Naga Siren/Sounds

From Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki



  • ▶️ Loop sound plays permanently on Naga Siren (20% vol).


Mirror Image[edit]

  • Cast sound plays on Naga Siren upon cast.
  • ▶️ Plays on each illusion upon spawning.
  • ▶️ Plays when an illusion expires or dies.
  • ▶️ Full sound example with illusion spawn sound.


  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Naga upon releasing the projectile.
  • ▶️ Target sound plays on the target when the projectile successfully hits it.
  • Full sound example.

Rip Tide[edit]

  • ▶️ Pre cast sound played on Naga Siren during the cast animation, but since its cast animation was removed, this sound doesn't play anymore.
  • Cast sound plays on Naga Siren and each illusion owned by the same player upon cast.
  • This is how Rip Tide sounded with the cast animation.

Song of the Siren[edit]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Naga Siren upon cast.
  • ▶️ End sound plays on Naga Siren when manually stopping Song of the Siren with the sub-spell.