Daily Horoscopes 2025
Astrologer Sally Brompton forecasts what today has in store for you
Sally BromptonThe New York Post’s Sally Brompton brings decades of experience in astrology to her daily horoscopes and predictions for all 12 zodiac signs.
Today's Birthday Horoscope
You are not the sort to work quietly behind the scenes, you want to be out there front and center where your devoted fans can see you, and you will get numerous opportunities to do just that this year. Put on a show and make it spectacular!
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
January 20 - February 18Whatever plans you make during the early part of the week will have to be revised and maybe even changed later in the week, so leave yourself some wiggle room. If you are not being forced to commit yourself then why would you want to?
Pisces Daily Horoscope
February 19 - March 20You appear to have strayed a little bit off course lately and with both Mercury and Venus moving retrograde through your sign there appears to be no way back. Don’t worry, you will see the light when the time is right. In the meantime, relax.
Aries Daily Horoscope
March 21 - April 19Be careful what you wish for today because your power to give life to ideas that previously had existed only in your mind is stronger than you think. Make sure that what you think you want to possess is going to be good for you.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
April 20 - May 20Focus on what really matters as the new week begins and ignore all the trivial things going on in your immediate world. It may not be easy but if you concentrate on what is important to you and those you love you won’t go far wrong.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
May 21 - June 20Whatever you happen to be working on at the moment you must strive to make the best possible job of it. Important people are watching you closely and wondering if you really are the right person to be given so much responsibility. Don’t let them down.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
June 21 - July 22Mars in your sign does wonders for your self-confidence and you won’t hesitate to let others see what you are capable of today. Having said which, don’t go over the top and start behaving in ways that others might see as false bravado.
Leo Daily Horoscope
July 23 - August 22You know you have nothing to hide but someone you work or do business with has got it into their head that you have been less than truthful with them of late. Does it matter? Not really, but find a way to ease their fears if you can.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
August 23 - September 22You have a tendency to make things difficult for yourself when they should be easy and with so much retrograde activity taking place in your opposite sign that is something you need to watch out for. The simple solution is usually the best solution.
Libra Daily Horoscope
September 23 - October 22The Sun in your opposite sign means that no matter how much you might want to tackle certain tasks on your own they are more likely to be a success if you join forces with like-minded people. Many hands really do make light work.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
October 23 - November 21You may think you can get away with anything today, and maybe you can, but if you are smart you will operate only within accepted guidelines. The less you attract attention to yourself the more enjoyable your ride through life will be.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
November 22 - December 21If loved ones put pressure on you to spend more time with them today you must make the effort. Venus, planet of harmony, in the family area of your chart can be and should be a beneficial influence – but you will need to work at it.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
December 22 - January 19You may be of the opinion that your critics are all talk and no action and can safely be ignored but can you be certain of that? The planets warn you would be wise to watch your back over the next 24 hours, just to be sure.