>U Mom Knows Best: March 2022

Ending Seasonal Allergies With Allergy Shots ~ Shot #4

   Are you considering allergy shots for seasonal allergy relief but need more information before you start an allergy shot treatment plan? Keep reading to discover my experience with receiving allergy shots.

 I have had seasonal allergies for over 20 years. My seasonal allergies seemed to have started when I moved to New Mexico. The allergy symptoms mostly happened in the spring, summer, and fall. My allergies to plants were the typical allergy symptoms ~ runny nose and sneezing.  Then over the years, my symptoms of seasonal allergies involved a dry cough that I later discovered was allergy-induced asthma.

 My doctor prescribed the allergy medicine Claritin and that helped reduce my allergy symptoms. Several years later, when my seasonal allergy symptoms got worse with the cough, the doctor prescribed a nasal steroid medicine called Nasacort. The nasal allergy medicine helped for a couple of years when I used it during spring, summer, and fall. I had no allergy symptoms in the winter for many years. Then several years ago, my allergy symptoms continued to linger year-round, even in the winter.

I discovered that I had a dairy allergy

 So I had to take my allergy medicines year-round. Then the allergy medicines stopped working and my asthma symptoms became severe. I was having severe asthma attacks several times a day. I would have an asthmatic cough when I was eating, talking, and even sleeping. There were many asthma episodes that left me struggling to breathe. Through prayer, God revealed to me that I needed to eliminate dairy from my diet. My asthma symptoms improved and a food allergy blood test confirmed that I was allergic to dairy products. All my life I thought that I had a lactose issue. My seasonal allergies and asthma symptoms improved for a couple of years and then my asthma got out of control again.

 A life-threatening asthma attack led to allergy shots

 After a food allergy episode that left me struggling to breathe is why I started allergy shots to help my asthma improve ~ read more about that here. So I just finished allergy shot #4 and I was surprised that I had no side effects. 

Read about my previous allergy shot appointments 

+ Allergy shot appointment #1

+ Allergy shot appointment #2

+ Allergy shot appointment #3

 After the weird side effects that I had from my last allergy shot treatment, I was surprised that I had no side effects. I did not have any breathing problems. At first, I thought that the reason for no symptoms was that my #4 shot dosage was the same as #3. 

 While I was at the allergy doctor, receiving my treatment, I noticed that I did not experience any asthma problems. So I went to confirm with the person who administered the allergy shot about my shot dosage. He told me that my dose was increased. I left the allergy shot appointment happy that I was feeling fine.

No side effects from allergy shot #4

 I slept fine the night after my allergy shot treatment and woke up with no breathing issues. I did not experience any asthma symptoms either. I was so relieved. I still have four more months of the build-up phase of the allergy shots. So I know that I will have some rough allergy symptoms along the way. The allergy and asthma symptoms are so worth it to be cured of my seasonal allergy shots.

Could the BEAM Minerals be helping reduce my allergy symptom side effects?

 I was amazed that I had no asthma problems from my allergy shot treatment. As I was making my morning smoothie before I went to bed, my husband reminded me to do a nebulizer treatment. I told him that I felt fine and felt no need to do a treatment. I was adding the BEAM Minerals to my smoothie like I have been doing for the past 30 days, and I then realized that the BEAM Minerals were helping my body heal. I started taking plant-based minerals to heal my inflamed lungs from asthma and the mold problems we had in our house last year.

Use code MOMKNOWSBEST to save 20% on BEAM Minerals

The minerals in the BEAM supplement were helping my lungs and that may have been the reason that the allergy shots did not trigger my asthma. My body was healing from the mold sickness I was experiencing from the mold in our walls. I admit, when I first started taking the BEAM Plant-based Minerals, I was not really sure how they would help me. It was a product testimony from a person, who had mold sickness, that convinced me to take the minerals. I am glad that I took his advice. You have to head to beamminerals.com to discover how these minerals can help everyone with their health.

Stay tuned for allergy shot #5

 I will have my next allergy shot treatment in 2 weeks and I will make sure to share with you the side effects from that appointment. I am hoping that it will be good news again. 

Use code MOMKNOWSBEST to save 20% on BEAM Minerals

What Should I Do While Using Gadgets?

 If you have a love of technology in your life, you may want to spend more of your time using it. However, too much screen use can lead to you feeling unwell. There may also be other risk factors that you might need to think about. In doing so, you may be able to safely enjoy your hobby in moderation, and still be able to spend time on other areas of your life.


 Many gadgets, such as computer or laptop screens, televisions, and even cellphones, can emit blue light which can, in too high a dose, lead to you getting headaches or being unable to get a good night’s sleep. While some of these might have a setting that allows you to filter out this light, others may not afford you that luxury. One option available to you can be to order a pair of glasses from EyeBuyDirect that have the prescription you need while being able to reduce the amount of blue light that can enter your eyes. This can also be combined with an anti-glare coating, which can also help you to reduce the chance of eye damage from extensive screen usage. The coating that is used to help your eyes is transparent, so you may not even notice that it is there, nor will it affect your ability to see or read as you might with your current set of frames.

 While these gadgets can be incredibly useful, there are risks attached. It can be wonderful to be able to watch different shows, play games, work, and even communicate with people all over the world. Yet some people find that they become overly reliant on their gadgets. More and more people might notice that they have an addiction to their screens, often feeling lost or out of place should they either be out of battery or in a situation where cellphones and the like are not permitted for use. 

 Using gadgets in moderation, and teaching yourself to not rely on them to entertain you at all times, can help you to overcome potential addiction and not let them rule your life. When at home, this can also involve partaking in activities where screens and gadgets are not required, such as playing board games or reading an actual book.


When something goes wrong with one of your gadgets, you may want to try and get it rectified as quickly and cheaply as possible. Although it might be tempting to attempt to take your gadget apart and replace parts yourself, this may not be advisable. Firstly, you could end up doing more damage, especially if you have no prior repair experience. Likewise, you could also give yourself a significant injury, especially if there were to be a problem with the electrics. Taking your item to a proper repair shop may be a better idea.

 Using gadgets can be a great way to spend your time. When doing so, you may want to think about how to keep them in good condition, as well as how to look after your eyes and mental health.​

WeGym Rally X Solves The Fitness Problem For Small Spaces

 When you lack space for exercise equipment in your home and can't afford a gym membership, staying fit can be tough. WeGym Rally X solves that problem.

 People have tons of excuses for why they don't exercise. From I don't have the time to I can't afford a gym membership, my readers have plenty of excuses of why they don't want to do regular fitness training. My followers on Facebook will admire my physical fitness routine and then desire to engage in exercise. Then they start with all the excuses. They wish that they had the room for an elliptical but follow with their house is too small or that they can't afford gym equipment.

I received a WeGym to facilitate this post. This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

 Well, you people have run out of excuses for why you don't exercise! The WeGym Rally X is the perfect piece of fitness equipment that solves the fitness problem for small spaces. The WeGym is an All-In-One Portable Home Gym equipment that can be used almost anywhere in your home. This unique gym supply can also be used outside and in a hotel room.

Meet WeGym Intelligent Customized Training Resistance Bands

 WeGym is a set of powerful resistance bands that are made for fitness. These strong resistance bands were designed for people who are just starting in fitness. The bands are also great for those wanting to add to their fitness regime. The WeGym is a piece of home fitness gym equipment that will strengthen your body without the need for a separate fitness room in your home.

Getting and staying in shape can be an ongoing struggle. This is especially true when space is an issue. Workout machines can take up a lot of space, and you don’t always have the luxury of hitting the gym.

The WeGym Rally X Smart Resistance Bands are not your typical rubber resistance bands. The bands are made with natural latex rubber. These strong bands are Intelligent Customized Training bands that not only help you reach your fitness goals but show you how to get there with a customized fitness plan. So you can take your simple weightlifting routine to the next level. Did you know that lifting weights or muscle-strengthening is important as we age?

The Benefits of Weightlifting For Older Ladies

The WeGym App is like having your own fitness trainer

 Resistance bands can be a powerful piece of gym equipment to help you gain stronger muscles. The problem with most of the resistance bands on the market is they are flimsy or difficult to use. Either the bands break or you simply do not know how to use resistance bands for strength exercises.

The WeGym App solves that problem. This unique fitness app has a huge database of body strengthening videos that show the user of the WeGym Rally X Bands how to use the equipment. I love that the fitness videos can be selected based on what body part you are looking to strengthen. The WeGym App then goes one step further and connects to the WeGym Rally X Bands to give the workout person intelligent tracking and customized courses to enhance one’s fitness routine.

Users can view their 

+ resistance level

+ number of stretches

+ calories burned

+ receive recommendations for future workouts

The WeGym Rally X Smart Resistance Bands are small but mighty

 These strong, durable bands only weigh 2.4 pounds and are waterproof. So you can use them both inside and outside. So you can get a workout anywhere. Like your typical resistance band set, it includes a door anchor to hook over any door in your home. If you don't have a door, no problem as these bands come with a suspension strap that can be wrapped around a tree or a pole. So these bands can be included in a stay at home moms fitness plan. Moms can use the WeGym while playing with their kids at the park.

 My favorite part about the resistance bands from WeGym is how easy it is to change the intensity of the bands. The Adjustable Resistance eliminates the need to unclip and reclip the bands to make them stronger. Resistance change can be made in 1 second. So I can work my muscles at different strengths.

 The WeGym All-In-One Portable Home Gym equipment includes an easy-to-transport box with two attractive orange and black nylon-covered natural latex rubber resistance bands, two handles, two padded wrist bands, two comfortable ankle bands, a door anchor, a suspension strap, a mesh carry bag, and a charging cable.

WeGym Rally X Smart Resistance Bands are fun to use

 I loved adding the Rally X Smart Resistance Bands to my home gym. These bands gave me a fresh new way to work out my muscles. I started including muscle-strengthening exercises in my fitness routine 3 years ago and they have been a game-changer for my body. I used to think that cardio was enough for staying in shape but when my body turned 50, my muscles started to sag. 

 We ladies don't need to lift heavy weights like bodybuilders for a strong body but we do need to keep our muscles strong. The WeGym Rally X is the perfect solution for strong muscles for ladies. These bands can replace those kettlebells and hand weights. The WeGym Bands can from 8.8 to 61 pounds of resistance. So your muscles get the same workout of lifting weights of these same weights.

 I was amazed at all the different muscle workouts that I could do with the bands. The videos on the WeGym app showed me new ways to work my arm and core muscles. The bands were simple to use. I attached the WeGym anchor to my front door. I liked that I could attach the band to the bottom of my door, unlike my previous set of resistance bands, to perform new strength exercises. When I was done with my workout I stored the Rally X bands in my workout equipment box. 

Buy the WeGym Rally X on Amazon

Is There a Way to Prevent Breast Cancer? Find Out Here!

  Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. In the United States, one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. The good news is that breast cancer can often be treated successfully if it’s found early. Breast cancer that is diagnosed and treated when it is still localized (has not spread beyond the breast) has a five-year survival rate of nearly 100 percent. But are there ways to prevent breast cancer? Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer. But there are things you can do that may lower your risk. Things you can do to lower your risk of breast cancer: 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Increased body weight or weight gain is linked with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, especially after menopause. But, before we get to the link between weight and risk for developing cancer, we first have to go back to the questions of what is breast cancer and what causes it? Breast cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the breast tissue. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. The cause of breast cancer is not fully understood, but we do know that it occurs when something triggers the growth of abnormal cells in the breast. We also know that certain risk factors can increase your chance of developing breast cancer.  One such risk is being overweight or obese. Carrying extra weight, especially after menopause, raises your risk for breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends that you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life by balancing your food consumption with regular exercise.

Be Physically Active

 In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active is also linked to a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Research has shown that women who are physically active have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who are not active. This is because physical activity can help to lower levels of estrogen in the body. Estrogen is a hormone that is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. So, by lowering estrogen levels, physical activity can help to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week. Moderate-intensity activities include walking, biking, and swimming. You don’t have to do all 30 minutes at one time. You can break it up into smaller segments of 10 or 15 minutes throughout the day.

Avoid Alcohol

 Alcohol is considered to be a major risk factor for developing breast cancer. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk. If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to no more than one drink per day. One drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor. Women who drink more than one alcoholic beverage per day have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who abstain from alcohol or who only have one drink per day. In addition, alcohol can also increase your weight, which as we’ve already discussed, is another risk factor for developing breast cancer.

Avoid Smoking

 Smoking is not only harmful to your lungs but it’s also been linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer and other cancer types. Women who smoke have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, especially if they start smoking at a young age. If you smoke, try to quit. There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, including nicotine replacement therapy and counseling. Besides cancer, smoking also increases your risk for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. Smoking doesn't just harm the smoker, it also harms those around them. If you smoke, try to quit for your health and for the health of those around you.

Avoid Birth Control Pills

 Birth control pills are a type of medication that is used to prevent pregnancy. They work by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). Birth control pills also contain estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. For this reason, women who are taking birth control pills have a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer. However, there's no need to panic if you're taking birth control pills. The overall risk is still very low, and the benefits of taking birth control pills (such as preventing pregnancy) outweigh the risks. If you're concerned about the link between birth control pills and breast cancer, talk to your doctor about your options.

Breastfeed if Possible

 If you recently gave birth, one thing you can do to help prevent breast cancer is to breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer later on in life. This is because breastfeeding can help lower the levels of certain hormones in the body, such as estrogen. Additionally, breastfeeding can also help improve the health of your breasts. Experts recommend that you breastfeed your baby for at least one year.

Go To Regular Check-Ups

 Regular check-ups are important for maintaining your health. This is especially true if you have a family history of breast cancer. During a regular check-up, your doctor will perform a physical exam and order some routine tests. These tests can help to detect any early signs of breast cancer. Additionally, your doctor may also recommend that you have a mammogram. A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast. It can help to detect breast cancer in its early stages when it is most treatable. If you're due for a check-up, make an appointment with your doctor today. When breast cancer is spotted early, it can be more effectively treated.

 The most important thing you can do is to maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and go for regular check-ups. The earlier breast cancer is detected in its early stages the better chance it has of being treated effectively. If you have any questions about how to detect signs or symptoms of breast cancer please contact your doctor as soon as possible so that they can help you.

Teach Kids Nutrition Kids With Ecologic Memory Eating In Season Game

 Seasonal fruits and vegetables are not only delicious but make a healthy diet. Check out this game that teaches kids that fresh food is good for them.

 Teaching nutrition to kids at an early age is important as it can help develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Kids are like sponges when it comes to learning at an early age. This learning that kids do at a young age can also apply to healthy eating. The best way to teach young kids about nutrition and healthy eating are through the food that they eat.

 Teaching nutrition to kids through a healthy diet can start with the first bite of food that parents serve to their babies. When you serve food to your kids, you can not only talk about what they are eating but also what nutrition is in the food. So as you give your young child a bite of carrots, tell them that carrots are loaded with vitamin A. Then talk about how vitamin A is good for the skin and eyes. When you give your child a slice of whole wheat bread, talk about how bread has whole grains. Then discuss about whole grains are a good source of fiber and vitamins. Kids need to learn nutrition at a young age to make good choices in food when they become adults.

Teach kids about fruit and veggies with a fun memory game

 Fruits and vegetables are part of a nutritious diet. Most kids don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. The reason for kids not eating plenty of fruits and veggies may simply be that they are not served with their meals. So little children can not learn how delicious fruits and veggies are if they do not eat them. The reason kids are not served fruits and vegetables may be as simple as their parents don't eat them. It may also be the fact that most adults don't have a clue about nutrition.

This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

 The Ecologic Memory Eating In Season Game may help teach kids about how delicious fruits and veggies are. This fun memory game can also encourage kids to eat fruits and veggies. Both kids and grownups can play this fun game about fruits and veggies to learn about their importance of them in a healthy diet. The game, Ecologic Memory Eating In Season also teaches kids about seasonal fruits and vegetables. 

 " Players try to match a pair of veggies or fruits while learning about which season is best for eating each food."

Did you know that eating fruits and veggies when they are season is good for the planet? 

 What’s a July picnic without corn on the cob or a Thanksgiving meal without pumpkin pie? Seasonal fruits and vegetables are not only delicious but make a healthy diet and, more importantly, help the environment. These big concepts are tucked into Ecologic Memory Eating In Season, an innovative ecologic memory game for preschoolers. 

 This fun memory game for preschoolers teaches kids that fresh food is good for them and for the planet. The colorful cards in the children's game show cute pictures of the fruits and vegetables. The game pieces show the fruits and veggies as characters having fun doing things like swimming or skiing. So kids can learn the season that these fruits and veggies grow in.

 So preschooler will spot a cheerful eggplant swimming in the summer and a grinning broccoli skiing in the winter. Kids as young as two years old can turn the cards over and match up the fun produce characters. The fun memory game that features fruits and veggies, will help kids make the connection between produce and the seasons.

Parents can learn from the included guide

Even parents can learn from this memory game. The enclosed guide for parents helps parents learn about the right season for thr fruits and vegetables. This information then helps parents explain to their young children that food eaten in the right season was probably grown nearby. This can open up a conversation about what sustainability is. Sustainability means that fruit and veggies did not travel far from the farm to your plate.

 This game can also encourage parents to grow a garden with their kids to further teach kids about sustainability. A backyard garden is another great way to help kids develop a love for fruits and veggies. Once kids and their parents figure out how delicious fruits and vegetables are they will be looking for recipes that use garden produce.

Check out a few of my favorite fruit and vegetable recipes

Berry Protein Pancakes


Homemade Beet Juice


Carrot Waffles


Roasted Tomatoes Made In The Air Fryer


The Ecologic Memory Eating in Season is available at Amazon or at the company's website, www.adventerragamesUSA.com.

Allergy Shot Number Three Brought On Increased Side Effects

  Are you considering allergy shots but need more information before you start an allergy shot treatment plan? Keep reading to discover my experience with receiving allergy shots.

 Last week, I had my 3rd round of allergy shots and things did not go as planned. I experienced some unusual side effects from the allergen injections but thankfully they were not severe. While I did have to stay an additional 30 minutes at the allergy shot office and do some additional at-home treatment, I survived my 3rd allergy shot injection treatment.

My 3rd allergy injection shots had some increased side effects, but that is expected as the dose of the allergen is being increased. When the allergy shot technician gave me my allergy shots in both arms, I felt the stinging in my arms right away. With allergy shots number one and two, the arm stinging did not occur until 5 minutes after the allergy shot injection. The technician told me that this was normal as the dose of the allergens was increased. It was the other side effects, that I had after the allergy shots, that kept me at the doctor's office for a longer time.

I tried to keep my mind off the side effects from the allergy shots

 After I received my allergy shot injections, I posted some things on social media and then decided to talk to the appointment person about starting my youngest son on allergy shots. More about that later in this article. While I was scheduling an appointment to get my son tested for allergies, my asthma started to kick in. I had to take some deep breaths while talking to the office personnel. Of course, she asked me if I was ok. I said "yes" and finished making the appointment for my son.

 Then I sat down to finish my waiting time. After every allergy shot treatment, one has to stay 30 minutes at the allergy shot facility. This is a precaution in case your side effects are severe. Simply put, the purpose of the allergy shot treatment is to get your body used to the allergens so you can be cured of seasonal allergies. So the person receiving allergy shots will have some side effects. 

 After I sat down, I pulled my natural inhaler out of my purse so I could use it to work through my asthma attack. While I was using my inhaler, my right leg started to shake. My leg shook for about a minute or so. Once I was able to work through my breathing, I checked my watch and notice that my 30 minutes of wait time was done.

I wished that I kept quiet about mentioning my side effects

 I then went to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom, the voice in my head told me to mention the side effects to the person who administered my allergy shot. So I went to check out and I casually mentioned the side effects that I experienced after the allergy treatment. I did not feel that the side effects were severe but once I said something it was a whole different story. The technician had me sit down while the other office worker went to go get my allergy doctor. 

 While I waited for the doctor, the gal took my blood pressure and oxygen levels. She also told me to take deep breaths. The doctor came to talk to me and read the numbers of my vital check. The doctor asked me what my normal blood pressure reading was. I told her my normal blood pressure number and she then told me that my blood pressure was on the high side, we're talking from 100 to 145! So I was told that I had to stay in the chair for another 30 minutes.

 The office girl gave me some water and also informed me that I would need to repeat the same dose of the allergy shot at my next appointment. The reason was so my body could get used to that dose before the next increase of allergens. I am wondering if my body had the increased side effects due to my accidental milk ingestion that happened 3 days ago. Yes, you read that right, I accidentally drank a milk-based protein shake while I attended Expo West. Thankfully the 2 Benadryl stopped the reactions from my milk allergy. I did not realize that the protein shake company made dairy-based shakes in addition to their plant-based protein shakes. I simply forgot my rule of reading food labels before eating. Food allergies suck!

Discover Food & Plant Allergies With At-Home Testing

Why my son needs allergy shots

 While I was in California attending Expo West, my youngest son was experiencing his own allergy problems. Things were starting to grow and my son's seasonal allergies brought on his asthma problems of a severe cough and mucus production. So much mucus that my son puked a couple of times. The allergy symptoms were miserable for my son and he needed to miss school one day. 

 I then realize that for the past couple of years, my son has had asthma problems at the start of every spring and fall season. So I decided to ask my son if he wanted to try allergy shots. My son was tired of being miserable with asthma symptoms from seasonal allergies and said yes to allergy shots. So that is why I decided to get my son retested for allergies and see if he could start an allergy shot treatment plan. I did not want to see my son suffer from seasonal allergy-induced asthma when allergy shots could cure his seasonal allergies.

Other side effects that I had from the allergy shots

 The rest of the day, I had asthma symptoms from allergy shot #3. At times, I struggled to breathe. So I took an additional allergy pill, as recommended by the doctor, and used my nebulizer. The nebulizer helped me cough up all the mucus from my lungs and that made breathing easier. I also took a Benadryl pill before I went to bed.

 I experienced some coughing while I slept but did not have any more breathing issues. I woke up the next day feeling better. I survived allergy shot number three. While the side effects from the allergy shots are annoying, I am willing to endure them to cure my body of seasonal allergies. 

How do allergy shots work?

 + Allergy shots work by decreasing symptoms from particular allergens.

+ Each injection contains small amounts of the allergen so that your body builds up immunity to it over time. 

 + Allergy shots also improve the way other immune system cells and substances function in response to allergens. Eventually, successful immunotherapy helps the body fight off allergens and reduce adverse symptoms.

+ Allergy shots aim to decrease overall allergy symptoms over time. If you have allergic asthma, reduced asthma symptoms are also possible.

Side effects are expected with allergy shots

The next 6 months will be tough for me with my asthma and seasonal allergies. While the allergy shots will help my asthma symptoms decrease, I will experience increased asthma symptoms while going through the allergy shot treatment. The allergy shots are filled with the allergens from outdoor plants that I am allergic to and from dust. So my body will have reactions as it builds up immunity. 

When the build-up phase for allergy shots is done, I will no longer experience asthma symptoms from the weeds, plants, and grasses that I am allergic to. This will take away so much lung inflammation and my asthma triggers from other things, like chemicals and smoke, will decrease. It will be worth it! I will be able to work in my swingset garden and have no allergy symptoms. I will be able to pull the weeds and not break out in hives.

Easy To Make All Natural Homemade Weed Killer Spray That Works In A Day

The Passion Of The Christ Movie Is About The True Meaning Of Easter ~ Giveaway

 Looking for a movie to watch before Easter? The Passion Of Christ is a movie that shows the true meaning of Easter from the perspective of Jesus - what He endured on Good Friday 

Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 

 Easter is a time for rejoicing that Christ paid the price for our sins. This Christian holiday is also a time for remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for all humankind. For many Christians, Easter is a sacred holiday that is just as special as Chrismas. Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ and Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ dying for our sins. This is the holiday that celebrates the significance of Easter of Jesus Christ's triumph over death. His resurrection means the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him.

 As you prepare for this Easter season, I want to recommend my favorite movie that I like watching before Easter Sunday. My favorite Easter movie is The Passion Of The Christ and this awesome movie is available to watch on Pure Flix along with many other best Christian Easter Movies

Pure Flix has the best selection of Christian movies

 Pure Flix has the best selection of faith-based movies that are perfect for Easter movie night. Pure Flix has Easter movies for the whole family. From Easter movies for kids all the way to adult movies that have a realistic depiction of the final 12 hours of Jesus Christ's sacrificial crucifixion in Jerusalem. Check out the selection of movies for Easter on Pure Flix. These movies will help prepare the whole family for Easter Sunday.

Easter is a time for rejoicing and remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of humankind. This selection of Easter movies will guide you as you prepare for the Easter season. These entertainment choices are sure to leave you feeling encouraged and inspired!

The Passion Of The Christ tells Jesus Christ's sacrificial story

 I love watching faith-based movies online at Pure Flix and in movie theaters. The last faith-based movie that I enjoyed watching was Tysons Run. Now that Easter will be here soon, I am preparing my heart for Easter with The Passion of Christ movie. This is a movie that gives a realistic depiction of the final 12 hours of Jesus Christ's sacrificial crucifixion in Jerusalem. This is a movie that will move you to grow deeper in your faith.  This movie shows the viewer what Christ went through to save us from our sins. As this rated R movie shows how Christ was beaten and tortured, it is one that is made for those over the age of 17.

#PureFlixEasterMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork 

The Passion of The Christ is Available only from 20 March to 19 April 2022 on Pure Flix. This Christian movie stars Jim Caviezel and is directed by Mel Gibson. The Passion Of The Christ is a story of the trial, beating, and crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday. This movie is intense and eye-opening as it has helped me realize the price that Christ paid for me. 

 As a believer, I have read the Easter story many times in the bible and thought that I truly understood what Christ went through on Good Friday and the days leading up to his death. I knew that Jesus was killed on the cross and resurrected 3 days later. I knew that Jesus loved me so much that he was willing to die for my sins but The Passion of The Christ film put this bible story in a film and showed me the reality of what Jesus went through. It is a movie that you must watch before Easter.

WARNING: This is the same version that debuted in theaters and is unedited. It is a graphic depiction of the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life and is intended for mature audiences only. 

The Passion of The Christ is Easter from the perspective of Jesus. This movie makes you feel like you are there in Jerusalem, watching what Jesus endured the Friday before Easter ~ Good Friday. The intense movie shows the love that Jesus has for us and has many teaching moments beyond Jesus saving us from our sins.

Some of the teachable moments that I gained from this Easter Sunday movie were

• Easter from the perspective of Jesus - what He endured on Good Friday 

• Love others as Jesus loved us 

• Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light 

• Serve others as Jesus served us 

• The magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice for us

 I love the many bible verses that are in the Christian movie that deepen my understanding of this movie that was made for Easter. This was a bible verse that really stood out.

“Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself!” In the same way, the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him. – Mark 15:29-32 (NIV)

 I could go on talking about The Passion Of The Christ but I don't want to spoil the movie for you. So, SIGN UP for Pure Flix now to prepare for Easter! Pure Flix so you can watch this movie and many other movies that were made for Easter. Pure Flix is the best online movie streaming website for Easter movies. 

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Expo West And My Favorite Product Discoveries

 Expo West is the event that showcases all the new products that are the health, wellness, and natural food line. It is where brands and buyers meet up to get the newest products into your shopping cart.

 Last week I attended the biggest event in the natural food and wellness line of products. This event had 60,000 registered people attending. As a person who writes about healthy living, I attended the event in Anaheim California on the media side. I was overjoyed to get an invite to this event as a way to meet brands and learn about their products. So I can in return, help you decide what health and wellness products to buy.

Expo West had close to 3000 health and wellness brands, whose sole purpose of being there was to introduce their products to buyers. So their products could ultimately end up in your shopping cart or online order. The booths at Expo West were amazing and the samples were plenty. It was the best place to try new healthy foods, supplements, beauty products, and more. The healthy brands wanted you to try or take their products, in hopes that they would make it to the consumer end. 

Brands were excited to meet me

 Several weeks before Expo West, I had plenty of healthy brand companies reaching out to me. These folks wanted me to stop by their booths so they could tell me about their products. They wanted me to put their product on my website so you, my readers, could learn about them. The emails were rolling in and I had to be selective in who I decided to chat with at their booth. This was a huge event and I wanted to see it all. I had 4 days to check out all 3000 booths. 

 The brands that offered to send me samples pre-show, made the list of who to chat with at the show. For the rest of the brands that emailed me, I saved their email, agreed to check out their booth, and told them I would be in touch if I wanted to feature their product on Mom Knows Best. I made a list of all the brands that I needed to see and that list was long. 

This article is the first of several that I will be writing as there are so many products that I am excited to tell you about. I discovered many amazing products at Expo West. Some I sampled while I was at the event and others I grabbed a sample. I simply could not try everything in the four days that I walked the event floors. There was plenty of food and drinks to sample. There was a massive amount of supplements with gummies being the hot products. By day 4, I was tired of eating and did not want to eat another gummies sample.

My favorite brands who sent me samples pre-show

For this article, I will be focusing on brands that sent me products before the show and the next article will be brands that I discovered at Expo West. While I love companies that send products to my home, I completely understand that not all have the marketing budget to do so. So enjoy learning about these brands that I discovered before I attended Expo West.


OMG! Pretzels 

 OMG! Pretzels are "ridiculously delicious" gourmet flavored sourdough pretzel nuggets with eight bold and innovative flavors, crafted by a mom and daughter team in the U.S. This women-owned brand offers both savory and sweet gourmet pretzel flavors including garlic, lemon pepper, cheddar jalapeño, salty butterscotch, and sweet chili. The name originated because everyone who tried these gourmet sourdough pretzel nuggets truly exclaimed, “OMG!” The enthusiasm is well warranted! 

 These pretzel nuggets were loaded with flavor. I was able to try the Lemon Pepper and the Kettle Corn pretzels as they were dairy-free. My husband sampled the Garlic and the Salty Butterscotch. I loved the intense amount of flavor that was on the crunchy pretzels. These were gourmet pretzels that I would buy. 

Discover OMG! Pretzels ~  https://omgpretzels.com/

Banana Samba 

 Banana Samba was introduced to the U.S. by two Brazilian sisters, Carla and Ruth Wahnon, whose passion for this sustainable snack and for its nutritional attributes is undeniable. Banana Samba is not banana chips or dehydrated bananas, and that’s what makes them unique. They are slowly cooked bananas that caramelize their own natural sugars.  The result is a delicious, soft, chewy goodness so delectable you’ll forget you’re still pumping your body with nutrients. It’s the perfect choice for the whole family looking for something simple, tasty, and only made with the highest quality ingredients

 I am not usually a fan of bananas but I enjoyed the compact size Banana Samba chew. These chews had a nice flavor and I appreciated that I was able to get the health benefits of bananas in a small size. Bananas are loaded with potassium and are great for your muscles after a workout. My son’s track coach tells the kids to eat 2 bananas a day to avoid cramps, so these chews are an easier way to eat bananas. The best part is you don’t have to worry about these banana chews turning brown like you do with fresh bananas. The Banana Samba is offered in four varieties, some have additional health benefits like chia seeds. 

Discover Banana Samba ~  https://www.bananasamba.com/ 


 Launched in 2018, Caribbrew is the brainchild of Beverly Malbranche. Growing up in Haiti, she felt compelled to give back to the Haitian economy after moving to the U.S. as an international student. Knowing that Haitian coffee used to be well renowned in the 1960s and inspired by her uncle who is a coffee connoisseur, she decided to embark on a journey to revive Haiti's coffee industry. Currently, Caribbrew partners with more than 100 coffee and cocoa farmers in Haiti to create economic opportunities! The company hires young people in the capital of Haiti to package and export the coffee to the U.S. shipping facility in New Jersey, where they hire local residents. The female founder, Beverly, is proud to offer job opportunities to NJ women. Their shipping facility is currently 75% female employed. 

Coffee is my love language and I was excited to sample this coffee from Haiti. I also sampled an amazing coffee body scrub that had a wonderful scent. Haiti has a special place in my heart as my husband did a mission trip, with our church,  there many years ago. My former church sponsors an orphanage in Haiti and several members have adopted children from Haiti. So I have enjoyed Haitian coffee beans many times through church fundraising events. The Caribbrew coffee had a delicious taste and I liked that the company supports not only the farmers in Haiti but also the young people of Haiti. This company wants to create economic opportunities for the local people. It is also awesome that their shipping facility is 75% female employed. 

Discover Caribbrew ~ https://caribbrew.com/


 Hop WTR is a drink with a scientifically-proven, stress-busting stack of adaptogens and nootropics, including L-Theanine and ashwagandha. It is specially formulated to deliver the chill you crave, without the hangover. No CBD, no alcohol needed. It’s seriously good. And seriously good for you. A perfect balance between fun and functional, HOP WTR is purposefully crafted to be your health-conscious, hop-forward reward for a job well done. Our blend of Citra, Amarillo, Mosaic, and Azacca hops pack a piney, earthy flavor reminiscent of your favorite IPA — without booze. Combined with big bubbles and topped off with stress-busting adaptogens and nootropics to help you unwind and relax. With  All natural flavors, no BS in our brews Adaptogens, and nootropics take you from stressed to decompressed, without a drop of alcohol, calories, carbs, or sugar, HOP WTR is a way to unwind and relax without boozea healthy alternative to beer. Flavors include Mango, Blood orange classic lime.

 Functional drinks were huge at Expo West and I simply could not sample them all. I had to limit what I grabbed as drinks make your swag bag heavy. They also add too much weight to your suitcase. So I was glad that Hop WTR sent me samples to try. My first impression of the drink was that it was a non-alcohol beer and I was not sure what to expect with my first sip, as I don’t like the taste of beer. I was glad that this functional drink was not a beer replacement and rather a drink to help you chill. The drink was light and flavorful. While my husband was looking forward to the taste of beer, I was glad that it did not taste like beer. The Blood Orange was my favorite and it reminded me of sparkling water. It was great to drink after a long stressful day of work.

Discover Hop WTR ~  https://hopwtr.com/ 

Mary’s Gone Crackers

  Mary’s Gone Crackers is proud to offer the tastiest organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO crackers on the market since 2004, proving that gluten-free does not mean have to mean taste-free! Available in 14 varieties, Mary’s is designed to fuel active and health-conscious lifestyles with delicious and nutritious allergen-friendly snacks. Every bite offers hearty whole grains rich in plant-based protein. You can eat them right out of the box or get creative with your favorite toppings to build your own taste bud adventure!

 Mary’s Gone Crackers has been a favorite cracker of mine for a while so I love checking out their new offerings. I love these crackers for the whole grains and all the seeds. These are healthy crackers that not only have an awesome taste but are loaded with nutrition. I love that they are dairy-free and loaded with protein. 

Discover Mary’s Gone Crackers ~ https://www.marysgonecrackers.com/ 

Pickle Juice

 Pickle Juice is the only product on the market scientifically proven to stop muscle cramps, prevent dehydration, and aid in recovery. Pickle Juice uses a proprietary grain and blend of vinegar that blocks that nerve signal being sent from brain to muscle and a blend of vitamins and minerals for immediate muscle recovery. Whether you are missing something from your diet, exhausted from exercise, or dealing with poor circulation, Pickle Juice can provide a source of relief. 

 Pickle Juice sent me samples last year before I attended Expo East. I discovered that the juice from pickles tasted good but since the weather outside was cool, I had no need for this drink as I was not sweating. So I placed the samples in my pantry. Fast forward to February with my joining a marathon series on my elliptical with ifit. I was working up a sweat and I needed an electrolyte drink. I grabbed those small bottles of pickle juice shots and placed them in my home gym. I fell in love with these delicious shots for my post-workout recovery. The drinks helped my muscles recover and I experienced no soreness.

Discover Pickle Juice ~ https://picklepower.com/ 

Nirvana Water

 Nirvana's HMB-infused water boosts muscle performance, reduces muscle recovery time, and slows muscle degradation making it the perfect drink for anyone who prioritizes health and fitness in their lives. HMB is scientifically proven to improve muscle performance, slow muscle loss due to age and disease, and decrease the recovery time from muscle injury.  Even professional athletes have seen the positive effects of Nirvana, such as All-Star Kyle Lowry of the Miami Heat and Larry Ogunjobi of the Cincinnati Bengals, who have signed on as ambassadors of the brand. Nirvana HMB is muscle wellness for everybody and every body. With the only patented water-soluble HMB, you'll be staying strong drinking Nirvana. 

 This water arrived at my house at the perfect time. I was doing that marathon series on my elliptical with ifit. This was a series of 4 marathons that I ran over the course of several weeks. So my muscles needed help. The water tasted great and was great for my post-workout fluid replenishment. I was able to taste their new flavored water at Expo West and I loved them. They had a hint of fruit flavor and quickly became my favorite drink when I was thirsty.

Discover Nirvana Water ~ https://www.nirvanawatersciences.com/ 

Adagio Teas

Adagio Teas' individual portion packets make loose tea portable and easier to prepare. Each holds the right amount of leaves for one serving to enjoy at home or on the go. Simply rip, pour, and steep, with nothing to measure or clean.

In addition to convenience, individual packets improve teas' flavor and freshness. Tea ages quickly when exposed to air. Adagio's individually-portioned packets keep it sealed and ultra-fresh until ready to use. Adagio's tea portions are available in assortments of black, green, oolong, and herbal teas, as well as a collection of Adagio Teas' best sellers

 With the warmer weather, I look forward to enjoying ice tea. So I wanted a caffeine-free tea to make my ice tea with. Adagio Teas sounded amazing. I like that the tea packets contain the right amount of tea leaves for one serving. The tea packets are sealed to keep the leaves fresh and made a great tasting cup of tea. These will be great to take with me when I travel.

Discover Adagio Teas ~  https://adagioteas.prowly.com/178613-tea-perfectly-portioned 

Hot N Saucy

Samantha Allonce is a first-generation Jamaican-American who is influenced by Caribbean cuisine, bringing a passion for spices and unexpected pairings. Her successful hot sauce brand, Hot N Saucy, translates well into her influences. She began her career in food as a private chef for clients including Leslie Jones, RocNation, Adidas, and The Daily Show, after switching from a career in cancer research. Her entrepreneurial endeavors inspire us all! Samantha can give expert commentary on creating a successful business during the pandemic and what to pair these delicious hot sauces with!

 I just love the colorful Hot N Saucy bottles. The flavor combinations all sounded so delicious. My favorite was Beet N Fresno. I admit that the pink color caught my attention and I also love beets. The sweet heat of the sauce was perfect on eggs and vegetables. The heat was mild and I will be using this sauce on my favorite fish taco recipe. 

Discover Hot N Saucy https://www.hotnsaucy.co/

These are just some of the wonderful brands that I discovered at Expo West and I have so many more to tell you about. This was an event that I enjoyed attending. I had fun tasting new food products and learning about new supplements. I even learned that magnesium oil is the best for tight sore leg muscles. 

 Crazy me, decided to walk on an incline on the hotel treadmill in sandals. The next day my calf muscles were sore and tight. While I could walk fine, squatting was painful as well as walking on stairs. I tried CBD creams, turmeric, and magnesium pills but none of them took away the tight painful sore muscles. It was on the last day of the event that I asked a supplement company for advice and they recommended rubbing their magnesium spray oil on my calf muscles. Within an hour the pain was gone as well as the tightness. How I wished that I had known that 2 days ago.


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