Stardust Crusaders - Episode 9

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Do you understand? (ドゥー・ユー・アンダスタン?)

Yellow Temperance (黄の節制(イエローテンパランス), Ierō Tenparansu)[1] is the ninth episode of Stardust Crusaders and the 35th episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation. It covers the second half Chapter 136 through Chapter 139 of the manga.

When Joseph tries to spy on DIO, he discovers that Kakyoin is an enemy. In fact, the Kakyoin accompanying Jotaro is soon revealed to be Rubber Soul, another assassin working for DIO whose Yellow Temperance cannot be fought head-on.


Rubber Soul, disguised as Kakyoin, playfully licks a cherry

The episode begins with Jotaro, Merlai Anne, and Kakyoin walking together somewhere in Singapore. Jotaro decides to buy some chilled coconut juice for everyone at an ice cream kiosk. However, Kakyoin is acting abnormal, being far more vulgar and violent. At a cable car station, Kakyoin attempts to kill Jotaro by pushing him off a ledge, but Jotaro manages to save himself and punches Kakyoin, who reveals himself as an imposter named Rubber Soul, who uses the blob-like Yellow Temperance. Jotaro's finger is infected by it and Rubber Soul explains that the small blob will slowly consume his body and expand in size. Jotaro uses his Stand, Star Platinum, to try attacking the Stand user but ends up having his arm burnt by Yellow Temperance. As Anne calls Joseph about the current situation, Jotaro jumps out of the cable car to escape from the Stand user. He tries to burn off the blob but ends up making it spread across his hand. He jumps onto and enters another cable car in a futile attempt to cool down the blob with a boy's ice pop but ends up making the blob dig deeper into his hand. A woman on the same cable car tells him that fire and ice don't work on it and consumes a puppy as she reveals herself to be the Stand user in disguise. Rubber Soul tells Jotaro that Yellow Temperance is invincible but Jotaro reverts to a final secret technique that is running away as he uses his Stand, Star Platinum, to punch a hole in the cable car and jumps down along with the Stand user.

Jotaro punches the disguised Rubber Soul

As Rubber Soul lands in water with Jotaro, he opens his Stand's guard to allow himself to breathe. Jotaro finally manages to attack the Stand user and interrogates him about the remaining Stand users coming to assassinate them. He also reveals the identity of a Stand user by the name of J. Geil, a man with two right hands, with a Stand named after The Hanged Man Tarot card which is the same man who killed Polnareff's sister. He explains that J. Geil's abilities revolve around mirrors. The Stand user spots an opportunity to disable Jotaro by transporting his Stand through a manhole into a drainage pipe and catches him. Jotaro counters it by using Star Platinum to punch the drain and increase water pressure, breaking the manhole open and sending him flying back into the water. Rubber Soul begs for mercy but Jotaro proceeds to finish him off with a barrage of punches by Star Platinum.

The Joestar group is now seen on a train to India. Polnareff now knows the identity of the man with two right hands, J. Geil. Avdol informs the group that Anne has left the group to try and find her father back in Singapore. Although doubtful of her purpose, Polnareff states that he'll miss her. Jotaro says that the Stand user apparently had already transformed by the time they arrived at the hotel. Kakyoin asks for the cherry on Jotaro's plate and plays with it on his tongue in the same manner as Rubber Soul's when he was under disguise. In an adjacent train car, Anne is shown sleeping and mumbling Jotaro's name.


(1st Full Debut) (Retired)
(Debut) (Death)


Script (脚本)
ふでやす かずゆき
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Masashi Abe
阿部 雅司
Episode Director (演出)
Jiro Fujimoto
Hitomi Ezoe
藤本 次朗
江副 仁美
Animation Director (作画監督)
糸井 恵
横山 謙次
宝谷 幸稔
西村 彩
石本 峻一
関崎 高明
小林 亮
芦谷 耕平
伊藤 公崇
森幸 子
Assistant Action Animation Director (アクション作画監督補)
片山 貴仁
Key Animation (原画)
Yuji Tsuchiya
Kouki Shikiji
Cha Myoung Jun
Seo Seong Jeong
Ko Seong Woon
Kim Jun Soo
Lim Seung Bong
Fumiaki Kouta
土屋 友次 (Key)
式地 幸喜 (Key)
Cha Myoung Jun
Seo Seong Jeong
Ko Seong Woon
Kim Jun Soo
Lim Seung Bong
光田 史亮
2nd Key Animation (第二原画)
Sae Akama
Takahiro Okawa
Shuhei Fukuda
Shunichi Ishimoto
Aya Nishimura
Kimitaka Ito
Yuzuru Jogashima
Arata Kawabata
Megumi Itoi
Kohei Ashiya
Masahiko Komino
Ace Company
赤間 紗枝
大川 貴大
福田 周平
石本 峻一
西村 彩
伊藤 公崇
城ヶ島 譲
川端 新
糸井 恵
芦谷 耕平
小美野 雅彦
In-between Animation (動画)
Digital In-Between Animation
David Production
Masato Ujibe
Makoto Yaguchi
宇治部 正人
矢口 真琴

David Production

Shota Sugimoto
Yusaku Nagahama
Rie Takahashi
Chie Nakagami
杉本 将太
長濱 佑作
高橋 梨恵
中神 智絵

White Line
Triple A
Ace Company
Asahi Production
CL Corporation
Sunshine Corporation
Triple A
Design Cooperation (デザイン協力)
Kimitaka Ito
Sachiko Mori
伊藤 公崇
森幸 子
David Production
Kenichi Higaki
Aiki Watanabe
檜垣 賢一
渡辺 藍希
3D Modeling (3Dモデリング)
David Production
ソエジマ ヤスフミ
Digital Works (デジタルワークス)
David Production
Kayo Kudou
P. Taweeporn
工藤 かよ
Puavaranukroh Taweeporn
Eyecatch Illustration (アイキャッチ原画)
小美野 雅彦
Yuji Tsuchiya
土屋 友次


Stardust Crusaders Episode 9: Yellow Temperance
Start End Title OST Description

Dark Rebirth
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Calm Sightseeing
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Trying coconut juice
Awakening of the Evil Spirit
Stardust Crusaders (Journey)
Kakyoin victimizes a pickpocket
The Plot Lurking in the Mist
Stardust Crusaders (World)
Kakyoin acts suspiciously
The Scheme
Stardust Crusaders (World)
Jotaro suspects Kakyoin/Kakyoin eating beetles
Stardust Crusaders (World)
Jotaro confronts the fake Kakyoin/Rerorerorero
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Rubber Soul and Yellow Temperance revealed
The Moment of Decisive Battle
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Yellow Temperance eating at Jotaro' hand
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Jotaro takes an ice cream/Pocky's death
The Advance of Darkness
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Yellow Temperance's invincibility
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Jotaro drags Rubber Soul into the water
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Jotaro interrogates Rubber Soul
The Advance of Darkness
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Rubber Soul ambushes Jotaro
Stardust Crusaders
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Jotaro defeats Rubber Soul
Calm Sightseeing
Stardust Crusaders (Departure)
Walk Like an Egyptian
Walk Like an Egyptian
Fists of Platinum
Stardust Crusaders (Destination)
Next Episode Preview

Manga/Anime Differences

  • The anime extends the phone call scene with Joseph and Anne. The genuine Kakyoin shows up in Joseph's hotel room explaining that Jotaro left him behind, he was sunbathing and missed the most recent developments. This explains the real Kakyoin's absence during this time which was left unexplained in the manga.
  • Rubber Soul's mention of Mike Tyson when talking about how much DIO is paying him is omitted from the anime.

In other languages

Language Title Translation
Japan Japanese 黄の節制(イエローテンパランス) Yellow Temperance
United States of America English Yellow Temperance
Spain Spanish Yellow Temperance
Brazil Portuguese Yellow Temperance (Crunchyroll, Netflix)
Temperança Amarela (Netflix's subtitles)
Yellow Temperance
France French Yellow Temperance
Germany German Gelbe Mäßigkeit Yellow Temperance
Israel Hebrew רוגע צהוב Yellow Temperance
Flag of the Arab League Arabic الاعتدال الأصفر The Yellow Temperance
Italy Italian Yellow Temperance
Poland Polish Żółte Umiarkowanie Yellow Temperance


Link to this sectionCommentary

Here we are, this episode includes a famous scene. Everyone loves it, the famous cherry-licking one, of course. It was the animation director, Fumiaki Kouta, who had directly taken care of the key frames.

I remember having discussed a lot about Yellow Temperance's gelatinous aspect and how to portray it onscreen. We also had the fake Kakyoin's facial expressions. Komino made sure to exaggerate the traits so we could feel that the character was a real scumbag. Let's not forget the gory scene with the dog, Pocky, in the cable car. As a dog lover, I was really uneasy (laughs).

For the sky of Singapore, we tried to slide in several characteristic scenes where it was colored in pink around the end of the fight. It apparently pleased Daisuke Ono who was playing Jotaro, since he came back to the subject several days later, "By the way, the pink sky was really a good idea". I am delighted that he's spotted our colorization JoJo-style.

The final scene is also a cherry-licking scene. It's a humorous send-off which hits the spot. I think there was the right amount of humor in this episode.




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