JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA) - Episode 10
Having arrived in Cairo, the Joestar Group find themselves unable to locate DIO's lair. A self-professed gambler named D'Arby offers to reveal its location, but only if they can win in a bet against him. But D'Arby doesn't play fair, and seeks nothing less than the group's souls as prizes.
The companions search the huge Egyptian capital of Cairo, showing everyone they meet the photo of a mysterious building where they think DIO resides. Polnareff, Avdol and Iggy cannot learn anything and meet with the rests of the rest of the group in a café, in which Joseph calls the Speedwagon Foundation and learns that Holy doesn't have long.
As they leave the café, one of the clients recognizes the building. The man is shown to be a gambling addict who wants the group to gamble the information: he asks them to choose which of two pieces of meat a nearby cat will take first. Polnareff angrily accepts to gamble and wager his soul. He loses and the gambler thus takes his soul with his Stand, Osiris. Presenting himself as Daniel J. D'Arby, the man turns Polnareff's soul into a poker chip. However, the group cannot attack him for fear of killing Polnareff for good.
Joseph then challenges D'Arby to another game. Filling a glass with alcohol, Joseph tells D'Arby that they will put coins in the glass in turn and whoever makes the glass leak loses. D'Arby checks the glass and accepts the challenge, he thus confidently puts five coins at the same time. Joseph tries to cheat, but D'Arby has already hidden a piece of chocolate under the glass to make Joseph miscalculate the amount of liquid. Joseph is cornered and loses his soul.
Jotaro then challenges D'Arby to a game of poker. On their first hand, Jotaro catches D'Arby trying to cheat at the dealing and breaks his finger. D'Arby decides to play seriously and splits Joseph and Polnareff into six chips each. Jotaro loses the next hand and half his soul. On the second hand, Jotaro doesn't bother to check his cards and declares his confidence. Ensues a psychological battle in which Jotaro shows off Star Platinum's speed, confidently wagers the souls of his remaining companions with confidence and ultimately gambles his mother's soul, demanding that D'Arby reveals the secret of DIO's Stand in exchange. Destabilized, D'Arby is pushed into folding and turns mad from the pressure. Joseph and Polnareff are revived, although it is revealed that Jotaro had a worthless hand all this time.
Kazuya Takeda
Yasuhiro Irie
Toshiharu Murata
Akira Kano
Masashi Yanagaishita
Toshinari Yamashita
Takuya Saito
Kazuya Tsurumaki
Kunihiro Abe
Shiho Takeuchi
Keiichi Ishikura
Eiji Suganuma
Haruo Ogawara
Masanori Kiryu
Shin Matsuo
Toshiyuki Tsuru
Shunji Suzuki
Nobuyuki Kitajima
Hiroaki Gohda
Hidenori Matsubara
Koudai Iwata
武田 一也
入江 泰浩
村田 俊治
加野 晃
柳下 雅司
山下 敏成
斉藤 卓也
鶴巻 和哉
安部 邦博
竹内 志保
石倉 敬一
菅沼 栄治
大河原 晴男
桐生 雅則
松尾 慎
都留 稔幸
鈴木 俊二
北島 信幸
合田 浩章
松原 秀典
岩田 幸大
Yasuhiro Irie
Hiroshi Shirakawa
Ryoji Enomoto
矢口 卓志
白川 宏
榎本 良二
Kousei Iwase
Masayuki Kawasaki
Hirotaka Marufuji
Mikio Ogawa
Hideko Hinata
Hironori Sawada
Yoshinori Wakana
Rie Sezaki
Hiromi Kubota
Akihiko Mori
Shinichiro Kawanishi
Takayuki Sato
Tokyo Animation Center
Lee Production
Han Young
Seoul Kids
Hana Production
岩瀬 弘征
川崎 政幸
丸藤 広貴
小川 幹雄
日向 秀子
澤田 博範
若菜 宜典
瀬崎 利恵
久保田 弘美
森 明彦
川西 紳一郎
佐藤 貴之
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 10 (OVA): D'Arby the Gambler | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Manga/OVA Differences
- A scene of Polnareff and Avdol asking people in Cairo about DIO's Mansion is added.
- The location of D'Arby's cafe is moved from Giza to Egypt.
- Despite the change of location, the Great Sphinx of Giza is still depicted.
- Joseph tells the group that Holy fell into a coma last night from her fever, that the Speedwagon Foundation's investigation of the mansion's location has proved unhelpful, and that a psychic barrier is preventing him from taking further spirit photographs.
- D'Arby provides his full name instead of explaining the English spelling of his last name.
- The text explaining D'Arby's Stand is absent. As a consequence, its name is not revealed in the episode.
- D'Arby's English line, "Go AHEAD! Mr. Joestar!", is changed to "HURRY UP! Mr. Joestar!"
- The security seal on the fresh set of cards is omitted.
- D'Arby feeling which page of a Bible his hand is resting on is omitted.
- D'Arby's mention of Shozo Mayama is omitted.
- Avdol reassuring the dealer boy to deal normally is moved from the start of the game to just before Avdol bets his soul.
- Jotaro questions the dealer boy's reaction to his hand, causing him to run away in fear.
- After D'Arby's defeat, Avdol asks him about the location of DIO's mansion. D'Arby responds that the mansion is in Old Cairo, on the ruins of a brothel. When Avdol asks about DIO's Stand, D'Arby breaks down further in fear.
- When Jotaro explains D'Arby's second deal trick, the third ten D'Arby needs is erroneously shown to be the second card rather than the top card.
- This episode's animation director, Takahiro Kishida, is one of the few animators to have worked on both the 1993 OVA series and the TV Anime (as well as the Baoh OVA). Much like other series where he is credited as Character Designer, the art style of the characters in this episode have a close resemblance to the manga due to his supervision.