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"Magic Hammer" redirects here. For the hammer used in Ocarina of Time, see Megaton Hammer. For the hammer used in The Wind Waker, see Skull Hammer.

Hammers,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link | PHPhantom Hourglass | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | HWHyrule Warriors)[1][2][3][4][5] also known as Magic Hammers,(ALttPA Link to the Past | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TFHTri Force Heroes | HWHyrule Warriors)[6][7][8][9] are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series.[name references needed] Hammers go unnamed in Vermin. They can be used to press Switches, destroy certain obstacles such as Boulders, or as a weapon.

Location and Uses

The Adventure of Link

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The Adventure of Link instruction booklet
It can break rocks and cut down trees on the landscape map. Use with the A button.

The Hammer is found within the Death Mountain region of western Hyrule in The Adventure of Link. It is used to smash large Boulders that are occasionally found in Hyrule's overworld, often unblocking pathways and revealing new objects underneath. It can also be used to cut Trees down in the overworld.[10]

A Link to the Past

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A Link to the Past instruction booklet
Magic Hammer
Use this hammer to pound stakes and other obstacles into the ground. The magic hammer is also effective against some enemies, but it is best used in conjunction with another weapon.

The Magic Hammer is found in the Palace of Darkness in A Link to the Past. It can remove obstacles from Link's path, allowing him to pass into otherwise inaccessible areas. It can be used to dispatch enemies such as Helmasaurs, and is essential in defeating Terrorpins in the Palace of Darkness. The Magic Hammer is also capable of shattering the faceplate of the Helmasaur King. Against most enemies, it deals as much damage as the Master Sword Lv2, but its reach is much shorter. Freezing enemies with the Ice Rod and then breaking them with the Magic Hammer instantly defeats them, often yielding a Magical Decanter.

Four Swords Adventures

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Four Swords Adventures instruction booklet
Magic Hammer

You can smash or bury any stumps in your way. If you store up power and then swing it, the shock of the blow briefly dazes all enemies within range.

Lev. 2
The more power you save up, the farther the shockwave goes.

The Magic Hammer can smash stakes, stumps, and several other obstacles in Four Swords Adventures. By holding the A Button, the Links can charge the Magic Hammer which, upon release, sends out a shockwave which dazes enemies momentarily. It can be upgraded to the level 2 Magic Hammer, which makes it more powerful, sending much larger shockwaves. The Magic Hammer can also knock Force Gems from their hiding spot beneath the soil. Shadow Link can also use the Magic Hammer to interrupt the Links by sending unavoidable but harmless dazes.

Phantom Hourglass

The Hammer can be found in Mutoh's Temple in Phantom Hourglass, where it is used to defeat the temple's boss, Eox. It is also used to pound at objects, including Switches and Springboards that will propel Link into the air if he stands on it and pounds it with the Hammer. It is also one of the most powerful weapons in the game. The Hammer is controlled by holding and moving the Stylus on the Nintendo DS screen, which will drag Ciela around as she aims it and prepares to smash it.[11] It is possible to pound on objects and enemies that are far away from Link. When held for a while longer, the Hammer will grow to a gigantic size and will make a much stronger pound. It cannot be used while on stairs.

The Hammer is an effective weapon against certain enemies. Stalfos can be defeated with the Hammer in a single hit. By using it in conjunction with the Phantom Sword, it is also possible to defeat a Phantom without being seen by hiding in a Safe Zone.

A Link Between Worlds

The Hammer can be rented or purchased from Ravio's Shop in A Link Between Worlds. It is needed to progress through the Tower of Hera. The Hammer can be used to pound Moles into the ground, which then launch Link up to higher grounds, and it is essential to defeat enemies such as Deadrocks and Terrorpins.

If Link buys the Hammer, he can upgrade it to the Nice Hammer by returning 10 or more Lost Maiamais to Mother Maiamai. This form does more damage to enemies and sends out a shockwave to stun them.

Tri Force Heroes

The Magic Hammer deals twice the damage to enemies as Swords in Tri Force Heroes. It creates a shockwave when used, which can destroy Grass and Rocks and stun enemies. The Magic Hammer can be used to pound down stakes, destroy ice crystals, defeat Deadrocks, and make use of Moles.

Magic Hammers first appear in Silver Shrine, in which all three Links acquire one. They reappear in Ice Temple (two Hammers), Desert Temple (two Hammers), Dragon Citadel, and Sky Temple. They also appear in the Scorching Zone, Frozen Zone and Baneful Zone of the Den of Trials, as well as the Coliseum's Ice Cavern and The Ruins arenas. The use of Magic Hammers is required to defeat the Bosses Blizzagia and Stalchampion.

The effects of the Magic Hammer are improved while wearing Hammerwear. This Outfit doubles the item's shockwave size and damage output, while allowing it to be swung quicker.

Breath of the Wild

Two different Hammers can be obtained in Breath of the Wild. The first is the Iron Sledgehammer, which can be used both as a Weapon and for mining Ore.[12] The second is the Spring-Loaded Hammer. It can only be purchased at the Fang and Bone for 199 Mon, and it is capable of knocking back Enemies on its fourth hit.[13]

Other Appearances

Ancient Stone Tablets

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Zelda's Adventure

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Zelda's Adventure, the Hammer is a Spell that Zelda can cast as a projectile with her Wand. It is a slow-moving Spell, but can potentially inflict a lot of damage onto enemies. It is dropped by Warbane after encountering him for the first time in the Shrine of Fire. It costs two Rupees to use.

Hyrule Warriors

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Darunia wielding the Hammer

In Hyrule Warriors, the Hammer is a class of Weapon used by Darunia. It is associated with Fire.

A different Hammer also appears as an item in Hyrule Warriors Legends and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. This item is mainly used to smash objects, but can also be used as a weapon to attack enemies. It is also used to weaken the Helmaroc King.

Additionally, two Hammer Item Cards appear in Hyrule Warriors Legends and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. The first Hammer Item Card, based on the Skull Hammer from The Wind Waker, appears in the Great Sea and Master Wind Waker Maps. It can be used on Hammer Switches to reveal hidden Enemies. The second Hammer Item Card appears in the Lorule Map, based on the Hammer from A Link Between Worlds. Using this Item Card adds increased attack to the Ravio Board and reveals hidden rewards when used on posts.

Ravio also uses a unique Hammer as his class of Weapon, referred to as the Rental Hammer.


The default form of the Hammer is the Magic Hammer. The second form of the Hammer is the Igneous Hammer, followed by the Megaton Hammer.

The Lv.★ form of the Hammer is the 8-Bit Food, which is modeled after the 8-bit Food from The Legend of Zelda. It was added to Hyrule Warriors with the Majora's Mask Pack DLC. In Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, instead of appearing as a separate Weapon, the 8-Bit Food replaces the Darkfire Hammer when the "8-Bit Weapons" Setting is turned on in Game Settings within the Settings menu.

In Hyrule Warriors Legends and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, the fourth form of the Hammer is the Darkfire Hammer, which is associated with both the Elements of Fire and Darkness.

Weapon Power
Weapon Number of Stars
Tier Icon Element(s) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Magic Hammer
Fire 80 88 96 104 112 120
Igneous Hammer
Fire 150 165 180 195 210 225
Megaton Hammer
Fire 280 308 336 364 392 420
Lv.★ (HWHyrule Warriors | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
8-Bit Food
Fire 280 308 336 364 392 420
Lv.4 (HWLHyrule Warriors Legends | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
Megaton Hammer +
Fire 500 550 600 650 700 750
Lv.4+ (HWLHyrule Warriors Legends | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
Darkfire Hammer
500 550 600 650 700 750

Attack Combinations

Attack Pattern Effect
X Darunia curls up into a ball and charges forwards. He will then emerge and thrust his palm out.
Y X Darunia performs an uppercut with his hammer, slamming it behind him.
Y Y X Darunia leaps up and slams the ground with his bottom.
Y Y Y X Darunia slams his hammer on the ground, then leaps up and slams on it, creating a massive explosion.
Y Y Y Y X Darunia plunges his hammer and creates a pool of magma around him.
Y Y Y Y Y X Darunia summons a meteor and throws it in front of him.
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Darunia repeatedly pounds and swings his hammer, finishing with a spinning swing and a final slam.
Special Attack
Main article: Special Attack

Darunia performs a quick dance to get himself pumped up. He then swings his Hammer down hard at his foes four times, the final strike causing a small explosion ahead of him. This attack does damage in a small range ahead of Darunia, and carries the Fire Element, making the thrown enemies take additional damage as they land.


The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In the Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda version of the game, Link uses a pair of Hammers to beat back approaching, burrowing Octoroks.


  • In the Japanese version of A Link to the Past, the Magic Hammer is known as the "M.C. Hammer," which is the name of an American rapper.


Names in Other Regions
  • ハンマー (Hanmā) (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[15]
  • マジックハンマー (Majikku Hanmā) (ALttPA Link to the Past)[16]
  • Same as English.
  • Same as English.
The French Republic
Marteau (PHPhantom Hourglass)[18] 
Marteau (PHPhantom Hourglass)[23] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Hammer (PHPhantom Hourglass)[17] 
The Italian Republic
  • Martello (TAoLThe Adventure of Link | PHPhantom Hourglass)[21][22]
  • Martello Magico (ALttPA Link to the Past | FSAFour Swords Adventures)[19][20]
  • Hammer
  • Same as English.
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Martillo (PHPhantom Hourglass)[14] 
The Kingdom of Spain
Martillo (PHPhantom Hourglass)[24] 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


Video Gallery

Hammer gameplay from Hyrule Warriors

See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 126 (TAoLThe Adventure of Link | PHPhantom Hourglass | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes)
  2. Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 169
  3. And to do so, a hammer-like implement with something blunt on the end is absolutely essential. — Savrey (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. Hammer — Smithy (Hyrule Warriors)
  5. Hammer — Smithy (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  6. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 130 (ALttPA Link to the Past | FSAFour Swords Adventures)
  7. You got a Magic Hammer! — Game Screen (Tri Force Heroes)
  8. Magic Hammer — Smithy (Hyrule Warriors)
  9. Magic Hammer — Smithy (Hyrule Warriors Legends)
  10. It can break rocks and cut down trees on the landscape map. (The Adventure of Link manual, pg. 46)
  11. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass—Prima Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 12
  12. Iron Sledgehammer
    This large iron sledgehammer was originally used for mining, but it works reasonably well as a weapon too.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Spring-Loaded Hammer
    This strange hammer is one of Kilton's specialties. Being struck by it doesn't hurt much, but the fourth swing in a string of attacks will send the victim flying.
    — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  14. ¡Conseguiste un martillo! Es pequeño, pero golpea con mucha fuerza. — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, Latin American Spanish version)
  15. The Adventure of Link manual, pg. 49
  16. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 45 Nintendo Official Guidebook: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1, Shogakukan, pg. 25 Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords, Shogakukan, pg. 15
  17. Du hast den Hammer erhalten! Er ist klein, aber schlagkräftig! — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, German version)
  18. Vous obtenez un marteau! Il est petit, mais il est d'une puissance crasante! — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, European French version)
  19. Hai ottenuto il Martello Magico! — N/A (A Link to the Past, Italian version)
  20. Hai preso il Martello Magico! — N/A (Four Swords Adventures, Italian version)
  21. The Adventure of Link Italian manual, Virtual Console version, pg. 5
  22. Hai ottenuto il Martello! Magari non sembra, ma molto potente! — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, Italian version)
  23. Vous obtenez un marteau! Il est petit, mais il est d'une puissance crasante! — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, Canadian French version)
  24. ¡Has conseguido un martillo! Es pequeño, pero golpea con mucha fuerza. — N/A (Phantom Hourglass, European Spanish version)
Recurring Items
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10+ Appearances
8+ Appearances
6+ Appearances
4+ Appearances