>U Mom Knows Best: May 2018

10 Healthy Foods You Need To Eat For Fat Burning

       Want to burn some of that fat off your body?

  Summer is on its way and that means more skin will be showing. We all want to look nicer in a swimsuit or maybe this will be the year you put on some shorts. Spring is a great time to consider shedding those extra winter pounds. Starting the fat burning process can be as easy as adding some delicious high-fiber foods to your diet. Change out some of the unhealthy food that you eat with these healthy fiber-rich foods and you will be on your way to a healthier body. The best part is no calorie counting needed or having to starve yourself. These high-fiber foods will keep you full all day so you will eat less of the bad food. Fiber is a weight-loss superstar that more people need to add to their plate at every meal. Fiber not only keeps you full but it also helps with digestion. By incorporating these high fiber carbohydrates into your diet, you’ll feel fuller longer, get many of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, and burn fat while enjoying good, healthy food.

              I received samples of grains to facilitate this post.

These fat-burning foods are low in calories but packed with taste.

LENTILS - Lentils are loaded with nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. They are also low in calories and contain virtually no fat. One cup of cooked lentils only contains about 230 calories. Lentils are great to use in many recipes like veggie burgers and will keep you full. They are great for blasting belly fat.

CHICKPEAS -  My favorite hummus ingredient is chickpeas. They have a nutty taste and are also great for snacks when roasted in the oven. Each serving comes packed with nutrients, from iron to B vitamins. And chickpeas have plenty of nutrients that can help you lose weight, too. How? Chickpeas are a great source of protein. Your body burns a lot of energy - in the form of calories - to help break down the protein.

QUINOAQuinoa is higher in protein than any other grain, and it packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats. Quinoa is also a great source of fiber and B vitamins, and it’s gluten-free. I love using this delicious grain in my homemade veggie burgers.

KAMUT – Kamut is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s also high in protein while low in calories. A half-cup serving has 30% more protein than regular wheat, with only 140 calories. Kamut helps to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and inflammation. This nutty-tasting grain is easy to cook and is a great substitute for rice.

BANANAS – Bananas help reduce stomach bloating and are a good source of potassium, which can help lower water retention and prevent muscle cramping during a workout. Bananas are also rich in glucose, a highly digestible sugar, which provides a quick energy boost. These healthy Fudge Bites are a great sweet treat are a great way to get bananas into your body.

SWEET POTATOES -  Sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, nutrients and can help you burn fat. The magic ingredient here is antioxidants - they stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted into fat. They provide a great energy boost before a workout. Oven roasted sweet potatoes are a great substitute for those unhealthy french fries. Just slice them into strips and toss in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then arrange on a baking sheet and cook at 450F for 30 minutes or until crispy.

BROCCOLI – Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that’s rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C builds collagen, which forms body tissue and bone, and helps cuts and wounds heal. It has nearly 1 gram of fiber per 10 calories. Fiber helps keep you regular and helps maintain healthy bacteria levels in the intestines. Broccoli also aids in digestion by helping to keep your stomach lining healthy. My favorite way to enjoy broccoli is roasted or in this summer broccoli salad.

BUCKWHEAT - Like quinoa, buckwheat is gluten-free and a complete source of protein, which means it supplies all nine-essential muscle-building amino acids the body cannot produce on its own. It is also high in magnesium and fiber.

TEFF – Teff is a mild, nutty whole grain and a complete protein that’s rich in vitamins and fiber. It is also rich in calcium and iron. Diets rich in calcium have been associated with lower body weight and reduced weight gain over time. Check out this Gluten Free Salted Chocolate Truffle Tart that I made with teff.

BLUEBERRIES - A cup of blueberries has 21 grams of carbs, but they couldn’t be better for you.  They are loaded with polyphenols—chemical compounds that prevent fat from forming— and that actively burns belly fat. This is my favorite fruit to use in my protein smoothies.

By incorporating these high fiber carbohydrates into your diet, you’ll feel fuller longer, get many of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, and burn fat while enjoying good, healthy food.

Which of these healthy foods will you be adding to your diet?

Pereg Natural Foods (www.pereg-gourmet.com) offers an extensive line of all-natural grains and ancient grains including quinoa, teff, buckwheat, kamut, lentils, and chickpeas, among others. They manufacture all their products from start to finish, controlling the quality from the sourcing until the product is packed and ready for the consumer.

Gluten Free Salted Chocolate Truffle Tart

The crust of this decadent chocolate tart is made from a unique gluten-free flour called Teff!

Remember that huge box of gluten-free flours that I received a couple of weeks ago? I promised that I would make a recipe with each flour so here is the next recipe. The alternative flour that I will be using is Teff Flour and I got my recipe inspiration from the back of the Pereg package. My son thought that the chocolate tart looked so delicious. I decided to omit the raspberries as my boys don't care for those and I added sea salt for a unique flavor. As I have said before, salt always makes chocolate taste so good.

  This recipe was worth the work and time. This Chocolate Truffle Tart was very rich and decadent! I loved that it used coconut milk instead of cream. The crust had a nice nutty taste to it and the filling was very rich. I also used a dairy free chocolate so the tart was dairy free!

  I substituted this unique healthy coconut oil blend for the vegetable oil also. This coconut/avocado oil has less saturated fats and is Non-GMO, gluten, and dairy free! I just love the colorful packages! The extra virgin avocado oil offers greater health benefits than just using coconut oil in my cooking.

 A rich and decadent chocolate truffle tart!

Gluten Free Salted Chocolate Truffle Tart
Makes a 10” tart

Teff Pie crust:
2 cups Pereg’s Teff Flour
½ cup coconut/avocado oil blend
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup honey
2 Tbsp. cold water

1 cup full fat coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups bittersweet chocolate
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Preheat oven to 375 ̊ F

For crust: In a large bowl mix all ingredients together until they are fully blended. The dough should have a crumbly appearance. Without rolling press into a 10” tart tin and bake for 12‐15 minutes. Let crust cool in the tin. The crust is now ready to fill.

For filling: In a medium saucepan, heat the coconut milk and vanilla extract over medium heat until it starts to boil. Remove from heat and whisk in chocolate. Make sure chocolate is fully blended and there are no lumps in the filling. Stir in kosher sea salt. Pour still warm chocolate ganache filling into the tart shell.

Refrigerate for 2 hours, then garnish with fresh fruit, if desired and serve. The tart will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Note: Teff pie crust can also be used in a 9” pie dish for traditional fruit pies.

I also added some vegan whip topping to my chocolate truffle.

 Which unique alternative/gluten-free flour should I try next?

Socca Gluten Free Rosemary Chickpea Pancakes

Is Socca a crisp pancake-like flatbread made from chickpea flour?

 I was sent a huge box of gluten-free alternative flours from Pereg the other day. As the boys and I were pulling the flours out of the box, I was excited to see flours that I already use. I was also excited to see some new unique flours. My creative juices started to flow through my head a bit too loud as I wondered what I could make with these gluten-free flours. My boys were way ahead of me as they turned the packages over and started requesting recipes for me to make. The packages of the alternative flours had delicious recipes with drool-worthy pictures. I simply wanted to make all the recipes! So I decided that I would make a different recipe every week and I let the boys decide which recipe we would make first. They each had their favorite recipe. The youngest chose this delicious Socca recipe that is made with chickpea flour and the oldest of the two choose a Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Tart that is made with Teff flour.

I received samples of alternative flours from Pereg.

    I have baked with chickpea flour before and made a delicious Gluten-Free And Egg Free Spinach Quiche. I love that chickpea flour is loaded with protein and fiber so that means extra nutrition. Chickpea flour is made from chickpeas/garbanzo beans and has a nice texture/taste. I did make some substitutions in the original recipe as I wanted to use healthy coconut oil instead of olive oil. I also wanted to try this unique coconut and avocado oil that I just received.

 These coconut/avocado oils have less saturated fats and are Non-GMO, gluten, and dairy free! I just love the colorful packages! The extra virgin avocado oil offers greater health benefits than just using coconut oil in my cooking.

  My results of this recipe were not that good. I followed the directions but my batter was too thick so I added more water so it resembled pancake batter. I cooked it according to the directions but my pancake was very crumbly. It did have a nice taste but it was like crumbly cornbread. So I decided to make the batter again and left it thick. I also added 1 more tablespoon of oil. I then pressed the batter into a pie pan and made a quiche out of it with some eggs, spinach, and cheese. My quiche came out delicious and it was gluten-free. So I don't recommend the recipe that was on the package. Maybe you might have better luck with it. Here is my photo of my quiche and the Socca.

Socca Gluten Free Rosemary Chickpea Pancakes
(not my recipe, it was on the back of the Pereg package)

Makes 2 pancakes


1 cup Pereg Gourmet Chickpea flour
1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons Cacavo Raw Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil And Avocado Oil
1 tablespoon minced rosemary
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon crushed black pepper


Whisk together Pereg chickpea flour, water, olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. The batter should resemble pancake batter. Rest for one hour.

When ready to bake, set an oven rack 6 inches below the broiler and turn on the broiler. Warm a 10 inch cast iron pan under the broiler for 2-3 minutes to heat pan.

Carefully remove the pan from the oven using oven mitts and add about 1 ½ teaspoons olive oil to the pan. Swirl to coat. Pour half of the batter into the ban and swirl to coat the pan.

Broil for about 5 minutes, or until socca begins to brown.

Carefully remove socca from the pan with a spatula and cut into wedges if desired. Use as a wrap or with dips. Repeat with remaining batter.

Can be refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Notes: I did not have good results with this recipe as my pancake was too crumbly. I had a friend tell me that chickpea flour is very dry and needs a starch added to it like potato starch. 

Which unique gluten-free flour should I try next?

I also received some unique grains from Pereg that are great for fat burning that you should check out HERE

How To Eliminate Ants In Your Home

Got ants?
This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

  I live in the desert of New Mexico and we have ants everywhere in the summer. They are outside and also inside the walls of many peoples homes.  My husband says that our house was built on an ant hill. I used to use ant preventive sprays but not anymore. As bug sprays just kill the ants that you see or prevent them from coming out in that area. Sprays typically have chemicals in it that just kills the ants in that area and I have found that the ants usually find another place to enter the house. I have had ants enter my house through electrical outlets. Ant sprays also leave chemicals in the air that are dangerous to breathe while spraying them. I now use a product that kills the ants and their hives. I use a product that the ants eat and take back to the hive to kill the other ants, including the queen.

  Two years ago, I discovered a great product that works awesome in taking care of my ant problem. Combat makes a great product called Source Kill Max and I can say it works great. This easy to apply gel comes in a syringe-like tube and has a resealable cap on it so you can get many uses out of it. I received this product for a Review two years ago and thankfully there was still product left in the tube for me to use tonight. 

 Unlike sprays that kill only the ants you can see, Combat Source Kill Max has a fast-acting active ingredient that's speed is still slow enough for the ants to ingest it and take it back to the colony to feed to all the ants including the queen. Since Combat is a gel, you don't have to worry about breathing in toxic chemicals. This ant gel kills the entire colony, the ones that you don't see. That means no more ants.

Easy To Make All Natural Homemade Weed Killer Spray That Works In A Day 

  You just simply apply the gel to areas where you see ants and the ants eat the gel. They carry it back to the colony to feed everyone else. I placed the gel on the floor and an hour later there were tons of ants eating the gel. The bright yellow spot is the gel. You can see the ants forming around in other places and that is spots were the ants have almost eaten all the gel. It is amazing that I put the gel out and within 24 hours the ants are gone. Yes, you do have to leave the ants alone and let them eat the gel so don't clean up the area as the ants are making scent trails to lead other ants to the product.

  Ever since I started using this wonderful ant killing gel, I have had fewer ants in my house. I still have ants by my front and back doors about once a month but the ants no longer spread to other places in my house. When I notice the ants, I just apply the gel and the ants are gone in 24 hours. The thing that I love about this ant killer is that it is a gel so I can use it on the wall if I see ants there. My kids are older and I don't have pets so I do not have to worry about them ingesting the product. If you have kids or pets, you can block the area off from them so they don't touch the ant gel. When you don't notice any more bugs, usually 24 hours, then you can wipe the gel up.  I purchase this product on Amazon but you can also find it in stores like Walmart and Home Depot. 

Unicorns and Potty Humor Are Two Biggest Toy Trends

My boys think potty talk is funny!

          I received samples of Mythical Slyme putty.

  After having four boys, I have learned things that I never thought I would. The biggest thing that I have learned is boys think that farting and burping are hilarious. I think most of their conversations are about farting. If I want to make my boys laugh, I just fart. My boys like when I let out those long farts and even congratulate me on how many seconds they are. So I tend to freely fart around the house to entertain my boys. The youngest two boys always want to know how it is that I can fart so long and I think they are jealous of their farting mom. Now I don't have them beat in the burping category, that belongs to the youngest boy. My husband tends to get annoyed at all our farting and burping but I just say to him, it is how I entertain my boys. If you can't win, then join them. My husband needs to learn that farting is a sign of good digestion. Don't worry, I have taught my boys that we don't fart in public and other peoples house's. My boys know that the potty talk stays at home and they do find it rude when kids fart in class.

Unicorns have made potty talk popular! 

 When unicorns talk about poop it is a hot toy trend. I guess when a mythical creature talks about things like poop, snot, and boogers it is ok. My boys like that they can open up a tin of colorful Mythical Slyme putty and potty talk with their friends. This colorful goo is so fun to stretch and squeeze. It also entertains my boys. Even my fart hating husband loves to play with the Unicorn Snot and make pretend sneezes with the putty flying from his nose. My favorite Unicorn Putty is the Pink Unicorn Poop as it has glitter in it. Ewww, I touched Unicorn poop!

Come Together For Squeezable Twistable, Stretchable Fun!

 This stretchable potty putty is also great for sensory play. Playing with slime encourages the development of fine motor skills and coordination! And like the popular fidget toys and spinners, Unicorn putty is kinda addictive for folks who like to fiddle so don’t be surprised to see this at workplaces on adults’ desks, too!  Some happy fans have reported that having a bit of putty in their hand helps them concentrate and focus. When play is done with Mythical Slyme, the gooey mess goes right back into the tightly-capped tin.

Play with your Boogers! 

  Since the putty keeps their hands occupied, my boys don't pick their nose. I would rather have them playing with Unicorn Boogers putty than sticking their fingers in their nose. My boys love to bring their Unicorn potty on car rides. I love that it keeps them entertained. This fun snot, poop, and boogers also keep my son number 3 three from asking 100 questions. That boy would even drive those voice-controlled devices crazy with all his questions. We joke that Alexa would say "you exceeded your amount of questions today."

So let the kids potty talk!

  If potty talking keeps the kids entertained and Unicorns approve of it, then it is ok in this mom's books. The Unicorn Putty from Mythical Slyme comes in many other gross and not so gross names. Each putty has a different color and some even have glitter and stars in them. Check out this big toy trend and get your hands on some snot or poop.


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A Mother's Day Ring From Mamas Jewelry Is A Perfect Gift For Mom

I received a beautiful ring in exchange for the post. 

   This mother's day I received a beautiful ring and I love it.  I simply can't stop looking at my finger. Don't tell my husband but I like it better than my wedding ring. Sure my wedding ring costs more as it is real diamonds and it means my husband loves me but my mother's day ring has my favorite color in it. I wish my wedding ring had purple stones in it but since it does not my new ring looks awesome next to it. I like that I got to choose the stones in my mother's day ring and I also got to select the style of the ring along with the type of silver. I chose rose gold and three different colors of stones. Some people select the stones based on the months their kids were born but I chose them based on the colors that I love. It is not my fault that my kids were not born in February or December. My October child will think that I love him the most as I did select his birthstone for the color.

Just look at the sparkling stones!

  My stones in this pretty ring are imitation but for additional money, you can get the real thing. I think the ones in my ring are so pretty for not being the real thing. The ring feels so light on my finger. I am glad that I have long skinny fingers as Mama's Jewelry does charge $10 more for if you need a size that is different from ring size 7. I am not sure why but I would think that size 7 would not be a standard size.

Free Shipping

My ring had free shipping and arrived 2 weeks after I ordered it. I had a hard time deciding which ring to order as they had so many pretty styles to choose from. Even selecting the colors of the stones took some time but I am happy with my final selection. The stones in my ring are Feb-Amethyst, Oct- Pink Tourmaline, and Dec- Zircon.

Which stones would you choose?

Mama's Jewelry: Who They Are - 

 Mama's Jewelry has been designing rings and pendants for moms for 30 years, and we have no intention of slowing down! Our company is committed to creating exceptional mothers pendants, rings, and earrings at affordable prices.

 A key benefit of shopping with us is our fast turnaround times. As soon as we receive your order, our CAD technicians and certified jewelers get to work designing and building your custom item. All of our processes follow strict quality control measures. Everything that comes from us has our seal of approval. If we wouldn't give it to our loved ones, we won't send it to you!

Most orders for mothers rings and pendants are able to be sent out within 3 to 5 days, reaching you about a week later. If you're shopping at the last minute, Mama's Jewelry will take care of you and ensure that you get a custom made item that looks like it took months to make!

For More Information Visit: https://mamasjewelry.com/

Dr Jacobs Naturals Is The Affordable Natural Soap For Sensitive Skin

I love saving money on products for my sensitive skin child.

       Disclosure:  I received products to review for my honest opinion.

  Having to buy natural products that my son can use costs more money. My son had bad skin issues until we discovered what products to use on his skin. I am willing to pay more money if that keeps his skin happy. I remember when I was a kid and I had bad eczema. The doctor would tell my mom to keep trying different creams to clear up my skin. The problem was none of them made the dry cracked and bleeding skin problem better. The creams probably made my skin worse. It was not until I became an adult did I discover what things made my skin flare up. So I just avoided touching those things and my skin was fine most of the time. My skin contact problems were salt, mold, and citrus. My youngest son got his skin sensitivities from me but he is way more sensitive.  My son's skin will even flare up with products that are made for babies and sensitive skin so I have to buy 100% natural products for him. The problem is those can be quite pricey. The natural toothpaste that he likes costs $7.00 a tube! So I get quite excited when I discover 100% natural soaps that are affordable

Free shipping on all orders over $20. Use code FREESHIP20 at Checkout at https://drjacobsnaturals.com!

 When my Dr. Jacobs Naturals arrived the other day, my son opened the box and began smelling the soaps. He said that they smelled good. I checked the ingredient list on the bottle and all the ingredients were natural and safe for his skin.  I loved that the soap was made from coconut and olive oils with essential oils added for an amazing scent. The soaps were even dual-purposed as they could be used for body wash and shampoo. You can even use the soap with shaving! Thankfully my son does not shave yet. The smaller bottle came with a pump so it will last longer. My son tends to use too much when he uses a squeeze bottle. 

Lots of amazing scents!

 We were sent the Honey Almond and Charcoal liquid soap. The bar soap that we received was Minty Cucumber Mojito. My son loved the Honey Almond the best as it had a nice nutty smell. I thought the Charcoal had a citrus scent and I loved the mint scent of the bar soap. So my son will use the Honey Almond and I will be using the other two. I like using natural soaps as they are less drying on my skin. Regular soap leaves my skin extremely dry and itchy. My skin is less itchy with natural soap. My husband thinks it is funny that I am itchy after my shower. He thinks that the water should make my skin soft but the warm shower water dries it out so I only shower a couple times a week. The coconut and olive oils along with the vitamin E in these soaps made my dry skin feel hydrated and less itchy.  Check out the other amazing scents that Dr. Jacobs Naturals carries:

Almond Honey
Shea Butter
Sweet Tea Tree

 I like that the natural soaps are sold in big bottles at half the price that I was paying for my son's other soap and shampoo. I also like that I can get free shipping when I buy $20.00!

Free shipping on all orders over $20. Use code FREESHIP20 at Checkout at https://drjacobsnaturals.com!

About Dr. Jacobs Naturals:

Dr. Jacobs was a Swiss chemist that perfected the long-standing Castilian tradition of making Jabon de Castilla or Castile soap before the turn of the 19th century. Today, we still use the same recipes and work to uphold the long-standing tradition of making natural Castile Soap products.

The company Dr. Jacobs was created by Joey and Ezra Aini in spring 2011. Familiar with cosmetics and skincare from other brands they have launched, they are answering the call of demand from customers for a multi-purpose natural soap product.

Take Backyard Fun To A Whole New Level With Thermal Hunter

My boys had a blast with this dart blaster!

                 I received a toy from Buzz Bee to facilitate this post.

Meet the Thermal Hunter from Buzz Bee

  The weather is finally nice enough for outdoor play and the boy's and I headed up to the park to try out a new toy. I am glad that the park is only one block from our house so we can head there quite often. The boys like the bigger space of the park for their adventures and head up there for the chance to play with friends. The boys were excited to try out the Thermal Hunter from Buzz Bee and needed the space of the park as this blaster can send the darts up to 90 feet. If they played with the dart blaster in the yard, they would be having to hop the fence to retrieve the darts as we have a small yard.

Backyard blaster battles will be elevated to a whole new level!

  The Thermal Hunter was easy to put together and did require 4 AA batteries for the awesome HeatSeeking Scope. The boys quickly determined that the HeatSeeking Scope would work best with the darkness of nighttime as it was hard to see the red light outside. This scope works by detecting a heat source up to 60 feet away, pretty cool in my opinion.

The scope detects a heat source up to 60 feet away 

  So mom was left to hold the Heatseeking scope and the extra darts. The dart clip held 10 darts and the blaster came with 20. I like when there are plenty of darts so I am not having to replace them right away. My boys got into their action poses and the fun began! With a couple of pumps, the dart blaster was ready to shoot darts.  They took turns blasting the darts across the park. It was a good thing the foam darts were red as that made it easier to see them in the grass. I was amazed that the darts flew far into the air as the Thermal Hunter has the power to shoot them up to 90 feet!

 One person shot the darts and the other chased after them to pick them up. Then they switched places. Next time, the boys are going to bring their other dart toys and practice target shooting. The boys informed me that the this cool Dart Blaster from Buzz Bee Toys came with an adapter so it could be used with other popular brands of dart guns.

This blaster is the perfect birthday gift for any kid. 

 The boys knew that this Thermal Hunter would be great to bring up to the park next week when we had a playdate with friends. This smart mom knew that this toy would be an awesome gift for all those birthday parties that the boys get invited too. One can never have enough dart blasting toys!

'Tis the season for an overflow of kid birthday party invites, but parents no longer need to fret about what gifts to get -- Buzz Bee Toys' most popular dart blaster will make you the best gift-giver in the neighborhood.'


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Mom knows best