Growing up in a house of nine people, I had one wish. As a child, there were a thousand wants, to be sure, but there was just the one wish: to be alone.
I craved the stillness of no voices, the room to breathe without interaction. I didn't want it 24 hours at a time, but I intuitively knew I needed this state of being at least a few times in my day. Otherwise, life felt like one of those birthday parties that went on too long.
Life among voices and engagement left me spent.
I'm still that way, my children, however, seek out company.
How do I parent when my children and I need opposite things and we share a home? I explore that with my newest post up on Mom Babble, Parenting When You're an Introvert.
I hope you'll click over and maybe we can share my favorite type of company, the kind that understands each other through the silence.
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