No-code builder for automating the browser
The builder is packed full of features making it simple to build browser automations with or without code. Simply combine steps to make your bot.
No-code builder features
- doneStep Finder
- doneNo-code steps
- doneSelector tool
- doneMove, delete and duplicate steps
Get started for FREE, with 2 hours of runtime. See pricing
Assemble you automation
with the Step Finder
Combine steps to build
out your workflow
Build your workflows by combining steps based on the task you want to automate. Steps can be combined to create bots that automate virtually any web task, from web scraping and data extraction to form filling.
Check out our guides for form filling, web scraping, file uploads, and downloads to help you get started.
Use our point and click
Selector Tool to scrape data
Simply point and click on the data you wish to scrape. You can extract different types of data, including HTML, text, links, and images.
Our built-in pattern recognition algorithms help group related elements. Easily pass your data through other steps, from applying filters to removing or replacing strings to outputting data to Google Sheets.
Manage your workflow
with the Step Toolbar
Step management made easy - delete, enable, disable, copy or add your steps to a loop using the Step Toolbar. Click the checkbox on the step you want to manage to get started.
Discover how easy
the no-code builder is to use
Watch the video below and discover how easy it is to find and add your steps, making building browser automations fast. Read our docs to discover more.
Navigate quickly with
keyboard shortcuts
Open Extension
- Alt + Shift + X - Windows
- Option + Shift + X - Mac
No-code builder
- Ctrl + Z
No-code builder
- Ctrl + Y
Step Finder
Add multiple steps
- Shift + Click
- Shift + Return
Step Finder
Add steps
- Return
Step Finder
Traverse steps
- up/down arrows
Step Finder
Add step
- Shift & +
Selector tool
Add column
- shift + n
If I could give this 10 stars I would. This has helped me automate so many processes in my Real Estate business. Alex and his team are great!!
Axiom exceeds expectations. The user interface is so well designed, it truly is a comprehensive no-code automation solution. It has a relatively quick learning curve, after which time you can create huge time-saving automations within minutes. Do yourself a favour!
Hands down the best automation tool out there that is NOT 20K annually plus their team really get it, they understand people's requirement and use case. Support is quick and always trying to go beyond to help even if it means compiling a special version just to help you test something out.
Fast to build.
Outstanding support.
Automate your browser workflows.
Get started for FREE, with 2 hours runtime.