>U Mom Knows Best: June 2024

7 Tips for Maintaining Mental Health While Caring for Aging Parents


 Caring for aging parents is a stressful task and places a lot of pressure on you to watch out for not just the needs and overall well-being of your elderly family members, but requires you to be mindful of their legal needs as well. You must maintain your mental health while attending to the physical, emotional, and mental health needs of your aging loved ones. Staying fit is also important.

 If your loved ones are living in an assisted living or nursing home setting, they still require much time and attention regarding overall care. While a nursing home abuse attorney can manage their legal issues (including elderly abuse and neglect) to bring peace of mind to you and your loved ones, much of the rest of their daily needs will be largely left for you to manage. This means you have to not only prioritize the livelihood of your aging parents, you have to consider your self-care needs as well. After all, if you don’t have good mental health, you’re less able to meet the demands of caring for your aging loved ones. Here are 7 tips for maintaining mental health while caring for aging parents. 

Have Someone To Vent To

 Taking care of a loved one in any capacity is taxing and takes a lot of time and patience, and caring for elderly loved ones can feel extra difficult. This is because they’re adults with different and more complex demands than children, and they’re adults who used to take care of you. Have someone to vent to and let your anxieties and frustrations out. This person can be a sibling, a friend, a relative, or even a professional therapist. 

Get Your Rest

 Sleep is vital when you have extra expectations placed on you. Sleep helps you recharge at the end of the day and is vital for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. If you need help getting proper rest each night, speak to your doctor for advice and recommendations. 

Manage Your Health

 Don’t let your health slip by while worrying about the health and well-being of your loved one. Your mental health relies on your physical health, so take time to visit the doctor for regular checkups, consider joining a support group for family caregivers, and get regular exercise to maintain your health and clarity. You’ll be a better caretaker as well as feel better all-around when you prioritize yourself as well. 

Pick A Hobby You Can Do While Caregiving

 A hobby you can pick up during your caregiving hours can help pass the time more effectively while allowing you to still give quality attention to your elderly loved one. A hobby both you and your loved one can enjoy is even better! 

 Consider crocheting, building puzzles, going for a stroll, adult coloring pages, reading a book (or listening to an audiobook everyone can enjoy) or even watching a television program to help pass the time and create bonding moments that can increase mental health for everyone. 

Ask For Help

 Taking care of a loved one is time-consuming and overwhelming sometimes. You should be able to ask for help, be it from other family members, people in your church or other spiritual group, or even from the legal team that represents your elderly loved one in their legal matters or representation for higher-quality care. Asking for help not only gives you control back of your own life, it allows you to delegate tasks to others that are too much of a mental load for you alone to tackle. Your family members can at least help with food preparation, planning activities, or giving you breaks for self-care time. 

Give Yourself A Day Off

 While your loved one undoubtedly needs constant care, it’s OK to take time off for yourself now and then. You can arrange to take yourself off the caretaker's schedule on the same day every week or month. Hence, it’s a regularly scheduled day off other people can take over, or you can hire a nursing home abuse lawyer to help you draft a caretaker schedule that includes other caretakers so you can take appropriate time off for your mental health and well-being. It’s wise to include the entire family of caretakers when drafting a care schedule that works best for your loved one. 

Get Involved In An Exercise Routine

 Getting proper exercise is good for mental health and healthy living. Not only does it boost your dopamine levels so you have more happy energy, it allows you to get moving and gives you a change of scenery from your caretaker role. It doesn’t matter the type of exercise you do, be it yoga, going for a walk, pilates, or even something more involved like kickboxing and aerobics, all that matters is that you get involved in a steady exercise routine. 

 If you need a vent session at the same time as getting exercise, having an exercise buddy with you is wise. This way, you can have more motivation to work out while having someone you can talk to about your concerns as a caregiver. 

Wrapping Up 

 If you have a caregiver role, it’s wise to pay attention to your mental health so everyone has the best experience. If you need help, reach out to resources that can assist you so you can care for your loved one while caring for your mental health.

Graco® Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer Review

 From an infant seat to a kid's chair the Graco® Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer grows with your baby. This unique baby item has so many uses for home and away.

My daughter recently had another baby, making this grandchild number three for me. I am so happy that my daughter lives near me so I get to see my three grandchildren. Having your grandchildren nearby is a blessing. This grandma loves it when the grandbabies come to visit.

Since my grandchildren come to visit often, I have many toys for them to play with, and I also have baby equipment that stays at my home. From the stroller hanging in the garage to the blow-up dinosaur in the closet, I like it when the baby's equipment and toys can be easily stored away That makes my home less cluttered.   

An invitation to check out Graco's Newest Baby Products

When Graco reached out to me and invited me to a press release for their newest baby items, I was excited to see the baby items. From the SmartSense™ Soothing Bassinet to a stroller that fits in the airplane overhead storage, Graco had some new exciting items that would be perfect for grandchild number 3. 

While I really loved the Smartsense Soothing Bassinet, the item that I chose to check out was the Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer. The bassinet was first on my list but the grandbaby was 4 months old and just transitioned to a crib. 

 I selected the 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer as I knew that this baby item would come in handy for the times that my daughter and family came over for dinner. It would also be great for when this grandma watched all three kids. Having a safe place to put the baby is important when you have three grandkids to watch. Gone are the days of being able to hold the baby all day.


The Graco® Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer is an Infant Bouncer, Floor Seat, Jumper, and Kids Chair all in one! With 4 growing stages, this innovative infant bouncer is the only one of its kind, offering different ways to soothe, contain, and entertain baby as they grow. This item starts out as a compact infant bouncer suitable for infants from birth. When the baby is learning how to sit, the bounce transforms into a floor seat. 

Once the baby becomes more active, this bouncer transforms into a baby jumper. The final stage is the toddler chair that can be used for many years, up to 40 pounds, and makes a great chair for reading books. The best part of this unique 4-1 product is that it folds for easy storage. Moms will also love how easy the seat pad is to remove and machine wash.

My review of the Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer

 The Jumpstart 4-in-1 activity bouncer from Graco was super easy to assemble and my teen son put it together in about 15 minutes. This was a no-tools-needed baby product. My son thought it was a pretty cool chair. He even asked me if I thought that the bouncer would support his weight. 

 I gave my 6 foot 3 son the mom look and said "No" as the chair only holds up to 40 pounds. I then grabbed the life-size baby doll, that my friend gave to me for the older grandchildren, and had fun checking out the 4 different modes of this baby bouncer.

This baby doll was the perfect size for the Graco baby chair and she looked like a real baby. My other teen actually thought that I was babysitting my youngest grandbaby. 

What I loved about the Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer

~ Easy to transform from infant bouncer to floor seat, baby jumper, and kids chair. Just unsnap and re-snap the chair pad to place it in different positions for the different seat options. Even the baby jumper clicks super easy.

~ Storage for the seatbelt and other parts when using the different options. That way they won't be lost. 

~ Included snack tray for meal times or for playtime. This tray makes the chair into an instant high chair for times that grandma watches the baby.

~ Compact & portable for when it is not in use or for taking on the go. I love that I can store it in a closet and is ready to use when the grandbaby visits.

~ Machine-washable seat pad that is easy to remove. Babies are messy and moms love easy-to-clean items.

~ Height-adjustable jumper seat to fit baby as she grows.

What I did not like about the Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer

~ There was nowhere to attach the separate jumper seat when I stored it in the closet. I used a shoelace to tie it to the frame.

~ The chair did not stay close when folded for storage. I used the same shoelace to keep it closed.

The Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer was a unique baby product that I can see parents getting plenty of use. This chair can be used from the day that they bring their baby home. It is lightweight so parents can move it from room to room.

The different positions of the baby chair make it easy to use as an activity chair or a place for a nap for the baby. My grandbaby is 4 months old and will love having a chair to help her sit up, that way she can watch her older sisters. I can also use the infant bouncer for the times that I need my hands free to help the older sisters. 

This bouncer does not take up much space in my hall closet and it is super easy to open for a baby bounce. One click and it transforms into the baby bouncer. The Graco Jumpstart 4-in-1 Activity Bouncer makes a great baby shower gift.

Should Seniors Travel Alone?

 Solo travel is on the rise among elderly people today, allured by the promise of adventure, new experiences, and precious memories. However, concerns over health, safety, and emergency resources for older adults persist. This article provides a balanced perspective. Seniors absolutely can and should travel independently - with the right precautions in place.

The Benefits of Hitting the Open Road Solo

 For the elderly who find themselves itching to explore someplace new, traveling solo empowers that spirit of discovery. Navigating a fresh environment and culture breeds confidence and feelings of capability, especially after losing a spouse or friends. Solo travel also gifts seniors with the flexibility to customize each day as desired without accounting for others’ preferences.

 Venturing out solo combats isolation and mental decline associated with aging. Mingling with locals and fellow wanderlust travelers exercises social and cognitive skills. The constant novelty rejuvenates the mind. Maintaining a regular routine of walking, lifting luggage, and managing transportation systems preserves mobility. Preventing physical and mental stagnation thus enables seniors to live vibrantly.

Traveling with a Wheelchair

 Seniors with disabilities or mobility limitations like wheelchairs should travel accompanied by a relative or friend. Review airport and hotel accessibility features in detail prior, ensuring enough space to maneuver tight turns. Choose ground-floor accommodations with roll-in showers. Consider a folding mobility scooter for travel that can easily tackle outdoor trails or rent one. Durable medical equipment companies rent mobility devices worldwide should backups be needed.

 While air travel requires advance arrangements for assistive equipment, most airlines and airports provide wheelchair assistance navigating terminals. Guided tours or cruises again simplify logistics, as long as independently getting on and off transportation works. The rewards of solo travel apply equally to disabled seniors if trip ambitions align realistically with physical capabilities. Having a wheelchair need not curb a spirited wanderlust.

Examining the Challenges of Solo Travel

 Despite advantageous incentives urging seniors to see the world alone, valid hazards exist. Traveling solo magnifies vulnerability to crime, illness, injuries from falls, and more. Lacking a companion to help respond means dire situations can rapidly escalate, like when health events require hospitalization or losing lifesaving medications. Unfamiliar surroundings also heighten the risk of getting lost or stranded.

 Language barriers, inaccessible infrastructure, unstable terrain, extreme weather, and other environmental factors pose barriers abroad. Senior travelers may overestimate capabilities out of pride or inadequate prior research. Adding solo travel stresses on top of chronic conditions could then trigger medical crises.

How to Mitigate Risks Through Proper Preparations

 While solo travel risks for seniors cannot fully disappear, proper diligence minimizes hazards. Comprehensive pre-trip research should cover everything from scam alerts to mobility access and emergency resources. Travel insurance with extensive medical coverage is non-negotiable, as are copies of prescriptions, medical paperwork, emergency contacts, and any assistive devices.

 Vetting destinations using tour groups designed specifically for solo seniors also ensures appropriate accommodations and pacing. For example, river cruises offer built-in medical care while letting passengers explore ports of call independently. Guided tours through challenging locations like Machu Picchu supply aid as necessary.

 Even seasoned travelers ought to start small, sticking close to home on a several-day jaunt before attempting more formidable adventures abroad. This allows testing tolerance for the physical and mental demands of solo travel without dire consequences.

 Seniors must also pledge to solicit help when warranted, not soldiering on out of sheer stubbornness. Learning key medical and safety phrases in the native language facilitates clear communication with locals when trouble strikes. Check-ins via phone or social media update loved ones on itineraries and wellbeing. Such reasonable steps expand possibilities while safeguarding health.


 Solo travel emphatically remains feasible into the golden years with attentive preparations, common sense, and defiant spirits. Rather than resign seniors to sedentary existences as physical and social capabilities decline, we must encourage meaningful exploration adapted to aging bodies and minds. Counsel older patients on pursuing their travel goals safely; connect them with groups facilitating senior solo journeys abroad. The rich rewards of discovery are not just for the young. With sound information and planning, older adults can adventure far beyond the front porch independently while 

3 Southwestern Inspired Food Products That You Need To Try

 Check out these delicious products that are Southwestern-inspired. These products are perfect for summer meals.

 When you look up what foods are regional for the Southwest, the most common answer is the three sisters' foods ~ corn, beans, and squash. While these are common staples in the Southwest, many more delicious foods can be found in the Southwestern region of the United States. 

 From delicious tortillas to spicy green chile, the Southwest states have unique food items that you need to know about. Today I am going to introduce you to some Southwestern-inspired items that I am enjoying this month. 

1. Hatch Chile Sauces

 One food that is from the Southwest is green chile. This spicy pepper is a New Mexico staple and is mostly grown in Hatch, New Mexico. This small town in New Mexico is the Chile Capital of the World. This is where the best green chile is grown and it is where many brands like Santa Fe Ole and Los Roast get their chile to make their delicious sauces. 

 We New Mexicans love our green chile and eat lots of it. Green chile and red chile are staples in our cooking for delicious meals. Fresh Green chile is only available for one month and this is a time when most people buy big bags of green chile at the markets. The markets even roast the green chile in the parking lot. Read more about green chile roasting here.

 People from New Mexico stock their freezers with fresh green chile, in hopes that they will have enough to last all year. For most people, their green chile stash is gone quickly, and they turn to their favorite New Mexico brands to buy more green chile products. 

A couple of brands that have been supplying green chile and red chile to folks living in New Mexico and other parts of the United States are Santa Fe Ole and Los Roast. These local brands have been making chile sauces for many years.

 Each brand sent me a jar of their chile sauces and I am excited to use them in my New Mexican recipes. Santa Fe Ole sent me a jar of medium-roasted green chile sauce and Los Roast sent me a jar of red chile sauce. For those not familiar with green chile, red chile is from the same chile pepper, it is just left on the vine longer.

The green chile sauce will be awesome in my slow cooker tamale recipe. This medium-roasted green chile will also be enjoyed over my vegan scrambled eggs and in a homemade bean burrito. The red chile sauce will be awesome in my Slow Cooker Vegetarian Posole, a holiday favorite that my family enjoys even in July. 

2. Cactus Crunch Chips

 Here in the Southwest, we love tortilla chips. Tortilla chips and salsa are a favorite snack and appetizer. Visit any New Mexican restaurant and they will give you a basket of tortilla chips along with salsa before your meal. A tortilla chip that I have been enjoying with my salsa is Cactus Crunch Chips.

 These delicious chips are made with nopal flour. Nopal flour comes from the paddles of the prickly pear cactus. The prickly pear cactus grows in the Southwest and here in New Mexico, they are everywhere. I love harvesting the fruit from the prickly pear cactus. 

The Catcus Crunch Chips are so delicious and they are loaded with nutrition. They are a healthier option for tortilla chips. Cactus is abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that boost immunity. These crunchy chips have less carbs, sugar, and calories when compared to traditional tortilla chips. They are a perfect pair for salsa.

3. Keith Cacao

This 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao Drink may not be grown in the Southwest but it is a wonderful product to make Mexican Hot chocolate. It may be summer and hot chocolate may not be on your mind but this Ceremonial Cacao can be enjoyed warm or over ice. 

Keith's Ceremonial Cacao is the healthiest chocolate drink in the world that you can drink every day! This superfood offers a boost of energy and enhances your focus. Many people like to enjoy it in the morning as a healthy alternative to coffee. Unlike coffee, you won't get the caffeine jitters from this drink. Keiths Cacao has theobromine which stimulates our peripheral system, boosting blood flow throughout our body and providing a genuine lift without the rollercoaster crash.

 Keith's Ceremonial Cacao is offered in beans, paste, and mini-brick pastes and you can serve it up hot or cold or even incorporate it into your baking - check out some recipes here.

Southwestern-Inspired Products that you need to try

These are products that you need to try. My teen son loved the Cactus Crunch chips and ate a whole bag of the chips. I did get a few chips but I did not mind one bit as he ate plenty of salsa with the chips. Salsa is made with veggies so that counts as a vegetable serving.

 I enjoyed a warm mug of the Ceremonial Cacao with some cinnamon and it had a delicious chocolate taste. It reminded me of Mexican hot chocolate.

The chile sauces are in my pantry and I will be making some posole in the slow cooker this weekend with the red chile sauce. My son wants to use some of the red chile sauce for his enchiladas. The green chile sauce will be used on a daily basis over eggs and in burritos. 

Which product are you excited to try?

Searching for the Right Jewelry Piece? These Practical Tips Can Help

 Jewelry has been a symbol of beauty, identity, and status for centuries. Diamonds, pearls, gold, and silver are just some of the precious gems and metals that people adorn themselves with to add an extra touch of elegance to their attire.

 How do you choose between gold or silver? Should you invest in statement pieces or stick to classic designs? These are just some of the questions that may arise while browsing through endless displays at your favorite store. By following our practical tips and guidelines, you can find that piece of jewelry that truly speaks to you.

Identify Your Style
 Before starting with your search, you must first understand your personal style. Take a moment to reflect on your wardrobe and the types of outfits you usually wear. Are your clothes more modern and minimalist, or do you prefer bold and eclectic ensembles? Or, if you are in the market for a specific piece of jewelry like an engagement ring, you can explore the range at alldiamond.co.uk to get an idea of what style appeals to you the most. Once you have identified your fashion preferences, it will be easier for you to narrow down your choices and find pieces that complement your style.

Consider Your Skin Tone
 Your skin tone can significantly influence how certain metals and gemstones appear on you. People with cool undertones may find that silver, platinum, and white gold complement their skin best, while individuals with warm undertones might prefer the look of yellow gold, copper, and brass. If you have a neutral skin tone, you’re in luck, as both cool and warm metals will likely look stunning on you.

 After determining your skin tone, you can also choose gemstones that enhance your complexion. Emeralds and rubies look great on individuals with warm undertones whereas sapphires and amethysts complement cool-toned skin.

Think About Versatility
 When shopping for jewelry, you should consider how versatile a piece can be. Investing in versatile jewelry means you can wear it with a variety of outfits and on different occasions, giving you more value for your money. Look for classic designs that can easily transition from day to night or pieces that can be layered and mixed with other items in your collection.

A simple gold or silver chain can be worn alone for a minimalist look, or paired with a pendant for added flair. Versatile pieces enhance your wardrobe while also saving you from constantly splurging on new accessories. 

Focus on Quality
Quality should always be a top priority, even when purchasing jewelry — you want pieces that will last and retain their beauty over time. While examining a piece, look for signs of craftsmanship such as even and symmetrical gemstones, secure clasps, and smooth edges. Avoid buying pieces with visible scratches or discoloration.

 Don't forget to take into account the materials used in making the jewelry. Solid gold or silver pieces are more durable than plated ones and can withstand everyday wear better. Or, if you are considering gemstones, choose stones with a higher rating on the Mohs scale to ensure they are less prone to scratches and damage.

Set a Budget
 It can be easy to get carried away and overspend on a beautiful piece, only to regret it later. Determine how much you are willing to spend before you start browsing, and stick to your budget. Keep in mind that the price of jewelry can vary greatly depending on the materials used, brand, and design.
To stay within your budget, you can also consider alternative options such as vintage or antique jewelry. These pieces may have a unique charm and history to them that cannot be found in modern designs.

Pay Attention to Detail
 Details can make a world of difference when selecting jewelry. Pay close attention to the intricate elements such as engravings, settings, and finishes. Whether it’s a delicate filigree pattern on a ring or the perfectly set stones on a bracelet, these details speak volumes about the craftsmanship and overall aesthetic of the piece.

 Even consider the practical aspects like the weight and comfort of the jewelry. A heavy necklace or an uncomfortable ring can diminish the enjoyment of wearing such items. When you focus on both the aesthetic and functional details, you ensure that you are making a thoughtful and worthwhile investment in your jewelry collection.

Check the Return Policy
 Especially for high-value items, you want to check the return policy of the store or online retailer and make sure you can return or exchange the piece if it doesn't meet your expectations or if you change your mind. Reputable jewelers often provide a window for returns and exchanges, giving you peace of mind in your purchase. Keep all receipts and documentation, as these will be necessary if you need to return the item.

 Armed with these practical tips, you can confidently navigate the world of jewelry shopping and find pieces that you'll treasure for years to come. Whether you're buying for yourself or as a gift for a loved one, know that with the right approach, you can find that perfect jewelry piece that reflects your personal style and makes you feel beautiful and confident. Go ahead and start your search – your dream jewelry piece is waiting to be discovered!

Different Types of Cosmetic Surgeries & How to Pick the Right One


Cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people opting to enhance their appearance through various procedures. From tummy tucks to breast augmentations, there seems to be a procedure for every part of the body. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming and confusing for individuals looking to undergo cosmetic surgery.

 In this blog post, we will be discussing the different types of cosmetic surgeries that are available and how you can pick the right one for your needs. Let's get started.

Extended Tummy Tuck

 An extended tummy tuck, also known as a circumferential abdominoplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery that targets the abdomen and waist area. It is usually recommended for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or have excess skin and fat in their midsection.

 During this procedure, an incision is made around the entire circumference of the waist, allowing for more extensive removal of excess skin and fat. This results in a flatter and firmer abdominal area with improved muscle definition. You can check out the extended tummy tuck before and after to get a better understanding of the results. It is also essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.

Breast Augmentation

 Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries among women. It involves placing implants or transferring fat from other areas of the body to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure can help individuals who have naturally small breasts, uneven breasts, or those who have lost breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy.

 When considering breast augmentation, it is crucial to choose the right type of implant, whether silicone or saline, and consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to ensure the desired results. It is also essential to discuss any potential risks and complications associated with the procedure before making a decision.


 Commonly known as a "nose job," rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that can change the shape or size of the nose. It can address various concerns such as crookedness, bumps, or a misshapen tip. Rhinoplasty can also improve breathing function in some cases.

 There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision at the base of the nose, while in a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside the nostrils. The type of procedure chosen will depend on each individual's specific needs and goals. It is essential to have realistic expectations and communicate clearly with your plastic surgeon for successful results.


 Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that targets stubborn areas of fat and removes them through a suction process. It is commonly performed on the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and back. Liposuction can help individuals achieve a more contoured body shape and better proportioned figure.

 There are different techniques of liposuction, such as tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction. Each technique has its benefits and considerations, so it is crucial to discuss your options with your plastic surgeon before making a decision. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise can help maintain the results of liposuction.


 A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to reduce signs of aging on the face and neck. It can address sagging skin, wrinkles, and deep creases. Many individuals choose this procedure to achieve a more youthful appearance and boost their self-confidence.

 During a facelift, incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears to access underlying tissues and muscles. The skin is then repositioned, excess fat may be removed, and the incisions are closed. Recovery time varies for each individual but can take several weeks. It is essential to choose a skilled plastic surgeon who can create natural-looking results and discuss any potential risks or complications beforehand.

Brazilian Butt Lift

 The Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic surgery that involves transferring fat from other areas of the body to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. This procedure has gained popularity due to its ability to create a more shapely, lifted, and proportional backside.

 During this procedure, excess fat is removed from designated areas through liposuction and then injected into the buttocks for volume enhancement. The result is a fuller, more contoured derriere with minimal scarring. However, it is crucial to discuss the risks and complications associated with this procedure, such as fat embolism or infection. It is also essential to maintain a stable weight for long-lasting results.

 Cosmetic surgery offers various options for individuals looking to enhance their appearance. It is crucial to carefully consider each type of procedure and consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to determine the best option for your needs. Additionally, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand that all surgeries carry risks and potential complications. By thoroughly researching and discussing your options with a qualified professional, you can achieve the desired results and boost your self-confidence.

SOMETHING TO STAND FOR ~ Untold Stories of America's Heros

 If you love true stories, you’ll love this collection of real-life tales of American Heroes, all narrated by Mike Rowe!

Many thanks to TBN for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 

“Something to Stand For” isn’t a political movie, “merely a patriotic one.” 

When I had an opportunity to view a movie about the untold stories of America's heroes, I thought that SOMETHING TO STAND FOR was a movie about the men who fought in the past wars of our country. I thought that this movie was going to be a political movie. 

 Once I watched the movie, I quickly learned that this movie was not about politics. I learned that this was a patriotic movie. This movie had many short stories about people from the past, some that I learned about my history books and some that I had never heard about. Each story that Mike Rowe told grabbed my attention and I gained new knowledge about the history of America. I was glad that I had the option to pause the movie, so I could use the internet to learn more about these American heroes.

A movie that you need to watch before July 4th

 American citizens celebrate the Fourth of July, America's birthday, with festivals, parades, fireworks, barbecues, and other festive activities but how many know the real reason for this day? 

 The 4th of July is very significant in American history. It marks the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation. 

SOMETHING TO STAND FOR is a movie that you need to see before the 4th of July. It is a movie that is filled with many untold stories of heroes who stood up and fought for many things so we can celebrate freedom.

Buy tickets today to see Something to Stand For in theaters starting June 27th! 

Purchase Tickets Here

Learn More About the movie SOMETHING To STAND FOR 

#SomethingToStandForMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork 

About Mike Rowe

Mike Rowe is a writer, narrator, producer, recording artist, Emmy-Award winning TV Host, New York Times Best Selling author, and the CEO of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. As the creator and host of the iconic TV series Dirty Jobs, Mike is best-known as “the dirtiest man on TV,” but his true calling is storytelling. From Somebody’s Gotta Do It to Returning the Favor, The Story Behind the Story, Six Degrees, and The Way I Heard It, Mike continues to tap the country on the shoulder and say, “These are people you should know.”


Join America’s favorite storyteller on an epic journey to the heart of Washington DC. Drawing from his blockbuster podcast “The Way I Heard It,” this cinematic tour de force will take viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more.

Mike Rowe's Reason for Making This Movie 

~ info below is in Mike Rowe's words from https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMikeRowe

 SOMETHING TO STAND FOR was inspired by the ongoing war on the symbols of America, a war of vandalism waged by those who believe the present can be improved by erasing the past. Obviously, I have no expectation that this movie will persuade anyone who dons a mask and defaces our national memorials to rethink their worldview because I’m pretty sure none of those people will ever see this movie. I do, however, believe there are lots of people on both sides of the aisle who are disgusted by their behavior and still love America, in spite of the imperfections of our founders, and the obvious fact we have not yet achieved the “more perfect union” they envisioned. This movie is for them – that still sizeable population who identify as Americans, first and foremost. Americans of all races who genuinely care about our shared history, and understand that even though our nation is still a work in progress - and always will be - there are still a great many things worth standing for.

~ There is nothing political about a film that celebrates the principles on which this country was formed. Nor is there anything political about celebrating the people who have defended those principles over the centuries – especially those who died doing so. Unless of course, you’ve been taught that our country is fundamentally flawed, systemically racist, incurably intolerant, and beyond redemption. 

~ Those people exist, and I’m afraid their numbers are growing. But they are not defined by a political party – they are defined by their contempt of America. And while those people are more than welcome to come and see the film, I didn’t make it for them; I made it because of them. I made it because there’s a big difference between political rivals who want to improve this country because they love it, and those who wish to transform it because they hate it.

My 4th of July celebration will have a new refreshed meaning

This 4th of July as my husband puts up the American flag, I will be thinking about the stories that I watched in this movie. I will be remembering those who took a stand for our country. I will be thinking about my sons who are in the military. I will be proud to live in America and I will stand for the flag.

Why do we stand for the National Anthem and the American flag?

We stand for the National Anthem and the American flag for many reasons and many have to do with taking a stand for things that we will not stand for.

~ We will not stand for injustice

~ We will not stand for bad manners

~ We will not stand for our enemies

~ We will not stand for slavery

~ We stand for freedom

~ We stand for independence

~ We stand to honor those who died to make our country better

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Fix Your Roof Easily: Useful Tips from the Pros You Need to Follow

 Is your roof in need of repair? Whether you're dealing with a minor leak or major damage, fixing your roof can seem like a daunting task. Yet, with the right tips and guidance from professionals, you can make the process much more manageable. This blog post is designed to provide you with essential information and practical advice to help you fix your roof with ease. From understanding common roofing issues to knowing when to seek professional help, we've got you covered.

Understanding Common Roofing Issues

Roofs endure a lot of wear and tear over time. Here are some common problems you might encounter:

  +  Leaks and Water Damage: One of the most frequent issues is water leaking through the roof, which can lead to mold and structural damage if not addressed promptly.

  +  Missing or Damaged Shingles: Shingles can be blown away by strong winds or become damaged due to age and weather conditions.

  +  Sagging Roof: A roof that sags may indicate structural issues that need immediate attention.

Regular Inspections are Key

Regular roof inspections are crucial in identifying problems early on.

  +  Schedule Inspections Twice a Year: It's recommended to inspect your roof in the spring and fall to catch any issues before they become more serious.

  +  Look for Signs of Wear: During inspections, look for missing shingles, cracks, and other signs of wear and tear.

  +  Check the Attic: Don't forget to check your attic for signs of leaks and water damage, as these can indicate roof problems.

Safety First

Before you start any roof repairs, it's important to ensure your safety.

  +  Use Proper Equipment: Always use a sturdy ladder and wear non-slip shoes to prevent accidents.

  +  Work with a Buddy: Having someone to assist you can provide an extra layer of safety and help with difficult tasks.

  +  Be Mindful of Weather Conditions: Avoid working on the roof during wet or windy conditions to reduce the risk of slipping and falling.

Gathering the Right Tools

Having the right tools on hand can make roof repairs easier and more efficient.

  +  Basic Tools: You’ll need a hammer, nails, roofing cement, a utility knife, and a tape measure for most tasks.

  +  Safety Gear: Invest in safety glasses, gloves, and a harness if you'll be working on a steep roof.

  +  Specialized Tools: Depending on the repair, you might also need a shingles cutter or a roofing nailer.

Repairing Leaks and Water Damage

Leaks are one of the most common roofing issues and should be addressed promptly.

  +  Identify the Source: The first step is to find the source of the leak, which might not always be directly above the water damage.

 +  Repair or Replace Damaged Shingles: Remove damaged shingles and apply roofing cement to seal any gaps or cracks.

  +  Seal the Leak: Use roofing tape or a waterproof sealant to cover the affected area and prevent further leaks.

Fixing Missing or Damaged Shingles

Shingles can become damaged or go missing due to various factors.

  +  Remove Damaged Shingles: Carefully lift the edges of surrounding shingles and remove the nails holding the damaged shingle in place.

  +  Install New Shingles: Position the new shingle, nail it down, and apply roofing cement to seal the edges.

  +  Ensure Proper Alignment: Make sure the new shingles are aligned with the existing ones to maintain the roof's appearance and functionality.

Addressing a Sagging Roof

A sagging roof can indicate serious structural issues. Common causes include water damage, poor construction, or aging materials. Due to the complexity and potential danger, it's best to consult a professional for sagging roof repairs. A roofing contractor may need to reinforce the roof's structure or replace damaged beams and rafters. This is not a DIY project and should be left to professionals.

Preventative Maintenance

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roof and prevent costly repairs.
  +  Clean Gutters Regularly: Clogged gutters can cause water to back up and damage the roof, so clean them out at least twice a year.
  +  Trim Overhanging Branches: Branches can damage shingles and lead to debris buildup, so keep them trimmed back.
  +  Check for Moss and Algae: These can cause damage over time, so clean them off as soon as you notice them.

 Fixing your roof doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By understanding common roofing issues, conducting regular inspections, prioritizing safety, and knowing when to call in the pros, you can maintain a sturdy and reliable roof over your head. Remember, proactive maintenance and timely repairs are key to extending the life of your roof and protecting your home. If you're ready to get started, consider these tips and take action today. Your roof—and your peace of mind—will thank you.

8 Eco Friendly Products For Your Bathroom

 When you hear the words eco-friendly and sustainable, what comes to mind? Do you think of your bathroom being eco-friendly? When buying personal care items for your bathroom is eco-friendliness on your mind?

 Eco-friendly means not harmful to the environment. While sustainable means to prevent the depletion of natural or physical resources. 

Now that you know the definitions of eco-friendly and sustainable, do you apply these terms to the products you purchase for your bathroom? If you do, that is awesome and if you don't, now is the time to start making smarter choices for the environment when you shop for products for your bathroom.

The Bathroom Can Be Filled With Plenty of not so Eco-friendly Products

 I think most folks do not consider the environment when shopping for their personal care product. From the many bottles of hair care products to what they floss their teeth with, the bathroom is filled with so many unsustainable products. It is a single-use nightmare and the bathroom trash can shows the ugly truth.

We tend to think more of what is in the containers of personal care products like soap and ignore the container that the product is in. We want healthy ingredients for the items that we use on our bodies but we never stop to think about all the items that we are throwing away. All the plastic shampoo bottles and plastic wrap from the toilet paper rolls that are ending up in our landfills and oceans.

Eco-Friendly Swaps For You Bathroom

1. HeyBamboo100% Bamboo Toilet Paper

Toilet paper - the household essential that is often taken for granted. Have you ever wondered how much of an impact toilet roll consumption has on the environment? The toilet paper manufacturing process uses virgin wood pulp as its primary raw material. Virgin wood is derived from trees, making deforestation a key concern.

 According to numerous sources, it is estimated that approximately 27,000 trees are cut down each day to make toilet paper, that’s 9.8 million trees a year. Then there is the plastic wrap that is around the toilet paper. That is a whole lot of waste and environmental destruction. 

 Now is the time to make the switch to 100% bamboo toilet paper. HeyBamboo eco-luxe 100% bamboo toilet paper is the better option for the planet. Bamboo is a sustainable plant and is perfect for toilet paper. HeyBamboo's commitment to the environment has driven them to not only keep trees out of toilets but to also not use any bleach or chemicals during manufacturing. Their soft toilet paper rolls are even wrapped in sustainable packaging.

2. Invest in a Bidet

 Take your potty habit one step further and invest in a bidet attachment for your toilet. I have several bidets in my home and I love them. I love how easy it is to clean my tushie and how I use less toilet paper.

 Upgrade your bathroom experience and enjoy a cleaner behind. Say goodbye to just wiping with toilet paper and hello to a premium butt shower experience with a bidet attachment for your toilet. A bidet is easy to attach to your toilet and it promotes an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Once you experience the refreshing clean shower on your butt, you will never go back to wiping with dry toilet paper.

7 Earth Day Products That You Need To Discover

3. SoapStandle Bar Soap Gripper

 Did you know that switching to bar soap can significantly cut down on plastic usage? A typical liquid soap bottle weighs 60 grams and, with about 10 bottles used annually, that's 600 grams of plastic waste each year.

The SoapStandle is a soap-saver innovation that extends the soap’s lifespan by elevating it for better air circulation, ensuring faster drying and less goo, thus reducing waste. This soap gripper is so easy to use and it also prevents the soap from sliding out of your hand. This unique product works with all bars of soap and is made from post-consumer recycled plastic, supporting eco-conscious initiatives. 

4. Shampoo Bars

While we are on the subject of plastic bottle waste, consider replacing your shampoo and conditioner with shampoo bars. Like a bar of soap, a shampoo bar is made to clean your hair. You just wet, lather, and apply to your hair. These bars also are available in conditioners. 

There are many types of shampoo bars to select from and they are so easy to use. Since they are more concentrated, they will last longer. You can also attach the SoapStandle gripper to your shampoo or conditioner bar. The best part about using a shampoo bar is how easy they are for traveling. Since they are in a solid form, they don't count towards your travel liquid requirement. 

5. Water-Saving Shower Head

We waste plenty of water when we take a shower. One of the best ways to save water is by using a Water-Saving Shower Head. The shower head works like a typical shower head but has a water-saving mode that turns the water flow into a trickle. This mode is perfect to use when you are lathering up your hair or body with soap. 

The shower head is easy to install with no need for a plumber and includes a variety of spray modes. If you want to take your water saving even further. Leave a 5-gallon bucket in your shower and fill it up while waiting for the water to get hot. Then use this water for your plants or for toilet flushing.

6. Bamboozle Compost Bucket

Most people who compost have a compost bucket in their kitchen for food scraps. Take your composting to the next level and start collecting paper waste. Simply place a compost bucket in your bathroom and fill it with cardboard inserts from toilet paper, compostable soap boxes, and more. 

Better yet, buy 2 of these stylish Bamboozle Compost Buckets and fill one with items that can be recycled. These bins come in many colors and are made from sustainable bamboo fiber. The compost bin has a lid and easy-to-carry handle, which makes it easy to take to your compost pile. If you are using the compost bucket for food scraps the bin comes with hemp-based filters to control the odor.

7.  GuruNanda's Rechargeable Portable Water Flosser

Stop filling the landfill with dental floss that takes forever to break down and plastic dental picks. Instead, take better care of your teeth and gums with a water flosser. Flossing with water is healthier for your gums and teeth. 

The GuruNanda's Rechargeable Portable Water Flosser is an advanced water stream flossing system that helps make gums healthier. It is efficient in promoting healthy teeth and gums by helping remove plaque and food particles in between the teeth. It not only effectively massages your gums but also aids in bad breath while helping reduce gingivitis.

 The portable water flosser comes with a detachable water tank that makes it easy to clean. Its compact design makes it easy to be used both at home and during travel. The flosser charges in just 4 hours with a USB cable and lasts up to 21 days.

8. Dr. Teals Epsom Salt

 A bag of Epsom salt can be used for many different applications in the bathroom and will cut down on plastic waste. Epsom salt is the perfect ingredient for homemade beauty treatments. Epsom salt contains magnesium which promotes relaxation and helps with muscle pain. 

Check out the many uses of Dr. Teals Epsom Salt

Relaxing Bath Treatment: Add Epsom salt to your bath for a soothing stress-relieving soak.

Foot Soak: Revive tired feet with a foot soak treatment with Epsom Salts.

Dead Skin Exfoliation: While soaking your feet in the salts, grab a pumice stone and scrub away the dead skin. 

DIY Salt Scrub: Another way to use Epsom salt to exfoliate the skin is to grab a small amount of the salt and rub it over the skin with a loofah or washcloth. Do this while in the shower for a spa experience.

Which Eco-Friendly Swap Will You Try?

Why Professional Help is Crucial When it Comes to Post-Damage Restoration

 Experiencing damage to your business—whether from fire, water, storms, or other disasters—can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. The aftermath of such events often leaves property owners facing significant cleanup and repair tasks. While the initial instinct might be to handle the restoration independently to save costs, the reality is that professional restoration services offer numerous advantages that are crucial for effective recovery. This blog post delves into the key reasons why enlisting professional help for post-damage restoration is not just beneficial but essential for ensuring a thorough and safe restoration process.

Expertise and Experience

 Professional restoration companies bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. These specialists are trained to handle various types of damage, understanding the nuances of fire, water, mold, and storm damage restoration. As we can see on https://cottongds.com/, their experience allows them to quickly assess the extent of the damage and devise a comprehensive restoration plan. Unlike DIY efforts, which can be fraught with trial and error, professionals follow established protocols that ensure efficiency and effectiveness. They are adept at identifying hidden damage that may not be immediately visible, such as structural weaknesses or mold growth, preventing further complications down the line.

Advanced Equipment and Techniques

 One of the significant advantages of hiring professionals is access to advanced equipment and techniques. Restoration companies utilize state-of-the-art tools and machinery designed specifically for damage restoration. For instance, high-powered water extraction units, industrial-grade dehumidifiers, and specialized air movers are essential for water damage restoration. Similarly, thermal imaging cameras and moisture meters help in detecting hidden moisture pockets, preventing mold growth. These advanced tools and techniques enable professionals to perform tasks more efficiently and thoroughly than what is possible with standard household equipment.

Safety and Health Concerns

 Post-damage environments can pose serious health and safety risks. Water damage, for instance, often leads to mold growth, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues if not properly addressed. Fire damage can leave behind soot and chemical residues that are hazardous to handle without proper protective gear and knowledge. Restoration professionals are trained to deal with these hazards safely. They follow industry standards and regulations to ensure that the restoration process does not pose any additional risks to the occupants or the workers themselves. This attention to safety is particularly crucial in mitigating long-term health issues and ensuring a safe living or working environment post-restoration.

Time and Cost Efficiency

 While it might seem counterintuitive, hiring professional restoration services can be more cost-effective in the long run. Attempting a DIY restoration can lead to mistakes and oversights that may require further repairs, escalating the overall cost. Professionals, on the other hand, work efficiently to mitigate damage and prevent further deterioration, saving both time and money. They are equipped to handle the job swiftly, reducing the downtime for your business. Additionally, restoration companies often have working relationships with insurance companies, helping streamline the claims process and potentially easing the financial burden on the property owner.

Comprehensive Restoration Services

 Professional restoration companies offer comprehensive services that go beyond mere cleanup. Their goal is to restore your property to its pre-damage condition, which includes repairs, reconstruction, and even assistance with insurance claims. The restoration process, from debris removal and property drying to structural repairs and content restoration, will be expertly managed by millerpublicadjusters.com. You can view their services online. This full-service approach ensures that no aspect of the restoration is overlooked, providing peace of mind to property owners and ensuring that the property is fully functional and safe once the restoration is complete. 

Preventing Future Damage

 A critical component of professional restoration services is the focus on preventing future damage. Professionals do not just address the visible damage; they also implement measures to prevent recurrence. For example, after water damage, they may install proper drainage systems or reinforce structural elements to withstand future floods. Fire restoration might involve updating electrical systems to prevent future fire hazards. By addressing the root causes of the damage and taking preventive measures, professionals help ensure the long-term safety and durability of your property.

Emotional Support and Peace of Mind

 Dealing with property damage is not just a physical ordeal but an emotional one as well. The loss of property, disruption of daily life, and the stress of dealing with repairs can take a significant toll on mental well-being. Professional restoration services provide emotional support by taking the burden of restoration off the property owner's shoulders. Their expertise and systematic approach offer peace of mind, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of recovery, such as family, work, or business continuity. Knowing that your property is in capable hands can significantly alleviate stress and facilitate a smoother recovery process.

 In conclusion, the aftermath of property damage requires a meticulous and skilled approach to ensure effective restoration. Professional help is crucial in navigating this challenging period, providing expertise, advanced tools, safety, cost efficiency, comprehensive services, preventive measures, and emotional support. Investing in professional restoration services not only ensures a thorough and safe recovery but also helps protect your property and well-being in the long term. When disaster strikes, the best course of action is to entrust your property to professionals who can restore it with precision, care, and efficiency.

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