The Flooze's Reviews > Lover Eternal
Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)
The Flooze's review
bookshelves: paranormal-romance, vanquished_2010, owned, glutton_for_punishment
Sep 22, 2009
bookshelves: paranormal-romance, vanquished_2010, owned, glutton_for_punishment
Lover Eternal frustrated me in much the same way Dark Lover did.
I don't like Ward's depiction of women, nor do I like the whole bonding experience. From the main character Mary to the Scribe Virgin's Chosen, the female characters only find some confidence when a man deems them worthy. Up until then, they're easily cowed damsels who gasp and flutter and lament their unattractiveness. This makes the mating game exasperating. It also makes my teeth itch on general principles.
Mary's self-deprication is over-the-top and embarrassing on her first date with Rhage, with her trying to run for the hills before the man can even introduce himself. Annoying.
Once she accepts him, she gains more strength and courage. It makes her far more bearable--even likable--but it doesn't change the fact that I constantly rolled my eyes at all their drama. Around every bend was another cry of but we can't. Get over yourselves and enjoy life already.
Then I cackled and shook my head every time Mary's core bloomed and she gushed all over the place. Like gysers, these women.
The Chosen. Their entire existence irks me: a group of women bred to serve the Scribe Virgin, feed unmated warriors, and pop out kids. I understand the necessity of their role, but must they spout phrases like, "I have been properly cleansed for your use. You may inspect me, should you wish..."? All said in a mournful tone implying shame at not providing sexual service. It's offensive.
Let's move on to the Brothers themselves. This is where Ward shines and where I wish she'd spend more time. (Seeing as how her women are so meh yet her men so vibrant, maybe she should give up the het and write M/M. I think she'd be better at it.) The Brothers' interactions are great. There's a sense of deep connection between them. They are there for one another no matter the circumstances. (Even the damaged, anti-social Z reaches out in his own way.) V and Butch remain favorites for their easy natures and capable attitudes. Although technically not a Brother, I loved seeing Butch settling into place and his hopes to do more for the BDB.
My one big gripe with the Brothers is the illogical adoption of gangsta culture. All the "straight up" and "you feel me" doesn't ring true for any of them, with perhaps the exception of V. He's the only one who seems relatively consistent with it, while the others pepper their more formal speech with random slang--like kids trying to fit in with the cool crowd. They're hundreds of years old. These aren't speech patterns they grew up with. I oh so dearly wish it would stop.
In the midst of the angst and shitkickers is a mysterious side story. This book introduces John Matthew, a scrawny kid who is destined for more. He's the kind of character who begs speculation, while also adding a thread of desperation and a new corner of the BDB universe to explore.
With John Matthew's arrival and the set-up for Z's story, I can see how this series could easily move to UF. It's a change I'd welcome, since I think Ward needs to beef up her world--in particular, her antagonists.
The lessers are incredibly weak as Big Bads go. Sure, they kidnap civilian vampires. But since Ward never shares their torture techniques or interrogation sessions, the threat feels remote. I know they're supposed to be dangerous slayers, but without more information they merely come off as inept redshirts. The Brothers easily shake them off and take them down. Their leader, Mr. X, does nothing but boss his underlings around and threaten them with the Omega. Who is this Omega? What's his gripe? What's he capable of other than making one dude scream? If he's so powerful and intimidating, why can't he make his forces more capable?
And why do they smell like fricken baby powder?! For God's sake. The Brothers can smell them coming a mile away. Why saddle your forces with an early warning system that alerts the enemy? Madness!
Mr. O is the only villain of substance, and it's because of who he is rather than the organization he's in. He's a creepy, twisted guy with a destructive and defiant streak. He's full of calculated malice and likes getting his hands dirty. The lessers could be very different were he at the helm--they might actually get something done.
Overall, the romance clichés in Lover Eternal were painful. For me, there was no thrill in the chase. Instead there was a lot of eye-rolling and innappropriate laughter. I'd hoped the background story of the Scribe Virgin, the Omega and the lessers would be enough to pick up the slack, but Ward's world has almost zero development outside the Brothers' door.
I know this is PNR and so the focus is supposed to be on the romance. But if you are going to hand me a passel of warriors and expect me to believe they are Big Strong Males fighting the Good Fight, give them a worthy foe. Give them a society worth saving. Give them a purpose outside of listening to rap, stalking women, and beating up some baby-powdered freaks. The current formula just doesn't do the trick.
Lover Eternal frustrated me in much the same way Dark Lover did.
I don't like Ward's depiction of women, nor do I like the whole bonding experience. From the main character Mary to the Scribe Virgin's Chosen, the female characters only find some confidence when a man deems them worthy. Up until then, they're easily cowed damsels who gasp and flutter and lament their unattractiveness. This makes the mating game exasperating. It also makes my teeth itch on general principles.
Mary's self-deprication is over-the-top and embarrassing on her first date with Rhage, with her trying to run for the hills before the man can even introduce himself. Annoying.
Once she accepts him, she gains more strength and courage. It makes her far more bearable--even likable--but it doesn't change the fact that I constantly rolled my eyes at all their drama. Around every bend was another cry of but we can't. Get over yourselves and enjoy life already.
Then I cackled and shook my head every time Mary's core bloomed and she gushed all over the place. Like gysers, these women.
The Chosen. Their entire existence irks me: a group of women bred to serve the Scribe Virgin, feed unmated warriors, and pop out kids. I understand the necessity of their role, but must they spout phrases like, "I have been properly cleansed for your use. You may inspect me, should you wish..."? All said in a mournful tone implying shame at not providing sexual service. It's offensive.
Let's move on to the Brothers themselves. This is where Ward shines and where I wish she'd spend more time. (Seeing as how her women are so meh yet her men so vibrant, maybe she should give up the het and write M/M. I think she'd be better at it.) The Brothers' interactions are great. There's a sense of deep connection between them. They are there for one another no matter the circumstances. (Even the damaged, anti-social Z reaches out in his own way.) V and Butch remain favorites for their easy natures and capable attitudes. Although technically not a Brother, I loved seeing Butch settling into place and his hopes to do more for the BDB.
My one big gripe with the Brothers is the illogical adoption of gangsta culture. All the "straight up" and "you feel me" doesn't ring true for any of them, with perhaps the exception of V. He's the only one who seems relatively consistent with it, while the others pepper their more formal speech with random slang--like kids trying to fit in with the cool crowd. They're hundreds of years old. These aren't speech patterns they grew up with. I oh so dearly wish it would stop.
In the midst of the angst and shitkickers is a mysterious side story. This book introduces John Matthew, a scrawny kid who is destined for more. He's the kind of character who begs speculation, while also adding a thread of desperation and a new corner of the BDB universe to explore.
With John Matthew's arrival and the set-up for Z's story, I can see how this series could easily move to UF. It's a change I'd welcome, since I think Ward needs to beef up her world--in particular, her antagonists.
The lessers are incredibly weak as Big Bads go. Sure, they kidnap civilian vampires. But since Ward never shares their torture techniques or interrogation sessions, the threat feels remote. I know they're supposed to be dangerous slayers, but without more information they merely come off as inept redshirts. The Brothers easily shake them off and take them down. Their leader, Mr. X, does nothing but boss his underlings around and threaten them with the Omega. Who is this Omega? What's his gripe? What's he capable of other than making one dude scream? If he's so powerful and intimidating, why can't he make his forces more capable?
And why do they smell like fricken baby powder?! For God's sake. The Brothers can smell them coming a mile away. Why saddle your forces with an early warning system that alerts the enemy? Madness!
Mr. O is the only villain of substance, and it's because of who he is rather than the organization he's in. He's a creepy, twisted guy with a destructive and defiant streak. He's full of calculated malice and likes getting his hands dirty. The lessers could be very different were he at the helm--they might actually get something done.
Overall, the romance clichés in Lover Eternal were painful. For me, there was no thrill in the chase. Instead there was a lot of eye-rolling and innappropriate laughter. I'd hoped the background story of the Scribe Virgin, the Omega and the lessers would be enough to pick up the slack, but Ward's world has almost zero development outside the Brothers' door.
I know this is PNR and so the focus is supposed to be on the romance. But if you are going to hand me a passel of warriors and expect me to believe they are Big Strong Males fighting the Good Fight, give them a worthy foe. Give them a society worth saving. Give them a purpose outside of listening to rap, stalking women, and beating up some baby-powdered freaks. The current formula just doesn't do the trick.
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Reading Progress
September 22, 2009
– Shelved
September 24, 2009
– Shelved as:
February 21, 2010
Started Reading
February 21, 2010
"Hear ye, hear ye, Peer Pressure Wenches. It has begun. V in a towel is a nice image to start with."
February 21, 2010
"Oh for Pete's sake. 'He was coming after her for one and only one reason: to release all that sex in his body. Release it into her.'"
February 21, 2010
"Mary's self-deprication is irritating as shit. Hot man giving you all his attention, and you keep trying to run? Please."
February 21, 2010
"Whoa. Rhage pissed and disappointed is not pretty. And me liking scary Z probably says interesting things about me."
February 22, 2010
– Shelved as:
February 22, 2010
Finished Reading
March 30, 2010
– Shelved as:
January 8, 2011
– Shelved as:
Comments Showing 1-50 of 133 (133 new)
message 1:
rated it 3 stars
Feb 11, 2010 08:17AM
I'm trying to finish the one I'm on but it's taking forever...Deadtown.
And I can't start a new one til I finish that!
Plus, the way this is going, I might read a mystery or a sci-fi next just to clear my mind of the UF cliches.
Gimme another 6 mos.
What's that, Lassie? Bella fell down a well? Oh, dear. I'm afraid she's going to have to stay there awhile.
Heh heh heh...
Or take them to therapy.
Like that SNL skit:
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!
I think you will like Lover Awakened a lot more. It has a stronger female lead and a really fucked up and tortured male lead. What's not to love? The series gets better as it goes along. John Matthew's sub-plot grows and adds to the whole thing.
::looks around::
Did you delete something?
You know I was thinking on how you think the whole "blooming" talk is ridiculous... but it's pretty much in every book.
I mean they can't just pull a Lil Wayne and say "Pop that pussay!". Not romantical at all. would certainly be gritty!
Or just gross.
There are other phrases that convey heightened sexual interest. I just don't like her particular flowery (literally and figuratively) language when it comes to bauchickabaubau.
It's not just Ward. I'm not good when it comes to that sort of thing in general--which is why I'll never be a true romance fan!
As for my deleted comment...I've no idea what I'd written! It was probably some drivel about Kenyon's women being fiesty.
You just need to get over it. I really don't think she actually uses the flowery so much as the series goes along. It gets a lot darker, therefore less room for blooming.
Kenyon's characters, fiesty? ..... LMAO my ass. More like dry toast.
Seriously you want to torture me so? What if I demanded you read Kenyon! Lots and LOTS of Kenyon!
So random fun tidbit of the day..... I love how one of the rare occasions that I happen to be drunk as a skunk while out dancing, my manager is dancing right next to me at the club. FML
At least I wasn't drunk enough to ride the bull, unlike my coworker last Friday. lol
I don't think I'll be trying any more of them. Sowwy!"
Michelle! Nooohoo! You promised!