JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA) - Episode 3

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Silver Chariot and Strength (銀の戦車(シルバーチャリオッツ)&(ストレングス), Shirubā Chariottsu ando Sutorengusu) is the third episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA. It adapts Chapter 124 through Chapter 127, along with Chapter 130 through Chapter 133 of the manga.

To save Holy's life and put an end to DIO, the newly-formed Joestar Group sets out for Egypt by plane. After the plane mysteriously crashes at sea, the survivors are "rescued" by a strange passing freighter. The heroes are soon confronted by an enemy assassin named Jean Pierre Polnareff, who possesses unparalleled speed and swordsmanship.


The private jet carrying Jotaro and his companions to Egypt suddenly bursts into flames. The plane is above the ocean and the crew is forced to perform an emergency water landing. The group now wait for a rescue party on their lifeboat and incidentally cross path with a large freighter.

The group boards the boat but finds no crew inside. However, Joseph feels that someone is following them. The heroes do find a orangutan in a cage and guess that someone must be taking care of him. Worryingly, the boat activates by itself and the mysterious captain of the boat still eludes the heroes. The group hears music and follow it, and eventually find a man having a feast and declaring that he's acquainted with DIO.

The man reveals his Stand Silver Chariot, presents himself as Jean Pierre Polnareff, and picks a fight with Avdol and his Magician's Red. After an exchange of boasts, Polnareff leads the heroes toward the upper deck to have a fight fair. Although Silver Chariot's speed is formidable and its armor protects it from the fire, Avdol guides his flames under the deck to perform an attack from below. Polnareff recognizes his defeat, pushing the heroes to spare him.

Suddenly, the ship comes alive and kills the pilots. The captain of the boat reveals himself as the ape from earlier, who manages to bind the entire group. Thankfully, Silver Chariot slices the orangutan in two. The freighter thus collapses and the group manage to retrieve a small boat. Polnareff eventually reveals that he's after the man who killed his sister Sherry, said man having two left hands. Learning that DIO does know the assassin, Polnareff figures that he'll tag along the heroes to find DIO again. Meanwhile, Enya reports her first failures but is confident that her son J. Geil's Stand, Hanged Man, will prevail against the Joestar Group.


(Debut) (Death)
(Debut) (Death)
(1st Full Debut)
(Debut) (Flashback) (Death)
(Debut) (Death)
(1st mentioned)
(1st mentioned)


Script (脚本)
Takaaki Kawaguchi
川口 高朗
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Dan Kongoji
Yuichi Tanaka
Hideki Futamura
金剛寺 弾
田中 雄一
二村 秀樹
Episode Director (演出)
Yasunori Urata
浦田 保則
Chief Animation Director (総作画監督)
羽山 淳一
Animation Director (作画監督)
Yuichi Tanaka
Shinsuke Terasawa
Minoru Yamazawa
田中 雄一
寺沢 伸介
山沢 実

Effect Animation Director
Tsutomu Miyazawa
宮澤 努
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン)
羽山 淳一
Visual Works (ビジュアルワークス)
Hideki Futamura
二村 秀樹
Key Animation (原画)
Takashi Uchida 
Kazuhiro Fujita
Atsushi Yoshida
Yu Kato
Masaaki Sakurai
Masami Nagata
Takashi Maruyama
Naoki Sousaka
Hidetoshi Sano
Masumi Hattori
Keiichiro Okamoto
Shinichi Miyamae
Yasuhiro Saiki
Yoko Takanori
J. Kimura
Takako Shimizu
Yumiko Ishii
Hitoshi Kamata
Tomohiro Kawahara
Takao Abo
Hiroaki Karasu
Takashi Honda
Motoki Yagi
Eiichi Kuboyama
Hiroyuki Notake
内田 孝
藤田 和広
吉田 敦
加藤 優
桜井 正明
ながた 正美
丸山 隆
相坂 ナオキ
佐野 英敏
はっとり ますみ
岡本 圭一郎
宮前 真一
才木 康寛
高乗 陽子
清水 貴子
石井 祐美子
鎌田 均
川原 智弘
阿保 考雄
烏 宏明
本田 隆
八木 元喜
久保山 英一
野武 洋行
In-between Animation Inspection (動画チェック)
Yasumi Tanaka
Izumi Hara
田中 保美
原 和泉
In-between Animation (動画)
Daiji Kanbara
Nosuzu Yasumoto
Naoki Hisatsune
Yoshihito Umezu
Takashi Yamamoto
Kazuya Kimura
神原 大仁
安本 乃涼
久恒 直樹
梅津 義仁
山本 孝司
木村 和也


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 3 (OVA): Silver Chariot and Strength
Start End Title OST Description

End Credits
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Holy/The Plane
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Joseph is worried/The plane is crashing
The group boards Strength
The group looks for people on the ship
The ship starts on its own/The group doesn't find any captain
Polnareff's Anger
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Polnareff introduces himself
Silver Chariot shows its skill
Polnareff vs Avdol
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Avdol vs Polnareff
Silver Chariot sheds its armor
Silver Chariot creates afterimages/Polnareff is defeated
Avdol gives Polnareff a knife to kill himself with
The Crane/At Sea Again
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Fight against Forever
J. Geil
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack
Flashback of Sherry and her murder
Flashback of Polnareff meeting DIO/Polnareff joins the group
Enya talks to DIO
End Credits
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Original Soundtrack

Manga/OVA Differences

  • Tower of Gray and its user are removed entirely.
  • The plane crashes when an unknown assailant destroys the engines, rather than when the pilots are killed.
  • Dark Blue Moon and its user are cut entirely. The heroes encounter Strength on a lifeboat taken from the plane.
  • The name on Strength's hull is changed from "Big Dadd" (possibly "Big Daddy") to "Strength."
  • The heroes' initial investigation of Strength is extended with comments on the ship's windows and engine room.
  • Rather than being introduced in a café in Hong Kong, Polnareff introduces himself at a dinner table aboard Strength.
    • Polnareff's initial friendly banter with the group is cut.
    • Polnareff attacks Joseph first rather than Avdol, impaling his prosthetic hand in the process.
  • Polnareff and Avdol's duel takes place in the ship's cargo room, rather than at Tiger Balm Garden.
    • A silhouette of Avdol made of flames replaces the statue of Magician's Red used in the duel's first round.
  • Polnareff's flesh bud is removed entirely.
  • The murder of one of the pilots with a crane takes place after the battle with Polnareff, rather than after the heroes first see Forever.
    • The second pilot is killed by metal bolts launched at the group after the crane attack.
  • Forever reveals itself in its captain uniform, rather than being exposed as the Stand user by Jotaro.
    • Star Platinum senses and counters the hose attack Forever uses in the manga, but is then encased in a pipe made from the cargo room's floor. Star Finger is used to pierce through the pipe, rather than to launch a button.
    • Instead of backing down when struck by Star Finger, Forever closes the pipe tighter around Jotaro.
    • Forever is sliced in half by Silver Chariot instead of being killed by a punch barrage from Star Platinum.
  • When Strength collapses, its true form is revealed to be a small fishing boat, similarly to Wheel of Fortune.
  • Sherry's friend is shown being fully decapitated by Hanged Man, rather than simply being cut in the chest. How Polnareff learned the details of the murder is left unknown.
  • DIO's cockatoo and crystal ball are not present in his meeting with Polnareff.
    • Additionally, DIO's outfit in the flashback is changed to more closely resemble his outfit during the final battle.
  • Enya is shown informing DIO that J. Geil and Emperor's user are on their way to Calcutta.





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