V-mon (Adventure)
V-mon | |
Kanji/Kana | ブイモン |
Dub Name | Veemon |
Human Partner | Motomiya Daisuke Akiyama Ryo (temporary) |
Voice Actor | |
V-mon is the partner Digimon of Motomiya Daisuke in Digimon Adventure 02 and its sequels (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning).
Baby I | Chicomon |
Baby II | Chibimon |
Child | V-mon |
Adult | XV-mon |
Armor | Fladramon (with Digimental of Courage) Lighdramon (with Digimental of Friendship) Magnamon (with Digimental of Miracles) Sagittarimon (with Digimental of Hope)[1][2] Sethmon (with Digimental of Love)[3] Honeybeemon (with Digimental of Knowledge)[3] Yaksamon (with Digimental of Purity)[3] Depthmon (with Digimental of Sincerity)[3] Gargomon (with Digimental of Light)[3] Kangarumon (with Digimental of Kindness)[3] |
Perfect | Paildramon (with or without[4] Stingmon) |
Ultimate | Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (with or without[4] Stingmon) Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (with or without[5] Stingmon) Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode (with Stingmon) |
V-mon is a very playful and energetic Digimon who is determined to achieve his and Daisuke's goals. He is a brave Digimon who will protect those he cares about without thinking.
Digimon Adventure 02[edit]
V-mon was released from the Digimental of Courage by the hands of Motomiya Daisuke to be Daisuke's partner. Daisuke's courage allowed V-mon to become Fladramon. V-mon felt a strong need to prove his loyalty to Daisuke, and once even let himself be pummeled by a Red Vagimon just to prove it.
During the battle against Taichi's Metal Greymon under the control of the Digimon Kaiser's Evil Spiral he was surprised when Daisuke said he was not sure if he'd be able to fight him to save him if he was controlled by an Evil Spiral, but Yamato showed Daisuke that sometimes you have to do what is in a friend's best interests even if it hurts him. Daisuke received the Digimental of Friendship, allowing V-mon to armor evolve into Lighdramon, who with Garurumon destroyed the Evil Spiral on Metal Greymon.
During the attack on the Digimon Kaiser's base, Wormmon, a servant of the Digimon Kaiser, aided them in locating the base's power source. It turned out to be the Digimental of Miracles. After obtaining it, he was able to armor evolve into Magnamon and battle against the Digimon Kaiser's most powerful creation, Chimairamon. He inflicted significant damage on the beast, put it began to gain the upper hand in the fight. At the last moment Wormmon attempted to attack Chimairamon with one of the Digimon Kaiser's Devidramon but Chimairamon dismissed it and Wormmon with a single swipe of his hand. Wounded Wormmon have all of his remaining strength to Magnamon unlocking his Extreme Jihad attack, vaporizing Chimairamon. The Digimental of Miracles then exhausted itself to create the Crest of Kindness, thus V-mon was no longer able to become Magnamon.
With the disappearance of Ken, the Digimon Kaiser the Chosen Children and their Digimon set to work rebuilding the Digital World. While this was going on Daisuke decided to try and get V-mon to evolve to his Adult form. At first the fake attempts of creating danger to himself failed, but eventually V-mon evolved to XV-mon. They discovered a new enemy in Archnemon and Mummymon, who began to transform the Dark Towers into mindless Digimon to do battle.
Later when the former Digimon Kaiser's reactor base had a meltdown and the Chosen Children rushed to prevent it. During this, Daisuke and V-mon encountered Ken and Wormmon, evolved to Stingmon. In his despair and regret, Ken fought Archnemon's Okuwamon, created from 10 Dark Towers, knowing he had no chance of surviving the battle. After Daisuke and XV-mon smacked some sense into Ken and Stingmon their wills united allowing XV-mon and Stingmon to fuse evolve into Paildramon and blew away Okuwamon and demolished the overloading reactor.
Archnemon would later merge 100 Dark Towers into Black War Greymon, who would constantly defeat the Chosen Children over and over again, despite their best attempts. When Oikawa opened random Digital Gates, unleashing wild Digimon and Dark Towers all over Earth, Paildramon got in a battle against an angry Triceramon. Triceramon beat up Paildramon and Mummymon jumped in aiming to finish Paildramon off, but the light from Qinglongmon's DigiCores gave Paildramon the power to evolve into Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode. The sight of the giant Digimon caused Mummymon to retreat. Then Imperialdramon restrained Triceramon so Daisuke and Ken could return him to the Digital World. Imperialdramon proceeded to destroy all of the Dark Towers in Japan and would later transport the Chosen Children around the world to return all wild Digimon back home and remove the remaining Dark Towers.
The Demon Corps arrived, and soon the Chosen Children found themselves faced with Skull Satamon. Skull Satamon viciously attacked most of the older Chosen Children's Digimon, causing them to devolve. Daisuke and Ken evolved their partners into Imperialdramon, but Skull Satamon immobilized him with his Nail Bone attack. The older Chosen Children's Digimon gave all of the DigiCores they had received to Imperialdramon it unlocked his ability to become Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. Skull Satamon threatened a school bus full of other children, forcing Imperialdramon Fighter Mode to eliminate him.
Imperialdramon Fighter Mode and Taichi's War Greymon soon faced Black War Greymon having come to Earth from the Digital World. Together they defeated him, and surprisingly he decided to join them, but the new friendship would be short-lived when the dark spirit inside Oikawa fatally injured Black War Greymon.
When Oikawa lead them into the world of dreams and Belial Vamdemon emerged from inside him, locking most of the Chosen Children in their fantasies, Daisuke unlocked an ability that allowed V-mon to be in multiple evolutions at once. As XV-mon, Fladramon and Lighdramon, he went into the dreams of the others and guided them back to reality, then proceeded to battle Belial Vamdemon. When the others discovered the power of the world of dreams also, XV-mon and Stingmon fused into Paildramon while still retaining their Adult forms also and attacked along with Miyako and Hikari's Silphymon injuring the Demon Lord further. He then evolved into both Imperialdramon and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode at the same time and did a Double Positron Laser blasting Belial Vamdemon so hard he knocked a hole through the dimensional barrier sending him to the Digital World. They chased him out, but this turned out to be a mistake because once out of world of dreams they lost the power to have more than one evolution out at a time, reducing their army of Digimon back down to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, Silphymon and Shakkoumon, and to make matters worse Belial Vamdemon absorbed all the dark energy that had accumulated in the Digital World to power himself up and easily overpowered the three Chosen Digimon. But all of the Chosen Children from all over Earth showed up, and the light from their Digivices to blind and weaken the Demon Lord Digimon. Belial Vamdemon made one last attempt to drain the power of the Dark Seed Children's sadness, but when Daisuke and the others gave them confidence via pep talk it backfired, destroying Belial Vamdemon's physical form. His dark spirit rose up threatening revenge but all of the Chosen Children donated their power to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode unlocking his Giga Death attack, which put an end to Vamdemon once and for all.
Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals[edit]
At the beginning of the movie, Daisuke and Chibimon are playing on the beach along with Miyako, Iori and their Digimon partners. They got a distress call from Hikari and Takeru in New York and rush over to America. On the way they hitch a ride in a truck where they meet Wallace and Terriermon. Chibimon sniffs Terriermon and discovers that he is a Digimon.
Later, they try to hitch a ride in a truck while Wallace is on a pay phone calling his mother. Miyako, Iori and their partners get in, but Daisuke pokes fun at Wallace, calling him a mama's boy. The driver loses his patience and drives off, leaving Daisuke and Wallace behind.
Wendimon appears before Daisuke and Wallace and attacks. Daisuke evolves Chibimon to V-mon and later Fladramon and rushes into battle. Wallace's Digivice activates, evolving his Terriermon to Galgomon who helped in the battle. But in the end Wallace ran up to Wendimon who started to disappear as Wallace yelled for him to meet in at the flower field. Daisuke armor-evolved V-mon to Lighdramon to transport them the rest of the way, getting compliments from Wallace about how he could evolve in more than one way.
They meet up with Miyako and Iori again. Wallace tried to walk off to the flower field by himself, but Daisuke and V-mon join him. On the way, they ask him to explain, but he refuses. Once at the field, Daisuke confronts him again, and he relents, explaining that the Wendimon they had encountered was his Chocomon partner, the twin brother of Terriermon. He had disappeared from the flower field three years ago and had been hounding them ever since. Daisuke mentions that he wasn't sure if he could fight V-mon if he was turned against him, but Wallace ensures them there is a chance he could be turned back to normal. Terriermon relieves himself, having also followed Wallace. Wallace protests, but Terriermon insists that Chocomon is his twin brother, so he had a part in it also. Wendimon appears and says they have to go back to the past, but Wallace says they can't. Wendimon goes into a rage and evolves into Andiramon and battles. Miyako and Iori arrive and help out, but Andiramon soon evolves again to Cherubimon (Vice) who reverts all of the Chosen Digimon present to Child. Hikari and Takeru arrive with Angemon and Angewomon. Cherubimon begins to reverse-age the Chosen Children and attempts to approach them, but Angemon and Angewomon block him. They attack Cherubimon blowing him apart, but he quickly begins regenerating. Angemon evolves into Holy Angemon then into Seraphimon and Angewomon evolves into Holydramon. They combine their powers to temporarily create\recreate the Digimentals of Miracles and Fate, which allowed V-mon to armor evolve into Magnamon and Terriermon to armor evolve into Rapidmon. Cherubimon finished regenerating underwater and did a surprise attack on Seraphimon and Holydramon, causing them to devolve. Magnamon and Rapidmon fired a few shots at Cherubimon, but he regenerated the damage. He then swallowed them whole. While inside him, they saw Wendimon who pointed to himself, instructing them to fire on him. They did, and Cherubimon returned to normal before disintegrating away.
Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix[edit]
Diablomon Strikes Back[edit]
After a meeting called by Koushiro They learn that Diablomon, an old enemy of the older Chosen Children, had survived his supposed death and was spawning Kuramon and sending them to Earth from the internet. Daisuke wanted to go into the internet and face him, but Taichi instructed him to help in collecting the Kuramon instead. Koushiro warned them not to attack any Kuramon because they could evolve. While collect, Kuramon V-mon forgets and attacks one, but to Koushiro's surprise it doesn't evolve.
Later, after Diablomon is defeated by Omegamon, Angemon and Angewomon, the Kuramon begin to swarm to Tokyo Bay. V-mon and Wormmon are separated from Daisuke and Ken after getting washed out by a wave of the Baby Digimon. Daisuke and Ken catch up to V-mon and Wormmon later on, just after the Kuramon all fuse into Armagemon and defeat Omegamon. Daisuke and Ken waste no time in evolving V-mon and Wormmon into Imperialdramon who bombards Armagemon with his Positron Laser but to no avail. Imperialdramon evolves into Imperialdramon Fighter Mode and attacks again, but Armagemon is unphased and returns fire, blasting Imperialdramon Fighter Mode further into the air. The sight of this was depressing to Ken, but Daisuke kept encouraging him. The crippled Omegamon hears this and gathers his strength to give the last of his power to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, further transforming him into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. He charges forward, avoiding more of Armagemon's Ultimate Flares, and slices his four head with his Omega Blade. Defeated, Armagemon begins to dissolve into countless Kuramon, but everyone gives Imperialdramon Paladin Mode's sword the strength of their Digivices which enables him to gather up the Kuramon in rings of light sending them to Koushiro's computer.
Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]
V-mon, as Magnamon, joins the battle alongside Motomiya Daisuke against the Belial Vamdemon and Venom Vamdemon spawned by Quartzmon. During the battle, the power of the Digimental of Miracles ran off and Magnamon devolved to V-mon, but Ichijouji Ken and Stingmon soon joined, and the Digimon Jogress Evolved into Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode, who immediately let loose a Mega Death at a group of Belial Vamdemon. Imperialdramon also ended the battle, by Mode Changing into Fighter Mode and utilizing Giga Death to destroy the three giant Venom Vamdemon.
Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]
Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]
Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]
Motomiya Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, V-mon and Wormmon prepared to fight over a cliff, with multiple others looking at them. At some other time, Daisuke rode on Lighdramon who ran through a grassy area alongside other grounded Armor Digimon (Boarmon, Elephamon, Goatmon, Lynxmon and Bullmon). At yet some other time, Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode flew towards the castle that appears in his evolution sequence.
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]
In "V-Tamer Double Tamer", Parallelmon captures all of the younger Chosen Children inside himself except Motomiya Daisuke. V-mon and Daisuke are accidentally transported to the V-Tamer universe when Parallelmon returns there. They meet up with that universe's Yagami Taichi and his partner, Zeromaru. They team up together and fight Parallelmon. During the battle the other Chosen Children inside Parallelmon concentrate their thoughts to recreate the Digimental of Miracles so V-mon could evolve into Magnamon once more.
Digimon Xros Wars[edit]
During "BONUS TRACK", Wizarmon saw other universes. In one of them, he saw Motomiya Daisuke commanding XV-mon alongside Inoue Miyako.
Drama CDs[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: Armor Evolution to the Unknown[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: The Door to Summer[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]
V-mon was paired with Ryo as he and Ken with Wormmon battled through Millenniumon's forces. V-mon could not evolve in the storyline part of the game but still useful for throwing items to the other Digimon that Ryo captured later in the game.
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]
Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]
V-mon is the Battle Master of Flame City's Battle Arena. He uses the Dinosaur Go-Go Deck, a Red deck made of fire-breathing dinosaurs, whose stats are 3 attack, 1 defense and 3 evolution speed. Upon beating V-mon, the player gets the Passcode to Jungle City.
V-mon evolves into XV-mon in the postgame after clearing Beginner City's second Battle Arena. Upon talking to him in the Battle Café, he'll open Flame City's Extra Arena, explaining that it's an Arena for his evolved forms. Said evolved forms are:
- XV-mon serves as the first fight of the first Arena, where he warns the player that even if he's beaten, he'll just evolve right away, so he shouldn't lower his guard. XV-mon plays the V Strong deck, a Red/Flame deck with 4 attack, 2 defense and 3 evolution speed that boasts strong counter-attacks.
- Fladramon is the second opponent of the first Extra Arena and the first of the second. He uses the Bomb Rocket deck, a Red/Flames deck with 4 attack, 3 defense and 3 evolution speed that's strong and kamikaze-like, utilizing lots of healing cards to power up Crash effects.
- Lighdramon is the final opponent of the first Extra Arena, the second of the second, and the first of the third. Upon reaching him for the first time, he'll tell the player to relax because they're just playing a card game. He uses the Thunder God deck, a Red/Flame and Black/Darkness deck with 4 attack, 3 defense and 3 evolution speed, that's speedy and supports Armors.
- Paildramon appears in Flame City's Battle Café after Yagami Taichi is beaten in Beginner City. However, he won't speak to the player until after Flame City's second Extra Arena is cleared, which opens after beating Takenouchi Sora in the same Battle Café. He is the last opponent of the second Extra Arena, the second of the third, and the first of the fourth. He has the power to read minds, and thus can predict all of the player's moves, so he challenges him to beat his mental powers. Paildramon plays the Sign of Three deck, a Red/Flame deck with 4 attack, 3 defense and 3 evolution speed, that tries to predict its opponent's attacks but gets hurt if it gets them wrong.
- Magnamon appears in Flame City's Battle Café after Ichijouji Ken is beaten in Steep Road. However, he won't speak to the player until after Flame City's third Extra Arena is cleared, which is automatically open if Magnamon appears in the Battle Café. He is the last opponent of the third Extra Arena and the second of the fourth. Upon evolving for the first time, he introduces himself as a Holy Knight, and praises the player's courage for challenging him. Magnamon plays the Holy Warrior of Miracles deck, a Red/Flame deck with 4 attack, defense, and evolution speed that uses mainly Armor levels. Upon being defeated, he says that the player is the first to break through his defenses and admits defeat.
- Imperialdramon appears in Flame City's Battle Café after Sage Tower third and last Battle Arena is cleared. However, he won't speak to the player until after Flame City's fourth Extra Arena is cleared, which is already open if Imperialdramon is in the Battle Café. He is the third and final opponent of the fourth and final Extra Arena. Fighting the ultimate battle is his mission, and while he acknowledges the player's power and skill, he decides to show him what a real battle is. Imperialdramon plays the Invincible Emperor deck, a Red/Flame, Blue/Water and Green/Nature deck with 5 attack, 4 defense and 4 evolution speed. It is the ultimate Imperial deck and is full of strong Digimon. Upon losing, he's surprised that his Invincible Emperor deck has been defeated, then tells the player to seek the ultimate battle that even he couldn't and promises to help him, before crowning the player as the new emperor. From his second defeat onwards, be it in the Arena or in the Café, he instead points out the Invincible Emperor deck may not deserve its name anymore, then encourages the player the same way, but adds that he does it because the player is the new emperor. After the Extra Arena is cleared, defeating Imperialdramon five times in a row in the Battle Café will award the player the Wild Sevens card.
Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]
Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit[edit]
Digimon Racing[edit]
Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]
Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]
Digimon World X[edit]
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Motomiya Daisuke and V-mon first appeared in the Digital Dungeon in Episode 68, "Golden Armor! Magnamon", where they recognized and approached Yagami Taichi and Agumon although the pair didn't know who they were. Daisuke asked Taichi to calm down and look at his goggles, explaining Taichi gave them to him and that he was his junior. Taichi realized both goggles shared the exact same scratches. Daisuke wondered if Taichi didn't remember him, saying he was a fifth-grader at Odaiba Elementary on the same class as Yagami Hikari and Takaishi Takeru, which confused Taichi as Takeru was in second grade. Daisuke then realized Taichi was shorter than he remembered and asked V-mon if he was dreaming, which he checked by hitting him, proving it wasn't a dream, though V-mon hit him too hard and Daisuke lost consciousness for a moment. During that time, V-mon explained to the duo that they were from three years in the future, making Daisuke realize it as well and Agumon that the Digital Dungeon was connected to other time periods. Taichi asked him what he was going to do and Daisuke found it obvious they'd team up, with him adding that he had always wanted to go on an adventure with his senior like Hikari and Takeru had.
Daisuke and Magnamon then join the party as guests. Magnamon can't be controlled, has 9999 HP and infinite SP. He can deal damage to all enemies with Extreme Jihad, deal damage to one enemy with Plasma Shoot, increase the attack and defense of the entire party with Light Aura Barrier, heal the entire party for 2000 HP with Giga Heal +, or revive a downed ally with full HP with Revive. He can take two actions per turn thanks to his Continuous Action support ability.
Upon reaching Area 2, Daisuke and V-mon explained that they were attacked by a black shadow as they returned from school then found themselves in the Digital Dungeon. Taichi recognized the similarities to Hackmon's story, then Hackmon said that something bothered him, and asked him if Daisuke and him were V-mon and Agumon's attendants. Taichi explained Agumon was his friend and Partner, and Hackmon asked why he didn't have one. Daisuke explained that in his time he went to the Digital World and lifted a Digimental, which awakened V-mon. From his part, Taichi met Agumon at File Island for the first time, when he was a Koromon. Hackmon asked Taichi to become his Partner, which angered Agumon as Taichi was his Partner. Hackmon offered Agumon a fight for Taichi, though he refused. Hackmon asked once again where his Partner was and Taichi thought he was a real character.
Once again, the exit portal was in Area 3, with V-mon seeing it this time. However, before they could reach it, a dark fog appeared and took the form of Magnamon, to Daisuke's surprise. V-mon realized it was a copy of him. Hackmon asked Taichi what they should do and Taichi knew they had to defeat it, so Hackmon decided to watch him, refusing to fight someone stronger than him. After defeating it, it disappeared. The heroes celebrated, then Taichi and Agumon ran to the exit, leaving Daisuke and V-mon behind. Taichi, Agumon and Hackmon crossed a boundary, but Daisuke and V-mon couldn't. Daisuke was worried they were trapped there, Agumon thought it was some kind of barrier that only let them through, and Hackmon asked what they should do since they'd be stuck there otherwise. Daisuke lamented that he wouldn't get his adventure with Taichi. Taichi said there had to ba reason why they were sent to the Digital Dungeon, so if they both looked for it, they'd meet again at some point. Daisuke wondered if it really was going to be that easy and V-mon said they could only believe, so Daisuke decided to. Taichi and Daisuke then separated, with Daisuke thinking even back in elementary school, Taichi was still Taichi.
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]
V-mon found Motomiya Daisuke's delusions lame before their fight against Taiga in the Colosseum 1st floor Free Battle: "Taichi's Kouhai". After being defeated, he acknowledges he knew V-mon couldn't win, but then orders him to evolve, only to realize he didn't bring his D-3. He then accepted his defeat but promised next time it'd be different. V-mon pointed out how lame they were. For the 20th floor Free Battle: "V-mon's Evolution!", V-mon evolves into XV-mon. For the 40th floor Free Battle: "Radiance of Miracles", V-mon Armor Evolves into Magnamon with the Digimental of Miracles. For the 2nd fight of the Heavenly Hall Free Battle: "We'll put you to the test", V-mon evolves into Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode, seemingly on his own.
Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]
Digimon ReArise[edit]
Between January 21, 2020 and February 5, 2020, V-mon and Motomiya Daisuke appeared as part of the login promotion screen to promote Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.
Digimon New Century[edit]
V-mon appears on a poster that promotes Digimon Adventure 02 in the "Multi Dimensional Digital World Memory Observation Recorder".
Battle Spirits | |
XV-mon and Paildramon appear in the Super Digica Taisen card game.
Additional Information[edit]
References | Notes |