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Between Shades of Gray

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Lina is just like any other fifteen-year-old Lithuanian girl in 1941. She paints, she draws, she gets crushes on boys. Until one night when Soviet officers barge into her home, tearing her family from the comfortable life they've known. Separated from her father, forced onto a crowded and dirty train car, Lina, her mother, and her young brother slowly make their way north, crossing the Arctic Circle, to a work camp in the coldest reaches of Siberia. Here they are forced, under Stalin's orders, to dig for beets and fight for their lives under the cruelest of conditions.

Lina finds solace in her art, meticulously—and at great risk—documenting events by drawing, hoping these messages will make their way to her father's prison camp to let him know they are still alive. It is a long and harrowing journey, spanning years and covering 6,500 miles, but it is through incredible strength, love, and hope that Lina ultimately survives. Between Shades of Gray is a novel that will steal your breath and capture your heart.

344 pages, Hardcover

First published March 22, 2011

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About the author

Ruta Sepetys

12 books23.7k followers
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Winner of the Carnegie Medal.
Ruta Sepetys was born and raised in Michigan in a family of artists, readers, and music lovers. The daughter of a refugee, Ruta is drawn to underrepresented stories of strength through struggle and hopes to give voice to those who weren't able to tell their story. Her award-winning historical novels are published in over sixty countries and have received over forty literary prizes.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 28,468 reviews
Profile Image for Maggie Stiefvater.
Author 62 books171k followers
July 4, 2011
This is not a pretty book.

Even though I found this novel exceptionally well-written, it was not a pleasure to read. It’s about Lithuanians displaced to Siberian work camps during World War II. It was pretty unflinchingly brutal, but here’s why I think you ought to read it:

1. It is a side of World War II that you might not have seen before. I certainly hadn’t heard these stories of displaced Europeans, and I have to say, having been to Lithuania on tour last year, it made so much of what they said have deeper meaning. I found their fierce national pride lovely and charming when I was there; after this novel, it seems incredibly brave and honorable.

2. Mom. The mother is really the heroine of this story (and that is my one nitpick about this novel: the narrator has no arc and no agency — all of the action is carried by her mother and her sort-of-boyfriend). She has such an incredible flame and kindness in her. One of my favorite book moms.

3. Shades of gray. The title promises and the novel delivers. Characters we think are horrid actually do incredibly kind things, and character we regard as friends do awful ones.

4. If you combine 2 and 3, you get my favorite part, which is that it makes you look at people an entirely new way. I love books that stretch my brain, and this one sat with me for hours and hours.

5. Wonderful sense of place, even when the place isn’t so wonderful. Like Lucy Christopher, I trust the author to take me someplace different, and I’ll be picking up whatever she writes next.
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65k followers
February 7, 2017
Really loved this book and it's story because I personally have never heard about this side of the war before and I'm so grateful I know about it now.
Profile Image for Lora.
186 reviews1,021 followers
September 8, 2011
Actual rating: 4.5 stars

As soon as I saw this video, I knew I had to read this novel. Between Shades of Gray isn't the type of book I'd normally read, but I'm extremely glad that I decided to read it.

Lina is a very strong and courageous character. Despite the situation Lina is placed in at the young age of fifteen, she audaciously chooses to write about the terrible cruelties the Soviets are doing to those around her as well as her family and herself. Lina is an artist, and she uses this talent to depict the ghastly scenes she's forces to witness on a daily basis. She then hides her drawings where the NKVD, hopefully, won't find them. In this she hopes that, one day, someone will find the proof of what really occurred, and make sure that it never happens again.

I'm going to warn you, a good deal of this book is very grim and Sepetys doesn't cover up the horrors that were committed against these innocent people with euphemisms. There are quite a few shocking, disturbing, and graphic scenes in this. You'll probably want to read something light and fluffy after finishing it.
But much like the title of the book and the fledging plant sprouting up from the ice covered landscape on the book's cover signifies hope, the author does a wonderful job of incorporating snippets of hope even through the most grim of times for her characters.

Interspersed with Lina's time in the slavery camps, there are bittersweet flashbacks to Lina's life before her and her family were taken by the Soviets. I think they helped to break up the scenes of abuse and heartache, making the novel more palatable to the reader.
There is also a light romance in this that is both sweet and a welcome addition to a story such as this.

"I shut the bathroom door and caught sight of my face in the mirror. I had no idea how quickly it was to change, to fade. If I had, I would have stared at my reflection, memorizing it. It was the last time I would look into a real mirror for more than a decade."

Ruta Sepetys' writing is erudite, yet simple, and it flows very well. I just hope that this isn't one of those one-hit-wonder cases where the author has one story to tell and never writes anything again. I'd really like to read more from Sepetys, whether it be more stories such as this, or something completely different.

On a side note, the finished, physical copy of this (I say it in this way because some people probably have an ARC or an ebook) is quite gorgeous. The jacket seems to be made of recycled paper, so it has a very natural, rustic look and feel to it. And it has deckled edges, my favorite. :)

I think this is one of those books that will be highly praised by some (like myself), and sadly overlooked by others. It's easy to be distracted by the deluge of YA paranormal novels with the pretty covers and the pomp and heavy promotion, but, I assure you, Between Shades of Gray is more than worth your reading time.

This book reminds me just how fortunate I am to be born in the era and country that I was, and I found it very humbling. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to read it, and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,135 reviews316k followers
March 30, 2012

Um... so I'm a bit torn on this one but I'm going to rate it 3.5 stars. I think what made it worse was all the bloody hype (like with Matched) that made me think this was going to blow my mind and it kind of just, well, didn't.

It was an interesting history lesson. My knowledge of Soviet activities was previously more political than social and anything I did know of the more personal impact on people's lives was what I'd gained from German museums telling the story of the Berlin wall. It's true that the Baltic countries often slip our minds and not much thought is given to the horrors that went on there during the reign of Stalin; bearing that in mind, the Lithuanian perspective was fresh and interesting, not the typical story of oppression under communism. This I liked.

But I'm not going to overlook the fact that I spent the first two thirds of the book just waiting for it to be over and thinking it another highly-anticipated disappointment. The story mainly consisted of two cramped journies in a cart and a struggle to survive starvation, scurvy and whatever else on a daily ration of 300g of bread. It was awful, I get that, truly it was... but in a novel you expect something more gripping. Maybe the author tamed down the harshness for a young adult audience but the result was a mostly drab and boring story.

That being said, there were sad and moving moments that did manage to somewhat redeem the novel. I also liked the love story subplot going on, mostly because I liked Andrius, it wasn't too much and remained in the background to the real story but it was nice.

So, yeah, I was looking for something more out of this book, the story dragged too much. However, the author's note at the end made me cry.

Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews343 followers
March 24, 2019

My thoughts in a nutshell
Between Shades of Gray is a harrowing read. My thoughts will be shorter this time because I couldn't say anything about this horrid occasion. :-(

The story is about…
Skip over this point if you don't like the sneak peek.
A Lithuanian girl Lina and her family will be deported to Siberia. She has to learn to survive in a work camp without food or clean clothes. They have to work in terrible circumstances to avoid starvation. Lina is an artist. She draws everything that she experiences. She has only one dream. Lina wants to meet her father again.

What impressed me the most
It's one of the most heartbreaking and beautiful book I ever read. It was my first book from Ruta Sepetys but not last. I've read historical fiction very rarely because it makes me depressed. I just do not understand why such merciless people live on Earth. Why did innocent people die? Why were innocent lives need to be taken? I don't know the answer. Nobody knows.
This story is about everything. The most important feeling in the book is wanting to live. I loved all of the characters, even the grumpy old man. I connected to everyone especially Lina. She is such a strong heroine. I was anxious about what will happen to them. Lina is a teenager and her brother is a little kid, he is only 11 years old. They had to grow up very early.
If they don't grow up, they will die.
If they don't work hard, they will starve to death.
If they don't follow the rules they will die.
If they aren't strong enough, they will die.
If they aren't persistent, they will die.
They have no choice.

The ending was bittersweet. I really like the author's note. Ruta has done huge research work. I appreciated it.

Ruta Sepetys' writing style is gorgeous. I've read this book so quickly even though it had a hard topic. Ruta teaches me to be thankful for every little thing in my life. I'm very grateful to live in such good circumstances.

Make a conclusion
I gave it 4 stars, and I rounded up to 4.5 stars because of the author's note. Ruta did an amazing job. I would love to read more from her.
I recommend it to anyone who wants to know what happened in the past.

Atmosphere collage aka. how did I imagine the book vibes?

Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,017 reviews1,941 followers
October 10, 2011
Exactly a year before, the Soviets have begun moving troops over the borders into the country. Then, in August, Lithuania was officially annexed into the Soviet Union. When I complained at the dinner table, Papa yelled at me and told me to never, ever say anything derogatory about the Soviets. He sent me to my room. I didn’t say anything out loud after that. But I thought about it a lot.

Despite her father’s caution, 15-year-old Lena Vilkas, her 10-year-old brother Jonas and their mother Elena are charged as criminals and arrested in their home in Lithuania by Soviet officers. Lena’s Papa didn’t return from work the previous day and they don’t even know if he’s alive. The three of them are forced into a train car with forty-six other people, mostly women and children. Among them are Ona and her newborn baby, taken from the hospital just as soon as the umbilical cord was cut, Miss. Grybas, a perfectly harmless spinster teacher, a mean bald man, supposedly a stamp collector, Mrs. Arvydas, wife of a murdered Lithuanian officer, and her 17-year-old son Andrius, who has to pretend to be feeble-minded in order to stay with his mother. Needless to say, they are all treated like cattle.

After spending more than 8 weeks in the train car with only two buckets of water and a bucket of food a day for all of them, they arrive to a beet farm where they’re expected to work all day, most of them digging in frozen ground with hand shovels and bare hands. For months they have nothing but hunger and disease in labor camp, and just when they think things couldn’t possibly get any worse, they get moved to Siberia - supposedly to build a factory, but in reality, they’re just expected to die.

Lena’s story is powerful for many reasons. Of course none of us can stay indifferent to a story about so much suffering and Ruta Sepetys chose a very smart way to tell it. Her writing is very matter of fact, her sentences are short and to the point. She allowed herself very little emotion, thus giving the reader a chance to fill in the gaps. I think it was the only way to tell such a horrendous story without overdoing it.

When I finished this book last night, I was completely grief-stricken. I thought: “What am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to just stand up and walk around like I didn’t just take a long, hard look at the ugliest side of humanity?” For the first time in my life, I felt that my education has failed me. How is it possible that we just went around all this, barely mentioning it? We dedicated so much time to Hitler and his victims (and we should have), but we’re talking about 20 million people here! 20 million people they just omitted to tell us about. I’m not saying I was completely clueless about it all, far from it, but I was never really confronted with it. And I absolutely needed to be.

I think everyone should read Between Shades of Gray. Saying that it will help you appreciate the little things sounds like a horrible cliché, but it’s also undeniably true. Just get ready to be crushed into pieces by all the atrocities and suffering this relatively short book describes.
Profile Image for Angela M .
1,380 reviews2,135 followers
February 5, 2016
I was so taken by the story of Lina and her family and all of the others that came to life here as they were deported from their homes in Lithuania, by Stalin's Russians to a work camp in Siberia. It's a devastatingly sad story of fictional characters but what makes it even more heartbreaking is that this story reflects a true story of a genocide that took the lives of over 20 million people . I am especially saddened by the fact that I knew pretty much nothing about it and I am grateful to the author for telling it. It's so hard to imagine that this is a piece of history that is so little known and I can't help but think - how can that be?

This is a remarkable story for so many reasons . It's categorized as YA and it is simply and well written in short chapters but by no means does it lighten the load of what happened here . I would say that this should not be missed by any adult who thinks this will be a light depiction of the horrific events . I fell in love with these characters - Lina , and her mother, and her brother Jonas and we see so much of their father through Lina's flashbacks and of course wonderful Andrius. I was struck by the real dichotomy between what was happening to them and the happy, beautiful life they had before which is depicted in Lina's flashbacks - the comfort , joy and beauty vs the vile conditions, sadness , ugliness and death . What remains constant is Lina's passion for her art , a sign of her hope.

I am grateful to Ruta Sepetys for giving me this story and enlightening me to the horrors that occurred because in doing so she has also given a glimpse at the strength of a people that allowed for hope and the ability to see "A tiny sliver of gold...between shades of gray on the horizon."

I am also grateful to my GR friend Tracey who waited patiently to discuss the book as I was behind in starting on our planned date
Profile Image for jessica.
2,622 reviews46.2k followers
March 15, 2022
ruta sepetys has stated that when survivors are gone, we have the obligation to not let the truth disappear with them. that we need to give them a voice. and i think she does that so perfectly with this novel.

what i really appreciated about this book in particular was the awareness brought to one aspect of WWII that tends to be forgotten. i see countless of stories about the atrocities hitler enacted against the jewish people, and i think we all tend to get caught up in that that we forget there was more than one bad guy during that horrific time. its been estimated that stalin killed approximately 10+ million people he considered ‘enemies’ to the soviet via forced relocation/deportation to siberia. not only during the war, but many years after!

and as much as linas story pained me to read, i am so very grateful for it. its stories like this that remind me of the importance of hope and resilience. and i cannot think of anything better to say than what she says herself, towards the end of her writings:

‘these writings may shock or horrify you, but that is not my intention. it is my greatest hope that these pages stir your deepest well of human compassion. i hope they prompt you to do something, to tell someone. only then can we ensure that this kind of evil is never allowed to repeat itself.’

may we always remember that.

4 stars
Profile Image for Nicole.
860 reviews2,449 followers
February 21, 2021
“Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth? That morning, my brother's was worth a pocket watch.”

4.5 stars

What a touching story! World War II brought misery to the world, it's common knowledge; However, what isn't though is how the life of the residents of the countries on USSR borders transformed. What they suffered, how much pain they went through and everything they had to endure, to survive. Told from the perspective of a young hopeful artist, Between Shades of Gray shows us the strength of the human spirit and the value of holding onto faith, in a well-written novel that captures all the hardships, sorrows, and misfortunes that Lina Arvydas went through.

They have 20 minutes to pack everything and leave. Lina, Jonas, and Elena are being deported from Lithuania to Siberia in 1941 after war declaration. This family is separated from the father yet Elena, Lina's mother, has never shown weakness, she's trying to help her children to get through this hard period. On their journey, they meet new people. They live with them for six weeks on a train and try to support each other later. There she meets Andrius, this young handsome boy. I'm not going tell you where they go or what exactly they went through, I'll let you read it for yourself. However, I'll tell you that they taste misery and heartache even agony. They don't give up and let their fear from the NKVD and the Soviets take over.

“Don't be scared. Don't give them anything Lina, not even your fear.”

I like Lina, most of the time at least. I don't have much to say about her but what I admire the most about her is how she has never even lost hope. She keeps telling herself that she'll see the one she loves one day.

“Sometimes there is such beauty in awkwardness. There's love and emotion trying to express itself, but at the time, it just ends up being awkward.”

I love Audrius. I just wished we could got more of him. It's just a wish because I comprehend the conditions and the circumstances completely. He is very realistic and always helps Lina and her family. We really shouldn't judge people before knowing their situation. And his mother... Poor woman.

“Good men are often more practical than pretty " said Mother. "Andrius just happens to be both.”

Jonas went through a lot for an eleven years old kid. He seems so much older than his age. However I expect that's what happens to people when they sustain a hard life on a very young age.

Finally, regarding Elena she is a strong and a great woman. She is the voice of reason, of hope when everyone else is falling apart. Moreover, she is kind and good even to her enemies. Everybody loves her even the bald man. She always does her best to protect her children. She treats everyone with courtesy and understanding. In other words, she is a true krasivaya.

I should also mention Nickolai. Even in our enemies, we can find some goodness. I like him, he has done his best. I want to know what happens to him. He is different from the others. I just wish that Lina figured it out sooner, but it doesn't matter anyway.

“Whether love of friend, love of country, love of God, or even love of enemy—love reveals to us the truly miraculous nature of the human spirit.”

Finally, if you are a fan of historical novels especially those about World war II you're going to like this one.
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔(Semi-Hiatus).
902 reviews3,090 followers
February 7, 2025
“𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱? 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓹𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱.”

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 4.5 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕌𝕡! ˗ˏˋ★‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹

Wow! Omg. What a beautiful and heartbreaking story! I can't believe I haven't read anything from Ruta Sepetys until now.

We follow our FMC, 15 year-old Lina Vilkas, her mother, and her younger brother are arrested by Soviet police on June 14, 1941, in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Lina’s father, a progressive university professor, has already been taken. There will be twelve years of withering labor and unspeakable horror in gulags and cattle cars before she’ll see Lithuania again. To survive, Lina codes secret messages in her artwork and desperately clings to her instincts for kindness and generosity.

Based on first-hand accounts, Sepetys's YA novel charts an immense journey, in every sense, from a middle-class home in Lithuania to a gulag at Trofimovsk in the Arctic Circle.

The bare facts about the genocide perpetrated by Stalin are almost impossible to take in. Then, on the other hand, we have a lucid 15-year old describe a Siberian winter, or how the NKVD waited outside a hospital for the next victim's umbilical cord to be cut, then we begin to get a glimpse of what occurred.

Despite the subject matter, I do think this is a suitable book for young YA readers, as the horrors of war are related as morals rather than gory scenes.

I have to say... my very first impression was, this reads a lot like The Diary of Anne Frank. And although they do sound very similar in voice - a major difference is that we read Frank's words knowing that she is doomed.

Lina, however, tells us at the outset that "It was the last time I would look into a real mirror for more than a decade." So the tension works differently here: what new horrors will Lina have to bear?

It's a compliment of a comparison however you slice it. This book was phenomenal. The writing is poignant and intense. I was pulled into the story immediately and needed to know what happened with Lina and her family.

Incredibly bingeable, sob inducing and heart-pounding. Highly recommend!

⋆✴︎˚。⋆ Connect with me on Instagram ˗ˏˋ★‿︵‧ ˚ ₊⊹
Profile Image for Elana.
69 reviews
July 9, 2016
(Edit, July 9, 2016: I was a pretentious 16-year-old when I wrote this review, lol. I'm 21 now and I'll be going back to edit it periodically.)

Let me justify my seemingly harsh rating. First things first, let me provide you with some (probably not necessitated) background into my interest in this book: I am an avid studier of Lithuanian history. I have rigorously researched this time period prior to this book's creation, thus I was absolutely overjoyed when I got wind of its publishing. It's about time that a "young adult" book chronicled the heinous acts of human evil that the Soviet Union committed against the Baltic peoples.

This book was certainly a proverbial "eye-opener" for those who were unfamiliar with Lithuanian history. It was an immersive, interesting book with "relatable" (my reasoning behind the quotation marks will be addressed later) characters.

But one qualm I had was the writing style. I am cognizant of the fact that this was Sepetys' debut novel, but the writing style felt almost detached to me. It was an itemization of Lina's torturous experience, as opposed to the immersive, detailed account I surmised a first person perspective would entail. In fact, the writing style did not allow me to get close enough to the characters to truly empathize with what was happening to her and her family. Even in the beginning, before most would assume that dissociation and other psychological trauma would kick in and truly prevent Lina from grasping the severity of her situation or being capable of detailing events, there were no details to attach me to her life. This narration style made basically every character flat to me, with no substance or meaning to me. The plot was moved forward by dialogue as opposed to narration, which provided no true insight into Lina's deepest emotions, feelings and thoughts. Thus, I felt as if the book would have fared better with a harsh critic such as myself if it were in third person objective. That way, it would have been safe to abstain from revealing Lina's thoughts, as opposed to pretty much avoiding them in favor of utilizing dialogue to encapsulate her feelings.

Additionally, the gratuitous usage of capital letters, multiple exclamation points and italicized text to represent flashbacks was irritating; those are the signs of drafting stages to me. While it is most likely just personal preference, I am very stringent upon the utilization of capital letters. To me, they are used solely when merely italicizing dialogue or a word just isn't enough to express how crucial the idea is. Capitalizing words on basically every page is distracting and, honestly, makes me think of an elementary school child writing a story sans the knowledge of using italics. I know I am being very harsh. Also, the representation of long flashbacks via italics was unnecessary. Sure, for a truncated flashback this would have been fine, but some of these flashbacks were multiple, consecutive pages. It was an annoyance to the eyes and was useless, as Sepetys could have opted to make those flashbacks into separate chapters, so long as Lina provided insight into their being flashbacks.

My final grievance lies in the ending; it seemed very abrupt. . It was almost as if Sepetys has simply run out of ideas and decided to end it there. However, despite my harsh review, this book was definitely powerful and deeply moving. I did enjoy it, cry over it, and store it on my bookshelf for future rereading, but it did not touch me in the way I initially assumed it would. I would recommend this book to my friends solely because I want them to read an interesting account of the Lithuanian deportations as opposed to the itemized history books I read myself, but that would be the only reason. It is not on a young adult's reading level, despite it being a very adult-themed book; it is much, much simpler.
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.7k followers
February 8, 2019
Thank you Lisa.... and many others on Goodreads.
For some reason because I had read the book “Salt to Sea”, by Ruta Sepetys, years ago - an engrossing WWII about a devastating tragedy - I had a pre-conceived thought that this book was either an extension - or wouldn’t be much different. They have similarities in that they are both suspense survival stories during WWII, which are both written with emotional vigor - but the stories themselves are different.

With only three days left before this book was due back at my library - ( ebook Overdrive)....and thankful to the email-reminder the library sends us - warning we still have time to read the book before they snatch it away - I did just that....read this before the library snatched it away.

The first sentence hooks you in - “THEY TOOK ME IN MY NIGHTGOWN”. It’s a young-adult book which reads fast - yet it’s a tragic journey.

Lena was 15 - her brother 10 at the start of this story. Taken away by the Soviets with her parents - an NKVD officer didn’t hesitate to slam the butt of his rifle into the children’s mother’s body and throw her face into a mirror.
The secret Soviet Police burst into their home at night- they had 30 seconds pack a bag before they were taken. They were tossed on a train like cattle. There was a newborn that had only been alive for minutes and she was already considered a criminal.

It was a full decade before Lina ever saw the reflection of her own face in a mirror.
In 1939, The Soviet union occupied the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Anyone who was considered anti-Soviet, where either murdered, sent to prison, or deported into slavery in Siberia. People from every walks of life were taken.
This is a story about how this family and others escaped to refugee camps. Children grew up in these camps - Lina ( our brave young heroine found ways to channel her fear and grief by expressing herself through art, and music.

The author did thorough research and even though the characters themselves were fictional the history isn’t.
Josef Stalin killed more than twenty million people during the ruling of this horror.

Excellent - heart piercing Young Adult historical fiction! A strong 5 star YA Holocaust novel. Gotta admire authors who write serious historical novels aimed towards our youth. Adults benefit as well. I certainly didn’t hurt me at all to read another story - well written about the Holocaust. It won’t be my last either.

I’ve said many times.... WAR is WAR is WAR...... and sometimes it’s about humanity - hope - the human spirit- and love.

Love played a pivotal role in keeping the survivals alive.
Profile Image for Jillian .
475 reviews1,957 followers
June 1, 2016
These writings may shock or horrify you, but that is not my intention. It is my greatest hope that the pages in this jar stir your deepest well of human compassion. I hope they prompt you to do something, to tell someone. Only then can we ensure that this kind of evil is never allowed to repeat itself.

So I read this last night, and I went to work this morning. I was so deeply affected by this story, and my mind kept drifting back to Lina and Jonas and the countless real victims of the Baltic Deportations. When I finished the book, I immediately went on my computer and googled anything I could find out about the deportations. While the book itself devastated me, the outcome of my Baltic deportation research devastated me on a whole other level. I felt a mixture of anger and sadness but moreseo angry because how can human beings treat each other this way. How can a human be cruel for the sake of being cruel? But as I kept researching, I found that many of those who did survive confirmed that being kind and continuing to have faith and love in and for the human race reaffirmed what I learned reaching the end of Between Shades of Gray. Love and faith will always outweigh hate and cruelty. That the tenacity of the human spirit can make it through beatings, death, torture, starvation, and isolation. That a human can make through all those atrocities and still come out to the other side and want to live. I am so happy that I picked this up and I am happy that I am no longer ignorant to this piece of history that had been hidden for too long. This is truly remarkable and one of the best and most important books I have ever read.

Here is a link to video interview with Ruta Sepetys who is the granddaughter of a Lithuanian refugee where she talks about the inspiration and history behind Between Shades of Gray. Please PLEASE watch it and PLEASE read Between Shades of Gray. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPiQ_...
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,935 followers
June 2, 2015
Powerful! Tough to read, but an interesting take on a part of history we hear little about.

I have seen lots of reviews where people feel this book ends abruptly (maybe spoiler-ish stuff ahead), but I felt like it was showing that all they needed was someone to show them some compassion before all was lost.
Profile Image for Debbie W..
889 reviews772 followers
August 8, 2022
Why I chose to listen to this audiobook:
1. several positive reviews on Goodreads raved about this story. Its unique historical premise led me to add it to my WTR list;
2. my audiobook hold became available on Overdrive; and,
3. as part of my summer vacation, I've designated August to be my "As the Spirit Moves Me Month".

1. I was ignorant about the Baltic countries when they were under Soviet rule. Author Ruta Sepetys's extensive research led to this realistic historical fiction about 15-year-old Lina who, along with her family, are forced from their Lithuanian home by Soviet officers to live in Siberian gulags, including one near the Arctic Circle. Through Sepetys's graphic descriptive writing, I could visualize the extremely harsh conditions meted out to Lina and her close circle of fellow Lithuanian prisoners, including her mother and younger brother, throughout their capture and imprisonment;
2. this author's writing style kept me riveted through her excellent characterization, plot line and descriptiveness;
3. Lina's artistic talents lend a strong impression of her feelings while imprisoned. I got the sense of her fears and anger; however, this is a story of unlikely heroes, of survival, hope and love. I had a real mixed bag of emotions while listening to this story;
4. I learned about some Lithuanian customs and traditions and was quite surprised to find out that some of them are similar to Ukrainian traditions; and,
5. one must read/listen to Sepetys's "Author's Note". She explains the history behind her story and why she chose to write this book. In the audio version, you can hear her being overcome with emotion towards the end.

Niggle with the audiobook format:
Flashbacks "pop up" and could be confusing at times. In the print version, were these sections printed in standalone paragraphs and/or depicted with a different font??

Overall Thoughts:
I'm glad that I got to experience, through literature, what Lithuanians went through in the early 20th century under Soviet oppression. I'm sure thousands of books could be written about people living in countries annexed by the Soviet Union during Stalin's "Reign of Terror".

Stay away from this book if you're looking for a light, fluffy read where everyone lives happily ever after. This is not a "feel-good" story. But if you are deeply interested in reading underrepresented history, then I think that you will appreciate the message portrayed in this story by this author's writing style.
Profile Image for emma.
2,364 reviews81.9k followers
May 13, 2018
sure whatever i didn't need the remaining scraps of my heart to be operational a n y w a y

this, like the other ruta sepetys book i've read, Salt to the Sea, focuses on an extremely tragic historical event that is semi-forgotten, or at least not discussed often enough. in this case, it's Stalin's mid-twentieth century deportation of millions of people in the Baltic states.

this book is sad, sad, sad, impressive, well-written, and extremely important. and also so sad.

if historical fiction isn't your cup of tea but you're open to giving it a shot, this is a great book to try.

there were some flaws, sure. for one thing, i'm sorry (kinda) but romantic plotlines just detract more often than they add for me. the ending also felt kind of abrupt and inconclusive, and huge swaths of time were skipped, which was v confusing for a book that really follows a historical timeline. but overall this book is pretty crucial.

bottom line: a great great great great great example of how important and worthwhile and impressive YA historical fiction can be.
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
February 8, 2017
I think I may have made a mistake reading this on audio, as I didn't find it as compelling as most. I found the narrators tone very off from themes of the story, which left me separated from it. This largely unknown history was very interesting and tragic, by I didn't feel the close connection to the narrative that many did, due to the version I read it in.
Profile Image for Iben Frederiksen.
308 reviews212 followers
November 9, 2019
“Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth? That morning, my brother's was worth a pocket watch.”

Frightening, beautiful and haunting are three words that best desribes this book.

Lina, her mother and her younger brother Jonas' lives are abruptly changed forever, when the NKVD, the Soviet law enforcement, enter their home one evening in 1941. Twenty minutes later, they're on a truck with other lithuanian people, about to be deported for being 'anti-soviet criminals'. They are put on a train and begin a journey into the unknown and unforgiving world.

By far the worst thing I have to say about this book, is that it needed to be SO much longer! I could have easily read another 200 pages, and not felt like the story was being unnecesarrily long at all.

This book made me shake my head and smile, it made me angry and had my eyes fill up a little. It is an emotional rollercoaster, that gives you an insight into a part of our world history that's been purposely hidden. If you've read Sepetys' 'Salt to the Sea' and liked it, then you will also like 'Between Shades of Gray' it is just as tragic and just as beautifully written.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,415 reviews2,357 followers
January 30, 2021
EXCERPT: They took me in my nightgown.

Thinking back, the signs were there - family photos burned in the fireplace, Mother sewing her best silver and jewellery into the lining of her coat late at night, and Papa not returning from work. My younger brother, Jonas, was asking questions. I asked questions, too, but perhaps I refused to acknowledge the signs. Only later did I realise that Mother and Father intended we escape. We did not escape.

We were taken.

ABOUT 'BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY': Lina is just like any other fifteen-year-old Lithuanian girl in 1941. She paints, she draws, she gets crushes on boys. Until one night when Soviet officers barge into her home, tearing her family from the comfortable life they've known. Separated from her father, forced onto a crowded and dirty train car, Lina, her mother, and her young brother slowly make their way north, crossing the Arctic Circle, to a work camp in the coldest reaches of Siberia. Here they are forced, under Stalin's orders, to dig for beets and fight for their lives under the cruelest of conditions.

Lina finds solace in her art, meticulously—and at great risk—documenting events by drawing, hoping these messages will make their way to her father's prison camp to let him know they are still alive. It is a long and harrowing journey, spanning years and covering 6,500 miles, but it is through incredible strength, love, and hope that Lina ultimately survives.

MY THOUGHTS: I had previously read Salt to the Sea by this author and really enjoyed it. Over Christmas I saw the movie based on this book, Ashes in the Snow, which I enjoyed, and did not know until the end that it was based on Between Shades of Gray. Although I enjoyed the movie, the book is much better. It is far more detailed and I felt more invested in the characters.

Ruta Sepetys writes simply and beautifully about one of the darkest periods in our history. The beautiful writing only serves to intensify the horror of the atrocities that happened, that she describes so clearly and dispassionately, that she brings to life with her prose.

It is impossible not to fall in love with her characters: Lina is a talented artist with a determination and strength of character that astounded me; she protected her younger brother Jonas with all the fierceness of a lioness protecting her cub, a trait I believe she inherited from her mother; Andrius is the boy/man whom Lina loves and another source of her strength.

This is a harrowing story of hardship, loss, torture and cruelty. Yet it is also a story of strength, love and compassion.

Don't expect any resolution at the end. The book ends rather abruptly (as did the film) leaving the reader to decide their fate.

This is a story that needed to be told, a truth that needs to be heard, an atrocity that must never be repeated.


"Was it harder to die, or harder to be the one who survived?"

THE AUTHOR: Ruta Sepetys was born and raised in Michigan in a family of artists, readers, and music lovers. The daughter of a refugee, Ruta is drawn to underrepresented stories of strength through struggle and hopes to give voice to those who weren't able to tell their story.

DISCLOSURE: I borrowed my copy of Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys, published by Penguin Books, from Waitomo District Library. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

This review and others are also published on Twitter, Instagram, and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Maxwell.
1,343 reviews11.3k followers
April 29, 2018
This is such a powerful story, and a subject that I knew nothing about. Most people know about the atrocities of Hitler's reign, especially those perpetrated against Jewish people. But in this novel Sepetys examines the lesser known genocide of hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians, and other Baltic peoples, under Stalin during the same time as the Holocaust. It's tragic and horrifying and such an important read. I'll admit that for a book aimed at young adults, Sepetys doesn't pull any punches, but I think that's vital to make clear the injustices and to put the reader in these characters shoes. It had me squirming in my seat and opened my eyes a little bit more to history and also to the stories of real people. Yes, it's fiction, but it's something that countless people went through. Those experiences are real even if this particular story is not. I could've done without the added bit of romance, but I also think it humanized the characters more (while also being a tried and true YA trope). Overall though I thought this book was impactful and engaging, and I can't wait to see it adapted to film later this year.
Profile Image for Hirdesh.
399 reviews98 followers
March 30, 2017
“I tried to sketch but couldn’t. When I started to draw, the pencil moved by itself, propelled by something hideous that lived inside of me.”

Oh my goodness ! Perfect Historical fiction book. It's more than my expectations and quite contemplate with "The Thousand splendid suns". Praiseworthy one, Enjoyed every word.
Words and ratings on here couldn't exactly defines this book........
Ruta Sepetys, I Love You ! ! !
What a splendid writing and expressions of Lina, she has made.
Just like she has experienced that.
Wonderful, heartthrobing story.
Lina, how she has survived and fight for life not only her and others too.
Whole catastrophic journey revealed in well written and exceptional echos of herself inside as well as in her drawings.
*“We'd been trying to touch the sky from the bottom of the ocean.”
*“Sometimes there is such beauty in awkwardness. There's love and emotion trying to express itself, but at the time, it just ends up being awkward.”
Profile Image for Norma ~ The Sisters.
635 reviews13.8k followers
February 11, 2017
Hope * Survival * Love * Faith

Well that was another enlightening, emotional, and an absolutely awesome 5* read!

BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY by RUTA SEPETYS is a deeply moving, compelling, heart-wrenching, and a powerful read which is beautifully written that captured my heart from the very first chapter. This was definitely another page-turner and extremely hard to put down.

“A tiny sliver of gold appeared between shades of gray on the horizon.”   

BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY is a brilliant title for this novel. If we are able to see beyond the black and white of the immoral behaviour we just might be able to see a little bit of human kindness peaking out between the many shades of gray.

“Whether love of friend, love of country, love of God, or even love of enemy—love reveals to us the truly miraculous nature of the human spirit.”

BETWEEN SHADES OF GRAY has us following along the story of Lina, a fifteen-year old girl along with her mother and brother who are deported from Lithuania to Siberia in 1941 by the NKVD, Soviet Secret Police covering a part of history that most people are not familiar with.

“Sure we were safe.  Safe in the arms of hell.”

I really enjoyed the format of this novel which was written in very short chapters and narrated in the voice of Lina. RUTA SEPETYS delivers another unforgettable story here that was easy to follow along with the storyline and all the characters involved.

To sum it all up it was a well-researched, heartbreaking, shocking, and an emotional read with a tear-jerker but satisfying ending. Would recommend!!

Profile Image for Jamie.
1,552 reviews1,239 followers
August 13, 2022
Well done, Ruta Sepetys! A great book. Heartbreaking, but nicely written.
This book is a novel, but is actually based on history, during WWII. this story is written from the perspective of a teenager named Lina. she and her family are taken from their home in Lithuania by the Soviets. This story tracks the next year plus of all hardships they go through. The labor camps, the illnesses that struck, the deaths of fellow Lithuanians, cruel degrading treatment and more.

Much is known about Hitler's reign, but what about those sent to Stalin? What of the voices never heard? This is one of those voices, crying out after all these years. The imagery if vivid. You see how lives are lived, you see the love and pain and sorrow. But it is more than that. you feel it. this book literally moved me to tears.

The is a hint of romance, and much community love. There is loss and heartbreak. There is pain and suffering. There is hope. The characters are endearing and so well done. Lina is one amazing young woman with all she endures.

If you are looking for a happy, upbeat book, this is not it. This novel shows how Lithuanians (and other people too) were treated during the war. Mind you, yes there were worse treatments but this one touches on a real, person level that can never be unseen once read. It is well paced, and starts off with a bang with the Soviets coming for the girls family right at the beginning. It is brutally honest. It is not always easy writing about such treatment from a young teenagers perspective, but this captured it perfectly. My only complaint to the book is the chapters were too short and I wish I could have continued on Lina's story a little longer. You'll be rooting for her though the whole thing!

*I won this as a First-Read giveaway on goodreads.com. all thoughts and opinions of this review are strictly my own.*

2020 re-read: Audiobook. The narrator does a great job. You can feel the hurt, stress, and fear in her voice. Bravo! This is such a wonderfully told, yet heartbreaking tale that honestly must be shared. So many characters in this story, each different from the last, and each reacts in a unique way to the terror and torment they must endure. It had me questioning what kind of person would I have been if I were one of them. Would I share my food whilst half-starving myself? Would I risk stealing? Would I become cynical and angry at everyone around me? These are just some of the people you will meet in this book. And be sure to listen until the VERY end. A heartfelt message from the author herself. You can hear how much this means to her, especially as she literally breaks down at the very end.
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,085 reviews609 followers
October 29, 2022
A terrible time in history, horrific human behavior, tragic atrocities against people. 😢 This book is as heart wrenching as you would imagine. 💔 While depressing to read, it’s important to remember the fight and pay tribute to the people who were lost.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews668 followers
August 15, 2020
Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepetys

Between Shades of Gray is partly based upon the stories Sepetys heard from survivors of the genocide of Baltic people during a visit to her relatives in Lithuania.

Sepetys decided she needed to write a fiction novel rather than a non-fiction volume as a way of making it easier for survivors to talk to her. She interviewed dozens of people during her stay. Fifteen-year-old Lina is a Lithuanian girl living an ordinary life, until Soviet officers invade her home and tear her family apart. Separated from her father and forced onto a crowded train, Lina, her mother, and her young brother make their way to a Siberian work camp, where they are forced to fight for their lives.

Lina finds solace in her art, documenting these events by drawing. Risking everything, she embeds clues in her drawings of their location and secretly passes them along, hoping her drawings will make their way to her father's prison camp.

But will strength, love, and hope be enough for Lina and her family to survive?

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز سیزده ماه نوامبر سال 2013 میلادی

عنوان: میان سایه‌ های خاکستری؛ نویسنده روتا سپتیس؛ مترجم: سیروس قهرمانی؛ تهران مروارید‏‫، 1391؛ در 328ص؛ شابک 9789641912071؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان لیتوانیایی تبار امریکایی - سده 21م‬‬

رمان «میان سایه‌ های خاکستری» داستان رنج انسان است.؛ رنج انسان به دست انسان.؛ داستان از زبان دختری نوجوان روایت می‌شود،؛ و حکایتِ تبعیدِ خانواده‌ ی او، و بسیاری دیگر از هم‌میهنانش به «سیبری»، پس از اشغال «لیتوانی» توسط «شوروی» در جنگ جهانی دوم است.؛ او که عاشق نقاشی است، و همچو همه ی همسالان خودش، رؤیاهایی برای آینده در سر دارد، اکنون با شرایطی تازه روبرو می‌شود، که هیچ تضمینی برای زنده ماندن خود، یا هریک از اطرافیانش حتی برای بیست و چهار ساعت هم وجود ندارد.؛ رنگ‌های زندگیش محو می‌شود، و لابلای طیف‌هایی متنوع از رنگ خاکستری گرفتار می‌آید، که تفاوت‌شان تنها در شدتِ رنج و سختی لحظه‌ هاست.؛ اما «میان سایه‌ های خاکستری» همچنین داستان عشق و امید نیز هست؛ عشق به خانواده، به وطن و به انسانها.؛ همین عشق به انسان و امید به آینده است، که شخصیت‌های داستان را در شرایط هولناکی که در آن گرفتارند، به پیش می‌برد، و در نهایت این انسان است که هماره پیروزِ میدان است.؛

قهرمان داستان، «لینا ویلکاس» که نقاش است، هنر خود را با زندگیش درمی‌آمیزد و از آن در ثبت این دوره‌ ی وحشتناک از زندگی بهره می‌برد؛ همان‌طور که «روتا سپتیس»، نویسنده‌ ی کتاب، از شکل رمان به همین منظور استفاده می‌کند، و این رخداد تاریخی را بسیار بهتر از معدود مستندات باقی‌مانده از آن، به جهانیان آشکار می‌کند.؛ زبان داستان به دلیل روایت از زبان یک نوجوان، ساده و بی‌پیرایه است.؛ اما همین سادگی تأثیری چنان قوی بر خوانشگر می‌گذارد، که پس از خوانش آن، بیراه نیست اگر ادعا کنیم ما هم این دوره‌ ی تاریخی را از سر بگذرانده‌ ایم.؛

نقل نمونه متن: (دزدها و تن فروشها: یک: مرا در لباس خواب دستگیر کردند. حالا که به گذشته فکر میکنم نشانه ها را به خاطر میآورم.؛ عکسهای خانوادگی در بخاری سوزانده شدند، مادر بهترین جواهراتش را در آستر کتش دوخت و پدر از محل کار برنگشت.؛ برادر کوچکم یوناس، مدام سئوال میکرد.؛ من هم همین طور، اما نشانه ها را نمیدیدم. تنها بعدها فهمیدم که پدر و مادرم میخواستند فرار کنیم.؛ اما نشد.؛ ما دستگیر شدیم.؛ روز چهاردهم ماه ژوئن سال 1941میلادی.؛ لباس راحتی پوشیدم و پشتِ میزتحریرم نشستم تا نامه ای به جوانا دختر عمویم بنویسم.؛ دفتر نامه نگاری و جاقلمی ای را که زن عمو برای تولد پانزده سالگی به من هدیه داده بود از کشو درآوردم.؛ نسیم سر شب از میان پنجره ی باز، روی میز تحریر جاری میشد، و پرده را تکان میداد.؛ بوی سوسنهایی که من و مادرم دو سال پیش در دره کاشته بودیم به مشام میرسید.؛

جوانای عزیز: غرشی ناگهانی مرا از روی صندلی پراند؛ با مشت به در میکوبیدند.؛ توی خانه کسی از جای خودش تکان نخورد.؛ در چارچوبِ در اتاقم به راهرو چشم دوختم.؛ مادرم کنار دیوار و رو به نقشه ی قاب گرفته ی لیتوانی صاف ایستاد، چشمانش را بست و خطوط چهره اش از فرط نگرانی آنقدر منقبض شد که پیش از آن هرگز ندیده بودم.؛ او داشت دعا میخواند.؛ یوناس که یک چشمش از شکاف در�� اتاقش پیدا بود، گفت: «مادر، در را باز نمیکنی؟ مثل اینکه میخواهند در را بشکنند.»؛

مادر به سوی من و یوناس که توی اتاقهایمان به او زُل زده بودیم، چرخید. لبخندی مصنوعی زد.؛ «آره، عزیزم.؛ در را باز میکنم.؛ نمیگذارم کسی درِ خانه را بشکند.»؛ صدای پاشنه ی کفشهایش روی کفِ چوبی راهرو بلند شد و دامنِ بلند و باریکش در کنارِ ساقهایش تکان خورد.؛ مادر باوقار و زیبا بود، در حقیقت خیره کننده بود، با لبخندی که به همه چیز در اطرافش شادی میبخشید.؛ من خوش شانس بودم که موهای عسلی و چشمان روشنش را به ارث برده بودم.؛ لبخندش به یوناس رسیده بود.؛ فریادهای تهدیدآمیز از هال بلند شد.؛ یوناس که رنگش پریده بود، آهسته گفت: «آنها نیروهای امنیتی شوروی اند؛ تاداس به من گفت که همسایه هایش را با یک کامیون برده اند.؛ دارند مردم را دستگیر میکنند.»؛

گفتم: «نه، اینجا نه.» پلیس مخفی شوروی در خانه ی ما چه کاری داشت؟ از راهرو رد شدم تا از گوشه ی دیوار نگاهی دزدکی بیندازم.؛ حق با یوناس بود.؛ سه افسر امنیتی شوروی مادر را دوره کرده بودند.؛ آنها کلاههایی آبی رنگ به سر داشتند با حاشیه ی قرمز و ستاره ای طلایی بر روی لبه ی آن؛ افسری بلندقد گذرنامه های ما را در دست داشت.؛ مادر گفت: «به وقتِ بیشتری نیاز داریم، فردا صبح آماده میشویم.»؛ افسر گفت: «بیست دقیقه، وگرنه تا فردا صبح زنده نمیمانی.»؛ افسر داد زد «بیست دقیقه.»؛ سیگارش را روی کفِ تمیزِ اتاق نشیمن انداخت، و با چکمه اش آن را له کرد.؛ از همان لحظه سرنوشتِ ما به آن سیگار شبیه شد.)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 24/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,794 reviews2,560 followers
February 10, 2016
This is an extraordinary book and I am so pleased to have read it. It deals with a subject I knew very little about, it has no introduction and it has the tiniest of conclusions. The bulk of the book is about human endurance in unbearable conditions and it is amazing. Surprisingly, despite the sadness of the topic, there are many uplifting moments and it is very hard to put the book down. I now have to go find out more about this horrific time in our history which I am sure is was what the author hoped for when she wrote it. Read it. You will not be sorry you did.
Profile Image for grace.
131 reviews1,536 followers
February 15, 2016
Finished this in a couple sittings. What a blow to the heart. So beautiful, devastating, and important.
Profile Image for Libby.
598 reviews156 followers
October 7, 2021
Beautifully written. While I was reading it, I wondered, how can I read this book? It's so sad and brutal, and reminds me of the holocaust stories I read back in high school and was so interested in, asking myself questions like, how can people treat other people this way? Sometimes I felt the sadness weighing me down, and wanted to stop reading the book. I think the fact that the 15 year old protagonist was an artist, and Sepetys does such a good job of describing her art, pulled me into the story by enveloping me in Lina's hopes and fears. I was disappointed in the ending of the book because I felt like I was left hanging. I wanted to know more at the end than I was told. With these types of endings I have learned, however, that the characters, plots, and themes continue to percolate and swirl about in my head (more so than when everything is tied up in a nice, clean, knot). In reality, life is messy, and many times endings are abrupt and messy. This story takes one family and follows them thru their deportation to a work camp.
Profile Image for Thomas.
1,742 reviews11.1k followers
May 28, 2011
I read this book everywhere. In the school cafeteria and on the school's tiled hallway floors, at the tennis courts, during an academic examination, and alone in my room. I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to put it down, either. I felt like I was carrying a small piece of something real, something bigger than just the words and the story contained inside the casing of the book. I felt like I was holding history, imbued with human emotion.

Ruta Sepetys's descriptions and characterizations are perfect. There was one minor part where an old woman's bread was taken away from her that tore at my heart, even though the scene didn't take up more than a page. Alternatively, there were other parts concerning Lina and her relationships with those around her that caused me to rejoice in the strength of mankind.

After reading this book, I almost felt shame for not previously knowing the conditions that those who lived under Stalin suffered. How could anything so horrid and heart-wrenching stay a secret for so long? With Between Shades of Gray, Sepetys reveals the truth of World War II by telling a sad but ultimately uplifting story.

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