Showing posts with label ICYMI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICYMI. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2016

In Case You Missed It

Up early, yawn omg yawn, but need to catch up on that which I bookmarked to read, well, before the next batch I bookmark to read.

Here's a great list of 10 Things To Do When You Need Ideas

If you've got the winter sloths, some encouraging ways to get off your butt, by - get this - women 66 and over.

This, so much this: a color thesaurus. If you're tired of writing "daisy yellow" and "creamy white", thanks to this brainstorm, you can butterscotch Dijon dandelion mustard your way to crisp images.

And this gem, from my friend Tarja Parssinen, a powerful read on How American Individualism is Destroying Our Families

Happy reading, everyone!

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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Best of The Internet

-From Anglophenia, How to Swear Like a Brit. Pretty cute. And we should think twice before we throw the word "bloody" in front of anything.

-"Don't do anything stupid, " advice and wisdom from a 99-year-old veteran on Wall Street. And she's got an incredible story of her rise to good fortune, too.

-From Popular Mechanics, The Food You'll Eat on Mars. It doesn't look too bad.

-And I can't help myself, but Mars fascinates me. Especially this, Something Strange is Going On, On Mars.

Happy Sunday reading, everyone!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

In Case You Missed It

Something is always going on in the internet. Every day, all day, I shout out from my kitchen chair, "I have to share this!" Thinking I'm going to save the week's highlights for Sundays... these here, are too good to miss:

In Case You Missed It:

There's this huge announcement.

Guess I counted myself out too early, according to this 65 year old mother-to-be.

Gwyneth, ah Gwyneth. You never fail to try.

Think yoga only looks right when you're in perfect form, supple, lean and mean? There is a site dedicated to the real world of yoga possibility. My Real Yoga Body, "We aim to broaden the visual representations of peeps doing yoga. MRYB didn’t feel represented out there in yoga land, and also realized that we weren’t rushing to put our bootylicious, over-25 selves out there either. This page was started as a personal challenge to celebrate all of the Yogis and Yoginis out there. We want to see youngins’, oldins’, slim, zaftig, male, female, strong, getting strong, restorative, accomplished, burgeoning, all different colors and flavors, falling down, flying, levitating, lying on our backs half asleep!"  CHECK THEM OUT.

For online viewing pleasure, the National Women's History Museum Exhibits. Yes, you can read, see, and be fascinated by the immense amount of life changing achievements by women, all online. I'm hooked.
Happy reading!
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Best of The Internet

We were soccerbusy this weekend. Those who know what I mean are shaking their heads, I hear them, "Ohhhhh, yeah." But it's Monday night now and I'm 1/4 caught up with the things. So, here we are, the best of the internet from, um, errr, last week (still amazing info., check it out!)

--I stumbled onto "Tech4Moms," founded by  Sarah Kimmel. Sarah is a Microsoft Certified IT Manager who blogs on new apps, new gadgets, everything you need from toddler to teen technology. Click over and find out more about family tech news, apps, digital equipment...

--Never rush a story. Easier said than done when the words are all pushing to the front to get out first. But, it's important, "let your story simmer." Great writing advice on penning your best, via HippocampusMagazine  "Craft: The importance of the simmer."

--And this one. You'll have to play it to see what I mean, but typing lower case letters in an orange square was never this much fun. Via craymachine.

Have a great week, everyone, I hope it was off to a productive start.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Best of The Internet

The week's best, links that had me saying, I gotta share this.

Have a beautiful week, guys.

--An eye-opener: An hour of sitting affects our heart health, but a study reveals that just 5 minutes of walking every hour can help. "Five-minute walks prevented the decline of blood flow and arterial function during sitting. Walking does not erase the effect of sitting, it just does not allow sitting to be as harmful." Read more here 

--What happens when 2nd graders are treated to a 7-course, $220 a person meal. From the NYT: and absolutely delicious. Watch and see.

--Just for fun, and an interesting read, who wants to know how hard life is for a billionaire? A handful tell us here, and one of the most common complaints? "What adds to the stress: billionaires can never publicly complain about how tough their money-filled lives sometimes are, because everyone else will freak out." How right they are.


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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Best of The Internet

It's getting colder. We're not indoors more, as I'd like to be, because soccer season rules right now, but when I'm in, the internet keeps me good company. Like always, the gems abound. Here's the choice few:

--From a video shot from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905. (super cool) I can see why they had to sit down and say, "Hmmm, thinkin' some rules for the road might be a good idea with all these new street cars we got here..."

--Ah! I discovered this kickin' new site. 12Most. I am in love with lists, and the ones featured here daily are uniquely charming. Like, 12 Most Reliable Ways to Build Trust, 12 Most Honest Ways to Break Off a Friendship, 12 Most Clever Ways to Ask Someone on a Date. You get the idea. Go check them out.

--Food for thought, via one of my favorite sites, Brain Pickings. "It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." A meditation on the importance of our time: The Shortness of Life: Seneca on Busyness and The Art of Living Wide Rather Than Living Long

--These tips via BuzzFeed really work. Especially #17. "27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible." Do 'em, because how dumb is it to keep buying well intended fruits and vegetables, then throwing them out because they get slimy and brown? Pretty dumb. So here's how to keep them fresher, longer.

Have a great week, everyone. xo

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Week's Best

Time for a wrap-up of some of the interesting things I found on the internet this week.
Here they are, good stuff links. Enjoy!

--All the people are talking about Ello. I haven't checked into it but the buzz is that people are abandoning the Facebook ship to climb aboard Ello. Not sure what to do once you're there? Here's a primer: from Readwrite, How to Ello in 5 Easy Steps.

-- This was good good good. From WritersWrite: 15 Questions Authors Should Ask the Characters in Their Novel. If anything, reading this makes you a better, more aware, reader.

--Click, please don't miss: from modern farmer, Beautiful Chicken hair-dos.

--Seeing someone laugh until they cry, I never say no to a chance for that. Here's a short clip of Bill Hader doing just that to Kristen Wiig while talking about their new film Skeleton Twins.

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Best of the Internet

I get excited when I find something good to share with you. I know we all have limited time, so it's hard to limit to only three or four links, because if you're anything like me, you want to click on everything...

So, here is the best of my internet this week:

--From Women Writers, Women's Books, "Can't Find My Way Back Home,"  how to construct memoir. GOOD words, on seeing your way through the murkiness of memory.

--From We Blog Better, "How to Avoid a Google Penalty." If you notice traffic is down, or no google searches coming to your blog, you'll be surprised to find that maybe you've done something that has made you vanish from google searches. Like reposting your content on a bigger site. Here's some ways around that.

--"How to Hold an Unpopular Opinion" from the site becomingminimalist. Terrific read. I am a liberal in a conservative town. How do we not shut down when we feel so different from that which surrounds us. Some great uplifting ways to keep on going.

Happy Sunday, happy reading. (you're all the best)

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Best of The Internet

September, and summer, have been busy. I've fallen behind with sharing the best of the internet. I want to get back to the weekly links, putting what's out there, out there. There is so much good, also, some pretty cool sites always come my way.

Here's the best of this week (along with some really neat finds via my kids)--


--This blog, ohmygosh, this blog: Sad and Useless humor site. My friend Rochelle found it. And I spent 30 minutes on it though it could have been 30 hours except that, you know, I've started to nod off in my years. Today's feature, "Sad Dads at a One Direction Concert."

--A call for submissions and a writing contest, via The HerStories Project. The editors of My Other Ex and The HerStories Project are seeking submissions for their third anthology, Mothering Through the Darkness: Stories of Post Partum Struggle Details here.

--This is beyond fascinating: How members of The Australian Ballet prep their pointe shoes before a performance. Once they use their shoes, they don't wear them again. It's a must watch. 

--And, finally, this-- The Best of Joan Rivers' stand-up. Joan, you were ahead of your time, and when you broke yourself up with your own punch line, it was my favorite part of all. We'll miss you.

Peace, love, and soak up these last days of what still feels like summer.

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Monday, August 11, 2014

As Summer Slows...

It's cloudy, overcast here today. Reminding me how summer is winding down. It's been a good run, this one, I tried to stretch it out, make it last, fooling myself that I could make the ten weeks feel more like ten months, as our family gets ready for our first born to launch.

He leaves for college in two weeks. I won't think about it until then (ha!) but actually, in truth, everyone in this house is excited and thrilled for him. He was accepted into his first choice, and it is a lifelong dream come true.

All this is made easier because he's ready. In his words, "Anyone who says summer is going too fast isn't going to Madison."

So there, take that, everyone.

Back to the swing of things, might as well get started now. Here we are, Monday In Case You Missed It, (just like we left off in May... that seems so long ago now)

--Super find here: 10 Bits of Stellar Writing Advice by J.R.Tolkien via Writers in the Storm

--If you're curious about google+ and how it works, this is gold, from Peg Fitzpatrick, "Five Easy Steps To Bake The Perfect Google Plus Post"

--A breathtaking read, "It's All One Life" from BaddestMotherEver (believe me, this one, you don't want to pass up)

There you have it, the weekly internet wrap-up. And yes, I usually do four links, but... baby steps into this return from summer, you know?

I love you all.


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Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Week's Best

As always, good stuff on the internet this week. Sharing a few with you tonight. Pick one, pick two, and enjoy the read!

--For those who like to find a good read, here's one I fell in love with from a brand new to me blog: O Mighty Crisis (you'll love this story, goosebumps)

--From the blog, The Mind Unleashed, 22 Unbelievable Places To Visit That Really Exist. (so exquisite and lovely to daydream about)

--From one of my favorite people on the internet, the bloggess, writing on how good it feels to feel good. We all have those days -- for me, it would be when a migraine finally leaves -- that remind us of just how light we are when we are free of pain, heartfelt or bodyfelt: "There's a moment"

--From the blogger at Smacksy, Lisa Page Rosenberg, writing with humor and sincerity about her new venture into raw eating. Easy to follow, true life experiences, she tries food in a variety of ways and tells of how life changing the switch to raw has been for her and her family. I really like it. Check her out on My Raw Blog

Enjoy the summer, everyone!

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

In Case You Missed It

Been a busy time over here, getting physically and mentally ready for high school graduation. Prepping the heart for how college is only ten weeks away. I'm lucky almost every day on the internet. I find words that help make sense of all that is flying at me.

Some good stuff out there, and it feeds me. I hope you click over, and see if it doesn't do the same for you:

--Jett Superior, of alphabetjunkie . She first took my breath away four years ago, and she did it again today. Life, unexpected exploding stars that find their way to us and are just what we would have wished for if we were smart enough to know the right things: This one meanders some, but we'll get there.

--"I mean, however old you are, you’re as young as you’re ever going to be. Oof, that’s obvious. Now that I’m 45 I’m going to issue really obvious pronouncements like that one. Also: be nice to people. Not to mention: sunscreen. You’re so very welcome. " So begins Alice Bradley's post on finslippy . About a birthday, and turning 45. She will always be one of my favorite people. Period.

--"... leaps don't have to be leaps: how to change your life by simple steps." I follow Karen Walrond's blog, chookooloonks, and through her, found limeretreats blog. Amazing candid talk there today on changing the direction of your life and tips on how to start. Just thinking about doing it, is step one.

--This week, what needs to be mentioned. The world lost Maya Angelou. I have lived on her quotes and her memoir like she was my very own. In this clip, she recites what gives me goose bumps to this day, And Still I Rise.

Have a beautiful week, everyone.

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Sunday, May 4, 2014

ICYMI - Best of the Internet

Fun discoveries on the internet this week:

--Like this site: Astronomy Picture of the Day. A picture a day of our universe. Holds me in awe and my children, even more. Click and see.

--This one blows my mind: different kinds of rainy day music from rainymood . com. Really. I work best to nature's sounds, like rain, and with this, I can choose heavy, light, sporadic: SO COOL.

--A free download from sarahselecky . com on the ten most common mistakes short fiction writers make when they submit their work. Sign up and read this guide before you send your story out. I subscribe to sarah's free newsletter that includes a daily writing prompt... I get a lot of writing ideas from it.

That's the best of the best. I wish you a good week, with some fun, some production, and some just do nothing moments in it.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Best Internet of the Week

A few internet wins from the week. I know you'll enjoy:

--A short imagined dialogue between an accountant and a manic pixie dream girl while preparing her taxes.

--A very funny tumblr that takes on Family Circus, Time is a Flat Circus.

--And 12 Keys To Stronger Writing, by Annie Dillard.

“You could think that your voice as a writer would just emerge naturally, all on its own, with no help whatsoever, but you’d be wrong. What I saw on the page was that the voice is in fact trapped, nervous, lazy. Even, and in my case, most especially, amnesiac. And that it had to be cut free.”

Have a great week, everyone!
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Sunday, April 6, 2014

In Case You Missed It

Fun finds, deep finds, lots of good stuff. Here are some of my internet favorites from this week:

--Texts from Jane Eyre via one of the best humor websites on the internet, The Hairpin (love the hairpin) This one is as wonderful as it sounds. Don't miss it.

--The New York Times, nothing else I need to say. Except this very important read, good and life changing, if we even incorporate for two minutes a day: The Trick of Life .

--Finally, this one to mark for later: 14 Writing Tips from Anne Lamott. (yes. I printed it out.)

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone! I think spring might be here today.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

In Case You Missed It

There was some great stuff on the internet this week.

In case you missed it, here's a few links you might enjoy:

--Thinking about a Facebook cleanse? Here's serious food for thought, from "It's been 365 days since my last "Like"

--If you like the thrill of peeking in on celebs from past and present, there's this tumblr I found awhile back. Worth the click, awesomepeoplehangingouttogether

--Have kids who like to fall asleep with their e-readers or tablets? A good post on basic safety advice, from metroparent Milwaukee  "Reading in bed, e-edition"

That's the best of all the enticing out there. Have a wonderful week-end, and leave me a link here if you've got a good share. I'd love to see it.

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Monday, December 10, 2012


Again, the internet rules. Wonderful reading, a little bit of everything for the body and the soul, just like a bottomless issue of Oprah.

This week's In Case You Missed It, you know--in case you missed it:

--Dana, from The Kitchen Witch, is a favorite blogger of mine. She mixes in mouth watering recipes with a narrative that'll hook you in. A pleasant blog stop, always. She writes beautifully, and that along with a little something to cook up for dinner--you can't miss. Also, she has the most hilarious guest poster there today sharing her favorite made up snacks. (totally my thing)

-- There's voting going on! FunnynotSlutty, a must stop collective humor blog for anytime you're looking for some fun for yourself or for your blog. FnS has videos, posts, topics, parodies, songs, to feature on your site. I've been introduced to some great bloggers and artists through FnS. FnS has started their voting for Funniest on the Planet: and you can vote for favorite comic, songwriter, best show, favorite web series, best book, best blogger that made you laugh out loud. There are some neat categories too, like favorite commenter. Click on over and cast your favorite a vote. Funny not Slutty Best on Planet Awards, sponsored by my favorite webseries, The Louise Log.


Voting is OPEN.
-- If you look on my sidebar, you'll see a button for The Louise Log. The Louise Log is a mini web series, with episodes about 5 or 7 minutes long that tell a complete story each time. Featuring Louise, an overthinking overanalyzing, self doubting yet had it up to here heroine. She takes on the world and all it throws at her, standing up for herself along the way and always managing to come out endearing. I love The Louise Log. One of my favorite episodes, because it sounds like someone stuck a mic in my head:  How To Be Woman.

--Even though this video has been around since May 2011, I just discovered it now, via my kids. Clark the Talking Dog, a dubbed in dog's voice and his taunting master telling him about some delicious made up snacks that Clark can't have. "You're killing me." I need to tear myself away because even after 5 times of watching Clark the Dog lick his lips expectantly while he hears of the bacon, "the maple kind?" going into a concoction, I have to watch it again. Really funny.

Have a great week!


Monday, December 3, 2012


Oh it was an exciting week on the internet.

I found a blog that is a whole lot of fun.

I found some posts on good writing and what you have to practice to get there.

I found funny funny stuff from my teen boy.

This week's In Case You Missed It, though I should call it "Why I Love The Internet."

Hope you all had a good weekend.

In Case You Missed It (good stuff from the internet)

--Key & Peele: East/West College Bowl. Hilarious, hilarious, hilarious. My teen son showed this clip to me and we have laughed about 16 times since I first saw it Friday night. This sketch-comedy duo are one of Patton Oswalt's favorites and Obama's, too. They were able to meet the President and their take away on that cracked me up, "He gave us bro hugs."

--The Random Penguins is a blog that I found when I followed someone home from twitter. I Miss You When I Blink has some mad twitter skills, and so I went to see where she lives on the internet. Bowled over is what I was when I saw she is the author of an impish "Daily Penguin" tumblr. She draws these little penguins, solitary figures, that she's animorphed into Taylor Swift, or The Penguin who sells Stella & Dot. Of course there's a drunk penguin. I've put in my request for Sophia Vergara. You'll love it--it's adorable.

--Again, from tumblr. I really don't get tumblr yet BUT I have been finding so much on there. (If someone knows how I comment on tumblr, can you let me know?) So, this post I found by "chaperoned," called Quick and Dirty Tips For Writing. It's awesome. Complete and succinct and keep it forever. Chaperoned's Quick and Dirty Guide To Improving Your Writing.

--From a blogger I discovered in October, thenester. She writes anonymously, which is probably why she writes so from the soul. There is a post on her site, all about not waiting for the next thing to make you happy, but making where you are right now happy. The Nesting Place and This Is Your House--Is It Who You Want It To Be? (I love following her, though it is hard to not know someone--I love her content.)

Have a great week. December flies by, remember to grab some joy.


Monday, November 26, 2012


Just sitting here, balancing my bowl of Special K on my knees. The box promises that if I all day/every day  do bowls of their cereal, I'll drop a jean size in two weeks. What have I got to lose? (sorry, couldn't help myself.)

I'll let you know in two weeks. In the meantime, this week's edition of In Case You Missed It, some of the best, brightest, funniest, sweetest, saddest, all around good reads on the internet. How I love the internet, it's like an endless issue of Ladies' Home Journal. With a whole lot more self disclosure.

In Case You Missed It: This was good on the internet

--My friend, Mark, of Our Simple Lives. I love this blogger: his photos together with how you know he knows what's important, always sets my day on the right course. A few seconds there is all you need today, with his Ode To Christmas with Children. He says it all with one photo, one phrase, "And so it begins."

--One of the  funniest things I read today: from the must follow Gawker site. The highlights of Lindsay Lohan in Liz and Dick. Funny, funny. Example, "She breathes heavy a lot. She cries a lot." Gawker with "Here Are The Highlights of Lindsay Lohan's Atrocious Acting in Liz and Dick."

--Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday. For everything you need to know about this special day, click over to Alexandra Sears of Alexandrawrote. Click over and get the give out. Anyone can do their part, there is no such thing as "too small," and there are more ways to give than through money.

--This made me laugh out loud. Louis CK's SNL skit parodying the movie Lincoln. Saw the movie with my teens and fell in love with it, but this "Lincoln: The Man" via SNL is hilarious. (seeing "lincoln" doing stand up: priceless)

Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Back to the best of the internet this past week. A few pressing things moved my usual In Case You Missed It post out of its Monday time slot, but I can squeeze one entry in before Thanksgiving posts are due. At more than one place.

Lots to laugh over, ponder, smile with, relate, and slap five to. So let's get started, y'all:

In Case You Missed It: (the best of the web this week)

--Life in its heart clutching moments, a post from a delightful blog where two sisters, Jen and Sarah, co-write. On Momalom, Tuning In. Just a few sentences, but such a red hot arrow to the truth of what is life but moments, guaranteed to melt you into a puddle. In the best bleary eyes from tears way.

--Some great advice on how to grab a reader's attention with your first sentences. From write it sideways, a blog you need to follow. They have daily tips on ways to improve your writing, like their post "6 Ways to Hook Your Reader From The Very First Line." In their words, "Since 2009, ‘Write It Sideways’ has been helping you see the world of writing from a fresh perspective. Our experienced team can help you learn new skills, define your goals, increase your productivity, and prepare for publication. Plus, we’ll try really hard not to be boring when we do it.

-- A blog that feeds your mind, your soul, your eyes, your heart. Chookooloonks. I don't have to point you to a specific post there, because anything you find at Karen Walrond's place of beautiful in word and photo, will set you in your day. Truly, Chookooloonks is a gold mine of a find on the internet. Click over, and you'll find yourself just a little bit of an improved, inspired you. Every day.

--And a post that went viral--though it should have gone antibacterial--laugh and snort your way through the tale of what happened to a very pregnant woman who just wanted a late trimester massage. NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH, but so unbelievably well told and ridiculously funny. Hands down, yes--a nightmare of a massage, and yet? makes us laugh. **Pamela Ribons has written four books, and after reading her post here, I am buying every single one of them.


Have a great week, everyone!  Remember to count your blessings and write them in stone--and write your troubles in sand. Enjoy Thanksgiving, and all the tales that come along with it. Because family will be involved. 

Maybe you'd like to borrow my doormat?: "Friends welcome. Relatives by appointment."



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