Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Public Service Announcement
Hello. Her Royal Highness the cat here.
Well, Debra She Who Seeks has done it again. Buggered off, I mean. Apparently she won't be back until the New Year.
Nor can I be arsed to write any guest blog posts while she's gone, so you'll just have to wait now until 2018 for this blog to resume.
I'm sure you've all got better things to do anyway. And if you don't, you should have.
Monday, 25 December 2017
Saturday, 23 December 2017
It's a Festivus Miracle!
Festivus is getting more and more popular every year! It has grown far, far beyond its original Seinfeldian roots. Now it seems like EVERYONE celebrates Festivus!
Well, gotta run . . . that big meatloaf dinner ain't gonna make itself, you know!
And of course, to celebrate the holiday season, a charitable donation in your name has been made to The Human Fund (Money for People).
Happy Festivus! You all disappoint me.
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Singing Through the Darkest Night
Night of long darkness
Candles burn
Songs call the light:
"Return, touch our hearts"
The Winter Solstice is here -- the longest night and shortest day of the year.
When Darkness and Light spiral together . . .
. . . in the Eternal Dance.
Winter Solstice blessings to you all!
[All photos from the Internet]
Monday, 18 December 2017
My Christmas Wish
All I want for Christmas is . . . THIS BRA!
And wrap it up PRETTY, too!
So what do YOU want for Christmas? Tell me in the comments!
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Blue Christmas
There's a tradition in the Canadian Unitarian Universalist church (and perhaps in other churches as well, I don't know) of having a December event called Blue Christmas. It's a special service of meditation, quiet reflections and readings which acknowledge and honour the fact that Christmas is not always a happy time for everyone.
For those who are ill, alone, grieving, depressed or in difficult circumstances, Christmas can be an excruciatingly painful time with its single-minded emphasis on fun, family, jollity and high spirits. Christmas can be salt in the wounds of many.
It's important not to force expectations of Christmas joy and merriment on those who don't feel it for whatever reason. It's okay not to be happy at Christmas and it's okay to need emotional support to get through it. Hugs, understanding and no pressure are the best gifts for us to give.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Whaddya Mean, It's Spelled HanukKAH?
Hello, everyone, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE CAT here once again, selflessly gracing you with my wonderful presence!
But enough about me. I DO have a purpose in being here.
I just popped by to commandeer my human's blog so that I can wish HAPPY HANUKKAT to all my feline friends of the Jewish purr-suasion.

And cats everywhere will be having fun playing with their DREIDEL CAT TOYS!
Plus enjoying all the SPECIAL FOODS and YUMMY TREATS of the holiday!
But enough about me. I DO have a purpose in being here.
I just popped by to commandeer my human's blog so that I can wish HAPPY HANUKKAT to all my feline friends of the Jewish purr-suasion.
TONIGHT at sundown, the first candle will be lit on the menorah --
And cats everywhere will be having fun playing with their DREIDEL CAT TOYS!
Plus enjoying all the SPECIAL FOODS and YUMMY TREATS of the holiday!
Friday, 8 December 2017
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Yes, it's that time of year again in my LGBTQ+ community!
Haul out the tree!
And the ornaments too!
Hang your stockings by the chimney with care . . .
. . . and don't forget to add those special touches of holiday decor!
Now get busy and write your letter to Santa before Christmas Eve!
And speaking of Santa . . . .
He and his crew are moving with the times, man!
So it's time for everyone else to do the same!
Don't forget to send out Christmas cards to everyone you know . . .
. . . along with the annual family photo! Hey, what's Ellen doing in here? I guess it's true what they say -- there's one in EVERY family!
And always remember, there's no place like . . . .
. . . because it's where our loved ones are.
So Goddess bless us, every one!
And see you all at the Boxing Day sales, eh?
Haul out the tree!
And the ornaments too!
Hang your stockings by the chimney with care . . .
. . . and don't forget to add those special touches of holiday decor!
Now get busy and write your letter to Santa before Christmas Eve!
And speaking of Santa . . . .
He and his crew are moving with the times, man!
So it's time for everyone else to do the same!
Don't forget to send out Christmas cards to everyone you know . . .
. . . along with the annual family photo! Hey, what's Ellen doing in here? I guess it's true what they say -- there's one in EVERY family!
And always remember, there's no place like . . . .
. . . because it's where our loved ones are.
So Goddess bless us, every one!
And see you all at the Boxing Day sales, eh?
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
The Halifax Explosion
One hundred years ago today on December 6, 1917, the worst disaster in Canadian history occurred in the maritime port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. That morning, two ships collided in its harbour -- the French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc and the Norwegian ship SS Imo. The Mont-Blanc was packed with TNT and other explosives being shipped to France for use in World War I. It caught on fire and blew sky-high.
The resulting blast levelled a big part of Halifax, killed nearly 2,000 people and injured another 9,000. It was the world's largest man-made explosion until the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima nearly 30 years later.
As stated in Wikipedia:
Nearly all structures within an 800-metre (half-mile) radius, including the entire community of Richmond, were obliterated. A pressure wave snapped trees, bent iron rails, demolished buildings, grounded vessels, and scattered fragments of Mont-Blanc for kilometres. Hardly a window in the city proper survived the blast. Across the harbour, in Dartmouth, there was also widespread damage. A tsunami created by the blast wiped out the community of Mi'kmaq First Nations people who had lived in the Tufts Cove area for generations.
And then, just to add to the misery, a blizzard occurred, hampering rescue and relief efforts. Trains full of supplies and aid were sent to Halifax from across Canada and the northeastern United States. The American city of Boston was especially quick and generous in sending doctors, nurses, medical supplies and funds, which is why Nova Scotia annually donates a huge Christmas tree to Boston every year in friendship and gratitude.
If you ever go to Halifax, be sure to visit the Halifax Explosion Memorial Bell Tower which was erected near the collision site. It is a very solemn and beautiful place of commemoration.
There is also an old historic Anglican Church called St Paul's, located in downtown Halifax on the Grand Parade, that is worthy of a visit. It survived the Explosion because it was outside the immediate blast radius.
Inside the church doors, however, a spike is still embedded high up on the interior wall where it was blown by the force of the Explosion. And towards the back of the church, you can see the famous "Explosion Window." Local legend has it that, due to the intense light and heat generated by the Halifax Explosion, the profile of one of the church’s deacons was etched into the glass of a second story window of the church.
Here's a better view of the Explosion Window --
[All photos from the internet]
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