Running your automations on the desktop or in the cloud

There are four ways to run an automation: from the dashboard, the builder, scheduled, and triggered via a webhook from apps such as Zapier or Make.

When you are ready to run your automation, you will have the choice of using either a desktop or cloud platform.

# Run an automation from the dashboard

Click the "Run" button next to the's row on the dashboard.

Run automation form the dashboard

# Run an automation from the builder

Click the "Run" button in the builder when creating or editing an automation.

Run automation from the builder

After clicking the "Run" button, choose if you would like to "Run in cloud" or "Run w/ desktop app".

If an automation is running, the button will turn red and show a "Stop" button with an icon. Clicking it stops the bot.


Once your automation starts running, you will see a window open up and you can watch the bot complete your steps. When running via the cloud, you can see on the left sidebar which step your bot is currently on and how long each of the steps has taken so far to complete.

Running bot in the cloud

If the bot hits an error, it will show you a message to help you debug what's wrong.

Running bot in the cloud showing an error

# Concurrency, running multiple automations at once

To learn about running multiple bots at once click concurrency.

# Run a bot via scheduling

To schedule bot runs, please see Scheduling Automations.

# Run your bot from Zapier, Make, or via a webhook

To trigger runs from webhooks, take a look at these links for Zapier and Make.

# View currently running bots

Currently running bots can be viewed by clicking the "play" icon in the sidebar. Any currently running bots will be shown, along with the last 3 completed runs.

You can watch bot runs in progress (if they are running in cloud) or stop a run from this overlay.