Nyx Assassin/Sounds
From Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
- Impact sounds play when the attack successfully hits a target.
- Play on each step while moving (10%-30% vol).
- According to Nyx' game sound txt, these sounds were going to be used for Impale as well. Currently, they are deactivated.
Mana Burn[edit]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Nyx Assassin upon cast (50% vol).
- ▶️ Target sound plays on the target upon cast (50% vol).
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Spiked Carapace[edit]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Nyx Assassin upon cast (30% vol).
- ▶️ Target sounds play on each enemy unit hit by the spikes (30% vol).
- Cast sound plays on Nyx Assassin upon cast (30% vol).
- ▶️ Target sound plays on the target upon successfully hitting it during Vendetta, together with Nyx Assassin's other attack sounds (50% vol).
- Sound example of the full attack with Vendetta.
- Regular cast sound plays on Nyx Assassin upon cast when outside the river.
- ▶️ Water cast sound plays on Nyx Assassin upon cast when inside the river.
- ▶️ Death sound.