For the second day, Robert Lee Brewer’s Poem-a-Day prompt is, "write a portrait poem. You can use an actual portrait to write an ekphrastic poem. Or think up an image from real life. Or fake life. Or don’t be so literal; instead of writing a poem that describes a portrait, use the poem to frame a moment or lifestyle or whatever." Maureen Thorson’s second-day NaPoWriMo prompt is, "we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that plays with voice." She then gives some examples: "you might try writing a stanza that recounts something in the first-person, followed by a stanza recounting the same incident in the second-person, followed by a stanza that treats the incident from a third-person point of view. Or you might try a poem in the form of a dialogue, which necessarily has two ‘I’ speakers, addressing two ‘you’s. Another way to go is to take an existing poem of yours or someone else’s, and try rewriting it in a different voice. The point is just to play with who is speaking to who and how." Well, let me use perhaps the most famous portrait ever painted, with a little embellishment. That's a little Photoshop parody I made, at the beginning of someone's presidency. I hope Leonardo will forgive what I've done to his Mona Lisa. I like to think he would laugh. (Here's where this image lives, on deviantART.) And now here's today's little ditty, again a tanka. Mona Lisa Tanka Friends, won’t you comment, please? Love to know what you’re thinking. To comment, look for a red line below that starts Posted by, then click once on the word comments in that line. If you don’t find the word “comments” in that line, then look for a blue link below that says Post a comment and click it once. Thanks! Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
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