would be, and certainly not the kind of events that should happen between them.
Up until the end the air was heavy and sad and so depressing. Like everything else is crumbling down. I totally wished the plot would be different and less stressful but as a whole, this was still a good read. If you fancy romance books with an extreme angst filled with family drama and oozing smexy scenes, this book is not bad at all.
“When you love someone, whether it be your family, friends, partners, whatever, it's like planting a seedling of yourself inside of th
4 Stars!
“When you love someone, whether it be your family, friends, partners, whatever, it's like planting a seedling of yourself inside of their hearts.”
I was downright emotional after reading this book. Wish You Were Here was so deep, so heartbreaking and powerful. The plot wasn't what I expected to go but it completely surprised me and it turned my world upside down.
The story centers around Charlotte Ann Martin. She's someone who doesn't seem to have a sense of purpose. Along with her other jobs, she works as a waitress at Blackbird's Café but she doesn't love what she's doing. She also sucks when it comes to relationships as she was always attached to guys with issues. Then she met a high-spirited stranger named Adam Bramwell, a rich lawyer who quit his job to pursue his interest-- art. They instantly connected. When she spent a night with him, they acted like they're a couple who had been together for years. However, the next morning, Adam kicked her out. She spent a lot of days wondering why he never reached out to her again. Just when she gave up and moved on with a gorgeous baseball player Seth Taylor, Adam came back into her life and that time, she found out the real reason why he disappeared.
“You brightened the darkest time of my life.”
The storyline actually reminds me of the book that I've read before, When It Rains. They have a lot of similarities. However, the romance and the drama in this book were portrayed differently. I could say it really affected me on so many levels. I guess what truly made this book stand out was the unpredictability of it. I felt a little shaken by how unexpected the twist had been. It broke my heart!
This book isn't just a romance story but it also teaches life lessons to the readers. Making the most of your life and doing exactly what you love is its real message. It also reaches out to people who do not feel like they're worthy to be loved. Those who do not value themselves.
What made me feel attached to this book was the impact it gave me. I became lost in the story because the characters are just worth caring about. They're well-built out and well-developed. The ending wasn't what I hoped to happen though, but I knew that it has to end that way. Overall, this was a beautifully woven, tear-jerking story. Renee Carlino has done it spectacularly!
“Till death do us part is for quitters. I promise to love you forever. As long as there is love in this world, we will be a part of it.”
(An ARC was provided by Atria Books and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review)
“No sad endings, love. Those aren't meant for us.”
(Another successful buddyread with sis Bea. Check out her lovely review by click5 Stars!
“No sad endings, love. Those aren't meant for us.”
(Another successful buddyread with sis Bea. Check out her lovely review by clicking her name.)
I'm addicted to this series after all.
So many wonderful, tear-jerking moments have happened in Addicted After All that my heart screamed with happiness. This book was everything about Lily and Lo's happy ending. Although their journey doesn't stop here, Krista and Becca Ritchie concluded their love story in a beautiful way.
What totally pulled me into this book was how both the characters grew into better persons. Lily was still a sex addict but she has come to accept and embrace it without shaming herself. I saw the way she developed from being shy to being able to express herself and what helped her a lot was conveying her thoughts on social media and showing her true self.
Lo experienced some difficult times in this book, especially with his issue with his dad and Ryke's relationship with him. But I loved that he has gone against every obstacle here just to prove to everyone that he is not just an addict and a bastard but he is also someone who has strengths and capabilities like everyone else.
For me, this book was greatly executed. Yes it was lengthy just like the previous books but I loved every bit of it and to be honest, I wouldn't want it to end because everything was just too good! I loved the drama, the sizzling romance between the main characters as well as the secondary ones, and the hilarious moments. Not to mention the liplock that happened between Lo and Connor. Oops. I hope that's not spoilery. ;) But yeah, I just witnessed some sexy bromance there and it absolutely made my day.
I had a lot of favorite scenes in this book and I wish I could store them all in my memory because those are really precious. Now I'm excited for the next book, Fuel the Fire and see what's Rose and Connor have in store for us.
“You have the purest parts of my heart, and I'm certain that in every alternate universe, I'm always, always in love with you.”
“I don't think that true love means your only love. I think true love means loving truly. Loving purely. Loving who
4 Cried-My-Heart-Out Stars!
“I don't think that true love means your only love. I think true love means loving truly. Loving purely. Loving wholly.”
Is it wrong for me to rate this book 4 Stars instead of 5 just because Emma's decision in the end didn't work in my favor? Lol. Because if it is, then I am sorry. I loved the writing style of Taylor Jenkins Reid. It's beautiful, compelling, well thought-out. It was perfect! But the ending was not something that I want to happen and I refuse to accept it until now.
One True Loves took me on quite a ride. It's about Emma Blair and her journey with her two true lovesJesse Lerner and Sam Kemper. She fell in love with Jesse when she was in her 9th grade. In her twenties, the two of them got married and traveled around the world, far from their families in their hometown in Massachusetts. On the day before their anniversary, Jesse flew to Alaska but after a few days, Emma's life was shattered when she heard that the private plane that carried Jesse crashed and his body went missing. Her hopes of finding him alive vanished as the days went by, leading her to presume that he's dead and to return to her hometown and start a new life. Two years later, she unexpectedly reunited with her childhood friend Sam who later on gave her hope of finding true love again. Now that they're already engaged and they're both happy, Emma suddenly received a call from Jesse. He is, after all, alive.
“True love doesn't always last. It doesn't always have to be for a lifetime.”
I believe this is one of the most beautiful books I've read in my entire life. And most thought-provoking. I loved how the whole story was portrayed, how the romance touched me so deeply, and how the turn of events played my mind. Right off the bat, I knew exactly who to root for and I was really hoping against hope that he will be the "one true love" that Emma will choose.
This my first Taylor Jenkins Reid read and I'm already a fan. This author has a way of taking something so emotional and turning it into a beautiful novel. I am so glad I picked this book because even if it broke my heart in the end, the overall journey was worth it. Now if I would be given a chance to change an ending of a book, I would really change the conclusion of One True Loves without hesitating. Ugh. Can you feel my frustration?
“Just because something isn't meant to last a lifetime doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be. We were meant to have been.”
“Sometimes, the unexpected happens. Sometimes, someone makes you break your own rules.”
180 Seconds is the first Jessica Park novel that I've read. The intriguing blurb was the one that pushed me to read this. In a word, this book was captivating. However, it didn't go where I thought it was heading and I kind of expected something a little different.
Allison Dennis left the foster care system at the tender age of 16. She has lived with seventeen different families and transferred from one home to another, but nobody seemed to adopt her permanently. Until the gentle, kind-hearted gay Simon. Her situation allowed her to become aloof and unwilling trust anyone but her childhood best friend Steffi. When she began her third year in College in Andrews College, she didn't plan to make new friends. One day, she was involved in a social experiment led by the famous social media icon Esben Baylor and found herself sitting in a chair, face-to-face with him, for 180 seconds.
“It's going to hurt until it doesn't anymore.”
The book started out, well, amazing. There were cute and sweet scenes that made me swoon. And I can't deny it, I was wowed by the intense way the 180 seconds interaction was written. Simon and Allison's heart-to-heart talk also made me bawl my eyes out, as well as Allison's hardcore friendship with Steffi.
"And when you're lucky enough to find one-- just one-- person in this unforgiving life who makes everything worth it, who you love and trust and would kill for, then you hold on damn tight, because that's probably all you get.
I loved Jessica Park's writing style. It wasn't that perfect and flawless for me, but it was good. The things that I didn't quite like in this book include the romance which moved way too quickly and the predictable twist in the near-end. I saw that twist coming right from the beginning so when the bomb dropped, I wasn't shell-shocked at all.
The last remaining chapters were kind of a let-down. Somewhere around 80%, the scenes went unrealistic for my taste and hard to believe. And is it just me or there was something off with the writing from this part? When it comes to the ending, it was satisfying but I'm not sure if I liked the cheesy parts.
If there is one thing that I am most grateful for in this book, it's the absence of bullying. I kind of expected the worst kind of cyber bullying here knowing that Esben is a social media star and all that. But thankfully, there was none.
“It is allowed, I remind myself, to be wholeheartedly in love.”
The message in this book was deep and heart-wrenching. It dealt with subject matters in a balanced, real-world way. There were unrealistic scenes, but to be fair, the book had its cute, sweet, and beautiful moments.
“Life happens. Shit happens. And it happens a lot. To a lot of people.”
I loved that the book focused on the stages of grief and the3 Stars
“Life happens. Shit happens. And it happens a lot. To a lot of people.”
I loved that the book focused on the stages of grief and the significance of healing other than the romance. However, I feel like I would've enjoyed this book so much more if there wasn't the infamous insta-love. I lost my connection with the book the moment Layken "Lake" Cohen and Will Cooper became emotionally attached to each other in an instant. Would it have been better if they started off as "friends" rather than having their relationship fast-forwarded to "forbidden love"?
The best parts of this book were Lake and her family's interactions. There were times when I found myself having the difficulty to take everything in because of the tear-jerking exchange of dialogues between her and her mom. And oh, I loved the poetry that the characters rendered. And Kel and Caulder are adorable kids, too.
I conclude that Slammed wasn't one of those Colleen Hoover books that gave me such an indefinable feeling. It wasn't as good and unforgettable as November 9 and Confess, but I loved the life lessons that it inspired as a whole. But please, no more insta-love. Please.
Tillie Cole is a new-to-me author. I have heard a lot of great things about her books and A Thousand Boy Kisses is one of them. The cover is 3.5 Stars
Tillie Cole is a new-to-me author. I have heard a lot of great things about her books and A Thousand Boy Kisses is one of them. The cover is so beautiful as well as the title. I must say though that I wasn't prepared for its intensity and heaviness. The moment I started it, I knew it would be a challenging book to read because of its melancholy tone. It sure was. The story was more poignant than I've expected.
"Maybe we're like a cherry blossom, Rune. Like shooting stars. Maybe we loved too much too young and burned so bright that we had to fade out."
Rune Erik Kristiansen and Poppy Litchfield have been best of friends since they were kids. Their friendship started when Rune and his family left their roots in Norway and started their lives in the U.S. He didn't want to live in the new country where it required him to speak English and adapt to the culture, but when he met the beautiful and bubbly child Poppy, his feelings changed. The two of them grew up and somehow developed a much deeper relationship as the year went by. Poppy, whose grandmother passed away, grew up with a goal in life to collect a thousand boy kisses. It's an idea left by her grandma to her. Each time she gets a kiss from her special boy, the details should be written in a pink heart and be placed in a jar. The boy kisses, of course, were given by Rune.
"It's okay to laugh. It's okay to smile. It's okay to feel happy. Or what's the point in life?"
This book is a real heartbreaker. It actually reminded me of those books I've read in the past that made me cry a river (I won't mention any title because it would be a spoiler). I was able to connect with the story. However, I failed to appreciate it even more because of its predictability. I knew exactly what's about to come even before the 'twist' in the early part of the book happened. I wasn't surprised when Poppy finally revealed why she went away and didn't communicate with Rune anymore.
Also, lots and lots of cheese were thrown everywhere. I couldn't even count the number of sappy dialogues and scenes. For me, they are a little bit exaggerated. Not to mention how their conversations slowly became repetitive each chapter.
Despite the flaws I've mentioned, the ending somehow moved me. I was blown away by the things that happened. Of course I knew at the back of my mind that their story would end that way, but still, I wasn't prepared for it. There was still a small part of me that longed for a different ending. A twist, perhaps. A Thousand Boy Kisses, as a whole, was a highly emotional YA love story. It's a book that touches the soul and makes you realize a lot of things in life. If you love heavy, angsty, and heartbreaking books, then this book is the one that you should devour. Just prepare lots and lots of tissues. You will really need them.
“No more living life halfway. We had to go full tilt, just like the card players did. I would hit instead of stay. Always.
4 Ugly Crying Stars!
“No more living life halfway. We had to go full tilt, just like the card players did. I would hit instead of stay. Always.”
Full Tilt is one of the books that is so difficult and challenging to read but totally worth it. A disarmingly beautiful, heart-wrenching love story in its purest form.
The story centers around Jonah Fletcher and Rapid Confession guitarist Kacey Dawson. These two met under unexpected circumstances one night when Kacey and her bandmates were in Las Vegas for a concert tour. She was drunk and wasted when Jonah took her to his house after he was asked by the group's bodyguard to take her away from the crowded scene. Their story started right when Kacey woke up on Jonah's couch and slowly got to know him better and formed an indescribable connection with him that she eventually realized that she no longer wanted to live in fame and booze but instead, she wanted to start anew and stay in Vegas.
I chose to read Full Tilt for two reasons: 1. It was highly recommended to me by my friend Hulya (click her name to read her beautiful review) and 2. I loved the cover and the blurb. Best choice I've ever made. The emotional whiplash I've experienced all throughout this book was so epic that I found myself lost in the story and unable to handle some parts that are just difficult to take in. The book was heartbreaking in so many ways. So raw and poignant.
The story came in with truly profound depth and impeccable writing. It's my first Emma Scott read and wow, her spectacular words hooked me straight away. What's also truly remarkable here was Kacey's transition from someone who lives in booze as her way of coping to someone who's changing herself for the better. It was so nice to see her making something out of herself and proving that she can stand on her own.
“My life was stale and shuttered until you. Colorless and drab until you. I kept my broken heart to myself, until you came and took it in your gentle hands and breathed life into it. Into me.”
I especially loved how Kacey and Jonah's romantic development progressed in a deep way I don't see very often. I loved how they supported each other and leaned on to one another. Kacey knew what she was getting herself into when she fell in love with Jonah but the fact that she continued to love him touched me so deeply.
Despite the unexplained emotions this book inevitably brought to me, it also brought life lessons: faith in life and love, the ability of a person to change for the better, and to appreciate every single thing life has to offer. Full Tilt was truly an unforgettable book. It was predictable, yes, and some scenes may be too abrupt to be real. But it's certainly one of the best emotionally-driven books I've come across. When the characters and everything that happened lingered in your mind way after finishing the book, you know you've read a great one.
“Being loved by you, Jonah... it's the greatest honor of my life.”
You know what's so wonderful about this book? It's the way I felt the raw emotions of the characters. The way the story we4 Sweet and Emotional Stars!
You know what's so wonderful about this book? It's the way I felt the raw emotions of the characters. The way the story weaved not just romance but also an element of family drama which I became emotionally involved with.
His to Cherish started when Chelsea Dwyer witnessed the death of Aidan Deveraux's son Derrick from a skateboarding accident. Since Aidan's loss, she has been there for him, comforting him and giving him her company with no expectations. Despite the fact that she's attracted to him and she's completely single after her divorce with her ex-husband, she didn't entertain the idea of them falling in love with each other. But what if Aidan is also secretly into her but is just not ready to commit to a relationship because of his grief and depression?
It's my first time to read a book by Stacey Lynn and I must say she writes beautifully. Her characters are well fleshed-out and the narration was tightly constructed. I became invested in the story mostly because of the feels I've had while reading the book. Aidan and Chelsea's chemistry was spot-on and the sexual tension was there all the time.
I especially loved the characters' romantic development. It wasn't hurried. And I loved the fact that they didn't immediately jump to the sex after a series of conversations and encounters. Their mutual respect for each other amazed me to no end.
Can I also say I loved Aidan and Chelsea's group of friends? I swear they're all very supportive when it comes to their love affair. Friendship goals!
So, why 4 stars? I wished there weren't unnecessary scenes. They kind of ruined the overall beauty of this book. I have nothing against slow burn romance but at times I felt the book's pace was overstretched because of those fillers. Nevertheless, I did love this book. It was a bittersweet, emotionally-driven story but certainly with a HEA that made me smile. And oh, did I mention that Aidan Deveraux is such a perfect male lead? Gaaaah!
(An ARC was provided by Loveswept and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
(I've read this book together with my lovely sis Bea. Click her name to read her wonderful review.)
You can always count on Katy EvanMore than 5 Stars!
(I've read this book together with my lovely sis Bea. Click her name to read her wonderful review.)
You can always count on Katy Evans delivering such a novel complete with a perfect mix of angst and steam. I've been a fan of her works since her Manwhore series because of her way of writing that is simply addicting and her Alpha male men that are hot and irresistible.
Apparently Mr. President has rendered me utterly amazed. It was an all-consuming novel, so different compared to her previous works. As what the blurb says, this book tells a story about two characters living in a political world, Matthew "Matt" Hamilton and Chralotte Wells. Matt is the son of an ex US President while Charlotte is the daughter of an ex Senator. They first met when Charlotte was 11 years old and Matt and her father went to her family's house for a visit. She has been crushing on Matt ever since that day and she even promised to support him if he ever runs for presidency in the future. Now after 11 years, they met again and this time, Matt is already a candidate for President and Charlotte is working for his campaign.
"You will not be the reason for me losing. If anything, you'll be the reason for me winning."
What made this book stand out for me was the off-the-charts chemistry between Charlotte and Matt. They simply hit it off! I loved how their relationship was built up from a simple crush to a deep attraction which later on bloomed into sexual tension and frustration and yes-- white-hot love.
"She grounds me. She obsesses me. She fuels me. This woman not only makes me want to be a great man, she makes me want to be the best goddamn president that ever lived."
Both characters are also likeable. Matt is such a sweet and passionate person. The way he looks at Charlotte like he's the last woman on earth even when there are tons of people around. Oh MY GOD. And don't even get me started on his irresistible charm that wins millions of people. On the other hand, I adore Charlotte's character. She's a natural. She has a soft heart for the place where she grew up and she's a down to earth person despite the fact that she belongs to a well-endowed family.
What's even great about Charlotte's character is the way she loves Matt in a selfless way. She doesn't set expectations right when they started their secret love affair. She knows what's bound to happen and that their relationship is about to fall when America chooses Matt as the next president. She's not whiny and needy and these qualities made me love her.
"I don't care about more. I don't care that there is no future for us if he wins. I won't deny us both this moment. He said he needs me. And I need him."
As for the ending, well, this was me after that ending...
...a hot mess. A steaming pile of mess.
It's not yet a happily-ever-after for Charlotte and Matt but the ending promised all kinds of feels and goodness in the upcoming sequel. And I so need the next installment so bad it hurts!
A real page-turner, this book is no doubt one of the best romance novels I've read this year and possibly one of the most beautiful political romance books ever written. The story was brought out in a passionate and intoxicating way. The angst was overwhelming and the love the characters both share for each other made this book a keeper. Yet another book added to my favorites shelf!
"Love has no place in the White House."
(An ARC was provided by the author Katy Evans in exchange for an honest review)
"I'm falling in love with the man who saved me from myself."
What a real surprise. This book is a gem!
There are so many reasons t4.5 Stars!
"I'm falling in love with the man who saved me from myself."
What a real surprise. This book is a gem!
There are so many reasons to love Pull Me Close. One of these is the writing which was absolutely good! It's my first time to read a Sidney Halston book and wow, I was hooked. I loved how she nicely delivered a story that has a very challenging theme which is battling the mental illness known as PTSD.
The story started when Katherine "Katie" Wilson woke up in the arms of Nico "Nick" Moreno, the owner of the popular Miami Beach Night Club named Panic. She lost consciousness after having a panic attack right when she stepped into the club. Katie is claustrophobic. In her younger years, she experienced a traumatic experience that changed her life and made her became scared to face the outside world. While her friendship with Nico developed and her feelings toward him progressed, her fears also became stronger. But she has no choice but to conquer those fears in order to have a normal relationship with Nico and in order to give herself a chance to live a normal life again.
"You pull me close and hold me tight, and I'll be okay."
What impressed me most was how the PTSD aspect was well-researched. The details were so accurate. This issue actually hits home because I, myself, am one of the people who experienced panic attacks in the past. This is not an easy condition to carry. I still can remember the nerves, the fast heartbeats, the feeling of not being able to control the situation, the feeling of helplessness, and the anticipation that something worst is about to happen at any moment. All these were experienced by Katie in this book and I can say that they really do happen to someone who has panic attacks.
The book was powerful not only because of its realistic storyline but also because of the sincere and believable romance between Katie and Nico. I found myself unable to resist these characters-- especially Nico because of his assertiveness and willingness to help Katie get over her condition and face her fears. Their story was not only about falling in love with each other but also about building mutual trust, understanding each other's differences, and overcoming bad situations by simply being there for each other.
Pull Me Close was as deep and rich as it was emotional and romantic. I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to read a romance book that has enough substance to move and melt your heart in the end.
"What do you do when the thing you want most suddenly feels like it's beyond your fingertips?"
5 stars will never be enough for this book.
"What do you do when the thing you want most suddenly feels like it's beyond your fingertips?"
5 stars will never be enough for this book.
I still can't believe how this series ended in such a beautiful, satisfying, and all-consuming fashion. This is absolutely one of the riveting series-enders I've read so far-- one that will stay glued in my mind forever.
In this second and final book of Sempre duology, Carmine and Haven's life totally changed. Both of them were forced to separate and go in opposite directions because of the deal Carmine made with Salvatore in the previous book. Carmine is now a full-pledged member of the Mafia while Haven is basically free and is pursuing a normal college life in New York. With the absence of each other, their hearts didn't seem to grow fonder and despite the things that happened, both of them weren't able to forget their love.
I cannot think of better words that will do the book justice. Everything messed up my emotions. First off, I loved J.M. Darhower's writing. As always. It just didn't get old. This author manages to leave such an overwhelming impact to her readers because of her raw and brilliant way of writing. The dialogues shared by the characters were so intimately sensitive that I found myself falling in love and feeling their sadness and pain.
"He was surrounded by violence and death, the ugliness eating away at him, but then on the other side, there was her. She was peace and hope, and pure beauty. She was the good that he hoped would overpower the bad."
Sempre: Redemption didn't particularly prepare me with its much darker approach. I thought Sempre has a mild touch of darkness and graphic violence scenes but in this book, I can say that J.M. Darhower gave it all when it comes to the intensity of its dark theme. Some daring actions were thrown in and even the major character Corrado Moretti (who was so much badass-er) was given an opportunity to stand out.
Haven and Carmine's character was also nicely developed here. I loved their strength and their faith. What basically made them admirable was how they didn't give in to possible new relationships when they were no longer together. It took a lot of chapters for me to endure their sacrifice but in the end, I was glad because what happened to them was exactly what I wished to transpire in the book.
Yes, this book was hard to read at times because of its emotionally-draining scenes which were dragged on an interlude of heartaches and even tragedies, but it was so worth it. This book was so heartfelt and it wasn't just about two characters in a forbidden love but it was also more about how these Mafia people value their devotion to their family. Given the length of the book which is about 500+ pages, I wasn't intimated. It's because no matter how tough this book was and even if there were sad and terrifying moments that occurred, the ending turned out to be a perfection it made me wept both sad and happy tears. I will never forget this series. It will remain in my heart, SEMPRE.
"Everyone falls sometimes, son, even me, but the trick is to get right back up. They’ll always target the ones who appear vulnerable, so you need to be strong. Fake it until you make it."
“I’m just hoping you’ll figure out one day that you can’t save everyone. Sometimes you have to just let go.”
4 Emotional Stars!
Can I even p
“I’m just hoping you’ll figure out one day that you can’t save everyone. Sometimes you have to just let go.”
4 Emotional Stars!
Can I even possibly formulate a proper thought right now? After reading this book, a host of different emotions took me over because everything about this story was so subtle and real.
Collared begins when 17 year-old Jade Childs was kidnapped by a man who’s so sick and twisted. For about ten years, she was held captive and was literally collared by a man who has an obsession over getting back his biological daughter who happens to look exactly like Jade. Jade’s childhood sweetheart Torrin Costigan was left devastated after she was abducted but he did everything to find her and didn’t give up. Now, ten years later she was finally found and was back in her family’s arms. Things could have been better after that but she later on realized that ten years really changed a lot of things, including her relationship with Torrin and everything between them.
All the things that happened in this book hooked me the entire way through. The plot was gripping and intense and there was definitely a touch of darkness that is centered around the crucial parts of a girl’s traumatic experience. What happened to Jade was so difficult to take. And what she went through after she was found– the depression, the confusion of whether she should forgive or hate the man who took away her dreams, was even a lot to take in. Things even made it more difficult for me when Torrin suddenly revealed the huge decision that he made after Jade was lost. I was so stunned and hurt and devastated ugh my heart is torn into pieces!
“When you love someone, you love them. You love them as hard as you can, as best as you can.”
It’s been a while since I’ve read something as emotionally driven as this book. Collared sure portrayed a unique, heart-tugging story that was so subtle in the emotions. One of the best parts of this book was Torrin and Jade’s series of interactions and dialogues. These two really made so much sense. I was really hoping that the stars would collide and that their love will find a way in the end.
This book is not your typical mushy, romantic book. It’s emotionally draining but in a good way. Regardless of its dark and sensitive theme, I would highly recommend this book to everyone who’s brave enough to face a heartbreaking and soul-crushing story of two characters who have gone through such a rocky road towards reunion. Hats off to Nicole Williams for this wonderful book that gave me a good cry....more
"We loved each other. And in the ugly world we inhabited, it was a light we had clung to."
4 Heavy, Emotional Stars!
(I've read t
"We loved each other. And in the ugly world we inhabited, it was a light we had clung to."
4 Heavy, Emotional Stars!
(I've read this book for the #NALitLoversPH #NewAdultAndBeyondPH readalong)
I've been devouring romance books with heavy contents and depressing themes lately and it kind of affects my personal thoughts and emotions-- to the point where I find myself gross-sobbing alone. Lol. Anyways, I think these books are real gems despite the pain that they cause in our hearts because they simply make us FEEL. Reflect. And learn a lot of lessons.
One Day Soon opened up my box of emotions and stole it all. A story that centers around two characters Imogen "Imi" Conner and Yossarian "Yoss" Frazier, it tackles sensitive issues about homelessness, sexuality, child abuse, and more.
I couldn't say reading this book was a pleasant experience because almost everything that happened here was sad. Yoss and Imi's childhood experiences were too horrible to imagine. But I am so glad that these characters found their way to healing when they met 15 years later after the most terrible situation hit them.
Don't want to spoil you by giving away too much about the story, but this book, as a whole, was a cry-worthy book, heavy with the angst, and beautifully written. This was my first A. Meredith Walters read and I could say that she's brilliant in this genre. I find her poetic writing comforting and more than soothing to the soul.
I have a slight issue though. The ending was a bit blurry and I don't know what really happened or how the book really concluded. Was it a sad or a happy ending? I guess the author just wants the reader to really dig deeper and think about it countless times. Either way, I'm sticking to a happy ending. That's how I want all the stories to end, anyways. :)
"Because one day soon, I promise you that all this ugly will become something beautiful."
There goes my feelings. After reading this book, I found myself playing all the ev4.5 "I love you all the way" Stars!
Heartbreakingly beautiful!
There goes my feelings. After reading this book, I found myself playing all the events in my mind over and over again. They were too absorbing and nothing short of brilliant. I didn't expect I was in for a roller coaster ride!
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things was a tough book to read. It screamed heartache and many different overwhelming emotions. A well thought-out story about a girl named Wavonna Lee "Wavy" Quinn, the book opens in the year 1975 when she was 6 years old and has started to live under the roof of her aunt Brenda and her husband and two daughters Amy and Leslie. Wavy has always been a different girl. She doesn't eat, doesn't speak if she doesn't want to, and always sneaks out of the house. It was when her parents came around to take her and her brother Donal when her life went back to being miserable. Her irresponsible parents are the worst. Her dad is a drug dealer while her mom suffers a mental illness. But when a tattooed ex-con named Kellen came into her life and basically helped her manage her awful childhood, she started looking up to him and she developed more than brotherly feelings to him.
Told in multiple POVs, I found this book in a way, emotionally challenging. It wasn't that easy to dive into various characters' minds and perhaps explore their feelings and thoughts. Wavy's thoughts alone were more than enough to destroy me. What more when it comes to her cousin, to the people around her, and especially Kellen? But the good thing that I found in this multi-POVed book was that it made me become more open-minded to the main characters' situation. If I have read this book without getting into other characters' perspective, I think I may have the tendency to judge Wavy and Kellen's relationship. Their age gap was odd and I can't blame this story if it led to so many negative reactions from the people around her, especially from Wavy's aunt. Reading this book made me feel accepting. It made me feel as though I was the one wearing their shoes, thus I found myself empathizing with them.
I was awestruck by the series of events here, both the good and the bad. It was pretty much unpredictable. All throughout the book, I didn't know what's about to happen and worse, I already envisioned a sad and tragic ending. Because gaaah books like this tend to end that way! But despite all the ugly things that happened here, there were of course wonderful things as what the title implies.
"I liked to pet his feet with mine. Touch his hands with mine. Rub my cheek against his. I liked how we were different, but the same."
I believe this is one of the most unforgettable books that I've read this year and I'm glad I really read this gem. It was gripping and it definitely offered a whirlwind of emotions. The characters were painted with enough realism and everything kept me on the edge. Just a heads up though, there were many delicate issues here such as drugs, abuse, marital cheatings, and crime. All in all, it was a highly emotional read and certainly one of the best books ever written in 2016!
(Apart from being intrigued with this book, I've also read it for a purpose which is to greet my dear friend AJ a happiest birthday. Happiest birthday, my dear! I hope you did have a blast! AJ happens to love this book so I decided to delve into it, too. Click her name to read her fabulous review and send her birthday wishes as well. :)
"All humans make mistakes. What determines a person's character aren't the mistakes we make. It's how we take those mistakes and tu
"All humans make mistakes. What determines a person's character aren't the mistakes we make. It's how we take those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses."
More than 5 Stars!
(I buddyread this book together with my sissy Bea. Click her name to read her beautiful review!)
It Ends with Us proved to be a big surprise in the best sense possible. I'm telling you guys, this book is Colleen Hoover at her very best!
I have read Colleen Hoover books in the past and they really have such a huge impact to me, but nothing compares to this novel. It's a different take on sensitive issues. And somewhat personal. Colleen Hoover did an amazing job in giving us a glimpse of what it is to have a different outlook in life, family, and relationship. To live in constant struggle. To hate someone dear to your heart and to even feel an ounce of compassion to that person despite your remorse. It very much pucks an emotional punch.
"I fell like everyone fakes who they really are, when deep down we're all equal amounts of screwed up. Some of us are just better at hiding than others."
Lily's character amazed me the most here. What she's been through in her childhood... it was awful. But I can say that she grew up as a strong person despite it all. I was awed by her determination to live a life far away from her mom where there are so many painful memories that correspond. She didn't want to experience a life similar to her mom's so she kept reminding herself never to become like her in the future.
This book delivered such a deep and sensible message that particularly targets women. I thought this is a very important book and everyone should read it because it has a say on something so personal. I fell into the story so easily and at times, I found myself taking a break in the middle of some chapters to reflect and... sob. There were just so many different kinds of emotions emanating from the pages which is of course, typical Colleen Hoover's magic.
"You make me want to be a different person, but what if I don't know how to be what you need?"
And when I learned in Colleen Hoover's note that this story is inspired from her mom's experience, I fell harder and I wept. I haven't read as good and as personal as this book and this is really remarkable for me. It's something special.
"Not everyone is homeless because they chhoose to be. They're homeless because there isn't enough to help to go around."
Atlas's character was also unforgettable here. I loved him. Every time I think about him my heart squeezes up so bad I feel like crying. And Ryle... I thought he's also a character that felt real to me. I especially loved his naked truths. I also thought Lily's write-ups in her journal are one hell of an emotional ride.
"No one is exclusively bad, nor is anyone exclusively good. Some are just forced to work harder at suppressing the bad."
There are so many things that I wish to say in this review but I'm afraid they will serve as spoilers so to wrap it all up, I'm in love with this book. It's everything and then some. The plot was fairly unpredictable and there were so many lessons entwined that will shake you emotionally and ruin you and turn you into a mess. Another spectacular job, Colleen. Thank you for sharing to us this wonderful piece of journey!
"And when I whisper, 'I love you, too,' it's the most naked truth I've ever spoken to him."