Digimon Typing

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Digimontyping logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Typing Box Art
Name Digimon Typing
System PC
Release Date November 29, 2001
Language Japanese

Digimon Typing (デジモンタイピング, Dejimon Taipingu) is a video game.


Game modes

  1. Digimon Tamers
    1. “I'm hungry” Guilmon”: If you type well, Guilmon will eat the bread that Culumon throws. While learning the home position, ask how many breads Guilmon will eat.
    2. Digimon All Stars: Digimon that appear in "Digimon Adventure", "Digimon Adventure 02", and "Digimon Tamers" are all here! How many enemy Digimon can you defeat?
    3. Dan Certification Exam: Please concentrate as you type. At the end, your type rank will be announced. Aim to be a type master!
    4. Digivice Calculator: Just do the calculations. Your results will be announced at the end. Aim to be a calculation master!
    5. Digimoji Test Instant Death: Digimon fans will be familiar with Digimoji. Can you blame all the digital troubles?
  1. Digimon Adventure 02
    1. "Type Digimon Shinka 02”: The theme is "Digimon Adventure 02". Type the designated number of questions quickly and accurately. If you type well, the digital ball will freeze at the end. How far can you make it quiet?
    2. Defeat the Dark Tower
  1. Digimon Adventure
    1. "Type Digimon Shinka"
    2. “Aim for Jogress”: The theme is "Digimon Adventure". Type as many questions as possible correctly within the given time. If you type well, Botamon and Punimon will become calm. Aim for Jogress! It's Omegamon!
  • Digimon Card File: You can see the Digimon cards you have collected. If you can collect them all, you're the ultimate Digimon enthusiast!
  • Ranking


External Links[edit]

Video Games
Digitalmonstervers logo.png

Digital Monster S

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Digimon World

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Digital Monster WS

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Digital Partner

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Pocket Digimon World

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Digimon World 2

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Tag Tamers

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D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers

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Digital Card Arena

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D1 Tamers (Wondergate)

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Pocket Culumon

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Digimon Medley

Digimonpark logo.png

Digimon Park

Logo anodecathodetamer.png

Anode/Cathode (WSC)

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Tamers: Battle Spirit

Digimontyping logo.png

Digimon Typing

Battleevolution logo.png

Battle Evolution

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Brave Tamer

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Digimon RPG

Cardgame verwsc.png

Card Game Ver. WSC


Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5

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Digimon World 3

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Battle Server

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Re:Digitize Decode

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New Century

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Digimon Survive

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Super Rumble

Logo source code.png

Source Code

Timestranger logo.png

Time Stranger