What a strange but wonderful SmartCar Fire Version
I had to buy this set since I am from the US, and got it with a few other similar small sets. I was not expecting a lot, but was really surprised when I built it.
This set very closely resembles the new SmartCar that came out this year for the City line. It has the small slick tires, and has pretty much just enough room for the fireman.
It does have one great feature though. It has a storage locker in the back for the fire extinguisher. This was a nice surprise as it was not too clear in the original photo.
I am not sure what the use of this vehicle would be, but I guess it could get into small areas or be able to dodge through traffic. Maybe a first responder to a fire scene.
This is definitely the smallest vehicle in the current fire fleet. That even includes the quad bike that comes with the Off-Road Truck (7213). The quad driver sits a whole head taller than the top of this little car.
It is a throwback to the single seat Lego cars of yesteryear, and looks pretty funny with all of the giant Fire vehicles that we have had in the past 5 years, but it is still a great little vehicle, and I am glad I have one to add to my fleet.1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.
For a free set (i.e. with the Mirror) this set is wonderful, possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. Really nice parts and a very TRADITIONAL build reminiscent of the 1990s.
They seem to have some packaging problems though, for example I got a gangster minifig head instead of the one on the picture!3 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.
good but not worth 5!
Its a good design and great value for money at 65p, i agree with other review...an old style feel to it design wise....same historical problem with fire extinguisher though....it doesnt fit in the box...doh! I like the curves at the back with the 2 x1 trans blue tile 'light'. I think the driver might struggle at night with blue headlights though. all round 4/5
1 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.