Integrate Zapier
with your automations
Receive data from your Zaps to power your automations, such as form filling. Extract data with your bots and send it to your Zaps. Turn your browser into an API.
Zapier integration features
- doneSend data to Zapier
- doneTrigger Zaps
- doneSend data to from Zapier
- doneTrigger automations
Get started for FREE, with 2 hours of runtime. See pricing
Send data from Zapier
Connect your Zaps to your automations and send data directly from Zapier to Add the app in Zapier to get started, then include the trigger webhook step in your automation.
Trigger workflows from Zapier while accessing data from any of the 7,000+ services that Zapier supports.
Learn how to send data from Zapier.
Post data to Zapier
Connect the data you extract from websites to your Zaps using Use the trigger webhook step to post the scraped data to Zapier. In your Zap, add the "Webhooks by Zapier" trigger, then configure it with your API key and endpoint. This allows you to send data to Zapier, such as data from scrape steps.
To further process the data, you can use additional actions such as "Formatter by Zapier" to parse it.
Learn how to send data from to Zapier.
Combine API and browser automation
to tackle any workflow
Unlock the full potential of your workflows by combining API and browser automation with and Zapier. Automate browser tasks that interact with websites while seamlessly integrating data from over 7,000 apps via Zapier's integration library.
Run bots from new Google Sheets rows
Process new Jotform submissions by running axioms
Execute bot runs for new approved YoPrint orders
Process new WPForms entries by running bots
Automate Gravity Forms submissions by running bots automatically
Process new or updated Airtable records with bots
Process new submissions
Automate data entry
Trigger web scraper
Watch how easy it is to connect
Zapier to the browser
Get started with our Zapier
Guides and Templates
The tool for me is very easy to use (easier to understand than a tool like Zapier). I have trust in the company because they're London based and have reputable investors from Y Combinator.Also the support has been top notch.
I had no idea a tool like this existed until around 1.5 months ago. This tool has solved so many of the loose ends Zapier, Make and Airtable automations could not quite solve for me. It integrates with Zapier too which is a huge help for someone like me. There is a bit of a learning curve but their documentation is helpful and one of the founders Alex is more than happy to assist you if you get stuck. Would recommend this any business owner looking to free up their time and reduce repetitive tasks.
One of the better tools I have found this year.I work a lot with automation but this tool really takes the cake for automating tasks that might not be covered by zapier (and it integrates nicely with zapier, which is a MUST). I truly recommend this tool anyone looking scale their business. In the short time using it, it already has solved many of my problems and is already going to save me tons of money in the future. P.S. Alex the founder is great teacher, and the support I got from him made a seemingly impossible task a walk in the park. The guy gets it
Fast to build.
Outstanding support.
Automate your browser workflows.
Get started for FREE, with 2 hours runtime.