Pagi jumaat yg penuh keberkatan,diharap dapat memberi manfaat buat kita semua n Kita semua sentiasa dibawah lindungaNya..
Pagi nih meh kita layan menu ala western lak eks..Roti bawang putih dlm bahasa kite nih sangat2 lembut,gebu jer..
Aku kalo order pizza hut,mmg wajib order sekali garlic bread ni,mmg suka sgt..Wat sendri mmg lagi puas hati n berbaloi2..Amik dah resepi kat umh kak Madihaa,tapi bila nak amik resepi soup kat umah Tun,Aku copy jerla terus dari umh tun,senang cite,hehe..
Tima kasih utk kak madihaa,tun n juga owner rcp ya,aku kongsi dkt sini utk rujukan akan datang n rujukan bersama pula.
Garlic Rolls (without egg)Recipe :
SuhainaSource :
Umm Mymoonah,
Kak Madihaa,Tun TelaniIngredients: (makes 8 rolls)
3 cups Plain Flour
(Aku guna tpng Roti)1 cup Warm Water
1 tbsp Yeast
1 tsp Salt
2 tbsp Sugar
2-3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Spread (refer below)

* Mix everything together except oil with warm water and knead until you get a smooth dough.
* Add oil and knead until the dough springs back when you press with your finger.
* Apply oil and allow to rise for 40-45 minutes. By this time it will be double its initial size.
* Make the garlic spread.
* Knock down the air in the dough and divide the dough into two equal portions.
* Grease a baking pan or loaf tin with butter.
* Roll the dough using a rolling pin. Apply flour to prevent sticking.
* The rolled out dough must be at least half inch thick.
* Try to make it more like a rectangle. Apply one tablespoon of the garlic spread on it.
* Roll it and cut it into two equal parts and further cut the two parts into two, so that you get 4 equal rolls.
* Now place the rolls with the cut side up in the greased pan.
* Repeat the same procedure for the remaining dough.
* Apply the balance garlic spread on top and apply milk or egg wash which ever you prefer.
* Sprinkle sesame seeds (optional)
* Allow to proof for another 20 minutes.
* In the mean time preheat the oven to 180 degree C. (
MaDiHaA N Aku guna suhu 170C)
* Bake for 20-25 minutes until the house is filled with the aroma of roasted garlic and bread..
* Take a bite into this lovely soft and flavourful rolls. You will surely fall in love with it.
* The quantity of water depends on the brand of flour used. I sometimes use less than a cup, sometimes more than a cup for the same 3 cups of flour.
# I add 1 tablespoon yeast for a quick rise. You can reduce the quantity of yeast(say 1tsp) and let it rise slowly too.
*Aku wat 2/3 dari resepi,air aku letak 3/4cup,mmg dah ok sgt dah doh tu..
Siyes weh,mmg gebu gebas,lembut jer,ai LIKEEEEE.Sampai bf jab tadi pon stilll lembut juga lagi.Mmg ok sgt,xtipu nih,hihi..
GARLIC SPREADUsed for making garlic buns, rolls and even can be spreaded on breads before toasting it.
50 g Salted Butter
3 Garlic- grated
2 tbsp Coriander leaves (chopped) - tun letak oregano
(Aku ganti ngan oregano+dry parsley)Method:
Bring butter to room temperature.
Mix everything together.
Can be stored in the chill tray for up to one week.
Mmg kena sgtlah kan mkn garlic bread ngan sup ayam@cendawan gini,aku igt nk wat sup cendawan,tapi cendawan xde,so wat jerla sup ayam..
Xsangka nana n syifa pon suka sgt supn roti ni..Nana smp jilat kat remekin ni,hihi..
Creamy Chicken Soupadapted from:
mohd roslansumber:
tun telaniBahan2:

- 50 g butter/margerine(Aku guna butter)
- 1 bj bawang besar- dadu
- 2 ulas bawang putih- tumbuk
- 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
- 1 keping dada ayam- hiris nipis(Aku blend guna blender kering,jg(n hancur sgt)
- 2 kiub ayam
- 1 liter air
- 1/2 tin susu sejat
- 1 sk dried oregano(Aku add juga dry parsley)
- garam
- Cairkan butter/margerin dan tumis bawang besar sampai layu.
- masukkan bawang putih dan tumis lagi.(Pas msk bwng putih,aku terus msk tpng gndum,utk mengelkkan dari berketul)
- masukkan ayam dan masak sampai ayam betul2 masak. masukkan sedikit air dan kuib ayam. masak sampai kuib ayam larut.
- kecilkan api dan masukkan tepung gandum. kacau sampai rata.
- masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit dan kacau sehingga tiada ketul2. gunakan whisker jika perlu.
- masukkan susu dan masak dgn api sederhana sampai sup mendidih.
- perasakan garam dan masukkan oregano.
- siap! sgt sedap dimakan bersama garlic bread..

Meh sapa nak merasa,aku suap cikit,kalo nak byk wat sendri eks,hihi..