Paul Bryant's Reviews > Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist THE BOOK is crap and has NO songs in it, I couldn't believe it. So I googled and get this, it turns out they put those in the movie and Dickens had nothing to do with it! But since they were the best bit of the film, you can understand my horror and bereft sense of disappointment when I finally came to pick up the book.
How could Dickens NOT have thought of having little Oliver sing Where Is Love when chucked into the cellar or Who Will Buy This Loverly Morning when he wakes up in his posh house...I mean yeah he was supposed to be good wasn't he? And please note the edition I read was not a Readers Digest Condensed Edition. When you DON'T have Fagin capering about warbling "In this life one thing counts/ In the bank, large amounts/I'm afraid these don't grow on trees/You got to pick a pocket or two" with that pederastic twinkle in his eyes as he surveys his small boys then alas I'm sorry to say that what you're left with is a bit of an antisemitic caricature lashed to a morality tale whose immoral moral appears to be that rich is good, poor is bad, and you better get yourself a deus ex machina in the form of a very unlikely sugardaddy to magic you out of the poorhouse or the rats will eat your bollocks, your bones will turn to dust and be blown away and no one will ever hire cute kids to pretend to be you on stage or screen and melt our hearts and win Oscars and Tonys. Which I think we all knew.
How could Dickens NOT have thought of having little Oliver sing Where Is Love when chucked into the cellar or Who Will Buy This Loverly Morning when he wakes up in his posh house...I mean yeah he was supposed to be good wasn't he? And please note the edition I read was not a Readers Digest Condensed Edition. When you DON'T have Fagin capering about warbling "In this life one thing counts/ In the bank, large amounts/I'm afraid these don't grow on trees/You got to pick a pocket or two" with that pederastic twinkle in his eyes as he surveys his small boys then alas I'm sorry to say that what you're left with is a bit of an antisemitic caricature lashed to a morality tale whose immoral moral appears to be that rich is good, poor is bad, and you better get yourself a deus ex machina in the form of a very unlikely sugardaddy to magic you out of the poorhouse or the rats will eat your bollocks, your bones will turn to dust and be blown away and no one will ever hire cute kids to pretend to be you on stage or screen and melt our hearts and win Oscars and Tonys. Which I think we all knew.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 349 (349 new)
I wholeheartedly agree with you Michael. That was very well put!
Anyway, welcome to the club. We've got t-shirts.
She's new here. Give her a grace period until she picks up on the generally friendly and satirical mood on the site and she'll feel silly soon enough.
Despite the fact that it's obviously satire, and that Paul's rating is obviously a reflection of his own personal dislike of the novel? Really?
Bleak House!
Yeah, Paul. And you didn't even say anything bad about HP in this review. Fair crack of the sav, Jasmine.
Damn! It worked!
Well Paul, you won't sucker me that easily next time.
Ok, I also had that thought, but you were in before me...
I'm drinking to that one right now, amen!
i'm glad i read the comments lol! Side note,I definateley don't find satire amusing enough to enjoy Pride and Predjudice. Or maybe i could just care less about them and their fancypants lives.
Your review was much more amusing.
I don't think so!
Mia, I confess, this is one of my very silly reviews!
"Might I have some more, please?"