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327 pages, ebook
First published July 15, 2013
“Can you spank me again, Sir?” I asked, pumping my hips against the pillow.
This time, the slap he gave me made me yelp loudly in surprise.
“If you can’t stay quiet, I’ll gag you,” he warned. “And don’t tell me how to do my job.”
¹ By "everything", I mean a rich 'hero' who knows what's good for 'his' woman and whose abusive behavior can apparently be interpreted as love by the shallow vapid useless 'heroine'.Anyway, Jenny Trout took on a mission to recap - and what a feat it was! - with humor and anger combined the atrociousness that E.L.James inflicted upon the unconsenting universe. And, apparently, being in the business of writing erotica herself (Abigail Barnette is her pen-name for this genre) she decided to try creating an erotic romance that manages to avoid all the 50 Shades bullshit that makes readers foam at the mouth. In her own words from her blog:
Why exactly it has become so mind-boggingly popular is beyond me.
"It's my own entry into the contemporary erotic romance subgenre spawned by 50 Shades of Grey and the Crossfire series. But I'm pretty much just doing it for fun and to goof off, and to see if I can write a book in that genre without falling into the traps of misogyny and abuse we've seen in the 50 Shades series."The result was 'The Boss', written as a free online serial. I can give you a brief description of this book as such: It's what an erotic romance looks like when written (a) about normal well-adjusted and well-functioning people, smart and independent, who possess self-respect and consideration of others, and (b) penned by someone who appears to have a decent command of English language and rules of writing.
"And I thought it would be fun to write a book that has the flavor of Fifty Shades of Grey, but not the non-existent conflict, the abuse masquerading as romance, or the heroine who dumps her entire life to be owned by some dude."
“Your trust in me, your ability to surrender totally and give yourself to me freely... That’s the payoff for me, Sophie. It’s an aphrodisiac.”
"I stared, transfixed at the image in the mirror. There was the man who so overwhelmed me with his sexual power that I would do anything he asked. His hands and mouth were on me, giving me pleasure because it pleased him, because in that moment I was the center of his world. He wanted me. He wanted to control me, to possess me, to make me surrender to him completely and take all that he had to offer. Yet at the same time he was kneeling before me, worshipping me, as enslaved to me as I was to him."