Stardust Crusaders - Episode 4
Tower of Gray (
The Joestar Group have taken a plane for Cairo but the beetle Stand Tower of Gray is attacking them and the passengers. Kakyoin steps in to fight this new enemy.
As DIO drains the life essence of a young woman, he is informed by one of his subordinates, an old hag by the name of Enya, that the Joestar group was on their way, but reassures him that one of their assassins was already in position. Back on the plane, the group discovers a large stag beetle flying about, which Avdol recognizes as the Tower of Gray, a Stand known for causing numerous mass murders and disasters in the past. Jotaro engages the Stand first, but is overwhelmed by its incredible speed. The user of the Stand taunts the group by ripping out the tongues of several passengers in a row and uses it to write "massacre" on the plane wall.
Kakyoin decides to take on the Stand himself, claiming that it was the most logical choice given the destructive power of both Avdol and Jotaro's Stands. The battle begins with Kakyoin releasing a healthy barrage of Emerald Splash, though these too were easily dodged by the Tower of Gray. The enemy Stand manages to strike Hierophant Green just before Kakyoin reveals the previous attacks were a diversion as several of Hierophant's tentacles sprout forth from the plane seats and impale Tower of Gray from all sides. With the Stand mutilated, the user of the Stand, Gray Fly, is revealed to be an old man Kakyoin had knocked out earlier. Upon further inspection, the group discovers the old man was not under DIO's control and was inherently evil. Joseph then realizes that the plane appeared to be tilting and so the group heads towards the cockpit.
At the cockpit, they find all of the pilots murdered and the plane was descending at an alarming rate. Gray Fly briefly appears again to warn the group that even if they survive the crash, they would not make it in time. At this point, Gray Fly falls backward and dies, while Joseph tries to land the plane. (Despite having crashed at least two planes previously.)
The plane lands off the coast of Hong Kong, where the group decides on an alternative route to reach Egypt. At a nearby restaurant, Joseph and Avdol decide that the safest route to Egypt would be by boat. They are then interrupted by a French tourist who asks them for help reading the menu. Joseph decides to let the man join them as he orders the wrong food. The French man reveals himself to be another assassin sent by DIO and is immediately attacked by Avdol's Magician's Red. The French swordsman summons a Stand of his own, by the name of Silver Chariot, and deflects the attack at a turned over table. The flames hit the table and turn into a clock, at which point the Silver Chariot's user claims he would defeat Avdol before the clock strikes twelve.
芦谷 耕平
Sin Gil Cheol
Kim In Bin
Yuichi Nakazawa
Takeshi Moriyama
Haru Watanabe
Shota Yoshida
Choi Hee Eun
Toru Yoshida
Megumi Tomita
Hironobu Dannoura
Ryo Kamei
Hiroki Abe
Yukitoshi Houtani
Han Seung Jin
Koki Sugawara
Sin Gil Cheol
Kim In Bin
中澤 勇一
森山 剛史
渡邊 葉瑠
吉田 翔太
Choi Hee Eun
吉田 徹
富田 恵美
檀浦 影伸
亀井 嶺
阿部 弘樹
宝谷 幸稔
Han Seung Jin
菅原 浩喜
Aya Nishimura
Shuhei Fukuda
Sae Akama
Takahiro Okawa
Makoto Yaguchi
Hiroyuki Moriguchi
Shota Sugimoto
Hiroto Kinoshita
Sho Hamada
Miyuki Sano
Daisuke Yamauchi
Takayuki Nakao
Akira Shinoda
Emiko Kataoka
Mihiro Iida
Atsushi Usui
Kazuya Sakamoto
Makoto Aida
Ryoichi Nakano
Megumi Itoi
Kohei Ashiya
Fumiaki Kouta
Triple A
Ace Company
Studio GAO
Studio Toy Box
office DCI
西村 彩
福田 周平
赤間 紗枝
大川 貴大
矢口 真琴
森口 弘之
杉本 将太
木下 宏登
濱田 翔
佐野 みゆき
山内 大輔
中尾 高之
篠田 章
片岡 恵美子
飯田 光尋
臼井 篤史
坂本 一也
相田 誠
中野 良一
糸井 恵
芦谷 耕平
光田 史亮
Triple A
スタジオToy Box
office DCI
Akiko Ikemure
池牟禮 明子
Takahiro Okawa
Makoto Yaguchi
Hiroyuki Moriguchi
Shota Sugimoto
Yusaku Nagahama
Aki Takeishi
Yurie Hama
Rie Takahashi
大川 貴大
矢口 真琴
森口 弘之
杉本 将太
長濱 佑作
竹石 亜希
浜 友里恵
高橋 梨恵
Triple A
Jiwoo Animation
Eslite Animation
Ace Company
Odaiba Studio
Rising Force
Triple A
Aiki Watanabe
渡辺 藍希
Aiki Watanabe
渡辺 藍希
Momomo Works
P. Taweeporn
Puavaranukroh Taweeporn
Manga/Anime Differences
- In the anime, there is an extra scene where Enya explains the emotion of fear and how people normally respond to it. She adds that DIO's presence instills a mixture of sheer terror and absolute joy in his victims.
- In the anime, there is an extra scene of Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, and Muhammad Avdol in front of a Chinese food vendor.
In other languages
Language | Title | Translation |
Tower of Gray | ||
Tower of Grey Tower of Gray (Netflix) | ||
Tower of Gray | ||
Tower of Grey (Crunchyroll) Torre de Cinzas (Netflix) |
Tower of Gray Tower of Ashes | |
Tower of Gray | ||
Der graue Turm | The Gray Tower | |
המגדל האפור | The Gray Tower | |
البرج الرصاصي | The Gray Tower | |
Tower of Gray | ||
Tower of Gray | ||
Szara Wieża | Gray Tower |
We find ourselves inside a plane in the middle of the night, so the episode is in general somewhat dark, for sure (laughs).
The layout of the aircraft cabin was made though 3D, but goes well with the rest of the characters. Because the place was cramped with very complex angles, to do everything by hand would likely result in composition errors.
Here is the first true Stand attack. Tower of Gray is a rather weak Stand for a first battle, but it's perfectly repulsive, with the second mouth jaw coming out of its mouth.
Kakyoin enters the scene to "properly and calmly deal with it". His strategy is rather interesting: shooting Emerald Splashes everywhere (laughs).
Kenichi Suzuki, the series's director, took care to portray Hong Kong in the second half of the episode as true to life as possible. Drawing the food ate up a lot of time, but it was essential to be able to look at the table and think that the food looked delicious. This is also the beginning of the "cultural" scenes accompanying every step of the journey.
At the end, we get Polnareff's first appearance. His Stand springing out of the bowl was a brilliant idea, hats off to Mr. Araki. The fire clock drawn by Silver Chariot is also beautiful.Gallery
- In JOESTAR RADIO episode 12, Daisuke Ono says that the audio director and voice actor briefly discussed how the characters would talk during the Tower of Gray flight as the characters were in a plane full of sleeping passengers, yet it seemed the passengers weren't woken up by the battle. They considered making the characters whisper but quickly decided against it as it wouldn't fit the atmosphere of the series.