Raffaella's Reviews > The Devil's Arms

The Devil's Arms by Charlotte Lamb
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bookshelves: angst, grovel, kinky, ow-drama, passion, revenge, trauma

Crazy as only CL’s books can be.
The heroine has amnesia and is in the wood alone and scared ( wonderful piece of symbolism here, Dr Jung thanks very much) and the hero finds and helps her.
He takes her in his house, where his mother is not happy to see her.
They seem to know her, and they’re both very cold and angry with her.
The hero explains she’s his fiancée, and she left him after a row some days before.
The heroine apparently was a nasty gold digger, a selfish and spoiled woman who spent her days in the swimming pool and flirting with om. Not only flirting.
Having sex with multiple partners.
Since the hero is only a painter and he refused to have sex with her before marriage she left him for greener pastures.
The heroine even if she doesn’t remember anything about her former self, finds out she’s a sweet homebody who loves to cook, to decorate, to do household, wear simple clothes and not flirting with om.
She’s the opposite of her former self.
Have you understood already?
The hero doesn’t believe in her changes and shows her the portrait of her naked that she asked him to paint.
The heroine is stunned since only the idea of being naked makes her blush.
I think you have.
The hero begins to fall in love with her, but he’s very perplexed and still is afraid that she will revert to her former cheating self.
Eventually they have sex and of course here’s is where the truth is out.
The hero helps the heroine to remember and eventually, when all is clear, they have their hea.
Good old plot that served to all those writers who came after her. Because this book was written some 40 years ago. Well before the various Lynne Graham, Lucy Monroe and all others who used it many years later.
Nice hero who was honest and really didn’t want to get involved with the heroine because he thought she might be playing an act.
I loved the fact that she asked him to paint her in the end to be sure it was her he was in love with.

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Reading Progress

November 9, 2021 – Shelved
November 9, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
Started Reading
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: kinky
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: grovel
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: angst
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: trauma
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: revenge
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: passion
December 16, 2021 – Shelved as: ow-drama
December 16, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Anne E ♡ emo + OTT Hs I'm intrigued with this amnesiac h's memory of herself & what H thinks of her. Will read. Good review as always, Raffaella!<3

Raffaella Anne wrote: "I'm intrigued with this amnesiac h's memory of herself & what H thinks of her. Will read. Good review as always, Raffaella!<3"
Thank you Anne! I hope you enjoy it!

message 3: by JillyB (new) - added it

JillyB Great Review! I love how you give away the “secret” without giving away the “secret” 😂!

Raffaella JillyB wrote: "Great Review! I love how you give away the “secret” without giving away the “secret” 😂!"
Thank you!

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