Fries with souce and mayo....
Haziq asyik makan mayo sahaja...erm..
Semalam petang, aku punch card jam 7 pm. Hujan masih turun renyai-renyai lagi di kawasan office. Kenapa aku balik lambat?. Aku sahaja-sahaja balik lambat. Lagi pun sebenarnya kepala aku macam pening dan badan macam tidak larat.
Lepas sahaja keluar dari pagar office, aku perasaan bateri sign menyala di dashboard kereta. Aduhai cemas aku. Kalau begitu selalunya ialah kerana bateri mungkin sudah perlu di tukar atau bateri
weak. Tapi aku ingat-ingat belum setahun lagi bateri di tukar.
So macamana bateri boleh
Tiada mengapa lah, memandang enjin masih berjalan lancar tanpa sangkut-sangkut. Atau ada tanda-tanda lain menunjukkan bateri
weak, aku berdoa dalam hati semoga aku selamat sampai kerumah.
Alhamdulilah...aku sampai dengan selamat di Pandan Indah dari Kajang. Terus mengajak En Hendra ke bengkel masa itu juga. Risau aku sungguh...sungguh sangat.
Dibengkel, permulaannya mekanik check batery dahulu menggunakan satu alat ini. Dia kata bateri masih berkeadaan baik..alhamdulilah lagi.
Rupanya yang weak ialah alternator. Terus tanya berapa harga
RECON untuk barang itu sebab aku sudah masak dengan alternator ini.
Pada tahun 2004, kalau tidak silap aku sudah pernah menukar alternator kereta aku ini.
Meaning kali ini ialah kali ke tiga barang itu ditukar.
Sememangnya tidak perlulah membeli barang yang original pun. Sebabnya satu ialah mahal...harganya dalam lingkungan RM400. Berbanding dengan RECON hanya rm180 termasuk pemasangan. Tidak sampai 1 jam pun proses pemasangan di jalankan di bengkel tersebut.
Dulu-dulu pun aku pernah menukar barang ini untuk kereta honda. Yup, aku pernah
driving honda accord 2.0 selama lebih kurang setahun. Dan masih mekanik mencadangkan menggunakan barang recon juga. Honda tersebut milik abah aku....
kereta picisan abah.As a result, aku sudah masak dengan alternator ini. Hhahahaha..Alternator recon yang kedua duhulu aku guna sehingga semalam. Maknanya sudah lebih kurang 5 tahun barang recon itu di gunakan.
New Alternator RM 180 - recon - 3rd alternator
Old alternator - recon too - 2nd alternator
How To Know Your Car Alternator Is Bad
Your car alternator is a part of the vehicles charging system. If you turn the ignition and the battery fails to crank the engine, the problem may be with the battery itself. However, it is also possible that the alternator is no longer capable of holding a charge. When there’s a problem with the alternator, the battery will be unable to send a current to the engine. In this article, I will explain an easy way to identify whether your car’s alternator is going bad (i.e. not charging properly). I will also describe a few factors that can cause your alternator to become incapable of holding a charge.
Identifying The Problem
You can usually tell whether the charging problem is your battery or the alternator by watching your car’s headlights. Here’s how: start your car and turn your headlights on. With your car in “Park,” gently put pressure on the gas pedal. If you don’t see any change in your headlights’ intensity, your charging system is working properly. However, if you notice that your headlights become dimmer when you press on the gas pedal, it means that they’re being powered by the battery. Your alternator isn’t producing a current.
On the other hand, if the headlights grow brighter, it means your alternator is producing a current, but not very much. In fact, it may not be generating enough to keep the battery properly charged when your car is idling.
This method is not infallible for identifying a bad alternator, but it works most of the time.
What Can Cause A Bad Alternator?
Even though alternators are generally sturdy, there are many reasons why they can stop charging properly. They’re often susceptible to heat. If you’ve been driving long distances in extremely warm weather, they can lose their ability to produce a current. They can also be damaged from voltage irregularities. For example, if you jump start a car and cross the jumper cables, the current can overload the alternator.
Also, its ability to produce a full current can be affected if one of the diodes goes bad. The diodes are essential for converting the output from AC to DC. If one of them is damaged or burns out, the alternator’s output can be diluted.
If your alternator becomes incapable of holding a charge or producing a viable current, take your car into a service center to have the unit tested. If there is a charging problem, you probably will not be able to have it repaired. Most technicians will consider doing so to be too much effort. In that case, plan to invest in a new or remanufactured unit.