>U Mom Knows Best: July 2016

The Day I Went To The Trampoline Arena And Saved So Much With Groupon

***This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.

So the other day the boys and I wanted to go to a place with trampolines for our weekly fun day. I wanted to see if I could save some money on the tickets so I went to Groupon to see if they had any deals for the place we were visiting. I always check with Groupon before I visit any local places in my town as they always help me save money. While I was on the Groupon website, I discovered a new section that had incredible savings on items that I needed/wanted for myself , my home and my family.

The Groupon Goods section was amazing. I think I spent over an hour just browsing the items for sale. I would have spent more as the deals were incredible but my kids want to go jump at the trampoline arena. The Groupon Goods section had tons of items, everything from clothing to electronics and even groceries. I just loved love kitchen section and found many items that would go great in my kitchen. The best part is I can shop from home and not have to hear my kids whine about shopping or having to spend money on gas.

  While browsing from the comfort of my couch I saw a great price on a Kitchenaid mixer that I would love to have in my kitchen. My husband needs a new cell phone so since I am saving money on his new phone, I can then apply those savings to that mixer. I just love the selection of items at Groupon, many unique ones that I have never seen in other stores. They even have clothes for my kids which is perfect for back-to-school shopping. I might even be able to get that fancy calculator, that my teen needs for school, at a better price than my local office supply store. This simply is a one stop store loaded with great deals. Groupon even has a Sidewalk Sale section with savings up to 80%.  I only have to  buy $34.99 to get free shipping and they offer free returns too!

First, we go jumping at the trampoline arena and then we go shopping at Groupon Goods.

Check out Groupon on 

What would you like to purchase at Groupon Goods?

By the way, we had a blast at the trampoline place. 

Free Sparkling ICE® Tea

Free Sparkling ICE® Tea Receive ONE (1) FREE Sparkling ICE® Tea, any variety (17 oz). Available in Most Stores.
Exp 08/14/2016

This Friday, July 15th, 2016 – ONLY, you can load a coupon to your Kroger (or Affiliate) Plus Card for one Free Sparkling ICE® Tea
Although 7/29/16 is the only day that you can load the coupon, the coupon offer is redeemable through 8/14/2016

Fix Just About Anything With Sugru Moldable Glue

Something broken? Well, fix that thing!

"These opinions are my own and I received a sample pack of Sugru to facilitate this post."

   As a mother of four boys, I seem to be always fixing things. Boys tend to be wild and rough so they tend to break things. My boys are also curious so they like to take things about to see how they work.  The frustration is the glue does not always fix the item because it does not bond or the glue is not flexible. Our most recent broken item was a ball. The plastic cover on the ball broke. My son wanted to just cut off the plastic cover but I said no as this made the ball bounce better. I knew over time the tear would get bigger. There really was not a solution to fix the ball so we just left it as is. I wish there was a way to fix this ball. Well, there was and I was so excited.

   I heard about this mouldable glue that can fix almost anything. It starts out like putty and then turns to rubber so it fixes broken things like balls and more. I love that you can shape it to fill in gaps and missing parts. It also is strong and dishwasher proof so I could use it on broken dishes too. It comes it lots of colors so it can match the item that you are fixing. It only needs air to cure. So I just had to try this play dough-like product to see if it would fix my son's ball. I also decided to try it on a chipped dish.

I opened up the package of Sugru, I used pink as I wanted to show the contrast. I had the option of using red as Sugru comes in many colors. I formed the putty around the plastic on the ball and around the chip in the dish. I loved that I was able to smooth it out and I had 30 minutes to work with it before it started to harden. The putty did not stick to my fingers either. After 24 hours the pink Sugru felt like rubber. My son played with his ball, bouncing it and the plastic did not separate. The dish also looked amazing. I can even wash it in the dishwasher. This silicone rubber stays stuck until I remove it.  Oh, it is also temperature resistant to 356F and down to -58F.

The crack is all gone

   This mouldable glue has many uses from attaching handles back on pot lids, fixing cracked plastic to saving toys. If it is made of wood, plastic, glass, metal, ceramic, or fabric, Sugru will probably stick to it. I love that you can buy a sample pack with many different colors and it lasts for a year as long as you don't open the foil pack, stick it in the fridge for longer storage time.

So go to Sugru's website and social media pages to learn more about this amazing 'fix that thing" mouldable glue. you can also buy some to have on had to fix all those things that break.

                Website  https://sugru.com
                 Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/Sugru-118586600911/
                 Twitter   https://twitter.com/sugru

Don't Let Joint Pain Slow You Down With Neocell Joint Supplements

I don't let my joint pain slow me down.

  Neocell just released two wonderful products for joint health and they are amazing. The first product is a wonderful joint hydrator and the other is a delicious pineapple soft chew. I have been using Move Matrix Advance Joint Hydrator and Joint Bursts for a month and all I can say is that Neocell has made amazing products that allow me to run without any pain. You can read more about these amazing products HERE. I love these supplements so much that I will be buying them when they run out.

The Move Matrix has done wonders for my ankle tendonitis and allows me to run without pain and stiffness. I just love how one supplement replaces the three supplements I was taking. Just look at the list of ingredients: 
Collagen, Glucosamine, MSM, Chondrotin, Hyaluronic Acid, and Boswellia, Vitamin C, Curcumin, Ginger Root, Resveratrol, Pine Bark, and BioPerine

The pineapple-flavored Joint Bursts taste so wonderful. They are my daily help-me-run/joint "candy"! These chews contain turmeric and other supplements to keep inflammation away in my joints. 

Go here to get more information on these wonderful joint health supplements.

Read more about my experience with these Neocell products.

My Boys Had No Idea That They Could Make That With Legos: I Was Amazed

This post contains sponsored links

  My boys love Legos. They are 8 and 9 years old and all they want for presents is Legos, Legos, and more Legos. They tend to want the Lego sets, the ones that have a character theme. The problem is they build the set several times and then get bored with the set. Of course, they are then asking for another Lego set. I tell them they have way too many Legos, a big storage container full. I needed to find a way to keep my boys interested in their current Legos. I want my boys to keep playing with Legos as they stimulate their creativity and help them learn things like math and even science. My boys just needed ideas on what to build beyond houses and cars. They wanted to build cool things like rockets and planes.

  My boys were so excited when they received a Tiny Lego Wonders book. This informative big, 208-page book had lots of great ideas on building compact yet realistic mini-models. This book was filled pictures of how to make 40 cool mini Lego vehicles like planes, rockets, trains, boats, and more. There were so many great ideas, many that my boys had never thought to build with their Legos. My boys read and studied the book for a long time to try and decide what they wanted to build. They read the book from cover to cover. They were fascinated by the pictures. I love that the pictures were detailed and had step by step instructions on how to build the micro sets. The pages even explained which Legos were needed to build the micro vehicle. Some of the mini models used only nine Lego pieces while some used over 100 pieces like the Freighter and Bulk Carrier.My boys were disappointed that they did not have the correct color Legos, but they realized it was OK to substitute different colors and different pieces. The book tells the reader to think beyond the pictures and to use your creativity if you don’t have the required pieces. The pictures were the starting point to spark my boy's imagination for new Lego adventures. That was a good thing as I was not going to buy them any more Legos. I told my boys to save their money to buy the Legos that they desired. I also love that this book was keeping them busy for so long that they did not even ask for computer time.

Here are some pictures from this fascinating Micro Lego book. Just look at the colorful detailed photos.

  Take a look at some of the items my boys built. My boys had so much fun creating these tiny Lego models. They would build one and with excitement, bring it to me and they create another one. I am amazed at how a book helped my boys have new fun with their Legos building things most people have never thought of building. The Legos got a new life and I did not have to buy more expensive plastic pieces. This book teaches kids to make the most of their Lego collection, no matter its size. It also encourages kids to let their creativity run wild!

Book Info

Tiny LEGO Wonders
Build 40 Surprisingly Realistic Mini-Models!
Publisher: No Starch Press
Final Release Date: July 2016 (est.)
Pages: 208

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to build 40 miniature models of race cars, airplanes, ships, trains, and more. These fun, compact designs will inspire you to get creative with as few as nine LEGO pieces. Imagine what you can build with just a handful of LEGO bricks--almost anything!
In Tiny LEGO Wonders, you'll create mini scale models of real vehicles like:
  • A space shuttle
  • Jets, planes, and helicopters
  • France's high-speed TGV train
  • F1 racecars
  • Muscle cars
  • Cargo, cruise, wooden ships, and more!

You can find Tiny Lego Wonders at bookstores and also online. Go here to buy this awesome book for your kids. This book is also great for big, kids at heart, Lego lovers. 

"These opinions are my own and I received a copy of the Tiny Lego Wonders book to facilitate this post"

Amwell To The Rescue With My "Pain In My Butt"

“This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and Amwell. All opinions are my own”

Whoever thought of online doctor visits was a genius

  My running was going so well, until today. I was running 5 miles a day and gaining some speed. I was even thinking about registering for a 5K race. Today started off well. The weather was cool and I had plenty of energy. I was looking forward to a fast five-mile run. I did my usual stretching and my legs felt good that was until I started running. I ran a couple of blocks and the back of my leg felt tight. So I stopped to stretch some more. I started running again but the tightness then developed into a pain. I thought I could push through it but the pain would not go away. So I stopped running and walked, feeling defeated. How could this be happening to me? I was finally running without any pain after my break from injuries. The pain was right near the top of my leg, near my bottom. I think I pulled a muscle but I was not sure. I had no clue what I did to bring on this pain. The last thing I wanted to do was visit a doctor. Who wants to have to drive 30 minutes to the doctor, that is if I can even get an appointment today. Then wait for hours in the waiting room only to be told it is a muscle problem. I just want to find out how to treat this injury.

   I am so glad I discovered American Well online doctor visits. Amwell takes the hassle out of visiting the doctor and allows you to visit with a licensed doctor 24 hours a day/7 days a week from the comfort of your home. I just love that I don’t have to pack up the kids and sit in a doctor's waiting room. That takes way too much time out of my day, not to mention the cost and the germs at the doctors.  Amwell is so easy to use too. I just go to their website and register. Then I describe my medical problem and I can also submit pictures too if needed to help the doctor make the right diagnosis. Last year my teen son had a sore throat and he took a picture of his throat with his phone. His ugly throat picture allowed the online doctor to prescribe medicine for my son and I did not have to leave the house to visit the doctor. Sometimes the online doctors are ready to visit with you right away but if the wait time is long, they will call you when it is your turn. You relax on your couch in your own home while waiting for the doctor to call you.

  Back to my “pain in the butt” and yes, I used the above picture to show the doctor where the pain was located. I chatted with the online doctor from my computer. You can also talk to the doctor on your smartphone or tablet. I love that I can choose from a list of available doctors and also view a profile of them to see if they are a good fit for me. My wait time to see the doctor was only five minutes and I was able to surf the web while I waited. When the doctor was ready to see me my web camera opened up and I was able to see the doctor. I then chatted with the doctor. She asked me questions about my injury/pain. She told me how to treat it and if it did not get better in a couple of days to make an appointment with my doctor or go to urgent care to get some imaging done. I was already icing the injury but the doctor suggested alternating with ice and heat. She also suggested that I take ibuprofen and use a pain relief cream. You would think by now I would remember these things with my past running injuries but I don't. She also told me not to run for seven days, that is going to be a tough one, but I will listen so things can heal and not get worse.

    I am so glad I used Amwell's online doctor service today. Sure, I could have used an internet search to self-diagnose my pain but we all know what happens from doing that- a simple thing turns into a horrible disease. I will leave medical stuff to doctors. I did not have to leave my home to see a  doctor. Which was good as I was in too much pain to drive as it hurts to sit. My boys were happy about that too as they don't like sitting for hours in a doctor's office. Amwell is great for everything from colds, sprains all the way to pink eye. Skip the long lines at the urgent care/ doctor offices and speak to a real board certified doctor from the comfort of your own home. The doctors can even prescribe medications and refer you to doctors for follow-up care. Watch the below video to see how easy it is to talk with a doctor online right now or when the need arises.

Visit the below link to talk to an online doctor right now. Your first visit in only $1.00 with code HEALTHY22

                                       Amwell online doctor website

 Read this article and find out how Amwell is positioning itself to be “the Amazon of health care”

Back To School Money Saving Shopping Tips

Summer will be over & kids will be heading back to school.

     I know it is hot outside and the last thing you want to think about school shopping. You know the saying "the early bird gets the worm" well it applies to school shopping. If you wait until the last minute not only will you lose some great savings but some items like backpacks and binders may also be out of stock. Early shopping may also help you beat the crowds and long lines.  My oldest is 26 and my youngest is 8 so I have been back to school shopping for a while. I like to start my back to school shopping in July as that is when the stores start the sales. It is also when people have garage sales, I usually find my kids clothes this way. I made a list of ways that I like to save money on back to school shopping.

Shop at home  
 The first thing I like to do to save money is looking around the house and seeing what items from last school season my kids can reuse. I like buying unique quality backpacks for my boys so they can be used for more than a year. My boys love having backpacks that are different from others so they are easy to spot. Other items that you may reuse are clothes if you kids did not outgrow them or ones from older siblings. You may also find items like pencils and folders that are still good to use.

Thrift shops   
I always check my local thrift shop for clothes for my boys. My boys wear uniforms to school that consists of any color polo and black, blue or tan pants so I am always able to find these items at thrift stores. 

Garage sales  
I always find clothes for my boys at garage sales as well as lunch sacks and sometimes backpacks. My neighborhood just had a garage sale and I also found two cute dresses for myself for $4.00 each.

  Now is the time to get the Sunday paper as stores are having back to school sales. This is a great time to not only get clothes but also school supplies like pencils, folders, and more. My favorite ads are from office supply stores. They usually have great deals like 25 cent paper, 10 cent folders and free, after rebate computer paper. Each week they will have a couple of different items for great prices. They sometimes make you buy a minimum amount to get the deal so I will buy ink or computer paper to meet the amount. You can also price match the ads at another store to avoid the minimum amount. I also find great deals on school supplies at drug stores like Walgreens. Make sure to stock up on items like paper and pencils to replenish later in the school year.

Tax-free weekend  
  Check to see if your state has a tax-free weekend for back to school shopping. I live in New Mexico and ours is August 5th-August 7th. This is a great time to buy anything from clothes to computers and not have to pay sales tax on these items. Even if you don't have kids in school you can take advantage of this. If you need a new computer that would mean big savings. Most states have a list of which items are tax-free. Here is the list for my state New Mexico tax-free list, I was surprised at the items that have no tax, like cloth diapers. I like to buy shoes, undies, and socks this weekend.

Price matching  
I hate shopping at lots of stores so I will gather the ads and price match sale items to avoid wasting gas and time. 

Clothing swaps 
Check your school district or Craigslist to see if there are any clothing swaps. My city Albuquerque is having a clothing swap and this is a great way to get clothes for your kids.

 A great way to get items like clothes is Craigslist. You can score some great deals on clothes.

Ask friends and neighbors who have older kids if they have any clothes that their kids have outgrown. Many probably have a bag ready to go to the thrift store and would love to give them to you to not have to drive them over there. I have a wonderful friend at church who has a son who is 2 years older than mine and she has blessed me over the years with clothes for my two younger boys.

Health and back to school fairs  
I love fairs for picking up pencils and pens. My town has several that even give out backpacks to the kids. Search for them online. The kids can get a free backpack filled with supplies, health screenings, and even a haircut. 

 This is just some of the many ways to save money on school supplies, I am sure there are many more. Feel free to add your ways to save money in the comment section. Back to school is a special time for kids and can be expensive so I hope these tips will help you save some money. I like to use the saved money on a new backpack for my boys. This year they chose this cool "Zombie" backpack from http://www.bixbee.com/. I love the many different features of this bag. My boys just love the way it looks and they are excited for school to start so they can show it to their friends. This backpack has many pockets to organize all their supplies and has padded straps to make it comfortable to carry. It is very roomy so it will hold all their books and folders. This place also has many other backpacks along with lunchboxes for boys and girls that are stylish and unique. 


"These opinions are my own and I received the "Zombie" backpack from Bixxbee.com to facilitate this post."

My Walking To Running Journey After My Injuries

 Do you have setbacks in your fitness journey?

   I have been on my journey for more than a year and it has been a long journey. The journey started with an ankle injury that developed into tendonitis then I had numerous falls from wearing the incorrect shoes. Two of the falls left me with a lot of blood and scrapes while the last one left me with a torn hamstring. I had to endure several weeks of healing and physical therapy along with trying many different supplements to finally be able to start running again. I began my walking to running regime last February and in six weeks I was running again. It felt so good to run. For the past month, I have been working on speed and distance. Things were going well until last week when I decide to do some different stretching and I have no idea what I did but the next day I had pain in my upper leg when I ran. I think I did something to my hamstring as the pain is similar, but to a lesser degree, to my torn hamstring injury last year. So now I am back to square one and having to walk for a month while my leg is healing. I then will have to start the process of getting back to running. This is so frustrating as I was looking forward to running on the beach next week when I go to West Palm Beach, oh well, I will have to enjoy walking on the beach.

  I am consuming extra protein and vitamin C to help my leg heal faster. I discovered a delicious Organic Plant-based Meal Replacement that has the 8 building blocks of nutrition in it.  I am hoping these 8 items will help me heal faster so I can get back to running. Sun Warrior illumin8 comes in three flavors- Mocha, Vanilla Bean, and Aztec Chocolate. The Vanilla bean is my favorite. This meal replacement tastes good when mixed with water but it would also be great for my fruit and veggie smoothies.This Meal Replacement is dairy, soy, & gluten free. I love that it has no added sugar and GMO-free.

                    So what are these 8 Building Blocks of Nutrition?
                                   Protein             Minerals
                                   Good Carbs     Fiber
                                   Healthy Fats    Enzymes
                                   Vitamins          Probiotics

  This time around I am also using ice and heat on my injury, something I have learned along the way, and it seems to help. For right now my leg only hurts when I run and I feel no pain when I walk. When my month of no running is over I will remember to stretch my legs and go back to my walk/run routine that I did a couple of months ago. My husband tells me to just stop running and then I won't get all these pains. He is not a runner so he just does not understand my need to run. I just love how I feel after running and it helps me to thinks better. I think most of my writing ideas come to me while I am running. I also keep my body looking great from running.

                              Are you a runner? If so tell me what motivates you to run?

Click on the below links to find out more about Sun Warrior illumin8 Organic Plant-based Meal Replacement.

Website: https://sunwarrior.com/store/product/illumin8-vanilla-bean-1kg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunwarrior
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sunwarrior
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunwarriortribe/

"These opinions are my own and I received samples of the above-mentioned product to facilitate this post."

Free Kroger Real Sugar Soda

Free Kroger Real Sugar Soda Receive ONE (1) FREE Kroger Real Sugar Soda, any variety (8 pk). Available in most stores.
Exp 07/31/2016

This Friday, July 15th, 2016 – ONLY, you can load a coupon to your Kroger (or Affiliate) Plus Card for one Free Kroger Real Sugar Soda 

Although 7/15/16 is the only day that you can load the coupon, the coupon offer is redeemable through 7/31/2016

Take Care Of Your “Selfie” While You Are Young With StriVectin

Sponsored post                                                                                                                                           
Does your "selfie" make you smile?

   Listen up you young gals. I am talking to you pretty girls who have no fine lines. You are in your twenties and thirties and most likely not thinking about fine lines as you take your selfies. Oh, how I wish I could go back and talk to my younger self about the importance of taking care of your skin. I remember that dreadful day when I discovered my first fine line, I think I was 35. I also remember going to the store and  purchasing my first anti-aging cream. Now this was 15 years ago and there was not that many anti-aging products on the shelf, I think I chose a cream with hydro something in it. I faithfully used that cream for several years until amazing breakthroughs in skin care brought on new amazing anti-aging products that actually work. I proudly say I have young looking skin due to my early use of anti-aging skin care products. I truly believe that using anti-aging products at the first sign of fine lines, or even before, will keep your skin looking young.

  My favorite anti-aging skin care brand is StriVectin. This company knows skin care and makes amazing products that help my skin look young. I have been using StriVectin for about a year and my skin looks amazing. I get all excited when that pink box shows up in my mailbox. This month they sent me their newest product and it is perfect to make your skin “selfie” picture perfect. I just love their slogan SCIENCE MEETS SELFIE. Their new Overnight Resurfacing Concentrate contains their patented NIA-114 technology and is clinically proven to restore visible qualities so you can wake up to picture perfect skin.

  I could not wait for night time to try this new skin care product. I washed my face and then applied the replenishing serum to my skin. It was easy to apply with the included dropper. The serum absorbed quickly into my skin. I then used my favorite moisturizer, StriVectin of course, and went to bed. In the morning, my skin felt soft. I know this serum will continue to keep my skin looking great as I have used many other StriVectin products and like what I see in the mirror. I sometimes walk past a mirror and have to take a second look as I have a hard time believing that I am over 50, so do my friends.

   So let me tell you more about StriVectin’s newest product. Overnight Resurfacing Concentrate is formulated with enzymes that refine the skin’s texture and imperfections and StriVectin says that will leave my skin soft, supple and hydrated. With continued use, I may not even have to rely on makeup or filters when I take my “selfies.” So the next time you look at a “selfie” of me just remember that StriVectin helped me achieve that great smile.

Check out the amazing ingredients in StriVectin Overnight Resurfacing Concentrate

          Patented NIA-114 technology: reinvigorates skin surface
          Refining Enzyme Complex: promotes skin surface renewal
         Encapsulate Moisture Ingredients: deliver long-lasting hydration

                                    Do you like your "selfie"? Does it Make you smile?


                                Check out StriVectin on Facebook  Twitter  Instagram

"These opinions are my own and I received a sample of StriVectin Overnight Resurfacing Concentrate to facilitate this post."

Neocell Move Matrix Advance Joint Hydrator Is The Best For Mom & Me

My mom is an amazing lady for her age. It is hard to believe she is eighty years old.

  I get my youthfulness from my mom.The above picture was taken at my daughter's wedding last year, doesn't she look good for eighty?  She is one amazing lady as she can still bust a move. You know those old ladies that you see dancing, that could be my mom. My mom does not get a chance to go dancing as she is very busy taking care of my dad. My dad is not able to move well due to age and failing kidneys. My mom is even able to keep with my younger boys and goes on long walks with them when we visit her. My mom even cuts her grass every week and until a couple years age she did it with a push, non-electric mower. Up until now, my mom has not had any of the typical aches and pains that old people get. My mom recently started complaining about arthritis in her hands and how it is hard for her to open up jars. As I was taking my daily joint supplements, I thought about my mom and her pain that she was suffering. I had a "light bulb" moment and realized that my joint supplements could help her with her arthritis. These wonderful supplements take away the pain in my ankle joint so it could do the same for her finger joints.

  I was just about to order some wonderful Neocell supplements for my mom, Neocell reached out to me and said they just came out with a new amazing joint supplement and asked if I wanted to try Move Matrix Advance Joint Hydrator. When they told me that this new supplement is also great for arthritis, I said, "I need to get some for my mom."

   So my mom and I both received this new joint supplement  to see how it works on both my ankle tendonitis and her hand arthritis. Neocell also sent us their new delicious Joint Bursts. These pineapple chews contain Collagen and Turmeric. Most people know Turmeric for its great way it helps with inflammation while collagen helps with joint cartilage. These Bursts are a delicious new option to help keep joints hydrated and healthy.

They are my daily help me run/joint "candy"!

   So let me tell you about this amazing joint supplement that Neocell just released. It has every supplement in it that I was already taking and then some.I was taking three different supplements every morning so I could run without pain and stiffness in my ankle. That meant I was popping 8-10 pills every morning. Now I only have to take 5 easy to swallow Move Matrix Advance Joint Hydrator capsules. I know this supplement is going to help me be able to keep running as I already have experience with most of the ingredients in this supplement like the Collagen, Glucosamine, MSM, Chondrotin, Hyaluronic Acid, and Boswellia. Neocell added some new ones like Vitamin C Curcumin, Ginger Root, Resveratrol, Pine Bark, and BioPerine. All these wonderful ingredients are going to give my joints Collagen, Hydration, and Antioxidants so they can continue to move without pain or stiffness. Just look at all the info on the box! Instead of reading my cereal box in the morning, I read my Neocell box. The information on the box never gets old as this is my "never going to slow down" supplement.

     Back to my wonderful mom. I just love this photo of all my family (except my oldest son as he was overseas at the time.)  My mom loves that I thought about her and was excited to receive the products. My mom loved the pineapple Joint Bursts and said they had good flavor. When I told her that they have Turmeric in them and that they are good for inflammation, she said, " I have heard that eating Turmeric is good for you." My mom told me that the capsules of the Advance Joint Hydrator are too big for her to swallow , so she did not try them yet. When I told her that I have found success in the ingredients that the product contains and they allow me to run with no pain. She said she will try to swallow the capsules to see if they help. She also said a lot of her friends take Glucosamine. Maybe Neocell needs a drink with the same ingredients so people who have trouble with pills, like my mom, can get the benefits of this product.

  So if you have arthritis, joint pains or tendonitis then you need to try this supplement! Neocell really outdid themselves on this one and I am happy they did as now I only have to take one supplement instead of three. Just click on the below links to get more information on this wonderful supplements and other great products that Neocell makes for joints, skin and more.

                                                                   Neocell Website

                                           Neocell on   Facebook    Twitter    Instagram   YouTube

"These opinions are my own and I received Neocell supplements to facilitate this post."
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Mom knows best