I love the Guild Hunter series. I find it dark and seductive with Singh not afraid to make sweeping changes in the world building. This always leav4.5
I love the Guild Hunter series. I find it dark and seductive with Singh not afraid to make sweeping changes in the world building. This always leaves me on the edge of my seat when a new book comes out. I also find myself wishing the time away because I want to jump hundreds of years in the future to see where Elena, Raphael and the Seven will end up. Ridiculous because I only have to exercise some patience and the stories will reveal the answers but that doesn't stop me from wanting to know NOW.
What's always impressed me with the GH is the treatment of Elena. She was a powerful hunter who when she became an angel has had to relearn and attack power from different angles. It's always a treat to read the increments she's inched up as well as the frustrations that she encounters when she overreaches her energy.
While I do enjoy Elena and Raphael and reading how they and their relationship has evolved, emotionally I find that they don't resonate with me like Dmitri and Honor in Archangel's Blade maybe that's because of Raphael's otherworldliness. I crave to know the changes they're undergoing but I'm detached from it.
That being said I loved the build up to war and how the fight scenes played out. The big twist here: (view spoiler)[The Legion! More please! (hide spoiler)]
New books in this series never fail to entertain me. This is no exception. If there was one fault I'd say that there were too many sex scenes. They're hotly written and sensual but I'm very invested in the world building here and I'm desperate for more details to the point where I'm more than willing to sacrifice a few of their encounters to satisfy my curiosity. ...more
I'm not a huge fan of the Psy portion of the Psy-Changeling books. I find them too dry and technical which, I guess, is the point of being Psy but I hI'm not a huge fan of the Psy portion of the Psy-Changeling books. I find them too dry and technical which, I guess, is the point of being Psy but I have difficulty connecting to those characters.
While I did enjoy the overall journey of Kaleb and Sahara, I wasn't really moved by them and didn't feel any emotional tug as I was reading. I did like the set up for further books because I felt that (view spoiler)[the Psy characters abandoning Silence has gone on a bit too long and the last few books have felt a bit too repetitive for me (hide spoiler)].
I'm a massive fan of the Guild Hunters series and the book Archangel's Blade is one that I love and honestly Kaleb felt a bit Dmitri-light for me. That was a book that pulled me in and tore my emotions to shreds and I was highly invested in the journey of Dmitri and Honor. I felt far more an objective observer when reading HOO. Particularly:
(view spoiler)[The big reveal for Kaleb was underwhelming and I while I really enjoyed the beginning part of the book with Sahara trapped in her mind that disappeared far too fast and easily for me. (hide spoiler)]
I do like how Singh isn't afraid to wrap things up and work fresh and exciting new angles into her world-building. I'm curious to see where the series will go next. ...more