>U Mom Knows Best: May 2012

Momma Said I Would Have Days Like These

Today was not my day when I woke up. When I woke up I was eager to go on a walk but the minute I smelled smoke I knew I could not. There is a fire going on in the Gilla forest and the smoke from it is in Albuquerque. So the air quality is bad and will be getting worse this weekend. Then I made the younger boys cereal for breakfast and went upstairs. I then hear Kodi say "mom I spilled my cereal." No problem I thought as I was cleaning up the mess. I was wrong as I was doing that,Jesse spilled his cereal and it was a much bigger mess. I got done clean up all the messes and made myself a cup of coffee. As I reached for the coffee cup the handle snaped off and hot coffee spilled down the kitchen cabinets. Great,another mess to clean up. At least I did not get burned. I felt like going back to bed.
 The day did get better,thankfully once I settled down with a new cup of coffee. Tommorrow will hopefully better as I try to sleep in a hot house with the windows closed from the smoke. The weather man said the smoke will be worse this weekend. There goes Michaels plans to fix the pergala outside. I am thankful we are safe as I will pray for those who have lost homes from the fires. The sun will come out tomorrow.   


There is cool new site to help you with all your beauty needs. This site is called StyleUnited and you can reach it  by going to www.StyleUnited.com . At StyleUnited you can get all kinds of tips and trends for fashion,makeup,skincare, and hair. There is even videos and product reviews that other fans submit. I watched a cool one on how to do a great a home pedicure http://www.styleunited.com/TipsAndTrends/Videos
When you register at the site you build a style 360 profile that gives you head to toe personalized recomendations for all you beauty needs. Also there is a place called inner circle where you invite your friends to share beauty tips.  If you join www.StyleUnited.com by June 8th there is a contest to win a  500.00 Macy's or Nordstrom gift card. For details go to http://www.shespeaks.com/Enter-the-StyleUnited-New-View-New-You-Giveaway  This contest is at another great site called SheSpeaks(www.SheSpeaks.com) I love this site for reviews,disscusions,great deals and more. So join StyleUnited today.

"Disclosure: I am receiving a complimentary gift from P&G/SheSpeaks, but my opinions are my own."

NYC here we come

Kyle and I won a trip to NYC ! I still can believe we won. This is our first big win and it is awesome!  I have never been to NYC so it will be grand. The prize gives us airfare,hotel,spending cash, and tickets to a concert to see Juanes,a latin singer.It is a short three day trip,so I hope we can get some sightseeing in. I am still pinching myself, but now I know the big winnings can happen to anyone. I will be entering more contests as my philosophy is "you can't win if you don't enter". God is good!

Van de Kamps Parchment bakes

I tried this new item last night for dinner. This looked interesting at the store so I gave it a try. I like that you just take the fish, that is in parchment pouches, out of the box and place on a baking sheet. The sauces are all in the pouches so no need to season. You just bake for 20 minutes and then open up the pouches to get fish that is moist. The best part there was no messy pan to clean up.  The fish was actually good with a nice seasoned sauce on it. My family gave this a thumbs up. The box above shows the classic grill and my picture shows the lemon pepper one.

I Did Not Forget

I never forget things as I have a good long term memory but every year I forget my wedding aniversary. Dont ask me why I do but my hubby likes to give me grief for it. Every year he does wonderful gifts for me(except the year he put shaving cream on my car) and I feel guilty for forgetting the special day. Granted he has trouble remembering the kids ages and birthdays,not me. I did remember our special day 2 weeks ago but at the begining of this week I forgot again. Well today I woke up and remembered it was our aniversary. Ok,I had help as we talked about it last night. I woke up wanting to say "happy aniversary" but hubby was alrady gone for work. So for the record I blogged about and said it on Facebook. I love you my dear and next year I will remember. I will write it on my calendar right now,that might help me.
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Mom knows best