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2025/251 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-17
Verifiable Streaming Computation and Step-by-Step Zero-Knowledge
Abtin Afshar, Rishab Goyal

We propose a new incrementally computable proof system, called Incrementally Verifiable $\textit{Streaming}$ Computation (IVsC). IVsC enables computing incremental proofs of correct execution for any RAM program $\mathcal{M}$ on a $\textit{streaming}$ input $x$. Input $x$ is called a $\textit{streaming}$ input if it is only available on-the-fly as part of an ongoing data generation/streaming process, and not available at once. We also propose a new notion of zero-knowledge features for IVsC...

2025/247 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-17
LatticeFold+: Faster, Simpler, Shorter Lattice-Based Folding for Succinct Proof Systems
Dan Boneh, Binyi Chen
Cryptographic protocols

Folding is a technique for building efficient succinct proof systems. Many existing folding protocols rely on the discrete-log based Pedersen commitment scheme, and are therefore not post-quantum secure and require a large (256-bit) field. Recently, Boneh and Chen constructed LatticeFold, a folding protocol using lattice-based commitments which is plausibly post-quantum secure and can operate with small (64-bit) fields. For knowledge soundness, LatticeFold requires the prover to provide a...

2025/144 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-01-31
KZH-Fold: Accountable Voting from Sublinear Accumulation
George Kadianakis, Arantxa Zapico, Hossein Hafezi, Benedikt Bünz

Accumulation schemes are powerful primitives that enable distributed and incremental verifiable computation with less overhead than recursive SNARKs. However, existing schemes with constant-size accumulation verifiers, suffer from linear-sized accumulators and deciders, leading to linear-sized proofs that are unsuitable in distributed settings. Motivated by the need for bandwidth efficient accountable voting protocols, (I) We introduce KZH, a novel polynomial commitment scheme, and (II)...

2024/1993 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-09
BOIL: Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation of Correlated Holographic IOPs
Tohru Kohrita, Maksim Nikolaev, Javier Silva
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we present a batching technique for oracles corresponding to codewords of a Reed–Solomon code. This protocol is inspired by the round function of the STIR protocol (CRYPTO 2024). Using this oracle batching protocol, we propose a construction of a practically efficient accumulation scheme, which we call BOIL. Our accumulation scheme can be initiated with an arbitrary correlated holographic IOP, leading to a new class of PCD constructions. The results of this paper were...

2024/1964 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-04
Lova: Lattice-Based Folding Scheme from Unstructured Lattices
Giacomo Fenzi, Christian Knabenhans, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Duc Tu Pham
Cryptographic protocols

Folding schemes (Kothapalli et al., CRYPTO 2022) are a conceptually simple, yet powerful cryptographic primitive that can be used as a building block to realise incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) with low recursive overhead without general-purpose non-interactive succinct arguments of knowledge (SNARK). Most folding schemes known rely on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem, and thus are both not quantum-resistant and operate over large prime fields. Existing post-quantum...

2024/1855 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-02
Lova: A Novel Framework for Verifying Mathematical Proofs with Incrementally Verifiable Computation
Noel Elias

Efficiently verifying mathematical proofs and computations has been a heavily researched topic within Computer Science. Particularly, even repetitive steps within a proof become much more complex and inefficient to validate as proof sizes grow. To solve this problem, we suggest viewing it through the lens of Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC). However, many IVC methods, including the state-of-the-art Nova recursive SNARKs, require proofs to be linear and for each proof step to be...

2024/1651 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-11
One-Shot Native Proofs of Non-Native Operations in Incrementally Verifiable Computations
Tohru Kohrita, Patrick Towa, Zachary J. Williamson
Cryptographic protocols

Proving non-native operations is still a bottleneck in existing incrementally verifiable computations. Prior attempts to solve this issue either simply improve the efficiency of proofs of non-native operations or require folding instances in each curve of a cycle. This paper shows how to avoid altogether in-circuit proofs of non-native operations in the incremental steps, and only record them in some auxiliary proof information. These operations are proved natively at the end of the...

2024/1605 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-09
Nebula: Efficient read-write memory and switchboard circuits for folding schemes
Arasu Arun, Srinath Setty

Folding schemes enable prover-efficient incrementally verifiable computation (IVC), where a proof is generated step-by-step, resulting in a space-efficient prover that naturally supports continuations. These attributes make them a promising choice for proving long-running machine executions (popularly, "zkVMs"). A major problem is designing an efficient read-write memory. Another challenge is overheads incurred by unused machine instructions when incrementally proving a program execution...

2024/1576 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-06
Verifiable Value Added Tax
Victor Sint Nicolaas, Sascha Jafari

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a cornerstone of government rev- enue systems worldwide, yet its self-reported nature has historically been vulnerable to fraud. While transaction-level reporting requirements may tackle fraud, they raise concerns regarding data security and overreliance on tax authorities as fully trusted intermediaries. To address these issues, we propose Verifiable VAT, a protocol that enables confidential and verifiable VAT reporting. Our system allows companies to...

2024/1566 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-14
Dynamic zk-SNARKs
Weijie Wang, Charalampos Papamanthou, Shravan Srinivasan, Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Cryptographic protocols

In this work, we put forth the notion of dynamic zk-SNARKs. A dynamic zk-SNARK is a zk-SNARK that has an additional update algorithm. The update algorithm takes as input a valid source statement-witness pair $(x,w)\in R$ along with a verifying proof $\pi$, and a valid target statement-witness pair $(x',w')\in R$. It outputs a verifying proof $\pi'$ for $(x',w')$ in sublinear time (for $(x,w)$ and $(x',w')$ with small Hamming distance) potentially with the help of a data structure. To the...

2024/1436 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-13
Eva: Efficient IVC-Based Authentication of Lossy-Encoded Videos
Chengru Zhang, Xiao Yang, David Oswald, Mark Ryan, Philipp Jovanovic

With the increasing spread of fake videos for misinformation, proving the provenance of an edited video (without revealing the original one) becomes critical. To this end, we introduce Eva, the first cryptographic protocol for authenticating lossy-encoded videos. Compared to previous cryptographic methods for image authentication, Eva supports significantly larger amounts of data that undergo complex transformations during encoding. We achieve this by decomposing repetitive and manageable...

2024/1281 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-13
Stackproofs: Private proofs of stack and contract execution using Protogalaxy
Liam Eagen, Ariel Gabizon, Marek Sefranek, Patrick Towa, Zachary J. Williamson

The goal of this note is to describe and analyze a simplified variant of the zk-SNARK construction used in the Aztec protocol. Taking inspiration from the popular notion of Incrementally Verifiable Computation[Val09] (IVC) we define a related notion of $\textrm{Repeated Computation with Global state}$ (RCG). As opposed to IVC, in RCG we assume the computation terminates before proving starts, and in addition to the local transitions some global consistency checks of the whole computation...

2024/728 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-08
Relativized Succinct Arguments in the ROM Do Not Exist
Annalisa Barbara, Alessandro Chiesa, Ziyi Guan

A relativized succinct argument in the random oracle model (ROM) is a succinct argument in the ROM that can prove/verify the correctness of computations that involve queries to the random oracle. We prove that relativized succinct arguments in the ROM do not exist. The impossibility holds even if the succinct argument is interactive, and even if soundness is computational (rather than statistical). This impossibility puts on a formal footing the commonly-held belief that succinct...

2024/480 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-22
Folding-based zkLLM
Wilbert W
Cryptographic protocols

This paper introduces a new approach to construct zero-knowledge large language models (zkLLM) based on the Folding technique. We first review the concept of Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC) and compare the IVC constructions based on SNARK and Folding. Then we discuss the necessity of Non-uniform IVC (NIVC) and present several Folding schemes that support more expressive circuits, such as SuperNova, Sangria, Origami, HyperNova, and Protostar. Based on these techniques, we propose a...

2024/474 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Accumulation without Homomorphism
Benedikt Bünz, Pratyush Mishra, Wilson Nguyen, William Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Accumulation schemes are a simple yet powerful primitive that enable highly efficient constructions of incrementally verifiable computation (IVC). Unfortunately, all prior accumulation schemes rely on homomorphic vector commitments whose security is based on public-key assumptions. It is an interesting open question to construct efficient accumulation schemes that avoid the need for such assumptions. In this paper, we answer this question affirmatively by constructing an accumulation...

2024/451 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-01-31
Towards Verifiable FHE in Practice: Proving Correct Execution of TFHE's Bootstrapping using plonky2
Louis Tremblay Thibault, Michael Walter

In this work we demonstrate for the first time that a full FHE bootstrapping operation can be proven using a SNARK in practice. We do so by designing an arithmetic circuit for the bootstrapping operation and prove it using plonky2. We are able to prove the circuit on an AWS Hpc7a instance in under 20 minutes. Proof size is about 200kB and verification takes less than 10ms. As the basis of our bootstrapping operation we use TFHE's programmable bootstrapping and modify it in a few places to...

2024/416 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-30
Mangrove: A Scalable Framework for Folding-based SNARKs
Wilson Nguyen, Trisha Datta, Binyi Chen, Nirvan Tyagi, Dan Boneh
Cryptographic protocols

We present a framework for building efficient folding-based SNARKs. First we develop a new "uniformizing" compiler for NP statements that converts any poly-time computation to a sequence of identical simple steps. The resulting uniform computation is especially well-suited to be processed by a folding-based IVC scheme. Second, we develop two optimizations to folding-based IVC. The first reduces the recursive overhead of the IVC by restructuring the relation to which folding is applied. The...

2024/354 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-27
WARPfold : Wrongfield ARithmetic for Protostar folding
Lev Soukhanov
Cryptographic protocols

Inspired by range-check trick from recent Latticefold paper we construct elliptic-curve based IVC capable of simulating non-native arithmetic efficiently. We explain the general principle (which can be applied to both Protostar and Hypernova), and describe the Wrongfield ARithmetic for Protostar folding in details. Our construction supports circuits over mutilple non-native fields simultaneously and allows interfacing between them using range-checked elements. WARPfold...

2024/336 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-02
RAMenPaSTA: Parallelizable Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge for RAM Programs
Khai Hanh Tang, Minh Pham, Chan Nam Ngo
Cryptographic protocols

Incremental Verifiable Computation (IVC) allows a prover to prove to a verifier the correct execution of a sequential computation. Recent works focus on improving the universality and efficiency of IVC Schemes, which can be categorized into Accumulation and Folding-based IVCs with Folding-based ones being more efficient (due to their deferred proof generation until the final step). Unfortunately, both approaches satisfy only heuristic security as they model the Random Oracle (RO) as a...

2024/325 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-03-03
Proofs for Deep Thought: Accumulation for large memories and deterministic computations
Benedikt Bünz, Jessica Chen
Cryptographic protocols

An important part in proving machine computation is to prove the correctness of the read and write operations performed from the memory, which we term memory-proving. Previous methodologies required proving Merkle Tree openings or multi-set hashes, resulting in relatively large proof circuits. We construct an efficient memory-proving Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC) scheme from accumulation, which is particularly useful for machine computations with large memories and deterministic...

2024/257 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-30
LatticeFold: A Lattice-based Folding Scheme and its Applications to Succinct Proof Systems
Dan Boneh, Binyi Chen
Cryptographic protocols

Folding is a recent technique for building efficient recursive SNARKs. Several elegant folding protocols have been proposed, such as Nova, Supernova, Hypernova, Protostar, and others. However, all of them rely on an additively homomorphic commitment scheme based on discrete log, and are therefore not post-quantum secure and require a large (256-bit) field. In this work we present LatticeFold, the first lattice-based folding protocol based on the Module SIS problem. This folding protocol...

2024/232 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-15
On the Security of Nova Recursive Proof System
Hyeonbum Lee, Jae Hong Seo

Nova is a new type of recursive proof system that uses a folding scheme as its core building block. This brilliant idea of folding relations can significantly reduce the recursion overhead. In this paper, we study some issues related to Nova’s soundness proof, which relies on the soundness of the folding scheme in a recursive manner. First, due to its recursive nature, the proof strategy inevitably causes the running time of the recursive extractor to expand polynomially for each...

2023/1946 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-01
SnarkFold: Efficient Proof Aggregation from Incrementally Verifiable Computation and Applications
Xun Liu, Shang Gao, Tianyu Zheng, Yu Guo, Bin Xiao
Public-key cryptography

The succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK) technique has been extensively utilized in blockchain systems to replace the costly on-chain computation with the verification of a succinct proof. However, most existing applications verify each proof independently, resulting in a heavy load on nodes and high transaction fees for users. Currently, the mainstream proof aggregation schemes are based on a generalized inner product argument, which has a logarithmic proof size and...

2023/1888 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-08
Reverie: an end-to-end accumulation scheme from Cyclefold
Lev Soukhanov

Recent advances in SNARK recursion and incrementally-verifiable computation are vast, but most of the efforts seem to be focused on a particular design goal - proving the result of a large computation known completely in advance. There are other possible applications, requiring different design tradeoffs. Particularly interesting direction is a case with a swarm of collaborating provers, communicating over a peer-to-peer network - which requires to also optimize the amount of data...

2023/1579 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-16
KiloNova: Non-Uniform PCD with Zero-Knowledge Property from Generic Folding Schemes
Tianyu Zheng, Shang Gao, Yu Guo, Bin Xiao
Cryptographic protocols

Most existing accumulation/folding schemes focus on implementing Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC). Proof-carrying Data (PCD), as a generalization of IVC, enables sequential computation performance by multiple distrusting parties, thereby offering a robust primitive tool in real-world applications. However, building non-uniform PCD from folding schemes faces many technical challenges, particularly in handling cross items and preserving zero knowledge. This paper introduces...

2023/1394 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-18
Incrementally Verifiable Computation via Rate-1 Batch Arguments
Omer Paneth, Rafael Pass
Cryptographic protocols

Non-interactive delegation schemes enable producing succinct proofs (that can be efficiently verified) that a machine $M$ transitions from $c_1$ to $c_2$ in a certain number of deterministic steps. We here consider the problem of efficiently \emph{merging} such proofs: given a proof $\Pi_1$ that $M$ transitions from $c_1$ to $c_2$, and a proof $\Pi_2$ that $M$ transitions from $c_2$ to $c_3$, can these proofs be efficiently merged into a single short proof (of roughly the same size as the...

2023/1192 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-04
CycleFold: Folding-scheme-based recursive arguments over a cycle of elliptic curves
Abhiram Kothapalli, Srinath Setty

This paper introduces CycleFold, a new and conceptually simple approach to instantiate folding-scheme-based recursive arguments over a cycle of elliptic curves, for the purpose of realizing incrementally verifiable computation (IVC). Existing approach to solve this problem originates from BCTV (CRYPTO'14) who describe their approach for a SNARK-based recursive argument, and it was adapted by Nova (CRYPTO'22) to a folding-scheme-based recursive argument. A downside of this approach is that it...

2023/1025 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-14
Monolith: Circuit-Friendly Hash Functions with New Nonlinear Layers for Fast and Constant-Time Implementations
Lorenzo Grassi, Dmitry Khovratovich, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger, Roman Walch
Secret-key cryptography

Hash functions are a crucial component in incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) protocols and applications. Among those, recursive SNARKs and folding schemes require hash functions to be both fast in native CPU computations and compact in algebraic descriptions (constraints). However, neither SHA-2/3 nor newer algebraic constructions, such as Poseidon, achieve both requirements. In this work we overcome this problem in several steps. First, for certain prime field domains we propose a...

2023/969 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-20
Revisiting the Nova Proof System on a Cycle of Curves
Wilson Nguyen, Dan Boneh, Srinath Setty
Cryptographic protocols

Nova is an efficient recursive proof system built from an elegant folding scheme for (relaxed) R1CS statements. The original Nova paper (CRYPTO'22) presented Nova using a single elliptic curve group of order $p$. However, for improved efficiency, the implementation of Nova alters the scheme to use a 2-cycle of elliptic curves. This altered scheme is only described in the code and has not been proven secure. In this work, we point out a soundness vulnerability in the original implementation...

2023/620 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-21
ProtoStar: Generic Efficient Accumulation/Folding for Special Sound Protocols
Benedikt Bünz, Binyi Chen
Public-key cryptography

Accumulation is a simple yet powerful primitive that enables incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) without the need for recursive SNARKs. We provide a generic, efficient accumulation (or folding) scheme for any $(2k-1)$-move special-sound protocol with a verifier that checks $\ell$ degree-$d$ equations. The accumulation verifier only performs $k+2$ elliptic curve multiplications and $k+d+O(1)$ field/hash operations. Using the compiler from BCLMS21 (Crypto 21), this enables building...

2023/573 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-20
HyperNova: Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems
Abhiram Kothapalli, Srinath Setty

We introduce HyperNova, a new recursive argument for proving incremental computations whose steps are expressed with CCS (Setty et al. ePrint 2023/552), a customizable constraint system that simultaneously generalizes Plonkish, R1CS, and AIR without overheads. HyperNova makes four contributions, each resolving a major problem in the area of recursive arguments. First, it provides a folding scheme for CCS where the prover’s cryptographic cost is a single multi-scalar multiplication (MSM)...

2022/1758 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-22
SuperNova: Proving universal machine executions without universal circuits
Abhiram Kothapalli, Srinath Setty

This paper introduces SuperNova, a new recursive proof system for incrementally producing succinct proofs of correct execution of programs on a stateful machine with a particular instruction set (e.g., EVM, RISC-V). A distinguishing aspect of SuperNova is that the cost of proving a step of a program is proportional only to the size of the circuit representing the instruction invoked by the program step. This is a stark departure from prior works that employ universal circuits where the cost...

2022/1236 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-07
Rate-1 Non-Interactive Arguments for Batch-NP and Applications
Lalita Devadas, Rishab Goyal, Yael Kalai, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Cryptographic protocols

We present a rate-$1$ construction of a publicly verifiable non-interactive argument system for batch-$\mathsf{NP}$ (also called a BARG), under the LWE assumption. Namely, a proof corresponding to a batch of $k$ NP statements each with an $m$-bit witness, has size $m + \mathsf{poly}(\lambda,\log k)$. In contrast, prior work either relied on non-standard knowledge assumptions, or produced proofs of size $m \cdot \mathsf{poly}(\lambda,\log k)$ (Choudhuri, Jain, and Jin, STOC 2021,...

2021/627 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-29
VeRSA: Verifiable Registries with Efficient Client Audits from RSA Authenticated Dictionaries
Nirvan Tyagi, Ben Fisch, Andrew Zitek, Joseph Bonneau, Stefano Tessaro

Verifiable registries allow clients to securely access a key-value mapping maintained by an untrusted server. Registries must be audited to ensure global invariants are preserved, which, in turn, allows for efficient monitoring of individual registry entries by their owners. To this end, existing proposals either assume trusted third-party auditors or rely on incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) via expensive recursive SNARKs to make registries client-auditable. In this work, we...

2021/370 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-20
Nova: Recursive Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Folding Schemes
Abhiram Kothapalli, Srinath Setty, Ioanna Tzialla

We introduce a new approach to realize incrementally verifiable computation (IVC), in which the prover recursively proves the correct execution of incremental computations of the form $y=F^{(\ell)}(x)$, where $F$ is a (potentially non-deterministic) computation, $x$ is the input, $y$ is the output, and $\ell > 0$. Unlike prior approaches to realize IVC, our approach avoids succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (SNARKs) entirely and arguments of knowledge in general. Instead, we...

2020/499 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-09-29
Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes
Benedikt Bünz, Alessandro Chiesa, Pratyush Mishra, Nicholas Spooner

Recursive proof composition has been shown to lead to powerful primitives such as incrementally-verifiable computation (IVC) and proof-carrying data (PCD). All existing approaches to recursive composition take a succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (SNARK) and use it to prove a statement about its own verifier. This technique requires that the verifier run in time sublinear in the size of the statement it is checking, a strong requirement that restricts the class of SNARKs from...

2020/190 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-18
Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees
Assimakis Kattis, Joseph Bonneau
Cryptographic protocols

Blockchain-based payment systems utilize an append-only log of transactions whose correctness can be verified by any observer. In almost all of today’s implementations, verification costs grow linearly in either the number of transactions or blocks in the blockchain (often both). We propose a new distributed payment system which uses Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC) to enable constant-time verification. Since generating the succinct proofs needed to verify correctness is more...

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