Will Thornton's Reviews > Intermezzo

Intermezzo by Sally Rooney
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did not like it

I’m sorry but I had to drop this, I got 100 pages in and couldn’t bear it any longer. It’s just so god-damn overwritten. Every page feels like smashing your head into a brick wall of pointless metaphors and introspections. I don’t know when Sally Rooney forgot about ‘show don’t tell’, but Jesus Christ has she.
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Reading Progress

June 3, 2024 – Started Reading
June 3, 2024 – Shelved
June 5, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Marie Dunphy Thank god it wasn’t just me !!!

Happy Reader 2022 Me too, only making it to page 11, sentences with 4 words...not me

Cymru Roberts I think I'm there right now, but in terms of metaphors, I have to look closer but I don't think I noticed any similes at all (which could be ok) and there is no metaphorical or figurative language at all. And as for introspection, there's a lot of interior monologue but I dont see much introspection. I mean everyone thinks, but is everyone introspective?

Ashley Bolton I agree! I got to page 124 and it was so slow, droning on with words that just talk in circles about nothing. So disappointing I was excited to read this but couldn’t get through any longer had to DROP

Morgan McGuire Agree, DNF for me as well. Life is too short to read something that feels like such a slog to get through!

D.C. I'm trying to fight on. I haven't DNF a book in a while. But life is short and there are better books for me to read.

Mehves My god I wanted to kill myself too

message 8: by Tina Marie (new)

Tina Marie OKAY!!! I am ditching it also on page 125. Thank you all for your comment.

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura Sanctuary Thank god it’s not just me, I’m so incredibly bored, I’m on page 140 and I can’t do it.

message 10: by Chelsea (new) - added it

Chelsea I couldn’t make it past the first few pages. I don’t understand this style of writing. It hurts my brain.

message 11: by CanadianReader (last edited Dec 03, 2024 01:08PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

CanadianReader Chelsea’s “It hurts my brain” resonates!

Colleen Angel I’m on page 75 and really battling I’ve been picking it up and putting it down all week. I’ve come here to read the reviews to see if I should persevere. I think it may be a dnf as can’t stand the short sharp two/three word sentences

message 13: by Sandra (new) - added it

Sandra Miltich It does put me to sleep during my nightly wake-ups!

Peter I got to page 9!

message 15: by elif (new) - rated it 2 stars

elif I got to page 300. It was awful. I'll NEVER trust social media to buy books ever again.

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