Day 11 . . . here's the intro from Day 11 eleven years ago: Day Double-One. Eleven pipers piping, yo! At present, the Doctor is number 11 — that's in Doctor Who, for you non-Gallifreyans. A website called "Fun Facts About the Number Eleven" says theologian Ernest L. Martin "claims the date of birth of Christ to be September 11, 3 B.C." Interesting date, hey? Maureen Thorson’s NaPoWriMo suggestion: “[O]ur optional prompt for the day honors the ‘ones’ in the number 11. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write either a monostich, which is a one-line poem, or a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentiments. Need inspiration? Take a look at Joe Brainard’s poem ‘30 One-Liners’ or Frank O’Hara’s ‘Lines for the Fortune Cookies.’” Robert Lee Brewer’s Poem-a-Day prompt: “[W]rite a memory poem. The poem could conjure up an actual memory that you have from your childhood, or last week, or earlier this morning. Or the memory could be made up.” Okay, merging both prompts: a memory poem that's only one line. The title . . . well, that's not limited in length! On Meeting my Father in the Hallway My dad, Martin Gotera, holding my first son Marty, Friends, won’t you comment, please? Love to know what you’re thinking. Thanks! Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
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